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❶ 求20個五年級上冊的英語單詞(越多越好)

Unit 1 ❀
1. young (年輕的)
2. funny (滑稽可笑的)
3. tall (高的)
4. strong (強壯的)
5. kind (和藹的、親切的)
6. old (年老的)
7. short (矮的)
8. thin (瘦的)
9. who』s = who is (誰是)
10. Mr (先生)
11. from (從;來自)
12. Canada (加拿大)
13. what』s = what is (是什麼)
14. like (像、喜歡)
15. he』s = he is (他是)
16. know (知道)
17. principal (校長)
18. university student (大學生
19. strict (嚴格的)
20. smart (聰明的、巧妙的)
21. active (積極的、活躍的)
22. Miss (小姐)
23. lady (女士;小姐;夫人)
24. so much (很;非常)
25. fun (有趣;逗笑)
26. quiet (安靜的、文靜的)
27. she』s = she is (她是)
28. very (很、非常)
29. but (但是)

Unit 2 ❤
30. Mondy (星期一)
31. Tuesday (星期二)
32. Wednesday (星期三)
33. Thursday (星期四)
34. Friday (星期五)
35. Moral Ecation (思想品德課)
36. Social Studies (社會課)
37. day (天;日子)
38. wait (等等;等待)
39. tomorrow (明天)
40. have (有;吃)
41. on (在……上;在……時候)
42. do homework (做作業)
43. watch TV (看電視)
44. read books (讀書)
45. Saturday (Sat.) (星期六)
46. Sunday (Sun.) (星期日)
47. often (常常;經常)
48. love (愛;熱愛)
49. yeah (是;行)
50. play computer games(玩電腦游戲)
51. What about……? (……怎麼樣?)
52. too (也;太)
53. do housework (做家務)

Unit 3 ☆
54. cabbage (洋白菜;捲心菜)
55. pork (豬肉)
56. mutton (羊肉)
57. eggplant (茄子)
58. fish (魚)
59. green beans (青豆)
60. tofu (豆腐)
61. potato (土豆)
62. tomato (西紅柿)
63. I』d like = I would like (我願意)
64. for (為)
65. lunch (中餐)
66. we (我們)
67. menu (菜單)
68. sound (聽起來)
69. Mew Mew (貓咪;咪咪)
70. healthy(健康的;有益健康的)
71. tasty (好吃的)
72. sweet (甜的)
73. sour (酸的)
74. fresh (新鮮的)
75. salty (鹹的)
76. favourite (最喜歡的)
77. they』re = they are (他們是)
78. fruit (水果)
79. don』t = do not (不;非單三形式)
80. grape (葡萄)
81. now (現在)
82. have to (不得不)
83. eat (吃)

Unit 4 ★
84. empty the trash (倒垃圾)
85. cook the meals (做飯)
86. water the flowers (澆花)
87. sweep the floor (掃地)
88. clean the bedroom (打掃卧室)
89. helpful (有幫助的;有用的)
90. at home (在家)
91. ill (有病的)
92. wash the windows (擦窗戶)
93. just do it (就這么干吧)
94. do the dishes (做家務)
95. make the bed (鋪床)
96. set the table (擺飯桌)
97. wash the clothes(洗衣服)
98. do the dishes (洗碗碟)
99. put away the clothes (收拾衣服)
100. I』d like to = I would like to(我願意)
101. have a try (試一試)
102. robot (機器人)
103. can』t = cannot (不會;不能)
104. play chess (下棋)
105. use a computer (使用計算機)

Unit 5 の
106. air-conditioner(空調)
107. curtain (窗簾)
108. trash bin (垃圾箱)
109. closet (壁櫥)
110. mirror (鏡子)
111. end table (床頭櫃)
112. look at (看一看)
113. own (自己的)
114. flat (公寓)
115. third (第三)
116. bedroom (卧室)
117. kitchen (廚房)
118. bathroom (衛生間)
119. living room (客廳)
120. very much(非常;很多)
121. in (在…裡面)
122. on (在…上面)接觸
123. under (在…下面)
124. near (在..旁邊)
125. behind (在…後邊)
126. over (在……上面)不接觸
127. in front of(在……前面)
128. clothes (衣服)
129. work (工作)
130. tell (告訴;說)

Unit 6 ⊙o⊙
131. sky (天空)
132. cloud (雲)
133. mountain (山;山脈)
134. river (河流)
135. flower (花)
136. grass (草)
137. lake (湖泊)
138. forest (森林)
139. path (路)
140. park (公園)
141. nature park(自然公園)
142. farm (農場)
143. holiday (假期)
144. picture (照片)
145. village (村莊;鄉村)
146. city (城市)
147. hourse (房子)
148. bridge (橋)
149. tree (樹)
150. road (公路)
151. building (建築物)
152. clean (干凈的)
153. air (空氣)
154. run (跑;奔跑)
155. any (任何的;所有的)

❷ 五年級上冊的英語有哪些


1、baseball / 'bes,b:l / n.棒球

2、volleyball / 'vli,b:l / n.排球

3、boring / 'b:r / adj.煩人的;無聊的

4、exciting / k'sat / adj.令人激動的;使人興奮的

5、relaxing / r'lks / adj.令人愉悅的;使人放鬆的

6、score / sk: / v.(體育比賽中)得(分)

7、already / :l'redi / adv.已經;早已

8、matter / 'mt / n.問題;麻煩

9、hurt / h:t / v.(hurt / h:t / )(使)疼痛;(使)受傷

10、enjoyable / n'dbl / adj.令人愉快的;有樂趣的

11、Olympics / 'lmpks / n.奧林匹克運動會

12、stadium / 'stedim / n.體育場

13、miss / ms / v.未擊中;未達到

14、mind / mand / v.介意;討厭;反對

15、plenty / 'plenti / pron.大量;眾多;plenty of 大量;眾多

16、beat / bi:t / v.(beat / bi:t / )打敗;戰勝

17、careless / 'kels / adj.粗心的;疏忽的


19、coach / kt / n.教練

20、fan club球迷(或影迷、歌迷)俱樂部

21、against / 'genst / prep.(在比賽或戰斗中)對(某人或某事物)

22、train / tren / v.(體育)訓練,操練

23、practice / 'prkts / n.練習

24、warm / w:m / v.使暖和;使溫暖

25、usual / 'ju:l / adj.通常的;平常的

26、better / 'bet / adv.更好地 adj.更好的

27、after-school / 'ɑ:ft,sku:l / adj.下午放學後的;課外的

28、pleased / pli:zd / adj.開心的;滿足的

29、pass / pɑ:s / v.傳遞;傳送

30、pity / 'pti / n.可惜;遺憾

31、chance / tɑ:ns / n.可能性;機會

32、loudly / 'ladli / adv.響亮地;大聲地

33、confident / 'knfdnt / adj.自信的

❸ 五年級上冊英語書新版第22課短語都有哪些

五年級英語上冊詞彙短語1.去公園 go to the park2.在馬路上in the road3.那樣危險It』s dangerous4.穿過馬路cross the road5.拉住我的手hold my hand6.摔破了頭bump my head7.向他問好say hello to him8.趕時間in a hurry9.帶走自己的孩子take the right child10.幫助我的祖父help my grandfather11.在農場on the farm12.正在下雨It』s raining13.出去玩go out to play14.丟了我的書包lose my bag15.一些美味面湯some nice noodle soup16.我感到高興I feel happy17.下象棋play chess18.想念中國miss China19.思考 think about20.這是個秘密It』s a secret21.這是個驚喜It』s a surprise22.在英國in England23.開始上課start school24.做早操do morning esercises25.在操場in the playground26.幾點what time27.上音樂課have music28.我的跳繩my skipping rope29.那太好了that』s fantastic30.你想要would you like31.坐下sit down32.倒立stand on my head33.非常有用very useful34.這些消防員these firemen35.養一隻狗have a dog36.它們是香腸they are sausages37.在海邊at the seashore38.擅長be good at39.接球catch the ball40.控球control the ball41.一個好守門員a good goalkeeper42.跳得高jump high43.跑得快run fast44.非常差very badly45.想要成為want to be46.多少書how many books47.多少牛奶how much milk
48.足夠的鉛筆enough pencils49.不是很好 not very well50.一點也不 not at all51.和你一起去go with you52.照相 take photos / take a photo53.回家 go home54.去工作go to work55.去散步 go for a walk56.下課後 after class57.18. 多經常? How often?58.游得快 swim fast59.爬樹 climb trees60.飛得高 fly high61.讀和寫 ead and write62.在倫敦 in Lonon63.去購物 go shopping64.在周末 at the weekend65.今天晚上 this evening66.每個早上 every morning67.到達那裡 get there68.騎自行車去 go by bike69.七點半 half past seven70.步行 on foot71.第二天下午 next afternoon72.住在我家附近 live near my home73.差一刻到十點 a quarter to ten74.為什麼不?Why not?75.舞跳得很好dance very well76.明白你understand you77.分發give out78.每個孩子erery child79.小心be careful80.誰的書包whose bag81.吉米的毛衣Jimmy』s sweater82.不要爭吵Don』t argue83.在繩子上on the line84.長城the great wall85.許多人lots of people86.上星期天last sunday87.大英博物館the british museum88.大本鍾big ben89.倫敦眼the london eye90.它很奇妙It』s wonderful91.我不明白I don』t understand92.乘車旅行the bus ride93.寄你一張明信片send you a postcard94.怎麼樣what about95.製作一張購物單make a shopping list
96.在野餐時on the picnic97.五瓶子果汁five bottles of juice98.一公斤面條one kilo of noodles99.去超市go to the supermarket100.掉了我的冰激凌dropped my ice cream101.住在這個城市live in this city102.我們的中國朋友our Chinese friends103.跟我們來吧come with us104.快跑hurry up105.等等我們wait for us106.看那些人look at those people107.我的新鞋my new shoe108.你應該等等 you should wait109.你不應該跑you shouldn』t run110.在床上跳jump on the bed111.摔破了頭bump my head112.當然不of course not113.做蛋糕make a cake114.我在想事情I』m thinking115.在你的生日上on your birthday116.鈴聲響了the bell ring117.我喜歡喝咖啡I like coffee118.他看不見He can』t see119.怎麼了what』s the matter?120.明天是星期一Tomorrow is Monday語法知識thin,short,young,funny等詞都是形容詞Mr先生 Miss小姐Ms女士Mrs and,but,so,or.yet (可是),while (而)等。She is strict, but she is very kind.
閱讀短文, 選擇最佳答案填入括弧里。Dear Bob:It』s suuny today. My friends and I are playing on the beach (沙灘). It』s very beautiful. The water is clean and blue. We are having a good time. Many birds are flying over the sea. Some are standing on the rock (岩石). Many people are swimming. Some people are lying (躺) on the beach. And some boys are playing football, too. My sister Mary is sitting on a chair and singing. My brother John is playing with sand (沙) and I am sitting on a rock and writing to you! What a nice day! What are you doing now? I hope I can get your letter soon. Best wishes! Sam( ) 1.What』s the weather like today? It』s _____. A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Sunny( ) 2. Sam and his friends are playing on the______A. beach B. farm C. playgroud( ) 3. Mary is sitting on a chair and______
A. sleeping B. singing C. swimming( ) 4. John is______with sand.A. taking B. reading C. playing( ) 5. Many people are _____ A. swinging B. reading C. swimming二、聽音, 選擇 每個單詞讀兩遍。(10分)( )1.A. because B.best C.birthday( )2.A.collect B.climb C.count( )3.A.fight B.first C.fourth( )4.A.jump B.June C.July( )5.Aseason Bsecond C.September三、聽問句, 選答句.( ) 1. A. At 7:00 in the morning. B. At about 5:00 in the evening.( ) 2. A. Because I can swim in the lake. B. Summer is good, but I like fall best.( ) 3. A. My birthday is in June. B. My brother』s birthday is in May.( ) 4. A. It』s September 10th. B. It』s October 1st.( ) 5. A. Sure. B. Thank you.四、 聽小對話,選擇正確的答案( ) 1. When does Amy do her homework on Sundays? A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening
( ) 2. When does Ann eat breakfast? A. At 6:00 B. At 6:30 C. At 6:40( ) 3. What are they doing?A. They are running. B. They're climbing. C. They are fighting.( ) 4. Why does Tim like summer?A. He can eat ice-cream. B. He can go hiking. C. He can play football.( ) 5. What's the weather like in fall in Beijing? A. It's windy and cool B. It's rainy and cold C. It's sunny and cool.五、根據提示,把單詞補充完整。1.s__mmer(夏天)2.M__ __ch(三月)3.sw__ming(游泳)4.w__ __k(散步)5.pi__t__re(照片)五年級英語上冊詞彙短語1.去公園 go to the park2.在馬路上in the road3.那樣危險It』s dangerous4.穿過馬路cross the road5.拉住我的手hold my hand6.摔破了頭bump my head7.向他問好say hello to him8.趕時間in a hurry9.帶走自己的孩子take the right child10.幫助我的祖父help my grandfather11.在農場on the farm12.正在下雨It』s raining13.出去玩go out to play14.丟了我的書包lose my bag15.一些美味面湯some nice noodle soup
16.我感到高興I feel happy17.下象棋play chess18.想念中國miss China19.思考 think about20.這是個秘密It』s a secret21.這是個驚喜It』s a surprise22.在英國in England23.開始上課start school24.做早操do morning esercises25.在操場in the playground26.幾點what time27.上音樂課have music28.我的跳繩my skipping rope29.那太好了that』s fantastic30.你想要would you like31.坐下sit down32.倒立stand on my head33.非常有用very useful34.這些消防員these firemen35.養一隻狗have a dog36.它們是香腸they are sausages37.在海邊at the seashore38.擅長be good at39.接球catch the ball40.控球control the ball41.一個好守門員a good goalkeeper42.跳得高jump high43.跑得快run fast44.非常差very badly45.想要成為want to be46.多少書how many books47.多少牛奶how much milk48.足夠的鉛筆enough pencils49.不是很好 not very well50.一點也不 not at all51.和你一起去go with you52.照相 take photos / take a photo53.回家 go home54.去工作go to work55.去散步 go for a walk56.下課後 after class57.經常? How often?58.游得快 swim fast59.爬樹 climb trees60.飛得高 fly high61.讀和寫 ead and write62.在倫敦 in Lonon五年級英語上冊詞彙短語1.去公園 go to the park2.在馬路上in the road3.那樣危險It』s dangerous
4.穿過馬路cross the road5.拉住我的手hold my hand6.摔破了頭bump my head7.向他問好say hello to him8.趕時間in a hurry9.帶走自己的孩子take the right child10.幫助我的祖父help my grandfather11.在農場on the farm12.正在下雨It』s raining13.出去玩go out to play14.丟了我的書包lose my bag15.一些美味面湯some nice noodle soup16.我感到高興I feel happy17.下象棋play chess18.想念中國miss China19.思考 think about20.這是個秘密It』s a secret21.這是個驚喜It』s a surprise22.在英國in England23.開始上課start school24.做早操do morning esercises25.在操場in the playground26.幾點what time27.上音樂課have music28.我的跳繩my skipping rope29.那太好了that』s fantastic30.你想要would you like31.坐下sit down32.倒立stand on my head33.非常有用very useful34.這些消防員these firemen35.養一隻狗have a dog36.它們是香腸they are sausages37.在海邊at the seashore38.擅長be good at39.接球catch the ball40.控球control the ball41.一個好守門員a good goalkeeper42.跳得高jump high43.跑得快run fast44.非常差very badly45.想要成為want to be46.多少書how many books47.多少牛奶how much milk48.足夠的鉛筆enough pencils49.不是很好 not very well50.一點也不 not at all51.和你一起去go with you
52.照相 take photos / take a photo53.回家 go home54.去工作go to work55.去散步 go for a walk56.下課後 after class57.經常? How often?58.游得快 swim fast59.爬樹 climb trees60.飛得高 fly high61.讀和寫 ead and write62.在倫敦 in Lonon63.去購物 go shopping64.在周末 at the weekend65.今天晚上 this evening66.每個早上 every morning67.到達那裡 get there68.騎自行車去 go by bike69.七點半 half past seven70.步行 on foot71.第二天下午 next afternoon72.住在我家附近 live near my home73.差一刻到十點 a quarter to ten74.為什麼不?Why not?75.舞跳得很好dance very well76.明白你understand you77.分發give out78.每個孩子erery child79.小心be careful80.誰的書包whose bag81.吉米的毛衣Jimmy』s sweater82.不要爭吵Don』t argue83.在繩子上on the line84.長城the great wall85.許多人lots of people86.上星期天last sunday87.大英博物館the british museum88.大本鍾big ben89.倫敦眼the london eye90.它很奇妙It』s wonderful91.我不明白I don』t understand92.乘車旅行the bus ride93.寄你一張明信片send you a postcard94.怎麼樣what about95.製作一張購物單make a shopping list96.在野餐時on the picnic97.五瓶子果汁five bottles of juice98.一公斤面條one kilo of noodles
99.去超市go to the supermarket100.掉了我的冰激凌dropped my ice cream101.住在這個城市live in this city102.我們的中國朋友our Chinese friends103.跟我們來吧come with us104.快跑hurry up105.等等我們wait for us106.看那些人look at those people107.我的新鞋my new shoe108.你應該等等 you should wait109.你不應該跑you shouldn』t run110.在床上跳jump on the bed111.摔破了頭bump my head112.當然不of course not113.做蛋糕make a cake114.我在想事情I』m thinking115.在你的生日上on your birthday116.鈴聲響了the bell ring117.我喜歡喝咖啡I like coffee118.他看不見He can』t see119.怎麼了what』s the matter?120.明天是星期一Tomorrow is Monday語法知識thin,short,young,funny等詞都是形容詞Mr先生 Miss小姐Ms女士Mrs and,but,so,or.yet (可是),while (而)等。She is strict, but she is very kind.63.去購物 go shopping64.在周末 at the weekend65.今天晚上 this evening66.每個早上 every morning67.到達那裡 get there68.騎自行車去 go by bike69.七點半 half past seven70.步行 on foot71.第二天下午 next afternoon72.住在我家附近 live near my home73.差一刻到十點 a quarter to ten74.為什麼不?Why not?75.舞跳得很好dance very well76.明白你understand you


1.去公園 go to the park
2.在馬路上in the road
3.那樣危險It』s dangerous
4.穿過馬路cross the road
5.拉住我的手hold my hand
6.摔破了頭bump my head
第 1 頁
7.向他問好say hello to him
8.趕時間in a hurry
9.帶走自己的孩子take the right child
10.幫助我的祖父help my grandfather
11.在農場on the farm
12.正在下雨It』s raining
13.出去玩go out to play
14.丟了我的書包lose my bag
15.一些美味面湯some nice noodle soup

❹ 人教版小學五年級上冊和六年級下冊的英語單詞 急

Unit 1 A new term
四會單詞: Chinese漢語,中文;中國人English英語;英國的;英國人的week星期,周Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五subject科目,學科PE[縮寫]體育課;體育教育Art美術,藝術
三會單詞:Science科學,自然科學Social Science社會科學Computer Studies計算機課程interesting有趣的minus減well[用於接話語或表示猶豫、驚訝或同意等]恩,哎呀tell告訴;講述at once立刻,馬上er[表示說話時猶豫、沉吟等]哦Saturday星期六Sunday 星期天trick竅門;詭計

Unit 2 A telephone call
四會單詞:her[用作賓語]她speak說,講bad壞的,嚴重的get變的;得到;購買feel感覺,覺的cold傷風,感冒fine健康的,極好的wrong有毛病的,不正常的What』s wrong with you?你什麼地方不舒服?
三會單詞: call通話,打電話給…why為什麼absent缺席stay停留,呆stay in bed待在床上hear聽到,聽見hope希望better好些soon不久,很快still仍然,還take服用medicine葯headache頭痛cough咳嗽fev er發燒toothache牙痛 earache耳痛backache背痛stomach ache胃痛say說,講rest休息number數字choose選擇

Unit 3 Hobbies
四會單詞:collect收集stamp郵票many許多ship船,輪船go shopping購物every每一aunt伯母;舅母;嬸;姨;姑uncle叔;伯;舅;姑父;姨夫
三會單詞:hobby業余愛好(復數hobbies) beautiful美麗的,漂亮的classmate同班同學Chinese中國的;中國人的animal動物take photos拍照coin硬幣grow種植keep飼養goldfish金魚clothes衣服water澆水same相同的
Unit4 An English friend
四會單詞:e-mail電子郵件busy忙(碌)的 town城鎮,城usually通常well好fast快地;快的high高地;高的from從;來自from…to …從……到……
三會單詞: age年齡surf瀏覽;在網上沖浪 Internet互聯網,英特網London倫敦loudly大聲地beautifully美地carefully小心地,仔細地quietly安靜地,靜靜地cannot=can』t不能
Unit 6 At a PE lesson
四會單詞: foot腳(復數feet)time次turn旋轉;轉left左,左邊;左邊的right右,右邊;右邊的;向右hand手leg腿arm手臂touch觸摸,接觸
三會單詞:follow遵照;服從order[常用復數]命令line排,行exercise鍛煉;做操up向上;起來down向下up and down上下stop停;停止lie躺lie on one's back仰躺back背lift up抬起with以;用;隨身knee膝蓋bend使彎曲everybody每人,人人neck頸,脖子shoulder肩膀finger手指toe腳趾

Unit 7 A busy day
四會單詞: night夜;夜間half半;一半;半個past過ready准備好的take服用;做;拿really真正地;確實begin開始face臉game游戲;運動;比賽
三會單詞:yet尚;還brush刷tooth牙齒(復數teeth)with以;用;隨身a quarter一刻鍾,四分之一on ty值日quick快的;快地

Unit 8 At the weekends
三會單詞:talk about談論of course當然cartoon卡通ant螞蟻bee蜜蜂butterfly蝴蝶dragonfly蜻蜓firefly螢火蟲grasshopper蚱蜢cricket蟋蟀cicada蟬insect昆蟲glow發光carry運,搬other別的;其餘的primary school小學(special特別的)group組;群brave勇敢的fight打架people人,人們

Unit 9 The English club
四會單詞: British英國人America(USA)美國French法語;法國(人)的city城市visit訪問;參觀American美國人;美國(人)的Japan日本Japanese日本人;日本(人)的;日語France法國England (UK)英格蘭;英國(人)的
三會單詞:club俱樂部visitor來訪者;參觀者New York紐約different不同的country國家Chinese中國人Australia澳大利亞Australian澳大利亞人travel旅行around在…….周圍 housewife家庭主婦story故事him他(he的賓格)

❺ 五年級第一學期29課《書的性格》說些雙通道。


❻ 五年級下冊英語課文29課。。。。。。我忘帶英語書了.....


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