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發布時間: 2024-09-18 04:34:52

① 目前樣快餐在中國非常流行,許多中學生都很喜歡用英語怎麼說

Recently, western resturants are very popular in China, and many students like them.

② 你在班上許多學生喜歡英語,你可以這么告訴家人

Many students in my class like English.


③ 很多學生喜歡去圖書館學習。 用英語怎麼說

Many students like to go to the library to study.

④ 有很多學生喜歡在圖書館里學習 用英語怎麼說啊

Lots of students like studyng in the library 樓上拼寫錯了

⑤ 所有的學生都喜歡它.英語怎麼說


⑥ 」現在越來越多的學生喜歡在線學習英語」用英語翻譯

The more to Trinidad and Tobago students like online learning English now

⑦ 很多學生喜歡吃漢堡、冰淇淋;不喜歡吃水果和蔬菜;很少鍛煉。 用英語怎麼說

⑧ 學生都非常喜歡他用英語怎麼說

All the students like him very much!
Every student likes him a lot!
All the students are in favor of him!

⑨ 每一個學生都喜歡它英語(用each of造句)

每一個學生都喜歡它英語(用each of造句)

Each of students likes it .

⑩ 「深受學生們的喜歡」用戶英語翻譯

be popular among/with the students 為正確表達。


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