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1. 新目標英語八年級(上)第八單元預習筆記

Unit8 How to make a banana milk shake?
1.How do you make a banana milk shake ?First,peel thebananas and cut itup.
Then put the milk into the blender…
2.How many banana sdo you need? We need three.
3.How much yogurt do we need? One cup.
turn on,cut up,mix up,how much,how many,first,then,next,finally等。
1.How do you make abanana smoothie?你怎麼(如何)做香蕉思木西?
e.g.How do you makefruit salad?你是怎樣做水果沙拉的?
e.g.How did you comehere?你是怎麼來的?
e.g.How can I use thiscomputer?我怎樣使用這台電腦?
2.How many bananasdo we need?我們需要多少個香蕉?
how many「多少」,針對可數名詞提問;
e.g.How many studentsare there in yourclass?你們班有多少人?
Forty-two.Twenty boysand twenty-two girls.四十二人。二十個男生,二十二個女生。
e.g.How many bottles ofwater do you drinkevery day in summer?你夏天每天喝幾瓶水?
e.g.How many bananas do we need?我們需要多少香蕉?
We need three bananas.我們需要三個。
3.How much yogurt do we need?我們需要多少酸奶?One cup.一杯。
對不可數名詞提問應用how much.
e.g.How much money do you have in your pocket?你口袋裡有多少錢?
Ten yuan.十元。
e.g.How much cinnamon do you need? One tea spoon.
e.g.How much mayonnaise?要多少蛋黃醬?A little.一點。
4.Turn on the bender.這是一個祈使句。祈使句用來表示請求、命令、叮囑、號召等。謂語動詞用原形。
e.g.Cut up the banana. Put the bananas and yogurt in the blender.
Drink the smoothie.
1.peelv. 剝,削(水果等的皮)
Peel the bananas.把香蕉剝開。
Could you help me to peel the potatoes? 你能幫我把土豆的皮刮一刮嗎?
2.pourv. 傾注;灌;澆
Pour the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒在攪拌器里。
Mary poured some water into a glass.瑪麗往杯子里倒了一些水。
Where did you putyour English book?你把你的英語書放在哪兒了?
Put those bags onthe table.把這些包放在桌子上。
I can't rememberwhere I put my keys.我不記得我把鑰匙放在哪兒了。
Put your coaton the sofa把你的大衣放在沙發上。
4.cut up切碎Cut up the bananas.把這些香蕉切碎。
His mother has tocut up all the foodfor him.他媽媽不得不為他把所有的食物都切碎。
5.turn on 打開turn off關掉(turn up開大,turn down擰小)
turn on thegas/water把煤氣/水龍頭打開
Turn on the blender.把攪拌器打開。
When he comes home,he turns on hisradio.當他到家的時候,就打開收音機。
turn on/off打開/關帶電或水流的東西,
turn up開大,turn down擰小
而open/close則指開/關門、窗、盒子等。Open the door,please.請開門。
Do you want to addyour name to thelist?你想把你的名字加到名單上去嗎?
Add some sugar tothe tea.往茶里加些糖。
If you add 3 and 5,you get 8.3加5等於8。
7.mix up使……充分地混合,混淆
e.g.Mix up the salt withthe pepper.把食鹽和胡椒粉混合在一起。
e.g.I'm afraid you mixedher up with her twinsister.我恐怕你把她和她雙胞妹妹弄混淆了。
8.---How do you makefruit salad?
---First cut upthree bananas,threeapples and awatermelon.
Next put the fruitin a bowl.
Then put in twoteaspoons ofcinnamon and a cupof yogurt.Finallymix it all up.
e.g.First you go out ofthe school gate.Next,you go alongthe street.
Then turn left atthe secondcrossing,and walkalong that street.
Finally turn rightat the traffic light,you will find themuseum.
One book,two books;a family,three families
e.g.The orange juice inthe glass is verydelicious.這個玻璃杯里的橘子汁非常可口。
a.不可數名詞可用some,a little,much等不確定數量的詞修飾,但不可直接用數詞表數量。
e.g. some water,a little milk,much money
e.g.a slice of bread,a piece of meat,three teaspoons ofmilk
e.g.Some bread is on theplate.一些麵包在盤子里。
There is some tea inthe glass.杯子里有一些茶。
2.學習了how/how many/how much引導的特殊疑問句。

2. 八年級上冊英語(新目標)1-3單元英語筆記

Unit 1:
1.exercise:(不可數)take a lot of exercise 做大量的鍛煉
(可數) do morning exercises 做早操
2.try to do 盡力做 try doing 試著做
3.the same as 像。。。一樣
4.active 名詞:activity 復數:activities
5.every day 時間狀語 everyday (形容詞)日常的,每天的
6.want sth/to do/sb to do/sb not to do =would like (sb)to do
7.be kind to sb 對某人和藹
8.look after=take care of
10.be late for He is never late for./He is hardly late for/He never comes late for
11.be good for/at/to sb
Unit 2:
1.maybe =may be
2.some time 一段時間 sometimes有時 sometime 某個時候 some times 幾次
3.too much 可單獨使用或修飾不可數名詞
much too+形容詞或副詞原形
too many +可數名詞復數
4.a piece of advice/news two pieces of advice /news
5.few否定 fewer肯定
6.It is +形容詞 to do sth(for sb)
7.start to do sth
1.send sb sth =send sth to sb
2.show sb sth =show sth to sb
3.give sb sth =give sth to sb 把某物給某人
4.buy sb sth =buy sth for sb 為某人買某物
5.cost 的主語是物 pay,spend的主語是人
6.forget to do sth 忘記做某事
7.can't wait to do sth 迫不及待的想做某事
8.finish doing sth
9.need to do sth
10.leave +地點+for+地點 離開某地去某地
11.take sth with sb 隨身攜帶
12get back to +地點 get back +副詞
13.be famous for 以。。。而出名 be famous as 作為。。。而出名
15.be doing 正在做 be going doing 要去做

3. 英語期中復習資料 要英語(新目標)GO FOR IT 八年級 上冊的

准時 on time
歡迎返校。 Welcome back to school.
教師節快樂!Happy Teachers』Day!
沒關系。It does not matter.
過得快活 have fun
我沒有主意。I have no idea.
做一次演講 give a talk
例如 for example
姓 family name
名字 given name
……的簡稱 be short for …
為某人製作某物 make sth. for sb./ make sb. Sth.
給某人買某物 buy sth. for sb./ buy sb. Sth.
不再…… not…any more
浪費時間 a waste of time
去野外旅行 have/go on a field trip
去遠足 go hiking
去野餐 have/go on a picnic
後天 the day after tomorrow
前天 the day before yesterday
山頂 the top of a mountain
被……絆倒 trip over
趕快 hurry up
我同意 I agree
系好我的鞋帶 tie my shoes
走錯路 go the wrong way
昨晚 last night
下星期 next week
相聚 get together
在中秋節 on Mid-autumn Festival/Day
順便拜訪 come over
在一年的這個時候 at this time of year
在戶外 in the open air
嘗起來有點像 taste a little like…
晚安 good night
昨天早上/下午/傍晚 yesterday morning/afternoon/evening
你要再來一塊嗎?Would you like another one?
我可以嘗一下嗎?May I have a taste?
晚上好 good evening
明晚你有空嗎?Are you free tomorrow evening?
喂養動物 feed the animals
同意……的意見 agree with…
種水稻/小麥 grow rice/wheat
呆在籠子里 stay in cages
在春/夏/秋/冬季 in spring/summer/autumn/winter
住在農場上 live on the farm
大學 go to college
住在一幢大樓里 live in a tall building
不得不 have to
住在十九層 live on the nineteenth floor
所有之中最多的 the most of all
學校畢業 leave school
每一塊地 each field
一場海豚表演 a dolphin show
我可以找……聽電話嗎?May/Could I speak to …,please?
有什麼事嗎?What』s up ? / What』s the matter?
沒什麼事。Nothing much.
動物玩具 toy animals
在農村/城鎮/城市 in the country / town / city
讓我們討論一下。Let』s discuss it.
讓我們把時間定在…… Let』s make it…(時間前不加at)
哪一個你比較/最喜歡?Which (one) do you like better/best?
帶某人/物去某地take sb./sth. to …(home,there,here不加to)
將某人/某物帶來 bring sb./sth.
有空/自由的 be free
為……感到難過 feel sorry for
對……有益 be good for
在山林里 in forests and mountains
跌入……里 fall into…
去看電影 go to the cinema
離……很遠 far from…
在……的背上/背面 on the back of
遙遠的 far away
你認為怎麼樣? What do you think?
請求/詢問 ask for
學習第一。Work must come first.
上上下下 up and down
仍然很感謝你。Thank you all the same.
最好(不要)做某事 had better do sth/had better not do sth
It is(not) better to do sth.
告訴某人做某事 tell sb to do
在……的前面(整個物體的前面) in front of
在……的前面(物體空間裡面的前面) in(at) the front of
在左邊/右邊 on the left/right
笑著說 say with a laugh/smile
在這個時候(現在) at the moment/at this time/right now
把……從一個傳遞到另一個 pass…from one to another
到……裡面去/從……出來 get into…/get out of…
一點兒早/晚 a little early/late
上來 come up
在…與…之間的不同 the difference between … and …
Jim Allan Green 王 小明
(first name)(middle name)(family name)(family…)(given…)
( given names )( last name )
姓名的意義 the meaning of a name
南瓜餅 a pumpkin pie
你打算做什麼(加未來的時間)?What are you going to do …?
They have some problems getting there.
我們一邊遠足一邊吃時新水果會有許多樂趣。We are going to have lots of fun hiking and eating a new kind of fruit.
你願意……嗎?Would you like to do sth ?
裡面有甜點的小園餅 small round cakes with something sweet
inside. 三者/所有之中最好的 the best of the three/of all
我們都有一個秋天的節日。We each have an autumn festival.
我很高興你能來。I am very glad you can come.
讓我跟你一塊走吧。Let me walk with you.
聽到/看到某人/物正在干某事 hear/see sb/sth doing sth.
直到晚上很晚 until late at night
想要做某事 want to do sth/would like to do sth.
在摘玉米之後 after picking corn

Shall we/I +動詞原形 ?OK/All right/Good idea…
Why not +動詞原形?= Why don』t you/we/they…?
Let』s +動詞原形. No,let』s… (否定回答)
讓某人做某事 let sb(賓格) do sth
這就是……的原因 That is why …….
觀看/注視某人/某物做某事 watch sb/sth do/doing sth
讓我們在一點差一刻出發 Let』s leave at a quarter to one.
更早一點/早得多 a little earlier/much earlier
(a little/much可以修飾形容詞比較級)
跟某人打招呼/告別 say hello to sb/say goodbye to sb
對……很熟悉 know…very well 靠近 next to
沿著……走 go along/walk along/go down
Excuse me. Where is the (nearest) …,please?
Excuse me. Is there a …… near here?
Excuse me. How can I get to the ……?
take the 序數詞turning on the left/right
離這里大約有……公里遠It is about … kilometer(s) away.
It is about … meters along on the left/right.
加拿大/加拿大人 英國/英國人 瑞典/瑞典人
Canada/Canadian(s) England/Eghlish Sweden/Swedish
澳大利亞/澳大利亞人 美國/美國人 日本/日本人
Australia/Australian(s) America/American(s) Japan/Japanese
喜歡做運動 like doing sports 做同一件事 do the same thing
喜歡做某事(含有享受欣賞的意思) enjoy doing sth
乘坐……路車去上班 catch/take the NO. … bus to work
找到;發現(需費時費力)find out 多倫多市 the city of Toronto
聽到這個(消息)我很難過/遺憾 I am very sorry to hear that.
將……帶到這兒來/帶到那兒去 bring sth here/take sth there
照顧好你自己 look after yourself 保持健康 keep healthy
昨晚/去年 last night/year 成長;長大 grow up
上周三/去年二月 last Wednesday/February
想要做商人/醫生/警察/士兵 want to be a businessman/doctor/
policeman/soldier三天/半小時前 three days/half an hour ago
從一個地方旅行到另一個地方 travel from one place to another
同時 at the same time 回到紐約 be back in New York
多麼有趣和令人興奮啊! How interesting and exciting!
剛才 just now/a moment ago 順便說一下 by the way
在客廳/卧室/書房 in the living room/bedroom/study
沒有反應/回答 there is no reply 使……恢復正常 put…right
關於……有些問題/毛病 there is something wrong with…
我的工作是銷售電腦。My job is to sell computers.
吃一點兒早餐 have a light/little breakfast
分秒必爭 every minutes counts 打電話 make telephone calls
出門 go out/be out在早餐/午餐/晚餐時 at breakfast/lunch/supper(dinner)
我希望你現在好多了。I hope you are better now.
開始/著手干某事 start/begin to do/doing sth
結束/完成干某事 finish doing sth
早餐之前你做了什麼?What did you do before breakfast?
forget to do sth/remember to do sth
forget doing sth/remember doing sth
他說的每句話/他做的每件事 everything he said/he did
聽……/聽到 listen to…/hear 看……/看到 look at…/see
找……/找到 look for…/find 起先/最後 at first/at last
詢問某人有關……ask sb about 出生於 be born
關於……的每件事 everything about…
要求某人做某事 ask sb to do sth 向某人要某物 ask sb for sth
你出生在哪裡/什麼時候?Where/When were you born?
一直;始終 all the time 搖滾樂隊 the rock band
開音樂會 give a concert 在音樂會上 in(at) the concert
中央電視台記者 a journalist from CCTV
被稱為甲殼蟲的著名樂隊 a famous band called The Beatles
你出生時誰給你取的名字?Who named you when you were born?
五千多人 more than five thousand people
發生了一次事故 have an accident 跌倒 fall down
繼續/繼續做某事 go on/go on doing sth
非常粗心大意/小心仔細 be very careless/careful
一些他們最著名的歌曲 some of their most famous songs
忘記過去 forget the past 在某人的心裡 in one』s heart
在……的結尾/開始 at the end of…/at the start of …
在……的中間 in the middle of… 在音樂會後after the concert
在中國的其他一些地方 in some parts of China
在中國的大部分 in much of China/in most parts of China
在中國的哪一地區 which part of China/which place in China
許多其他的遊客 many other tourists 匆忙地 in a hurry

在……以前 before…… 在……以後 after……
(一段時間)以前/以後 ……ago/later 如果…… if……
在……的時候 when……在語言方面很擅長 be good at languages
科學家/自然科學 science/scientist 結婚 get married
足球世界盃 the Football World Cup 上演;放(唱片)等put on
你在學校里最喜愛的學科 your favourite subject at school
每個人 everyone/everybody 任何人 anyone/anybody
一些人;某個人 someone/somebody 沒有人 no one/nobody
一切事(物) everything 任何事(物) anything
一些事(物);某個事(物) something 沒有事(物) nothing
從……持續到…… last from … to …
詢問日期: What is the date today?(注意過去與現在的時態
詢問星期: What day is it today? 變化 is --- was)
詢問天氣: What is the weather like today / in + 地點?
變得更暖/冷/長/短 get warmer/colder/longer/shorter
變綠/黃 turn green/yellow 開花;發芽 come out
在田野里 in the fields 打電話給…… ring up sb/ring sb (up)
在一年的(天氣)壞時節里 at a bad time of year
你說話的口音/方式 the way you speak 三月下旬 late March
與……不同 be different from… 暖和的衣服 warm clothes
這是個容易/難以回答的問題。That is an easy/a hard question.
喜歡……更勝於…… like…better than… 以後 later on
其他任何一個…… any other +單數名詞
需要去做某事 need to do sth 幾乎相同 be nearly the same
完全相反 be the opposite 這是真的。That』s true.
訪問中國最好的時間 the best time to visit China
今天天氣好冷啊! What a cold day (it is today)!
How cold it is today! 我恐怕(擔心,害怕……) I』m afraid
這個問題的答案 the answer to this question
滑旱冰 go roller-skating 學校操場school playground
給某人一個電話 give…a ring/call 有時;偶爾 at times
淮河以北將有一場大風。There will be a strong wind to the
north of the Huai River. 在中國的西部in the west of China
北京在中國的北方。 Beijing is in the north of China.
日本在中國的東面。 Japan is to the east of China.
天氣預報 a weather report 在東北/西北 in the Northeast/Northwest
在白天/黑夜 in the day(daytime)/in the night
保持在零度以上 stay above zero 降到零度以下fall below zero
高溫/低溫 the high/low temperature 爬山 climb the mountain
看書/洗衣服/搞衛生 do some reading/washing/cleaning
在下雨天 on rainy days 一次聚會 a get-together
在世界各地 across the world 感到快樂/悲傷 feel happy/sad
祝賀與應答: ---Happy New Year! ---The same to you.
---Happy birthday! ---Thank you very much.
邀請與應答: Would you like to …? I』d(would) love to.
Can you ……? Thank you for…….
I hope you can ……. I』m sorry, but I can』t …
請等一下。Hold on(打電話用)/One moment, please.
我恐怕我也許會晚一點。I』m afraid I may be a little late.
捎/留個口信 take/leave a message 翻過來 turn over
我可以為你捎個口信嗎?Could/Can I take a message for you?
你可以為我留個口信嗎Could/Can you leave a message for me?
我會將口信轉告給…… I』ll(will) give… the message.
感謝你邀請我(們)。Thank you for inviting/asking me/us.
沒有時間去做某事 there is no time to do sth
她其他的所有朋友 all her other friends 取出 take out
她的大部分/許多/一位朋友 most/many/one of her friends
生日禮物 birthday present 與……一樣 be the same as…
什麼也沒有除了…… there is nothing but… 遲到be late for
缺課 be away from school 少於/多於/晚於less/more/laterthan
每隔多久(發生一次) how often 多久(指一段時間) how long
再多些/再來一塊(個,張……) some more/one more
我可以吃一塊蛋糕嗎May/Could I have a piece of cake, please?
隨便吃…… help yourself to… 只要一點點 just a little
你可以將……遞給我嗎? Could you pass me …, please?
一切都順利嗎?How』s everything going? 我們每個人each of us
在聖誕假期期間 ring the Christmas holiday
寒假/暑假 winter/summer holiday 春節 the Spring Festival
在1月19日下午 on the afternoon of January 19th

4. 超詳細八年級英語上冊筆記

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?




is\am--was是 are -- were是 go--went去 buy—bought買 take --took拿走

do\does—did feed—fed喂 see—saw 看見 eat—ate 吃 have\has—had 有,吃

feel—felt感覺 ride—rode騎 get—got到達,得到 can—could能,會

forget—forgot忘記 drink—drank喝 find—found找到


some body

any one

every thing

no where(疑問副詞)

不定代詞和不定副詞 (1)左邊的some、any、every、no與右邊的body、one、thing構成不定代詞,some、any、every、no與右邊的疑問副詞where構成不定副詞;

(2)一般情況下以some開頭的不定代詞和不定副詞用於肯定句,以any開頭的不定代詞和不定副詞用於否定句、疑問句;以no開頭的不定代詞和不定副詞表示否定含義(no one為兩個單詞);


He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。(肯定句用something,形容詞important放後)

Did you buy anything special? (一般疑問句用anything,形容詞special放後)

Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上個月你去令人感興趣的地方了嗎?


(4)不定代詞和不定副詞做主語時,後面的動詞用單數形式。Everone is here today.今天每個人都在這里。


1.go on vacation去度假 go to the mountains 上山/進山

2. stay at home呆在家go to the beach去海灘 visit museums 參觀博物館 go to summer camp去夏令營

3.study for tests為考試而學習\備考 go out出去

4.quite a few相當多,不少(後跟可數名詞復數)

He has quite a few friends.他有不少朋友; take photos照相 most of the time大部分時間

5.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth為某人買某物

My mother bought me a sweater=My mother bought a sweater for me.我媽媽給我買了一件毛衣。

6.(P3,語法表格4行) taste good. 嘗起來很好


The food tastes delicious.這食品嘗起來非常可口。

The T-shirt looks beautiful.這件體恤衫看起來很漂亮。

The songs sound beautiful.這些歌曲聽起來很優美。

7.have a good\great\fun time過得高興,玩得愉快(=enjoy oneself)

They had a good time yesterday.= They enjoyed themselves yesterday.他們昨天玩得很開心。 8.go shopping去購物


He had nothing to do at home but read yesterday.昨天他在家除了讀書無事可做。

10.seem to do sth:好像… I seem to know him.我好像認識他。

seem+(to be)+形容詞:看起來…The work seems(to be)easy.這工作看起來很容易。

11.keep a diary記日記

12.(P5,2b,1行) in+大地方:達到某地 (get to +地方:達到某地)

arrive at+小地方:達到某地 (get的過去式為got)

He arrived in Beijing yesterday.他昨天達到北京。


Tom got home yesterday evening=Tom arrived home yesterday evening.昨晚湯姆到家。

13.decide to do sth:決定做某事 He decided to go home.他決定回家。

decide的名詞decision決定 ,make a decision做決定(to do sth.)

14. try doing sth.嘗試做某事 try to do sth.盡力去做某事

The boy tried riding bicycle.這個小孩試著騎自行車

He tried to help the old man.他盡力幫助這個老年人。

15.feel like給…的感覺;感受到

16.in the past 在過去 walk around四處走走

enjoy doing sth:喜歡做某事 He enjoys playing basketball.他喜歡打籃球。

17.difference(名詞,差異,差別)---- different(形容詞,不同的)

18.start doing sth:開始做某事 (= start to do sth)

He started doing his homework. 他開始做家庭作業。

19.over an hour一個多小時 (over超過,多餘 = more than)

20. too many 太多,後接可數名詞復數。

Mother bought too many eggs yesterday.昨天媽媽買了很多雞蛋。

too much 太多,後跟不可數名詞,修飾動詞作狀語。

We have too much work to do.我們有很多工作要做。 Don』t talk too much.不要說太多。

much too 太,後跟形容詞或副詞The hat is much too big for me.這帽子對我來說太大。

You』re walking much too fast.你走地太快了。

分辨三者的口訣: too much, much too, 用法區別看後頭:much 後接不可數,too 後修飾形或副。too many 要記住,後面名詞必復數。

21. because of 因為,後接名詞、代詞或動名詞(即動詞+ing),

不能接句子。 because因為,後跟句子。

He can』t go to school because of the rain.他因為下雨沒去上學。(rain為名詞)

He was late for school because of getting up late.他因為起晚而上學遲到。(get為動詞)

= He was late for school because he got up late.

I don』t buy the shirt because it was too expensive.我沒有買這件襯衣因為它太貴。


He has enough money .他有足夠的錢。(money為名詞)


He is old enough to go to school. (old為形容詞)

23.doing sth.忘記已經做過某事(已經做完)

forget to do sth.忘記去做某事(還未做)(forget的過去式為forgot)

Don』t foget to close the door.不要忘記關上門。(門還未關)

He forgot closing the door.他忘記已經關上門了。(門已經關上,但是他忘了)


He ate one apple,he wanted another two apples.他吃了一個蘋果,還想再要兩個。


too+形容詞+to do sth:太…以至於不能…

形容詞+enough to do sth:足夠…能夠做某事(注意三個句型有時可以互換)

He is so young that he can′t go to school.他如此年輕以至於不能去上學。

= He is too young to go to school. 他太年輕以至於不能去上學。

= He isn′t old enough to go to school.

用not ….enough to 時, enough前面的形容詞為原形容詞的反義詞。

26.tell sb (not) to do sth:告訴某人(不要)做某事

My mother often tells us not to play in the street.我的媽媽經常告訴我不要在街上玩。

5. 八年級英語知識點筆記

黑發不知勤學早,白首方悔讀書遲。對於英語,我們需要把陌生的單詞片語和句型語法不斷的熟悉和熟練。因此,重復重復再重復,熟練熟練再熟練,是學會英語的不二法門。下面是我給大家整理的一些 八年級 英語的知識點,希望對大家有所幫助。


【重點 短語 】

1. have a soccer game 進行一場 足球 賽

2. fall ill 病倒了

3. be a little far from… 離……有點遠

4. right away = at once 立刻;馬上

5. miss a good chance 錯過一個好機會

6. get/miss a goal 得到/失去一分

7. shame on sb. 為某人感到羞恥

8. do one』s best 盡某人的力

9. say sorry to sb. 對某人說抱歉

10. be sure to do sth. 確定做某事

11. be angry with… 生某人的氣

12. with one』s help= with the help of sb. 在某人的幫助下

13. serve food 上菜

14. turn up/down… 調高/低(音量)

15. keep sb. doing sth. 讓某人一直做某事

16. in a minute 一分鍾後;馬上

17. on the phone 在電話中

18. take a seat 就坐

19. never mind 不要緊

20. a lot of traveling 一系列旅行



1. I get so nervous when I give a speech. 只要發表演講,我就緊張。

give (sb.) a speech 做 報告 ,做演講;

e.g. Our school will invite a scientist to give us a speech about feelings next week.下周,我們學校將邀請一位科學家給我們做一個關於情感的報告。

2. I have a CD about giving speeches. 我有一張有關發表演講的CD。

3. I feel more relaxed now because of your help. 有了你的幫助,我現在感覺輕松多了。

A. because of+代詞/介詞短語,「因為(某人/某事物);由於」,在句中作狀語。

e.g. He walked slowly because of his bad leg. 他走得慢是因為腿有毛病。

B. because 連詞, 「因為」,用來連接原因狀語從句。

e.g. I did it because he told me to. 我做這事是因為他叫我做的。

4. What is Kangkang』s suggestion for helping Michael?

suggestion 意為:「建議,提議」,為可數名詞。 其的動詞:suggest。 同義詞 : advice, 為不可數名詞。

e.g. I』d like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money.

= I』d like to hear your advice for ways of raising money.


make a suggestion 意為:「提建議」。

e.g. Can I make a suggestion? 我提個建議好嗎?

5. Relax and just follow the dentist』s advice. 放輕松,只要聽醫生的建議。

A. advice 意為:「建議」, 不可數名詞。

advice 可被 some, any, no 等詞修飾,不可被an或其他數詞直接修飾。

英語學習 方法 技巧

語言學習者要記憶大量的詞彙,背誦 英語單詞 、短語是每一個英語學習者面臨的艱巨任務,也是令每一個英語學習者感到棘手的問題。成人如此,小學生也不例外。因此,在英語學習的啟蒙階段,讓小學生了解單詞記憶的一些策略是十分必要的。

(1)讀音記憶法:根據單詞的讀音記憶單詞。它是記憶策略的首選,也是學好英語的重要途徑。在教學中,我們經常會發現一些學生能夠閱讀,也會用 英語寫作 ,卻不會用英語與人交流,甚至在課堂上不敢張開嘴巴說,即出現所謂的「啞巴英語」現象。根據讀音記憶單詞,既可以避免「啞巴英語」現象,又能培養學生良好的英語學習習慣,提高學習效率。

(2)聯想記憶法:設法把單詞的音或形或義聯系起來。人的記憶能力,主要來自聯想。 記憶力 強的人,都具有較強的聯想能力。記憶以聯想為基礎,聯想的建立為記憶提供更多的線索,線索越多,記住一個單詞就越容易,提取這個單詞也就越順利。我們可以 總結 出以下幾種聯想法:


意義聯想,從詞義方面聯想與其有相近或相反關系的單詞。如:同義詞good——nice; 反義詞 good——bad;old——young;tall——short。





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