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發布時間: 2024-09-10 20:35:50

A. 英語作文「一個好的學生應該具有優秀品質:誠實、努力學習、IQ高」


B. 怎樣做一個誠實的學生 英語作文5o字

Speaking of "good faith" we are not familiar,it is the traditional Chinese virtues,the core of this virtue is sincere,it is every person on the road of life indispensable friend,"honesty" is honest,do not lie,cheat,Zhicuojiugai,Xinkouruyi; "trust" is disloyal,can fulfill their promises.As a primary school should I make up,do a good honest young civilization.
We heard "Little George cut the trees of the story" it!Little George at home saw a new ax,then took the ax to the garden to play,I suddenly saw a small George Sakura peach,he thought to himself:This tree confirm this with an ax fast unhappy.Little George raised his ax,ax in the sun shining golden light.Sakura peach ax to cut off,"pa" tree broken.Little George's father came back,ask who cut off my tree.Little George bowed his head to acknowledge the mistakes my father,my father has not hit him,picked him up also excited to say:"My child,your honesty is priceless." George,although a small mistake,but he dared to admit mistakes is commendable.He can establish credibility,do not lie,get a piece of childhood passes ethics - integrity.
In life,everyone will lie in compelling circumstances,then the temptation of something,you can do to resist maintained their own curiosity?Sometimes their own worst enemy is their own.Must first be overcome in order to achieve complete self-honesty.
My second grade when the teacher wants us to learn the next level,wanted a way.Who is operating the whole way on the issue it on a book.Indeed,this approach is very practical,the students these days to do the job well,only I do not do the job the same table.He discussed with me privately,said:"You let me a work,I will give you two dollars," I thought:if he copied,in vain I get two dollars,and then learning from losses.I thought:I can not let him his habit if I naturally benefit from them,but his achievement is a spiral on the surface,in fact plummeted ah!I said to him:"Your score is not good though,but that is your real achievements and your honesty than your results,several times to be valuable,as long as you strive to harvest,to seriously study it and it listened to me the advice of his head,from efforts to learn,succeed in life.
Integrity is the most important personality,because faith,so as good as gold,in any case,can not forget about integrity,honesty is the healthy growth of the students the importance of nutrients,should I start,start from the moment of everyone honest,to be honest a good student.
本文來自"英語匯作文網" 歡迎分享本文,轉載請保留出處!

C. 一個誠實的人英語為什麼用an honest man,而不是a

honest 雖然是以 h開頭,但是它的讀音是【ˈɒnɪst】,母音開頭的。

D. 做一個誠實的人英文

英語翻譯為to be an honest person.

E. 英語翻譯:我們要做一個誠實的孩子,要勤勞、努力學習,用我們真實優異的分數來回報我們的家長和老師!

Our children to do an honest, hard-working, hard to learn, with our real excellent scores to return to our parents and teachers!

F. 我認為他是一個誠實的男孩。英語翻譯iconsiderhim

an honest boy
honest h不發音 o發母音 冠詞用an 應該是這樣拼寫 好久沒寫英文了

G. 一個誠實的男孩英語首字母為什麼用an


an honest boy


H. 「要做一個誠實的人」用英語怎麼說

Be an honest person.

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