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發布時間: 2024-09-26 23:02:45

A. 請幫我寫篇100單詞的英語作文。寫了加分。手機只能一次懸賞20

Dear Tony,
Hello!I am Li Hua,the chair of the school union.I am writing to tell you that the Chong Yang Festival is coming,and it is an important festival in our country.We are planning to see the old man that day.And we would like to invite your school to it.Would you please join us?First,we are going to give some flowers to them as the presents.Second,we'll offer some help to them,such as doing some cleaning.Third ,we'll give them performance,including singing and dancing.
Looking forward to your reply.
best wishes
Yours sincerely
Li Hua

B. 三好學生用英語怎麼說

merit student









(merit student are honorary titles given by Chinese schools to outstanding students who have been selected. Three good students refer to good ideological and moral character, good study and good health.

Since 1954, the selection of "Three Good Students" has been carried out in all Chinese universities, middle schools and primary schools with a fixed selection ratio and basically the same criteria.

"Three Good" has become the goal and honor that students pursue, and has become a synonym for "good children, good students".)

C. 誰會寫英語作文啊。根據這個題材寫個作文 (給予超高分獎勵)可以加分

Dear leaders of Student Service Deperment:
Wish you are fine and everything goes well!
Nowadays, sailing on line become more and more popular, a lot of people like to communicate on line instead of calling or talking face to face. But in fact, long time face the compute, it』s harmful for our eyes and also health, even more, we will lose our Language communication ability graally , so I would like to communicate through phones. Installing a phone is very important for us .we need to communicate with outside 、our family and friends at any time, and we can make free calls with our schoolmates. Phones play a significant role in master information and communication in our daily lives. Therefore, I hope you can solve this problem as soon as possible.
Requested by an ordinary student named Liuqiang.

Thanks and regards

D. (英語作文)電腦帶給學生的好處,初三水平80字左右,好的加分

Accompanied by the development of science and technology, the computer more and more tend to mini and popular.Many students are often in contact with the computer.It is a tool in the hands of students.Computer can teach students knowledge of the classroom can not be touched.When students are not happy, it can provide music and entertainment games for students to cheer up.You can also ease the pressure of student learning.All in all, with the help of the computer on students is immeasurable.



E. 七年級上英語 短語 總結 謝謝 給加分


Starter Unit 1---Unit 3
1. ---Good morning/ afternoon/ evening 早上好/下午好/晚上好。
---Good morning/ afternoon/ evening 早上好/下午好/晚上好。
2.How are you? I』m fine, / Ok, thank you.你好么?我很好,謝謝。
How is he/she? He/ She is fine. 他/她身體怎麼樣?他/她很好。
3.Are you fine today? Yes, I am.你今天還好么?是的,我很好。
4. ---What』s this/that in English? 這/那個用英語說是什麼?
---It』s a/an... 它是一個……
5.---Spell it, please. / Can you spell it, please?/ How do you spell it?
請拼寫它。/你能拼寫它嗎?/ 你怎樣拼寫它?
---D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y dictionary.
6.---What color is it? 它是什麼顏色的?
---It』s yellow/red/blue/black/white/orange. 它是黃色的/紅色的/藍色的/白色的/橙色的
7.---What color are these pens? 它們是什麼顏色的?
---They』re yellow/red/blue/black/white/orange. 它們是黃色的/紅色的/藍色的/白色的/橙色的
Unit 1
first name名字 last name/ family name姓氏 phone number電話號碼
an ID card一張身份證 School ID Card 學生證,校卡;
8.---My name is Jenny. What』s your name?我叫詹妮。你叫什麼名字?
---I am Gina. Nice to meet you. 我是吉娜。很高興見到你。
--- Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高興見到你。
9.--- What』s her/his name? 他/她叫什麼名字?
--- Her /His name is... 他/她的名字是……
Unit 2
pencil case 鉛筆盒 pencil sharpener鉛筆刀 computer game電腦游戲 pen friend筆友
play computer games玩電腦游戲 call sb.at 347-2365 給某人打347-2365
lost and found失物招領 a set of keys 一串鑰匙 in English用英語 an eraser一塊鉛
10.---Is this/that a/an...? 這/那是一個…….嗎?
---Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 No, it isn』t. 不,它不是。
11.---Excuse me, is this/that your pencil? 打擾一下,這/那是你的鉛筆嗎?
---Yes, it is. Thank you. 是,它是我的,謝謝。
12.Is that your computer game in the lost and found case?在失物招領處的電子游戲是你的嗎?
13.Please call Mary. / Please call 685-6034. / Call Alan at 495-3539.
請給瑪麗打電話/ 請撥打 685-6034 / 請撥打495-3539給艾倫。
Unit 3
thanks for 為…感謝 a photo of your family 你家人的照片
14.---Is he/she...? 他/她是…….嗎?
---Yes, he/she is. 是的,他/她是。 No, he/she isn』t. 不,他/她不是。
---Is this your mother ? 這是你的媽媽么?
---Yes, she』s a worker. 是的,她是一位工人。
15.Thanks/ Thank you for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo!
the photo of my family = my family photo 我的全家福
Thanks for calling me. / Thanks for helping me. 謝謝你給我打電話/ 謝謝你的幫忙.
I have a photo here . 我這邊有張照片。
16.This/ That is my twin brother. 這/那是我的雙胞胎兄弟。
These /Those are my parents. 這些/那些是我的父母。
17.What is it ? It』s a photo of my family. 這是什麼?這是我的一張全家福
18.Who is she ? She is my sister. 她是誰?她是我的姐妹。
19.Who』s this man ? He is my father.這個男的是誰?他是我爸爸
20.What』s he ? He is a doctor. 他是干什麼工作的? 他是一位醫生。
21.How old are you ? I』m twelve. 你多大了? 我十二歲了。
22.He』s my cousin Andy. 他是我的堂兄安蒂。
23.He is tall and strong . 他又高又壯。
24.He is from England .He』s English .他來自英格蘭,他是英國人。
Unit 4
25.---Where is/are the backpack /backpacks? 雙肩背包在哪裡?
---It is /They are in/on/under/behind the table. 它/它們在桌子里/上/下/後。
---I don』t know. 我不知道。
---Is it /Are they in/on/under/behind the table? 它/它們在桌子里/上/下/後嗎?
---Yes, it is /they are. No, it isn』t /they aren』t 是的,它/它們在. 不, 它/它們不在
26.Please take these things to your sisiter. 請把這些東西帶去給你的姐姐。
Can you bring some things to school? I need my hat, my notebook and a pen.
27.This is my room. / Here is my room. 這是我的房間。
Unit 5
28.---Do you have a soccer ball? 你有足球嗎?
--- Yes, I do. / No, I don』t. 是的,我有。/ 不,我沒有。
---Does she/he have a tennis racket? 她/他有網球拍嗎?
--- Yes, she/he does. / No, she/he doesn』t. 是的,她/他有。 不, 她/他沒有。
29.---Do you play soccer ball? 你玩足球嗎?
--- Yes, I do. / No, I don』t. 是的,我玩。/ 不,我不玩。
30.We have many sports club. 我們有許多體育俱樂部。
31.---Let』s play tennis. 讓我們打網球吧!
---That』s sounds good./Ok/ All right. 聽起來是個好主意。/ 好。
32.Ed Smith has a great sports collection. He has 8 tennis rackets, 9basketballs, and 7 baseballs.
32.But he doesn』t play sports--- he only watches them on TV. 但是,他不做運動
33.She plays sports every day! 她每天都做運動!
Unit 6
---Do you like bananas? 你喜歡吃香蕉嗎?
--- Yes, I do. / No, I don』t. 是的,我喜歡。/ 不,我不喜歡。
---Does she/he like salad? 她/他喜歡沙拉嗎?
--- Yes, she/he does. / No, she/he doesn』t. 是的,她/他喜歡。 不, 她/他不喜歡。
---Do they like French fries? 他們喜歡炸薯條嗎?
--- Yes, they do. / No, they don』t. 是的,我喜歡。/ 不,他們不喜歡。
35.Runner eats well! 跑步者吃得好!
36. Sandra Clark eats lots of / a lot of healthy food. 桑德拉克拉克吃很多健康食物。
37. For breakfast/ lunch/ dinner, she likes/ eats/has eggs and chicken.
38.I like apples , too.= I also like apples. 我也喜歡吃蘋果。
39.At breakfast/ lunch/ dinner(supper) 在早餐/午餐/中餐
Unit 7
a pair of socks一雙襪子 seven dollars七美元 a blue sweater一件藍色毛衣
look at…看… in the picture在圖畫中 talk about…談論… a clothes store衣服商店 at a good price一個好價位 can afford something 買得起某物 for oneself為自己 have a look at 看一看 a black and blue hat 一件黑藍的帽子
on sale廉價出售/降價/甩賣 buy …from…從/在……購買….
41. ---How much is the sweater? = What』s the price of the sweater? 這件毛衣多少錢?
--- It』s nine dollars. 九美元。
--- How much are these pants? 褲子多少錢?
---They are fifty yuan. 五十元錢。
1) How much …?
2) What』s the price of …?
42. --- Can/May I help you? =What can I do for you? 我能幫助你嗎?
---Yes, please. I want a sweater. 是的,我想要一件毛衣。
43. ---What color do you want? 你想要什麼顏色的?
---I want blue. 我想要藍色的。
44. Here you are. = Here is it. 給你
45. I』II take it/ them. 我要了,我買了
46. ---Thank you= Thanks. 謝謝
--- You are welcome/ That』s all right / That』s Ok/ Not at all 不用謝,你太客氣了
47. Huaxing Clothing Store Sale1! 華興服裝店大減價!
48. We have sweater at a very good/ low/high price.我們以非常合理的/ 低的/高的價格出售
49. Do you need bags for sports? 你需要運動包嗎?
50. We have /sell bags for only twelve yuan. 我們有背包僅售12元
51.For boys/girls, we have T-shirts in red, green and black.
52. I can』t afford it. / I can』t afford them. 我承受不起這個價格.
Anybody can afford our prices. 任何人都能負擔得起我們的價格
53. Come and see for yourself at Zhonglian Clothes Store. 為自己來中聯服裝店看看吧!
54. Have a look at Huaxing store. 來華興商店看一看。
55. The green shorts are on sale for $25. 綠色的短褲在促銷僅售25元。
Unit 8
English speech contest 英語演講比賽 Chinese contest 漢語比賽 birthday party生日聚會
school trip 學校旅行 volleyball game排球比賽 Music Festival音樂節 Art Festival藝術節
56. ---When is your birthday? 你的生日是什麼時候?
---It』s October 25th. / My birthday is October tenth. 我的生日是……
57.---When is your mother』s birthday? 你媽媽的生日是什麼時候?
---Her birthday is June 8th. 她的生日在……
58. ---How old are you? /What』s your age? 你多大了?
---I』m thirteen. 我十三歲
59.---Do you have a School Day at your school? 你們學校有校慶日嗎?
---Yes, we do. 是的,我們有
Unit 9
want to + 動詞原形 「想要去做某事…」 go to a movie/ go to movies 去看電影
kind of 「種類」 learn about sth 「學習關於……」 go…with… 和誰一起去做某事
on weekends 「在周末」
60.---Do you want to go to a movie? 你想去看電影嗎?
---Yes,I do. I want to see an action movie. 是的,我想去看動作片。
61.--- What kind of movies do you like? 你喜歡什麼種類的電影?
--- I like action movies and comedies. 我喜歡動作片和喜劇。
62.She likes documentaries but she doesn』t like thrillers.她喜歡紀錄片但是她不喜歡恐怖片。
63.She thinks action movies are exciting. 她認為動作片很刺激。令人興奮。
64.She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father. 她經常和她的爸爸一起去看京劇。
65.My favorite actor is… 我最喜歡的演員是……
66.It』s a funny/ successful/boring/interesting movie.
Unit 10
English club英語俱樂部 swimming club游泳俱樂部 need help需要幫助 be in=join參加
play the guitar彈吉他 play chess下國際象棋 school show學校公演 rock band搖滾俱樂部
e-mail address 郵箱地址 thanks a lot = thank you 非常感謝 speak English 說英語
be good with… 和某人相處的好 be good for…對……有益 be good at…擅長做某事help…with…在某方面幫助某人 help sb (to) do幫住某人做某事
67.--- Can you play the guitar? 你能彈吉他嗎?
---Yes, I can. / No, I can』t. 是的,我能/不,我不會
68.--- What club do you want to join? 你想參加什麼俱樂部?
--- I want to join the art/music/swimming/chess/English club. 我想去參加……
69.---What can you do? 你能做什麼?
---I can paint/ sing/dance/speak English 我能……
70.--- Can you play the piano well? 你能彈鋼琴彈的很好嗎?
---No,I can』t. 不,我不能。
71.Can you help kids with swimming? 你能幫助孩子們游泳嗎?
72.Are you good with kids? 你和孩子們相處的好嗎?
We need help for our Beidaihe School Trip. 在北戴河校園旅遊中我們需要幫助
73.Come and join us./ Come and show us! 快來參加我們吧?/ 快來展示給我們看吧!
74.She can』t sing or dance. 她不會唱歌也不會跳舞。
75.Musicians wanted for School Music Festival. 學校音樂節需要音樂家
76.You can be in/join our school music festival. 你能參加我們學校的音樂節。
77.Can I help you? May I know your name? 我能幫助你嗎?/ 我可以知道你的名字嗎?
78.---Why do you want to join the club? 你為什麼想去參加這個俱樂部?
---Because I want to learn about art. 因為我想去學習美術。
Unit 11
get up 起床go to bed上床睡覺 in the morning /afternoon/evening在早上/在下午/在晚上
at night在夜裡go to school去上學 get to school 到達學校 go home回家 get home到家
take/have a shower洗澡 brush his teeth 刷牙 after breakfast 在早飯後 all night 整晚
take the number 17 bus 乘坐17路公車 do homework 做家庭作業 write soon 盡快回信
79.--- What time is it?=what』s the time? 幾點了?
--- It』s eight thirty. 八點半了。
80.--- What time do you usually get up,Rick? 你通常幾點起床?
--- I usually get up at 5 o』clock. 我通常5點起床。
81.---What time does Alicia take a shower? 埃里克幾點洗澡?
82.What a funny time to eat breakfast? 吃早餐的時間真有趣啊!
83.To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to a hotel. 他坐17路公車去旅館上班。
84.The bus usually takes him to work at 19:15. 公車通常在九點把他送去工作。
85.Can you think what his job is? 你能想到他是做什麼工作的嗎?
86.Thanks for your letter. 感謝你的來信。
87.School starts at nine o』clock. 學校在九點上課。
88.Please write and tell me about your morning. 請寫信告訴我關於你的早上生活。
Unit 12
after class下課 after school放學以後 like to do/like doing喜歡做某事
play with 與…玩耍 running around with me 和我到處跑
from 8:00 to 9:00 從八點到九點 for two hours持續兩個小時
89.---What』s your favorite subject? /What subject do you like best?你最喜歡的學科是什麼?
--- My favorite subject is science. /I like science best. 我最喜歡的是科學。
90.---Why do you like P.E? 你為什麼喜歡體育課?
---Because it』s fun. 因為體育課有意思。
91.---Who is your science teacher? 誰是你的科學老師?
--- My science teacher is Mr Wang. 我的科學老師是王老師。
92.---When do you have math? 你什麼時候上數學課?
--- I have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 我在周一,周三,周五有體育課。
93.---After class I have volleyball for two hours. 下課後,我上兩個小時的排球課。
94. I don』t like any subject. 我不喜歡任何學科。
95. I』m really busy/tired. 我真的很忙/疲勞。

F. 一中用英語怎麼說

NO.1 Middle shcool


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