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1. 鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇 鎴戞槸涓鍚嶅叚騫寸駭鐨勫︾敓

緲昏瘧錛欼 am a student of grade six.


1銆乻tudent錛岃嫳 [ˈstju:dnt] 緹 [ˈstu:dnt]


2銆乬rade錛岃嫳 [greɪd] 緹 [傘red]





3銆乻ix錛岃嫳 [sɪks] 緹 [sɪks]






錛1錛塸upil錛岃嫳 [ˈpju:pl] 緹 [ˈpjupəl]


錛2錛塪isciple錛岃嫳 [dɪˈsaɪpl] 緹 [dɪˈsaɪpəl]



year錛岃嫳 [jɪə(r)] 緹 [jɪr]


2. 我們六年級了的英文怎麼寫作文

1. 求六年級英語作文5篇以上.(5句以上,不要太少)

我的周末(My weekend)I am going to have a busy weekend.On Saturday,I'm going to do my homework.then,I'm going to buy a book about Harry Potter.It's my favourite book.I have a lot of posters of Harry Potter.After lunch,I'm going to visit my grandparents .They are active.On Sunday,I am going to the stamp show in the Gardens.I like collecting stamps.I have got 150 stamps.In the evening,I am going to back school.What about you?What are you going to do on the weekend?Can you tell me,please?我的學校(My School)My school is very beautiful.I like my school very much.There is a big playground in my school.We have P.E.class on the playground and we often play sports on it ,too.Our teaching building has five floors.My classroom is on the fifth floor.It is big and clean.The puter rooms are on the third floor.There is a library on the second floor.There are many books in the library.I often read books here.There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building,too.The teachers in my school are very kind .The students are very polite and *** art.I am happy in my school.My fatherMy father is forty-three years old.He is a teacher.He works very hard.He always wears a yellow coat and a pair of blue trousers.He like doing sports and he likes basketball best.My father loves me very much.He cheeks my homework every day.He often buys delicious food for me.On weekends we often go to the park with my mother.I love my father.Mothers Day-母親節Mother's Day es on the second Sunday in May each year.On that day this year,I bought a sweater and some flowers for my mother to thank her for her hard work for me.Receiving my gift,my mother was very happy.四季(Four Seasons)There are four seasons in a year.They are spring、summer、fall and winter.I like spring.It is warm.It often rains.I can plant trees and flowers in spring.The spring is green.Summer is very hot.I can swim in the river.Fall is a good season.It is nice.I can fly kites in fall.I can eat many apples too.Winter is cold.I wish I can play snow and make a snowman in Beijing someday.Because it does not snow in Xinxing.I love all the seasons,because they are nice.。

2. 小學六年級英語作文,帶翻譯


Dear Daming:

Thanks for your last letter,you asked me what I often do ,well,I like singing,I often sing at home,sometimes when it's hot, I went swimming,and on weekends I often ride my bike to the park ,I do a lot of thing there with my friends,I play basketball and play football.I never play the piano or dance ,because I can't.




3. 六年級英文作文

你好lz,One day, my father and I went to the bank to withdraw money, in this way, my father and I see a man running from the bank, very fast, then my father and I know who robbed the bank, the bank staff are confused, suddenly, the police came, they quickly dispatched, my father and I went over to look, the robber to the police fired, but in the end the police or the criminal away, my father and I are happy. After back home.。

4. 講中文翻譯成英文(小學六年級的英語作文)


My mother has many kinds of work to do every day,but she feels full. In the morning, she gets up early. First she brushes her teeth, and washes her face, then prepare a breakfast for us, after that she goes to work at 7:00 am. My mother is a teacher, She is good at singing and dancing, so all of her students like her, and she also likes her students. At 5:25 pm my mother go back home. As soon as she arrrives home, she does some cooking, while we do our homework. We always watch TV at 8 o' clock in the evening. At about 10:00, we go to sleep. I am very happy, because I have such a good mother.

5. 小學六年級下冊英語作文要求3篇.1.寫我的介紹(就是開頭

話說,沒有你的情況難道只有寫我的啦,親~~*^__^*---------------------------- 我於____月_____日出生在_____,今年____歲.我認為是一個活潑開朗樂於助人積極上進的____生.現在我在_____學校上學.我的班級是六年級_____班.在我們班上,大家都非常團結有愛,我愛我的班級,我愛我的學校. 除了上課,在周末完成了作業以後,有時候我會去游泳、打籃球、騎車…我十分熱愛運動.閑暇之餘,有時候我還會安靜地看看書、畫點畫.周末都是在愉快中度過的. 我還有爸爸媽媽組成了我們這個三口之家.我經常幫助媽媽做家務打掃衛生,媽媽誇我是好孩子.我還常常和爸爸交流我學習上遇到的問題.每次餐桌上我還會告訴他們一些學校里發生的有趣的事情.爸爸媽媽總是笑眯眯地傾聽我的訴說.我們永遠都相愛著.-------------------- I was born in _____ at ____ ____(時間).I'm ___ years old.I think I am a boy/girl who are very lively and active.I also like help some people that they are in the trouble. I study in ____(學校).My class is Grade 6 class___.(幾班)In our class,we are very rally and friendly.I love my class, I love my school. Besieds to study,when I finished my homework,sometimes I will go siwmming 、play basketball 、ride the bicycle… I love doing exercises.Sometimes I also will read some books、draw some pictures quietly. I always spend a weekends with pleasant. My father、mother and I make up our three people-family.I often help my mum do some housework,she praised me was a good kid.I usually talk with my dad about some questions of my study day.When we are having dinner , I often tell some pleasant things in school to them. Dad and mum always listen to me. We love each other forever.---------------唉.不知道可不可以哈.這是我自己寫的.不是範文.。

3. 六年級用英語怎麼說

grade sixth

4. 我上六年級用英語怎麼說

我上六年級用英語的說法是: I am in the sixth grade.


5. 我在小學六年級用英語怎麼說

I am a grade six primary student.

6. 用英語怎麼說 我是一名六年級的學生

我是一名六年級的學生,英語是: I am a student of grade six.

student 英[ˈstju:dnt] 美[ˈstu:dnt]
n. 中學生; 學生,大學生; 研究者,學者; <美俚>初學者;
[例句]Warren's eldest son is an art student, at St Martin's.

grade 英[greɪd] 美[ɡred]
n. 等級; 年級; 職別; 成績等級;
vt. 評分; 安排; 依序排列,依等級排列; 評估;
vi. 屬於…等級; 緩緩地變化或發展;
[例句]Dust masks are graded according to the protection they offer

six 英[sɪks] 美[sɪks]
n. 六; 六個; 六歲; 六點;
num. 六; 六個;
[例句]The loss of my wife hit me for six; it took me months to recover

7. 我在六年級一班。用英語翻譯下。謝謝。

I am in Class One Grade Six.

1、class 英[klɑ:s] 美[klæs]

n. 班; 階級; 等級; 種類;



(2)This poem fully expresses the author's love for the ordinary people and hatred for the ruling class.


2、grade 英[greɪd] 美[ɡred]

n. 等級; 年級; 職別; 成績等級;



(2)Harbour staff noticed that measurements given for the same class of boats often varied.




初中junior high school、junior middle school,高中senior high school、senior middle school

美國:junior school 小學、high school 高中

junior high school 初中、senior high school 高中

英國:primary/elementary school 小學、middle school 中學、junior middle school 初中、senior middle school 高中、 senior school高中


1、Secondary school means junior school and high school.


2、Mark has been Luke's sidekick since junior high school.


8. 我現在上六年級用英語怎麼說

I am a six-grade student

9. 我在六年級三班。用英語怎麼說

sixth grade, class number three.一般來說只需要說6年級,外國不像中國那樣分班

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