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發布時間: 2024-09-06 18:12:46

⑴ 展示學生拍攝的攝影作品和評選優秀作品並頒獎用英語怎麼翻譯

Show the photography taken by the students and the select excellent works and awards 展示學生拍攝的攝影作品和評選優秀作版品並權頒獎

⑵ 【急!!在線等!!】假如你是李華你校最近成功舉辦了一次學生藝術作品展覽,請你寫一篇100詞左右的短文

Have you ever seen art show? I saw an good art show in our school. Now, Let me tell you something about it.
In the October 9th to October 12th,Our school has successfully organized student art exhibition,It is held in the school hall. Organized student art exhibition in order to show artistic achievements of students,development of school culture.
First,the schoolmaster gave a speech,then 120 pieces of painting, photography, sculpture, paper-cut on show.There were lots of pictures, such as watercolour paintings, traditional Chinese paintings. Some of them were so good that people in the painting looked like real.Through the art show, we have got some knowledges, especially we have seen something new and wonderful.
Art show was very successful and a good assess by teachers and students.

⑶ 素描、色彩、攝影、廣告設計、展示設計、室內設計、產品設計分別用英語怎麼說

charcoal drawing, watercolor painting, photography, advertising design, display design, interior design, proct design

watercolor painting是水彩色彩畫, 水彩的話就是watercolor

新聞與藝術系 journalism and art.

學生優秀作品展 Exhibition of Excellent Works From Students

藝術與設計 Art and Design

⑷ 作品展示的英語怎麼寫呀

works exhibition

⑸ 作品展示 用英語怎麼說呢


⑹ 展覽用英語怎麼說

These drawings will form the basis of the exhibition。這些畫作將成為展覽的基本部分。
The co-op sells the art work at exhibitions。合作社在展覽會上出售藝術品。
Five large pieces of the wall are currently on exhibition。那堵牆的五塊大碎片目前在展覽。
The exhibition contains nothing that is worthy of remark。這次展覽沒有任何值得看的東西。
The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work。展覽增進了人們對她作品的興趣。
The line-up for the exhibition is about 2 hours long, but it』s really worth the wait。看展覽要排兩小時隊,但是等待是值得的。

⑺ 展示用英語怎麼說

3、英語展示怎麼寫 presentation是展示的意思,就是以幻燈片形式演講 滿意請採納。

4、展示 zhǎn shìopen up before one\#39s eyesrevealshowexhibition=== 親~你好```^__^```很高興為您解答,祝你學習進步,身體健康,家庭和諧,天天開心有不明白的可以追問如果有其他問題請另發或點擊。
5、分別是,performance 或show,program,show sb something,display 或present。
7、show,exhibit,display,demonstrate都有展示的意思 show可以用show sb sth的雙賓語結構 所有的這些都可以用sth to sb的結構。
8、產品展示的英文翻譯是Proct presentation其中Proct有產品的意思,presentation有展示的意思,兩個單詞都是名詞,結合在一起就是「產品展示」。
10、「產品展示」用英文表達為」Proct display「。
11、perform , show ,on show on display。

⑻ 」作品集」翻譯成英文怎麼說(在線等)


如果你需要一個更正式的表達,"作品集"也可以被譯為"Compilation of Works",這強調了作品的集合性質。在學術或商業環境中,"Compilation"更偏重於系統的整理和編纂。而在日常交流中,"portfolio"更為常用且直接。


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