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⑴ 七年級下冊英語期末考試卷及答案2017

2017年七年級下冊英語期末的考試就要到來,十年磨礪一桿筆,十年冬夏練功力。祝你 七年級英語 期末考試順利,金榜題名,一飛沖天。我整理了關於2017年七年級下冊英語的期末考試卷及答案,希望對大家有幫助!


第I卷 選擇題 (共70分)

一、聽力理解 (共四節,滿分25分)

I.聽對話,選圖片 請聽下面五段對話,選擇與你聽到的內容相符的圖片。聽完每段對話後,你都將有10秒鍾的時間回答相關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話讀一遍。(5分)

( )1. A. B. C.

( )2. A. B. C.

( )3. A. B. C.

( )4. A. B. C.

( )5. A . B. C.

II.聽 句子 選 答語 (5分)

聽下面5個句子 ,選擇恰當的答語。聽完每句後,你都將有10秒鍾的時間回答問題和閱讀下一小題。每個句子讀兩遍

( )6. A. No, I wasn’t. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I’m not.

( )7. A. I play basketball. B. I played soccer. C. It was good.

( )8. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she didn’t. C. Yes, she didn’t.

( )9. A. They’re in the classroom. B. They’re taking photos. C. It’s raining.

( )10. A. Yes, it is. B. No, I don’t. C. It’s cold.

III.聽對話,回答問題 (共5個小題:每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)


( )11. How was Ann’s weekend?

A. It was a busy day. B. It was good. C. It was not good.

( )12. What did Li Lei and Alice do last weekend?

A. They did their homework. B. They watched TV. C. They played soccer.

( )13. Where was Li Mei over the weekend?

A. She was at home. B. She was at school. C. She studied math.

( )14. What’s Jack doing?

A. He is playing with snow. B. He is walking in the wind.

C. He is running in the rain.

( )15. What is the weather like in Jinlin now?

A. It’s snowy. B. It’s sunny. C. It’s rainy.

IV.聽短文,選擇正確答案 (每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)


( )16. The girl is _____years old.

A. 14 B. 15 C. 13

( )17. The girl is ____________________________.

A. tall B. thin C. fat

( )18. Today she is wearing a _____sweater and _____trousers.

A. blue; yellow B. yellow; red C. yellow; brown

( )19. Is her hair short and blonde?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. I don’t know.

( )20. What is she good at?

A. Singing. B. Reading. C. Playing chess.

二.單項選擇: (15分)


( )21. A. plane B. race C. snake D. bad

( )22.A. ride B. fish C .miss D. pick

( )23. A. tooth B. three C. month D. weather

( )24. A. hear B. near C. wear D. year

( )25. A .beach B. heavy C. bread D. health


( )26. My friend Bob likes to play _______ basketball before _________supper.

A. the; the B. /; the C. / ; /

( )27. My sister is _____ medium height ,and she has _____ long hair .

A. of ,a B. about ,/ C. of ,/

( )28.The show wasn't ______. I wasn't ______ in it at all.

A.interesting;interesting B.interesting;interested C.interested;interested

( )29.— _____________________?

— I watch ed TV at home.

A.How was your weekend B. What did you do C.When did you watch TV

( )30. I was so tired ______ I went to sleep early .

A. and B. but C. that

( )31. I__ _______ my room every day. But now I __________. .

A clean, am reading B am cleaning, reading C cleaning, read

( )32. Jenny ________ late to study for the test last night .

A. put up B. stayed up C. woke up

( )33.Please never________ the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life.

A. cut down B. cut up C. blow out

( )34.—Mary is not here. Can I ______ a massage for her?

—Yes. Could you please tell her to milk a cow.

A. take B. leave C. give

( )35.—Can I help you, boy? —Yes. There is _________wrong with my bike.

A. something B. anything C. nothing



Mr. Green works in a high school. He likes reading and often borrows some books from the library. He keeps reading newspapers after supper. So he knows much and teaches well. His students loves him very much. Mike, his little son, is only nine. He also likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr. Green always answers difficult ones.

One day Mike read something about phones and he was interested in it. He asked his father a few questions, and his father answered all. His father said, “ Fathers always know much, but sons always know little!” The boy thought for a minute and said,” I don’t agree with(同意) you.”

“Oh? Why?”

Mike didn’t answer but asked, “Who invented the phone?”

“Bell.” answered Mr. Green.

“Why didn’t his father invent them?”

Looking at his son, Mr. Green didn’t know how to answer it.

( )36. What does Mr. Green do?

A.A reporter B.A teacher C.A librarian D.A waiter

( )37. What does Mr. Green often do after supper?

A. He often takes a walk. B. He often watches TV.

C. He often reads newspapers. D. He often helps Mike with his homework.

( )38. Why do the students love Mr. Green?

A. Because he knows a lot and teaches well. B. Because he is friendly to them.

B. Because he didn’t ask them to do homework. D. Because he works hard.

( )39. Who invented the phones?

A. Bell B. Mr. Green C. Mike. D. Bell’s father.

( )40. From the story ,we know that Mike is a ______boy.

A. lazy B. seven-year-old C. clever D. stupid( 愚蠢的).


Go to Thailand(泰國)—it’s a great place to spend your holidays. I spent my last summer vacation in Thailand. It’s really a beautiful place to travel(旅遊) to.

Thai people are very helpful. They helped me a lot ring traveling. I enjoyed outdoor activities(活動) like swimming, biking and diving( 潛水 ). All of these were wonderful(精彩的,好極了的). I visited many temples(寺廟)and learned about their history. Their history is very old and interesting. It’s very different from ours.

I shopped at the special market(市場). It’s on a river and everyone sells their goods(貨物)from their boats. Thai food is delicious, too! I also learned a little Thai boxing( 拳擊 ) from their schools. You’ll love Thailand, too.

( )41.When did the writer go to Thailand?

A. last month B. last week C. last summer

( )42. How are Thai people?

A. They’re friendly. B. They’re excited. C. They’re strange.

( )43. Their history is _____.

A. short and interesting B. long and interesting C. old and boring

( )44.Where did the writer shop?

A. In a supermarket B. In a bookstore C. In a boat market

( )45.Which of the following is NOT TRUE(不正確)?

A. The write didn’t learn their history.

B. The write did a lot of outdoor activities such as swimming and diving.

C. The write also learned some Thai boxing.


On New Year’s Day, many people eat special food for good luck.

In Spain(西班牙) and some Latin American countries(拉丁美洲國家),people eat twelve grapes (葡萄)at midnight(半夜) on New Year’s Eve—One grape for good luck in each month of the new year.

Chinese people eat mplings. Some are made with a coin inside. Everyone tries to find the coin for good luck and money in the new year. Of course(當然) they don’t eat the coin(硬幣). In the south of China, people make rice cakes for New Year. The Chinese pronunciation(發音) for rice cake is “Nian Gao”, which means “get better year after year”.

Japanese people eat noodles on New Year’s Eve and on their birthdays. They think it may bring them good luck and long life.

The food may be different in each country, but the meaning is the same---people hope the food will bring them luck and happiness(快樂,幸福) in the coming year.

( )46. In Spain, what do people eat in the new year?

A. rice cake B. noodles C. grapes D. d umplings

( )47. Is the food in South China the same as the food in North China for the whole year(整年)?

A. Yes B. No C. Not sure D. Not mentioned(提到) in the article

( )48. What do people do with the coins in the mplings?

A. They eat it B. They give it to children C. They don’t eat it D. They spend(花) it

( )49. What’s the meaning for Japanese noodles on New Year’s Eve?

A. good luck B long life C. money D. both A and B

( )50. What do the writer want to express(表達) in the article( 文章 )?

A. People like to eat B. Different countries have different food

C. People around the world use food to express their good wishes for the coming year

D. The writer likes to travel


一. 聽力:1—10每小題1分,11—20每小題1.5分

答案:1--5 AABBB 6--10ABBBB 11---15CBABA 16---20 ABBBC(25分)

二 單項選擇:(15分, 每小題1分,)


三 閱讀理解:(每小題2分, 30分)

36---40: BCAAC 41—45:CABCA 46—50:CBBDC


1. It was terrible.

2. went / got, by

3. How was the weather? / What was the weather like?

4.was; to take

5. 人也太多了, 我真的根本看不見導游,也聽不見導游的話。


1. between 2. reading 3. quickly 4. turn 5. across from

6. what 7. difficult 8. so 9. differently 10. is


1. children 2. exciting 3. to drink 4. lovely 5. easily

6. come true 7. looked out of 8. show us around 9. stay up late 10. am interested in

七. 寫作(20分)


1. Is there a post office near here?

2. What time do you usually get up?

3. I worked at the museum as a guide.

4. What does his uncle look like?

5. What did you have for lunch at school?

第二部分: 答案略


1. 要點表達齊 全,語法錯誤少, 書寫干凈規范,9—10分。

2. 要點表達基本齊全, 句式、語法錯誤較少 ,書寫基本規范, 7—8分。

3. 要點表達不齊全,句式、語法錯誤多,書寫不幹凈不很規范, 5—6分。

4. 要點表達遺漏多,內容不完整,句式、語法錯誤多,書寫潦草,3—4分。

5. 只寫少數幾個句子,形不 成語 篇,內容很不完整,句式、語法錯誤多,書寫潦草 1—2分。


⑵ 初一下冊英語所需掌握的生詞,重點句型詞彙運用及課外文章(文章要有中文解釋,兩篇)謝謝



Mole 1
glove[ɡlʌv] n.手套
wallet ['wɒlɪt]n.錢包
watch [wɔtʃ, wɔ:tʃ] n.表; (通常指)手錶
first of all首先; 第一
lose [lu:z]v. ( lost ) 失去
find [faind]v.( found ) 發現; 找到
lost and found box失物招領箱
mine[main] pron.我的
yours[jɔ:z, juəz] pron.你(們)的
tape [teip]n.錄音帶;錄像帶
purple ['pə:pl]adj.紫色的; 紫紅色的
n. 紫色;紫紅色
hers [hə:z] pron.她的
careful ['kεəful] adj.仔細的; 認真的; 小心的
be careful with小心(對待) ......
on adv.從某時刻起
from now on從現在開始
here is / are ... (用於剛找到某人或某物時)在這兒
camera ['kæmərə]n.照相機
phone[fəun] n.電話; 電話機
mobilephone行動電話; 手機
lost and found office失物招領處
in a hurry匆匆忙忙
leave[li:v] v. ( left ) 丟下; 遺忘
taxi ['tæksi]n.計程車
airport['εəpɔ:t] n.機場;航空港
hundred['hʌndrəd] num.百
hundredsof幾百; 成百上千
look for尋找
thousand ['θauzənd]num.千
strange [streindʒ] adj.奇怪的
sausage ['sɒsɪdʒ]n.香腸;臘腸


Mole 1
1、lost and found 失物招領
in the lost and found box
at the lost and found office
2、welcome back to 歡迎回...
welcome to +表示地點的名詞 歡迎來某地
welcome home 歡迎回家
You are welcome. 不用謝。
3、first of all 首先
4、there be 句型中謂語動詞採用就近原則
5、a lot of =lots of 許多 既可以修飾可數名詞,也可以修飾不可數名詞。
6、look at 看(不一定看見)
look 不及物動詞,後面不直接加名詞
see 看見
watch 觀看,仔細地看(比賽、電視等)
read 看(書、報紙、雜志等)
7、everyone/everybody 做主語,謂語動詞用單數
8、be careful with 注意.../小心...
9、from now on 從現在開始
from then on 從那時開始
10、talk to sb 和某人說話(側重主動說)
talk with sb 和某人說話(側重兩人都說)
talk about sth 談論某事
say 說,強調說的內容
speak 說,後面可以直接接語言
speak to sb 和某人說話
tell sb sth=tell sth to sb告訴某人某事
11、look for 尋找(不一定找到)
find (偶然地)找到
find out 查明,找到(經過努力)
search 搜索,調查
12、get on the bus 上公交車
get off thebus 下公交車
13、in a hurry 匆忙地
hurry up=come on 快點兒
hurry to do sth 匆忙做某事
14、hundreds of 成百的(大約數加s,加of)
two hundred (具體數不加s,不加of)
15、every day 每天
everyday 每天的(形容詞,後面接名詞)16、atthe moment=at this moment=now 此時此刻,現在
at thatmoment=then 在那時
17、such as 例如,後面不加逗號
for example 例如,後面加逗號
help sb (to)dosth
help sb with sth
19、--whose ... is this? 這是誰的...?
20、Arethese ...+名詞性物主代詞?這些...是某人嗎?





















































Mole 2
play the piano
play table tennis
2、ride a bike 騎自行車
3、the new clubs for this term 這學期的新俱樂部
4、would like =want
would like to do sth=want to do sth 想要做某事
would like to be=want to be 想要成為...
would like sth=want sth 想要某物
joinin 加入活動
take part in 加入活動(側重發揮作用)
6、what about you?=how about you?=andyou? 你呢?
what about doing sth?=howabout doing sth?做某事怎麼樣?
8、that』s all 僅此而已,就這么多
9、worry about =be worried about 擔心...
don』t worry 不用擔心
10、teach sb sth =teach sth to sb 教某人某事
11、favourite=like...best 最喜歡
12、really 副詞,修飾形容詞或動詞 run really fast
real 形容詞,修飾名詞 real story
13、the start of=the beginning of ...的開始
14、get on/along well/badly with sb
15、work hard 努力學習
16、be/get ready to do sth 樂於做某事,准備好做某事
choose ...as
18、promise to do sth 承諾做某事,保證做某事
20、between 在兩者之間
21、be good at =do well in 擅長
22、get the best score 得到最好的分數
23、do cleaning 打掃衛生
doshopping 買東西
docooking 做飯
doreading 看書
24、tidy 整潔的--(反)untidy
tidy (it)up 整理
25、be sure 確信
26、everybody would like(喜歡)a clean classroom,just like(像)home.
just 就,僅僅
27、make sb/sth +形容詞(或介詞短語) 使某人/某物怎麼樣
make ourclassroom beautiful
make theclassroom just like home
make sb do sth 使某人做某事
28、be kind to sb 對某人友善
29、try to do sth 盡力做某事
try doing sth 嘗試做某事
30、fly a kite 放風箏
31、whatcan you do?

肯定句結構 主語+can +動詞原形+其他.
否定句結構 主語+can』t(can not)+動詞原形+其他.
一般疑問句 把can 提前
肯定回答 Yes,主語+can.
否定回答 No,主語+can』t.

1、make plans 制定計劃
make a plan
2、at the weekend 在周末
on+具體某一天 on Saturday morning
in themorning/afternoon/evening泛指一天的上午、下午或晚上
3、go over 復習
4、do one』s homework 做作業
5、help with sth 幫忙做某事
help with thehousework
6、see a movie 看電影
7、who else 還有誰 else 其他的
what else 還有什麼
8、have a piano lesson 上鋼琴課
9、come with sb 和某人一起來
10、have a picnic 去野餐
11、--would you like to do...?
--Yes,I』dlove to.
12、stay at home 待在家裡
13、alone =by oneself 單獨,獨自
14、don』t be silly 別傻了
15、no=not any
16、人spend時間/金錢 (in)doingsth.
花費 on sth
度過 表示地點的介詞短語
物/事情cost 人+金錢/時間.
It/事 take(s) 人 +時間.
人pay (金錢)for 物.
17、I』m not sure. 不確定.
18、look forward to 後接代詞、名詞或動名詞
19、make friends with sb 和某人教朋友
20、wear 穿,(強調穿著,狀態)賓語是衣服
put on 穿上,(強調動作)賓語是衣服
dress 穿衣,(強調動作)賓語是人
21、hope for sth 希望...
hope to dosth 希望做某事
hope +that從句 希望...
注意:有wish sb. to do sth.的用法,hope 沒有這種用法!
win thematch 贏得比賽
23、enjoyoneself=have a good time =have fun 玩兒得愉快
24、getup 起床
25、takea walk=go (out)for a walk去散步
26、bedifferent from 與...不同
be thesame as 與...相同
27、summercamp 夏令營
28、gosightseeing 去觀光
goshopping 去購物
go boating去劃船
goswimming 去游泳
29、dosome sports 做運動
30、see/visitfriends 看望朋友
31、It』stime for sth.=It』s time to do sth.該做某事了.

語法:一般將來時 be going to+動詞原形
肯定句結構:主語+be going to +動詞原形+其他.
否定句結構:主語+be not going to +動詞原形+其他.
Be +主語+going to +動詞原形+其他?
否定回答:No,主語+be not.
注意:表示計劃到某地去,謂語動詞go與going重復,一般只說be going to +地點.

Mole 4
1、in the future 在將來
in future 從今以後
a piece of+chalk/paper
3、in +一段時間,句子用將來時
對in+一段時間提問,用 How soon
4、maybe 可能,也許 一般放句首
may be 可能 放句子中,may是情態動詞,be 是謂語動詞,用原形.
5、use ... to do sth 用...做某事
6、on the Internet 在網上
by Internet 通過網路
by +交通工具 by bus
7、be able to=can 後接動詞原形
be able to 可以有各種時態
8、not ...any more=no...more 不再...
9、answer one』s question 回答某人的問題
10、need to do sth 需要做某事,need是實義動詞,有形式變化
need 做情態動詞用時,後接動詞原形,無變形
11、job 指具體的工作,為可數名詞
work 工作,為不可數名詞
12、come true 實現 常與dream、idea連用
13、mean sth 意味著
mean doingsth 意味著做某事
mean to dosth 打算做某事
14、kind 種類
a kind of 一種
all kinds of 各種各樣的
kind 友善的,形容詞
kindly 友善的,副詞
15、light rain 小雨--(反)heavy rain
17、not only... but also...不僅...而且...
18、traffic jam 交通堵塞 復數 ~ jams
19、have to 不得不 相當於must,用法同情態動詞
20、carry 拿,帶 不強調方向
bring 帶來
take 帶走
21、change 可做名詞,也可做動詞
change Ainto B 把A變成B

語法:一般將來時 will
肯定句結構:主語+will +動詞原形+其他.
否定句結構:主語+will not +動詞原形+其他.
Will +主語+動詞原形+其他?
否定回答:No,主語+won』t(will not).
注意:begoing to 表示自己打算做某事,計劃做某事或有意做某事
will 則表示對未來的猜測

Mole 5
1、buy sbsth=buy sth for sb 為某人買某物
make sb sth=make sth for sb 為某人做某物
cook sb sth=cook sth for sb 為某人做...
2、onMother』s Day 在母親節
What can I do for you?
Can I help you?
What colour does she like?
What size does she take?
May I try it on?
There』s a sale on today.
How many/much would you like?
How much+ be + sth?
I』ll take it.
I』ve got some food to buy.
4、Whatabout...?=How about...? ...怎麼樣?
5、try on試穿
put on 穿上
trun on 打開
hold on 等一下(電話用語)=wait a minute
come on 加油
7、toomuch 太多(修飾不可數名詞)
too many 太多(修飾可數名詞)
much too 太(修飾形容詞)
8、half akilo 一斤
half price 半價
9、Whatelse 還有什麼
Who else 還有誰
11、afamily member 家庭成員
12、onlineshopping 網上購物
13、one of... ...之一,後接名詞復數
14、a fewdays later 幾天後
a few days earlier 幾天前
16、at anytime 在任何時間
17、campareA with B 把A和B做比較
18、savemoney 省錢
make money 賺錢
save 還有「保存,拯救」的意思
19、payover the Internet 網上支付
20、way oflife 生活方式
21、oneday 一天,可以指過去,也可以指將來
some day 一天,只可以指將來
22、no one做主語,謂語動詞用單數
23、beable to=can 能
because of 後面接名詞或名詞性短語
25、and soon 相當於省略號

語法:特殊疑問句 相當於特殊疑問詞加一般疑問句
what 什麼
what colour 什麼顏色
what size 多大號
what time =when 什麼時間
how many 多少,對數字提問
how much 多少,提問價格或不可數名詞
how often 提問頻率
how soon 多久(以後)
how long 多長
how far 多遠
how high 多高(多用於問不與地面接觸的東西)
how tall 人,動物,樹木等有生命的東西,多高
which 哪一個
who 誰
whom 誰(賓格),一般情況下可用who代替
whose 誰的
where 哪兒
why 為什麼, 多用because回答

Could you tell me how to get to...?
Can you tell me the way to ...?
Can you show me the way to ...?
Is there a ... near here?
How can I get /go to...?/get there?
How do I get to...?/get there?
Where is the ...?
2、get to=reach=arrive at(小地點)/in (大地點) 到達
3、in front of 在(外面的)前面
in the front of 在(裡面的)前面
4、go across=cross 穿過(橫穿)
5、go along=go down=walk along=walk up=follow 沿著
6、turn left 向左轉
turn around 轉身
7、at the third street 在第三條街
8、over there 在那兒
9、on the right/left 在右邊/左邊
11、tour 旅遊--tourise遊客
12、be sure 確信
I』m notsure.我不知道。
13、Why not do sth?=Whydon』t you do sth?
14、an underground station 一個地鐵站
15、take + 冠詞(a、the)交通工具to+地點=go to+地點 by 交通工具
16、Thanks a lot.=Thanks very much.
17、(in) the middle / centre of (在)...的中心
18、walk along ... to 沿著...到
19、above ... 在...的上面
20、most of ... 大部分的
21、on a clear day 在晴朗的一天
22、the best way to do sth 做某事最好的方式
23、near=next to =close to 在...的附近
24、as 可以相當與when當...時
25、get off 下車、船
get on 上車、船
26、over=more than 超過
over 900years old
27、go past=pass 路過、走過
28、turn left into 向左轉進入
29、finish sth/doing sth 完成某事/做某事
30、need to do sth 需要做某事
31、between A and B 在A和B之間,between用在兩者之間
32、part of... ...的一部分
33、learn about 了解
34、on the other side 在另一邊(兩邊中的另一邊)
常用於one...the other 表示兩者中的一個...另一個...
35、on 表示處於„„之上,強調與表面接觸。
36、on the corner (of)... 在...的拐角處

⑶ 初一英語試卷分析與答案解釋




七年級英語 期中試卷總分100分,由單項選擇,完型填空,閱讀理解,詞彙,書面表達組成。



1.教學中應重視基礎知識的訓練; 2.教學中要注重培養學生的綜合語言運用能力; 3.在教學中要面向全體學生,注重素質 教育 。 本試卷既注重對學生基本知識和基本技能的考察,又強調學生在實際中運用英語的綜合能力,充分體現了英語新課程中的評價標准。試題中對學生的答題要求非常人性化,讓學生讀來親切自然,消除了因考試可能帶來的緊張感。




共10小題的單選,難度適中,但錯誤卻不少。集中在13,15,18,19上。It’s time for sb. to do sth.的句型。




詞彙共5小題,在要求學生掌握單詞的基礎上,能夠結合句意語境寫出正確形式,具有很大的綜合性,這不僅考察了學生對詞彙的記憶能力,理解能力,同時也反映出了學生的語法知識及運用英語的能力.做的不夠好的有第2題:The boys are waiting for ____(they)turns to play computer games.學生看到了介詞for馬上就想到了介詞+人稱代詞的賓格,馬上把答案寫成了them,





2. 鑽研教材,在教案設計上下足工夫,提高課堂效率。平時引導學生注重基礎知識的積累鞏固。堅持抓45分鍾,從聽說讀寫演個方面訓練學生,開拓思路,培養他們多角度,多層次思考問題,舉一反三和細心觀察,耐心解題的能力和心態。







該試卷試題結構,試題總體難度適中,內容貼近學生生活、貼近時代,知識覆蓋面廣。以課本為依託,重視語言知識的積累,同時有突出語篇閱讀,考查了課本上的語言知識,讓學生感到平時的教學與考試密切相關,從而促使他們重視平時的學習和考前的復習。整份試卷總體上來說體現了英語教學應遵循的重視積累,夯實基礎,注重語篇,培養能力的原則,讓學生體會到 學習英語 並非一朝一夕,一定要厚積薄發,試卷對英語教師的教與學生的學起到了較好的導向作用.




單項填空主要考查了常規的一些單詞、 短語 、語法項目, 句子 結構也並不復雜。單選覆蓋面較廣,涉及到:冠詞,時態,副詞,介詞(短語),名詞、數詞,動詞(情態助動詞)和動詞短語辨析,固定短語及交際用語,但單項填空題得分率偏低,這說明學生並沒有精學,學生的基礎知識和基礎語法還有待進一步鞏固。所以在教學中,我們還是要以教材為載體,扎實地做好英語常規教學,夯實基礎,積累詞彙,幫助學生梳理語言及語法知識,構建完善知識結構, 為學生形成聽、說、讀、寫的能力打下堅實的基礎。


完形填空部分 文章 的體裁為一篇介紹文,主要介紹了家鄉四季的天氣和 戶外運動 ,由課本內容綜合改編而來。題目不偏不怪,難易適中,結構嚴謹,題目設置巧妙。側重考查學生對語境、語義和語篇的深層理解,要求學生能在掌握文章主旨大意的基礎上,正確理解句與句、段與段之間的橫向聯系由此可見,如何提高學生的語篇理解能力,培養學生的語感,也是提高完形填空得分的關鍵所在。本題得分較往年稍稍有所提高,但是也有好多學生出現不認真閱讀短文而蒙猜答案的現象,如全部答AAAA,或者BBBB。


閱讀理解為兩篇介紹性的 說明文 ,第一篇運用課本中學生熟悉的語句介紹了我縣幾個著名旅遊點的情況,內容貼近生活,充分體現了 英語學習 的“學以致用”,第二篇為一片介紹新農村社區的短文。兩篇文章短小,內容接近課本,沒什麼生僻詞,都是學生熟悉的一些話題,事實細節題、推理判斷題等分布較為合理,總體難度適中,學生該項得分率正常。但很多學生的閱讀技巧有待提高。


本體共有五個小題, 主要考察了動詞(“穿、戴“的適當形式)、副詞(”好“的級別)、人稱代詞(“你”的反身代詞形式)、 動詞(“到達”的時態)和(“天氣”的拼寫)本題學生答題情況較差,有好多學生甚至交“白卷”。說明學生對於靈活運用詞彙的能力有些差,英語學習大概只停留在“死記硬背”的 學習 方法 。

第五部分 任務型閱讀

該篇短文為敘事體,記述了父親忙於工作而忘記了自己的生日,自己和母親決定給其一個驚喜,舉辦了一個生日晚會的 故事 。故事淺顯易懂,符合學生的口吻。設題主要從文章細節理解(對錯題46小題,回答問題,選擇正確答案的47小題,翻譯48小題,以及主觀回答問題的49小題),和詞彙運用(50小題)本題答題情況比較好點,主要是50小題“had great fun”的同義句,學生的答案錯誤很多。本題為今年中考新題型,應讓學生了解題型出現的方式----問答題,判斷正誤和英譯漢,以及解答問答題的策略----找准或概括出關鍵詞語。

第六部分 寫作

本次寫作分為A)寫句子,即按照所給詞彙和標點符號的提示,寫出合乎語法的幾個句子。學生或者句式不對,或者句首不注意大寫,或者寫出的語法不對;B)根據提示寫 作文 ,內容為根據提示書寫A Busy Weekend .這是檢測學生運用過去時態描述過去活動的能力。本次書面表達內容與學生日常生活息息相關。書寫內容對學生並不陌生,課本中有類似題材,所以學生應該有話可說。學生非常熟悉,也容易下筆。但書面表達的情況並不盡人意,可惜,許多的學生也交了白卷。




3、進一步加強學生閱讀理解能力的訓練。提高 英語閱讀 能力是英語教學永恆的主題。閱讀能力是英語聽說讀寫譯各種能力中最為重要的能力,也是英語學習和英語交流根本目的的最集中體現。時代感強、題材多樣、難度適中的閱讀文章進行教學,不段擴大學生的閱讀量,讓學生在新的閱讀材料中不斷學習。同時要注重培養學生 快速閱讀 ,排除生詞,抓住要義的能力。通過大量限時閱讀,重點培養學生獲取信息、分析理解問題和解決問題的能力。



一,聽力題第四節 語篇理解 第20題,他沒填對。錯誤原因:錄音語速快,沒聽清這個空的詞,快速聽力練的少,也不排除緊張心理在作怪。

二 ,書面測試第二大題單項選擇第25題:It's Mike's-----birthday today .His classmates have a party for him and they are very happy ,

A, three B, thirteen C, thirteenth

他 選了B, 答案應為C。錯誤原因:這里是用序數詞來限定Mlik具體的年齡,不能按中國人的思維去理解,要從英文的語言習慣和語法上去理解。

三, 書面測試第六大題補全對話第68題,他的答案是:When is your birthday ?正確答案應為:Her birthday is in September .

錯誤原因:粗心大意,只看下句就回答上句,沒考慮全文的上下銜接,沒關注最後的標點符號,關注標點符號,一定要 注意細節,這是我在平時講課時常提醒的,結果還是沒注意到,要學會全方位思考問題,學習就是這么嚴謹的事情。

四,書面測試第七大題連詞成句第74題:原題是: has, my ,father ,,milk ,for ,breakfast ,always

他的幾次答案分別是:1,My father breakfast always has for milk.

2, My father breakfast always for has milk.

3, My father always breakfast for has milk.

正確答案:My father always has milk for breakfast.



五,書面測試第五大題B部分詞彙運用題。第二句話 我讓他翻譯,他把Have a look at the clothes.中的 have不加思索地翻譯成有, Have a look at 是英語中的固定搭配,單詞不能單獨的解釋,是一個完整的含義,看一看,證明他平時片語積累不到位。他把We sell shirts for only 80 yuan .譯成:我們的裙子只有80元。他把skirt和shirt又混了,前者是短裙,但後者是襯衫!應該譯成:我們的襯衫僅售80元。


be at a good price be at great sale

六,書面測試第五大題第59空,他把圖上畫的梨看成了草莓, ,填錯,而且這個地方要注意名詞變復數問題,這個句子中重點詞彙是two 。他把pear 拼成了price,這是很多學生的共性,相類似的單詞總愛張冠李戴,究其原因就是心情浮躁,急躁,學習不是非常嚴謹細心的態度而造成的。


如:swim----swimming , sit ----sitting , shop---shopping . put----putting 等等。要求他自己今後進行相關積累。

八,以字母o 結尾的名詞變復數問題:

巧記以o 結尾的名詞的復數形式

名詞單數變復數,本不是個太難的問題。誰都知道在一般情況下加s,其他的如以s,x,ch,sh結尾的加es。但對以o結尾的名詞,如 hero(英雄),piano(鋼琴),bamboo(竹),solo(獨唱)這一類,到底是該加s,還是該加es,常使中學生困惑不解。我們可按下面一條規律來記住它們的復數形式:指人和農作物的加es、其他的加s.(或者是有生命的加es,無生命的加s)


Negro—Negroes (黑人)

hero—heroes (英雄)

tomato—tomatoes (西紅柿)

potato—potatoes (土豆)


photo—photos (相片)

zoo—zoos (動物園)

radio—radios (收音機)

piano—pianos (鋼琴)


這里再介紹一個幫助記憶的好方法。張道真先生編的《 實用英語 語法》中寫道:“以o結尾的詞多數都加es,但下面兩類只加s”:



這樣,凡外來詞則加 s.如 photos,solos,pianos,kilos(千克),tohaccos。凡詞尾以兩個母音結尾的詞則加 s.如:zoos, bamboos,coos, radios, studios(藝術家的工作室)。

除此而外,其他的都加 es,如 echoes(回聲),torpedoes(魚雷)。


1. 初一英語試卷分析

2. 初一英語試卷分析範文

3. 七年級英語期末試卷分析

4. 七年級英語下期末試卷分析

5. 英語試卷分析範文

⑷ 一個七年級的英語詞彙運用題目

Peter and Paul passed by a small house on their way home late at night. They saw thick smoke coming out of its windows. 『It』s on fire!』, said Peter, 『We must get help.』

The two brothers ran along the road shouting 『Fire! Fire!』 They telephone on the door of the next house. They asked them to report the police and the firemen.

They ran back to the house. They saw through the window an old woman sitting in an arm-chair. It was clear that she could not move. Peter and Paul tried hard to carry her out of the house and so they did! Some neighbours came and helped take some things out.

In no time the firemen arrived as well as the policemen. The fire was put out. The old woman cried sadly but she was not hurt. She thanked Peter and Paul and her neighbours again and again

深夜,彼得和保羅在回家的路上通過一個小房子。他們看到濃煙從窗戶中沖出 。 「這里著火了! 」皮特說, 「我們必須找人幫忙。」

兩兄弟跑公路沿線大喊'著火了!著火了! '他們給隔壁的房子打電話。他們要求他們報告了警察和消防員。




⑸ 親,能發一張七年級下冊英語練習卷嗎,最好短一點

一. 選擇填空:從A、B、C、D中,選出一個最佳答案完成句子。(15%)
1. A works in a restaurant.
A. reporter B. waiter C. teacher D. doctor
2. Is there ______ fruit shop near here?Yes, there』s one near here.
A. a B. the C. an D. /
3. Rick usually ______ up at 5:30 on weekdays.?
A. get B. gets? C. got D. getting.
4. My house is ______ the post office and the bank..
A. on B. in C. between D. over
5. --___________? -- Because they are very cute.
A. What is it ? B .Where are they from?
C. Why do you like pandas? D. How do you like pandas?
6. Do you want to ______English with me?
A. ask B. speak C. talk D. say
7. --Is there a bank over there? -- ___________.
A. Yes, there』s B. No, there aren』t C. Yes, there is D .No, it isn』t
8. –How is the weather in Harbin? --It』s _________.
A. snow B. snowing C. snows D. to snow
9. Look! Burton is _________ photos of the Eiffel Tower.
A. having B. making C. watching D. taking
10. --_________are the children doing now? --They』re playing football on the playground.
A. What B. Where C. When D. How
11. –Where is Tokyo? --I know it』s in _______.
A. France B. Brazil C. Korea D. Japan
12. –Is that Mr. Smith? --Yes, he ______ a beard.
A. is B. has C. takes likes
13. –It』s cold outside. You』d better _______ your gloves.
A. wear B. in C. with D. put on
14. Please _______, because this is a reading room.、
A. quiet B. to be quiet C. be quiet D. to quiet
15. Just go straight and ________ left. A. go B. come C. take D. turn
二. 完形填空:從A、B、C、D中,選擇一個最佳答案,使短文意思完整。(15%)
I』m Li Fen. I have a pen pal. 16 name is Mary. She is from Canada. She lives in Toronto. She speaks English. She has 17 brother, but she has no sisters. Her favorite 18 is art.
Two of my good friends 19 pen pals, too. Lu Yang』s pen pal is from _ 20__. His name is Tony. Tony lives in Paris. He speaks 21 . He has one brother and one 22 . His favorite subject is PE. And he can play soccer very 23 . Ding Lan』s pen pal is from __24__. Her name is Wendy. Wendy can speak Chinese and English. She 25 no bother or sister. Her favorite subject is history.
16. A. His B. My C. Her D. My
17. A. no B. one C. two D. three
18. A. book B. subject C. actor D. movie
19. A. have B. has C. is D. are
20. A. the USA B. the UK C. Canada D. France
21. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. French D. English
22. A. car B. pencil C. uncle D. sister
23. A. good B. well C. nice D. interesting
24. A. Japanese B. French C. English D. Singapore
25. A. is B. are C. has D. have
三. 閱讀下面短文,根據文章的內容選擇最佳答案作答。(30%)
18:30 Children』s World
19:00 News
19:45 Around the World
20:20 Movie: A Nurse』s Day
21:50 Message from the Market
22:20 Modern Arts
23:00 End CCTV-4
18:30 Modern English
19:00 Women』s Life
19:30 Culture and Life
20:45 Volleyball match: China-America
22:30 English News
22:50 English Movie: Gone with the world
00:30 End
18:30 NTTV News
19:00 Popular Songs
19:30 Animal World
20:20 American English Today
21:15 Science and Life
22:30 Sports News
23:00 End JSTV
18:40 English for Children
19:00 News from CCTV-1
19:30 JS News
19:45 Football Match: China- Japan
21:30 TV-play: Story of a Spanish Artist (1) (2)
23:15 End
26. A football fan can enjoy a football match on _________.
27. If you are interested in pop songs, you may choose(選擇) _______________.
28. The English news on CCTV-4 lasts about _________ minutes(分鍾).
A. 20 B. 25 C. 30 D. 40
29. Which TV station has the most English programmes (節目)?
30. Which of the following is right?
A. Children can enjoy the Children』s World on CCTV-4 at 18:30. B. NTTV ends at 00:30.
C. You can see News on CCTV-1 and JSTV at the same time.D. NTTV has a TV play at 21:30.
Jim, Kate and Li Ming are doing the homework together. Jim makes a mistake. Kate tells him about it. Li Ming wants to borrow an eraser from Jim or Kate. Jim has one and gives it to Li Ming. Li Ming thanks Jim. Jim says,「You』rewelcome」.Jim also thanks Kate. Kate says 「That』s all right」.
The three children are students in a school in Beijing. Jim is from London. Kate is from New York. Li Ming is a Chinese girl. They are good friends. They often do homework and play games together. They often help each other.
31. Jim is ________ .
A. an English girl B. an American girl C. an English boy D. an American boy
32. Kate helps Jim with ________.
A. his mistake B. an eraser C. a ruler D. a pencil
33. Li Ming borrows ________ .
A. an eraser from Kate B. an eraser from Jim C. a ruler from Kate D. a ruler from Jim
34. The three students are ________ .
A. not in the same class B. in U.K. C. in Beijing D. in USA
35. They are ________ .
A. doing homework B. playing games C. reading D. cleaning the room
This is a beautiful park near my home. People like to go to the park after work. Some of them go to the park every day. Look! This is Mr. Smith. He is sitting on a chair and watching the children. Some children are playing the game of hide-and- seek(捉迷藏). Some boys are playing yo-yo. Lucy and Lily are standing under a tree. They are talking. There is a small river in the park. We can see some boats in the river. Some children are sitting in the boats with their fathers and mothers. Listen! A lot of birds are singing in the trees. This is really a nice park. I come here to read English after school every day.
36. ______ like to go to the park.
A. Children B. Fathers and mothers C. Lucy and Lily D. People
37. Mr. Smith is _______.
A. playing hide-and-seek B. playing yo-yo C. is sitting and watching the children D. is singing
38. Which one is right?
A. Lucy and Lily are playing hide-and-seek with other children.
B. Lucy and Lily go to the park only on Sunday.
C. Lucy and Lily are talking under the tree.
D. Lucy and Lily live far from the park.
39. The writer can't see_____ in the park.
A. fish B. children C. women D. men
40. What's the writer doing?
A. He is singing. B. He is sitting in a boat.
C. He's playing a game. D. He's watching the people in the park.
Miss Yang is my English teacher. She is tall and thin. She has long straight black hair. She often wears glasses. She is beautiful and we all like her very much. John is my classmate. He is from the USA. He has short curly blonde hair. He is medium height. He loves to tell jokes. Gloria is a Japanese girl. She is short and heavy. She wears a pair of glasses, too. Her hair is black and straight.
is has/wears
Short and heavy 42
A pair of glasses
43 44 Long straight black hair
A pair of glasses
John 45
Short curly blonde hair
五. 詞彙運用(15%)
The Greens are English. Now they are in Beijing. This is their 46 (第一次) visit to China.
They are going to stay in 47 (中國) for three 48 (星期). They want to visit some big cities and villages. They want to 49 (學習)some Chinese, too.
Mr. Green is a driver. He likes 50 (駕駛) in Beijing very much. Mrs. Green is a teacher. She often 51 (參觀) a middle school 52 (在…近旁) Beijing, and she likes to speak English 53 (和) them. They take a lot of photos in China. When they are back to 54 (英國), they are going to show the photos to their 55 (朋友). They want the English people to know more about China.
1-5 BABCC 6-10 BCBDA 11-15 DBDCD
16-20 CBBAD 21-25 CDBDC 26-30 ABADC
31-35 CABCA 36-40 DCCAD
41. Gloria 42. straight black hair 43. Miss Yang
44. tall and thin 45. medium height
46. first 47. China 48. weeks 49. learn 50. driving
51. visits 52. near 53. with 54. England 55. friends

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