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發布時間: 2024-09-03 10:42:38

① 職場英語:大學生究竟該不該創業

ummer is the season for entrepreneurship, as millions of recent graates hit the job market. A recent report on entrepreneurship among Chinese college students released by China』s Renmin University reveals the trend.
Nearly 90 percent of the 430,000 students from 1,767 universities in 31 provinces surveyed say they』ve considered starting a business. More than 70 percent say self-actualization is their main motivation.
The spirit of innovation has reached unprecedented heights among young people today, as the central government encourages them to undertake entrepreneurship and local governments adopt policies encouraging e-business.
But some analysts point out the risks fresh graates face and urge caution. Recent graates lack some skills and they should first cultivate through work experience, they say.
Should young people start their own innovative businesses or join other startups as their first jobs after graation?
This is the best time for young people to become entrepreneurs.
1.Today』s college students already have some work or even entrepreneurial experience before graation. Many have completed internships or have already started their own businesses. So, it』s only natural that they might launch startups after college.
2.It』s becoming more difficult for fresh graates to get full-time jobs as economic growth slows. Students might as well immediately start their own companies rather than take low-paying jobs that offer little in terms of useful experience or skills.
3.Government support makes this a good time to launch a startup after graation. Seizing this rare opportunity may help fresh graates succeed faster.
Fresh graates are not prime candidates for entrepreneurship.
1.Entrepreneurs who can benefit most from government support are innovators with years of experience and connections. Fresh graates can』t compete with such veterans.
2.Recent graates may quickly become unemployed, as many ill-conceived startups fail. They will have wasted time and energy. Instead, they should build a good foundation for future entrepreneurship by getting solid work experience in a traditional business.
3.Fresh graates have little savings and few financing options, which are key to starting a business. They will do much better to gain personal capital through full-time jobs, which may put them in a strong position in their own businesses in the future.

② 大學生創業如何用英語說

大學生創業(university students' innovative undertaking)
大學生創業中心(Students Office & Venture Office)


③ 大學生自主創業用英語怎麼說

College Students Independent Venture

④ 「大學生創業」用英語怎麼說

university students' innovative undertaking

⑤ 「國家級大學生創新創業訓練計劃」怎麼用英語翻譯

1、National Undergraate Training Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship。

2、National Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraates。

⑥ 大學生創業訓練計劃的英語怎麼說

「國家級大學生創新創業訓練計劃」的英語翻譯是:National College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship training program根據《關於報送2017年國家級大學生創新創業訓練計劃立項項目的通知》115所部屬高校和31個省(自治區、直轄市)的地方教育主管部門上報了2017年國家級大學生創新創業訓練計劃項目。中國「互聯網+」大學生創新創業大賽,由教育部與政府、各高校共同主辦的一項技能大賽。

⑦ 大學生創新創業大賽的英語怎麼說

college Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

⑧ 創業 英語怎麼說

start an enterprise
set up in business
start one's own business
start/found an undertaking

start a new undertaking

He decided to go it alone and start his own business.

She has set up in business as a bookseller.

⑨ 近幾年來,大學生創業越來越普遍了。英語翻譯

Is is increasingly common for college graates to start their own business in these years.

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