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❷ 英語隨堂反饋八年級上冊期中測試答案(無錫地區版)急求!!是試卷啊。。

聽力部分(共四大題, 計 40 分)
I. 聽辨單詞、短語 (Words and phrases) (共 10 小題,計 10 分) A) 聽音, 選出你所聽到的句子中含有的單詞。 每個句子讀 兩遍。(答案塗在答題紙上)
1. A. basketball B. football C. volleyball

2. A. fine
B. find
C. nine

3. A. park
B. mark
C. dark

4. A. bite
B. kite
C. cat

5. A. grandpa's
B. granny's
C. grandma's
B) 聽句子,選擇正確的一項補全句子。每個句子讀兩遍。 (答案塗在答題紙上)
6. What he is! A. a lovely boy handsome boy
7. I』m thirsty. Please give me . A. a cup of tea glass of juice
8. Be careful!There』s a rabbit . A. on the wall the floor
9. He couldn』t the train because it was crowded (擁擠的). B. near the bed C. on B. a glass of water C. a B. a polite boy C. a
A. get on
B. get off
C. get to

10. How many can you see in the picture? A. red stars pink flowers II. 句子理解(Sentences) (共 10 小題,計 10 分) A) 聽音,判斷你所聽到的句子與所給圖片是(Y)否(N) 相符。每個句子讀兩遍。(答案塗在答題紙上) B. green stamps C.
B) 聽音,選出與你所聽到的句子意思相同或相近的選項。 每個句子讀兩遍。(答案塗在答題紙上)
16. A. May can sing well. May. C. May』s sister can sing well.
17. A. I am old so I don』t go to swim. B. I didn』t go to swim last night because it was cold. C. It was an old film so I didn』t want to see it.
18. A. Miss Green and Miss White are good friends. B. Miss Green and Miss White are neighbours. C. Miss Green and Miss White live in the same room.
19. A. Tom is doing his English homework. B. We sing songs in
B. Tom isn』t doing his maths homework. C. Tom likes Japanese very much.
20. A. Joan』s beautiful umbrella is in her classroom. B. Joan』s beautiful umbrella is at home. C. Joan has many beautiful umbrellas. III. 對話理解(Dialogues) (共 10 小題,計 10 分) A) 聽音,根據你所聽到的對話內容,為下列各題選擇正 確的答案。每組對話讀兩遍。(答案塗在答題紙上)
B) 聽音,根據你聽到的一組對話,填單詞完成句子。對 話讀兩遍。(答案寫在答題紙上)
26. Jack Amy to dinner.
27. Jack and Amy want to have some before dinner.
28. Jack and Amy』s are dirty.
29. Their hands become after they wash them.
30. is Amy』s favourite food.
IV. 短文理解(Passages) (共 10 小題,計 10 分) A) 根據你所聽到的短文內容, 判斷下列句子正 (T) (F) 誤 。 短文讀兩遍。(答案塗在答題紙上)
31. Tom and Fred are both eleven.
32. They are in the different classes in a school.
33. The teacher was very angry because Tom and Fred had a fight.
34. The teacher asked Tom and Fred to write out new words one hundred times.
35. Fred cried because he was hungry. B) 聽音, 根據你所聽到的短文內容, 按照英文字母(A, B, C, D, E)的順序給下列圖片排序。短文讀兩遍。(答案寫在答題 紙上)
筆試部分(共六大題, 計 60 分) I. 單項選擇(Multiple-choice) (共 10 小題,計 10 分) 從 A,B,C,D 四個選項中,選擇恰當的一項完成句子。 (答案塗在答題紙上)
1. ? Excuse me. Did you see book on the desk? ? Yes, I saw one, but Li Lei said it』s .
A. the; him one D. a; he
B. a; his
C. my;

2. Do you have brothers sisters? A. any; or or D. some; and B. any; / C. some;

3. Joe is Sue』s husband. Sue is Joe』s . A. cousin mother B. wife D. uncle C.

4. ? What do you want to do, Jill? ? I want to . A. has a picnic shopping B. listen to CDs C. going
D. went to the libray

5. Class begins at 8:00, and it』s 8:06 now. We』re . A. sorry late D. wrong B. bad C.

6. Dinosaurs lived the Earth a long, long time ago. A. in on B. at D. above C.

7. There a lot of new clothes in the wardrobe. A. am be D. are B. is C.

8. What』s the weather in Guangzhou? A. like has B. is D. does C.

9. ? Would you like something to eat? ? Yes, . A. two piece of breads pieces of breads C. two piece of bread of bread
10. Mary dropped (掉下) a book. I for her. A. picked them up C. picked it up them II. 對話填空(Fill in the blanks) (共 5 小題,計 5 分) 根據對話內容和首字母提示,寫出單詞,補全對話。(答 案寫在答題紙上) B. picked up it D. picked up D. two pieces B. two
Ma Wen is a bus driver. A TV reporter is interviewing (采 訪) him. Reporter=R Ma Wen=M
R: Welcome to our show and take a seat, please. M: T11 you. R: What do you do? M: I am a bus driver. R: Do you like your j12? M: Yes, I do. R: What does your mother do? M: She』s a n13 in No. 2 People』s Hospital. R: What about your f14? M: He』s a doctor. R: Could you say something about yourself? For example, what time do you g15 up every day? M: At about 5:
00. I have breakfast at 5:30 and go to work at 5:
50. ... III. 情景會話(Dialogues) (共 10 小題,計 10 分)
A)從 A, B, C, D 四個選項中選出最恰當的一項, 補全對話。(答案塗在答題紙上)

16. ? What』s the matter, Alice? You look so sad. ? A. It』s raining. My grandparents can』t take me to the garden. B. Mind your business. C. I』m fine. I』m doing my homework. D. Welcome to my home.
17. A. I』m going to buy a doll this Sunday. B. He stayed at home. C. I played chess with my friend. D. Sunday is a nice day.
18. ? ? By ship. A. How about your trip? B. How did you travel to Yantai? C. Did you take a trip last week? D. How many toy ships do you have?

19. ? How much water do you drink every day? ? ? For your health, you should have more. A. Two cups of tea. B. Two pairs of glasses. C. It』s two yuan. D. Two glasses.
20.A. It』s Saturday. B. It』s July 1st. C. It』s a nice day. D. I want to go for a walk.
B) 從所給的選項中選擇恰當的句子補全對話(其中有兩項 為多餘選項)。(答案寫在答題紙上) Shop assistant (售貨員): Can I help you? Betty: Yes. Er... I want to buy a new coat for my son. 21 Son: I』ve no idea. Betty: Do you like this green one? Son: 22 What about that yellow one over there? Betty: Let』s go and have a look.
Son: Oh, it』s not a coat, but a jacket. 23 Betty: I think so, too. We may go to another clothes shop and look around. Son: 24 Let』s go. Betty: 25 Shop assistant: You』re welcome. Son: Bye-bye. A. All right. C. Thank you for your help. need a coat. E. It doesn』t matter. you like, my dear? G. I』d like a pair of black trousers. IV. 閱讀理解(Reading comprehension) (共 15 小題,計 15 分) A) 看圖,根據圖表內容,判斷下列句子正(T)誤(F)。 (答案塗在答題紙上) F. Which one do B. No, I don』t like it. D. I think I

26. My birthday is on the first of March.

27. I am going hiking on the twentieth of March.
28. On the twenty-second, I am going to visit my grandmother.
29. It』s March
12. It』s Tree Planting Day.
30. There are thirty days in March. B) 閱讀短文,根據短文內容,從 A,B,C,D 四個選項 中選擇正確的一項完成句子。(答案塗在答題紙上) Tom and Charlie are talking about the year 20
10. 「What』s our world going to be like in the year 2010?」 asks Tom. 「Well, no one knows, but it』s interesting to guess.」 「In the year 2010, everyone is going to carry a pocket computer. The computers will help people solve(解決) all kinds of problems. We are going to have very small telephones in our pockets, too. Then people are going to talk to their friends all over the world. Perhaps we are going to live and work under the sea. People might build towns, factories and farms under the sea, too.」 「Machines are going to do most of the work, and so people are going to have more holidays. They are
going to fly to the moon by spaceship and have their holidays there.」
31. are talking about their lives in the future. A. Kelly and Tom boys B. Some girls C. Two
D. We don』t know.

32. may do most of the work instead of (代替) people. A. Telephones Machines D. Pockets B. Robots C.

33. In the future, the people are going to build towns, factories and farms . A. in the sky C. on the moon mountains
34. Charlie thinks people will have more in the future. A. telephones children D. holidays B. money C. B. under the sea D. on the

35. Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A. Everyone has a pocket computer.
B. People are going to fly to the moon in 20
10. C. Perhaps people are going to talk to their friends all over the world. D. People are going to have their holidays on the moon. C) 閱讀短文,根據短文內容,回答下列問題。(答案寫 在答題紙上) Beethoven was a world famous(著名的) musician. He was never afraid to show his feelings. Once when he was playing at a rich man』s home, one of the listeners, a man from a good family, was talking to a beautiful girl. He liked girls more than music. The man』s rude behaviour (行為) made Beethoven very angry. Beethoven stopped playing and stood up. 「I can』t play for animals of this kind!」 he cried. 「No! Not for animals!」 Then he walked out.
36. Was Beethoven a famous writer?
37. Where was he playing?
38. Who did the rich man talk to?

39. Was Beethoven angry when the man and the girl were talking?
40. In the end, what did Beethoven do? V. 小作文(Composition) (第 41 小題,計 15 分) 根據圖畫內容, 寫一篇英語小日記。(答案寫在答題紙上) 要求:
1. 以第一人稱進行描寫,將圖畫的內容全部體現在 日記中,可作適當發揮;
2. 條理清晰,意思明確,句子通順,標點正確,書 寫工整、規范;
3. 不少於 60 個單詞。
VI. 智力測試(IQ test) (共 5 小題,計 5 分) 按要求完成下列各題。(答案塗或寫在答題紙上)
42. Do you know the meaning of 「four-letter word」? Please answer it in Chinese.

43. If you fill the four words into the grid in the correct order, something found on the beach will be revealed in the shaded column. What is it? (如果你能以正確的順序
將這四個單詞填入表格中,在陰影部分就會出現一個與沙灘 相關的單詞。它是什麼呢?)

44. Scales 1 and 2 are in perfect balance. How many As are required to balance Scale 3? (1 號和 2 號天平是完全平 衡的。3 號天平需要多少個 A 才能使天平平衡呢?)

45. What time should be shown on the fourth clock? 從 A,B,C,D 中選擇正確的一項。
A. 7:20 8:00
B. C. 7:40 D. 8: 10

46. Only one of the silhouettes (

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