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1. Talk about how often you do things 談論做事情的頻率。
2. Talk about your health. Make suggestions.
3. Talk about future plans.
4. Talk about how to get to places.
5. Learn to make invitations, say yes to invitations and say no to invitations and give reasons.
6. Learn to talk about personal traits and how to compare people.
II. Key Phrases (重點短語):
1. how often 多長時間一次
2. junk food 垃圾食品
3. a lot of 許多
4. hardly ever 很少
5. start with 以…開始
6. try to do sth. 試著去做某事
7. look after 照料
8. be kind of unhealthy 有點不健康
9. once a day 一天一次
10. twice a month 一個月兩次
11. be good for 對…有好處
12. once in a while 偶爾
13. see a doctor / dentist 看病/看牙醫
14. get a cold / fever 感冒/發燒
15. have a stomachache 肚子疼
16. have a toothache 牙疼
17. have a sore throat 嗓子疼
18. lie down and rest 躺下休息
19. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的熱茶
20. be stressed out 緊張
21. listen to … 聽…
22. get tired 變的疲勞
23. keep healthy 保持健康
24. at the moment 此刻;目前
25. watch TV 看電視
26. play basketball 打籃球
27. babysit her sister 照看她的妹妹
28. visit my friend 拜訪我的朋友
29. relax at home 在家放鬆
30. sports camp 運動野營
31. something interesting
32. go hiking / camping / fishing / shopping / sightseeing
33. go away 離開
34. get back to school 返回學校
35. stay for a week 呆一個星期
36. go bike riding 騎自行車兜風
37. takes walks 散步
38. rent videos 租錄像帶
39. sleep a lot 睡得多
40. think about 考慮
41. take the subway / bus / boat / plane
42. get to 到達
43. go by bus / plane / boat 乘公共車/飛機/小船
44. train / subway / bus station 火車/地鐵/公共車站
45. bus ride 乘公共車的旅行
46. ride a bike 騎自行車
47. bus stop 公共汽車站
48. on foot 步行
49. leave for 離開去…
50. school bus 學校班車
51. the early bus 早班車
52. be different from 與…不同
53. half past six 六點半
54. in North America 在北美洲
55. a quick breakfast 快捷的早餐
56. need to do 需要做…
57. more than 多於
58. play soccer 踢足球
59. baseball game 棒球比賽
60. school team 校隊
61. come over to 過來到…
62. the day after tomorrow 後天
63. be good at 擅長於…
64. two years ago 兩年前
65. be outgoing 外向的
66. all the time 一直
67. in some ways 在一些方面
68. look the same 看起來一樣
69. talk to everyone 與大家談話
70. make me laugh 使我笑
1. a bit (of) 有一點
2. a few (表示肯定)一些;幾個
3. a kind of 一種;一類
4. a little 少量;少許
5. a lot of 許多,大量
6. a number of 大量;許多
7. a pair of 一雙,一副
8. a piece of 一張,一塊,一根

9. according to 根據,按照

10. after all 畢竟,終究

11. again and again 反復地,再三地

12. agree to do sth. 同意做某事
13. agree with sh. 贊同,同意某人的看法
14. all kinds of 各種各樣的
15. all over the world 遍及全世界

16. all right 行了,好吧,(病)好了

17. all the time 一直

18. all year round 終年;一年到頭

19. arrive at (in) a place 到達某地

20. as long as 只要

21. as soon as 一…就…
22. as well as 也;又

23. as……as possible 盡可能……

24. as…as 和……一樣

25. as usual 通常,平常地

26. ask for 要,要求;請求
27. at first 首先
28. at last 最後

29. at least 至少

30. at once 馬上,立刻
31. at the age of 在……歲的時候
32. at the end of 在……盡頭
33. at the moment 此時;現在
34. at the same time 同時
35. at times 有時;偶爾
36. be able to 能夠……
37. be afraid of sth. 害怕
38. be angry with 生……的氣

39. be bad for 對……有害

40. be different from 與……不同
41. be famous for 以……著名
42. be full of 充滿,裝滿

43. be good at 擅長;在……方面做得好

44. be good for 對……有好處
45. be interested in 對……感興趣
46. be late for 遲到

47. be made from/of 用……製成的

48. be strict with 對……嚴格要求
49. be used for 用來做……
50. belong to 屬於
51. be proud of 驕傲,自豪

52. be used to sth 習慣於

53. both……and 兩個都,既……又

54. by accident 偶然

55. break down 損壞

56. by air (bus, train, ship) 乘飛機


57. by the way 順便說
58. call/ring sb. up 打電話給

59. care for 喜歡,照顧(病人)

60. catch up with 趕上
61. change…into 把……變成,轉換成

62. close to 靠近;接近
63. come back 回來

64. come down 落,下來

65. come/be from 來自
66. come in 進來
67. come on 加油,過來
68. come out 出來;出版;發表
69. come true 實現

70. come up 上來;上升,抬頭

71. come up with 提出;想出(主意、回答等)
72. compare…with 與…..相比

73. connect to 連接,相連

74. cut up 齊根割掉,切碎

75. cut in line 插隊
76. deal with 處理;應付
77. depend on 視…..而定;決定於
78. do/try one`s best 盡力
79. do some reading (shopping) 閱讀(買東西)

80. do well in 在……方面做得好
81. dress up 穿上盛裝
82. each other 互相;相互
83. either…or… 或者…或者
84. enjoy oneself 過得愉快
85. even if/though 即使,盡管

86. face to face 面對面

87. fall asleep 入睡
88. fall into 落入;陷入

89. fall ill 患病,病倒

90. far away 遙遠的

91. far from 遠離
92. feel like doing 想要……;感覺要……
93. fill…with 用……填充
94. fill in 填充

95. find out 查明,發現,了解
96. for example 例如
97. from …to… 從……到……

98. from now/then on 從現在/那時開始
99. get along/on with 與……相處
100. get into trouble 陷進困難
101.get back 反回;回來,回家

102. get in 進放;收獲,達到

103. get off 下車
104. get on 上車;過活
105. get together 團聚
106. get up 起床
107. give away 贈送;分發

108. give out 分發

109. give up 放棄

110. go by 走過;經過,過去

111. go fishing (shopping, skating) 去釣魚(買東


112. go for a walk 去散步

113. go over 仔細檢查復習

114. go to bed 上床睡覺
115. go to school 去上學
116. go to sleep 入睡
117. go abroad 出國
118. grow up 成長;長大
119. hand in 交給

120. hand out 分發

121. have a cold / catch a cold 患感冒
122. have a fever 發燒
123. have a good rest 好好休息
124. have a good time 玩得高興,過得快樂
125. have a headache 頭疼
126. have a lesson/take a class 上課
127. have a look 看一看
128. have a test/an exam 考試
129. have fun with 玩得開心
130. have to 不得不
131. hear from 收到……的來信
132. hear of 聽說
133. help sb with sth. 幫助某人做某事

134. help……out 幫助某人解決困難

135. help yourself to…… 請隨便吃……

136. hold on 請稍等(別掛電話)
137. hundreds of 好幾百;許許多多
138. in a hurry 快點

139. in a minute 很快,馬上

140. in common 共同,共有

141. in danger 處在危險中
142. in fact 實際上;其實
143. in front of 在……前面

144. in public 當眾,公開

145. in the end 終於,最後
146. in the future 將來

147. in the last few years 在過去的幾年中

148. in the middle of 在……中間

149. instead of 代替,而不是

150. just now 現在,剛才

151. keep sb.doing 讓某人一直做某事
152. knock into sb. 與……相撞
153. knock at/on 敲擊
154. later on 以後;隨後
155. laugh at 嘲笑

156. lead to 導致,導向

157. learn …by oneself 自學
158. learn from 向……學習
159. leave for 啟程去……
160. listen to 聽……
161. look after 照顧,照看
162. look at 看……
163. look for 尋找

164. look forward to 盼望

165. look like 看起來像
166. look out 留神,當心

167. look through 瀏覽,看穿

168. look up (在詞典、參考書等中)查閱;查找
169. lots of 大量,許多
170. make a living 謀生
171. make a mistake 犯錯誤
172. make a noise 吵鬧
173. make a telephone call 打電話
174. make faces 做鬼臉
175. make friends with 與……交朋友

176. make money 賺錢

177. make up of 由……組成,構成

178. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
179. more than 超過,多於

180. neither……nor 既不……也不……

181. next to 緊靠……的旁邊;貼近
182. no longer 不再,已不
183. not…any more 不再
184. not at all 根本不,全然不
185. not only…but also 不但……而且……

186. not so……as 不像,不如

187. not…until/till 直到……才
188. of course 當然
189. on foot 走路,步行

190. on show 展出,在上演(放映)

191. on sale 出售

192. on one』s way to… 在去……的路上

193. on the phone 通過電話交談

194. on time 准時

195. once a week 每周一次

196. open up 開戾,開創,開辟

197. out of style 不時髦的,過時的

198. over and over again 反復,多次重復

199. pay attention to 注意

200. pay for 付款
201. pick up 撿起;拾起
202. point to 指向
203. put off 推遲
204. put on 穿上,戴上;上演

205. put out 撲滅,關,熄

206. put up 掛起;舉起;貼(廣告等)
207. rather than 而不,非
208. regard …as 把……當作
209. right away 立即,馬上
210. run away 逃跑,跑開
211. run out of 用完
212. sell out 賣完
213. set off 動身;起程,使火爆發

214. set up 建立,創立

215. sleep late 睡過頭;起得晚

216. so far 到目前為止
217. so…that 如此……以致
218. spend … on sth. 在……花費……

219. stay away from 與……保持距離

220. stay up 熬夜;不睡覺

221. stop doing sth. 停止做某事

222. stop to dosth 停下來做某事

223. stop…from doing… 阻止…做…
224. such as 例如

225. take a bus/train 乘公共汽車/火車

226. take a shower 洗澡、沐浴

227. take a vacation 去渡假

228. take a walk 去散步

229. take away 拿走
230. take care of 照看;照顧
231. take it easy 從容;輕松;不要緊
232. take off 起飛;脫衣服
233. take out 取出
234. take part in 參加
235. take place 發生
236. talk about 討論;討論;議論
237. thanks to 幸虧,由於
238. the day after tomorrow 後天
239. the day before yesterday 昨天
240. the more…, the more.. 越……,就越……
241. the number of …… 的數量
242. the same as與…… 一樣
243. think about 考慮;認為,想到
244. think of 思考,考慮
245. thousands of 數以千計的;許許多多
246. to be honest 老實說
247. to one』s surprise 令某人驚奇的是……
248. too…to…太…… 而不能
249. try on 試穿
250. try one』s best 盡力
251. turn down 調節(收音機等)使音量變小
252. turn off 關掉
253. turn on 打開

254. turn up 到過,開大(聲音)

255. used to do sth. 過去經常做某事;


256. up and down 上上下下

257. use up 用完,用光,耗盡

258. wait for 等待

259. wake up 醒來
260. with the help of 在……的幫助下
261. work on 從事;忙於
262. work out 產生結果;發展;解決
263. worry about 擔心
264. write down 寫下;記下
265. write to sb 寫信給某人

1.look at…看…, look like … 看上去像……, look after …照料…
2.listen to…聽……
3.welcome to…歡迎到……
4.say hello to …向……問好
5.speak to…對……說話
1.kinds of 各種各樣的
2. either…or…或者……或者……,不是……就是……
3. neither…nor…既不……也不……
4. Chinese tea without, anything in it 中國清茶
5. take a seat 就坐
6. home cooking 家常做法
7. be famous for 因……而著名
8. on ones way to在……途中
9. be sick/ill in hospital生病住院
10. at the end of在……的盡頭,在……的末尾
11. wait for 等待
12. in time 及時
13. make one』s way to…往……(艱難地)走去
14. just then 正在那時
15. first of all 首先,第一
16. go wrong 走錯路
17. be/get lost 迷路
18. make a noise 吵鬧,喧嘩
19. get on 上車
20. get off 下車
21. stand in line 站隊
22. waiting room 候診室,候車室
23. at the head of……在……的前頭
24. laugh at 嘲笑
25. throw about 亂丟,拋散
26. in fact 實際上
27. at midnight 在半夜
28. have a good time=enjoy oneself玩得愉快
29. quarrel with sb. 和某人吵架
30. take one』s temperature 給某人體溫
31. have/get a pain in…某處疼痛
32. have a headache 頭痛
33. as soon as… 一……就……
34. feel like doing sth. 想要干某事
35. stop…from doing sth. 阻止……干某事
36. fall asleep 入睡
37. again and again再三地,反復地
38. wake up 醒來,叫醒
39. instead of 代替
40. look over 檢查
41. take exercise運動
42. had better(not) do sth. 最好(不要)干某事
43. at the weekend 在周末
44. on time 按時
45. out of從……向外
46. all by oneself 獨立,單獨
47. lots of=a lot of 許多
48. no longer/more=not…any longer/more 不再
49. get back 回來,取回
50. sooner or later遲早
51. run away 逃跑
52. eat up 吃光,吃完
53. run after 追趕
54. take sth. with sb. 某人隨身帶著某物
55. take(good) care of…=look after…(well) (好好)照顧,照料
56. think of 考慮到,想起
57. keep a diary 堅持寫日記
58. leave one by oneself 把某人單獨留下
59. harder and harder 越來越厲害
60. turn on打開(電燈、收音機、煤氣等)
61. turn off 關
1. She used to be a Chinese teacher. 她過去是一位漢語老師。
[用法] used to + 動詞原形,表示過去經常性的動作或存在的狀態,含有現在不再如此之意。
[搭配] used to do的否定式可以是usedn』t to do或didn』t use to do.
[比較] used to do sth. 過去常做某事;be/ get used to doing sth. 習慣於做某事;be used to do sth. 被用來做某事。
2.…return it sooner or later.
[用法] l)sooner or later意為「遲早」、「早晚」。
2)return此處用作及物動詞,意為「歸還」,相當於give back.
[拓展]return還可用作不及物動詞,意為「返回」,相當於go back或come back。
3.No matter what the weather is like…無論天氣……
[用法]no matter what 相當於whatever,其意為「無論什麼」,引導狀語從句。
[拓展]類似no matter what的表達方式還有:
no matter when無論什麼時候
nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;no matter where無論什麼地方
no matter who無論誰
no matter how 無論怎麼樣
4. A young man practised speaking English with Mr. Green.
[用法]practise doing sth. 表示「實踐、練習(做)某事」。
[拓展]practice名詞,「實踐」、「實施」、「練習」;put a plan into practice實行某計劃。
5. He encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.
2)take part in「參加」,常表示參加活動。
3)protect 是動詞,表示「防禦」、「保護」。
[搭配]1)encourage sb. in sth.在某事上鼓勵或支持某人
nbsp;encourage sb. to do sth.鼓勵某人干某事
2)protect sh. from sth.使某人不受某事侵襲或傷害
6. …to warn people about sharks in the water. ……警告人們當心水裡的鯊魚。
[用法] warn用作動詞,意思是「警告」、「警戒」。
[搭配]1)warn sb.+ that從句
2)warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事
3)warn sb. to do sth.告誡某人做某事
4)warn sb. against(doing) sth.告誡某人當心某事/不要做某事

⑵ 新目標八年級上英語短語150個

Unit 1
on weekends 在周末
go to the movies 去看電影
watch TV 看電視
surf the Internet 上網沖浪
twice a week 一周兩次
once a month 一月一次
three times a day 一天三次
be good for 對……有好處
junk food 垃圾食品
how often 多久一次
look after 照看
eating habit 飲食習慣
as for 就…而言
stay / keep healthy 保持健康
make a big difference 有很大不同、對…很重要
1.What does she do on weekends? 她在周末常干什麼?
2.She often goes to the movies. 她經常去看電影。
3.I watch TV every day. 我每天都看電視。
4.We often surf the Internet. 我們經常上網。
5.I read English books about twice a week. 我大約一周兩次看英語書。
6.I shop once a month. 我每月購物一次。
7.She says it』s good for my health. 她說這對我的健康有利。
8. How often do you eat junk food? 你多久一次吃垃圾食品?
9.I look after my health. 我照看我的健康。
10. My eating habits are pretty good. 我的飲食習慣相當好。
Unit 2
have a sore throat 喉嚨痛
see a dentist 看牙醫
yang foods 陽性食物
be stressed out 壓力大
a balanced died 平衡飲食
healthy food 健康食品
go to bed 上床睡覺
listen to music 聽音樂
conversation practice 對話練習
a lot of 很多 、很厲害
1.I have a sore throat. 我喉嚨痛。
2.Maybe you should see a dentist. 也許你應該看看牙醫。
3.You should eat hot yang foods, like beef .你應該吃熱的陽性食品,像牛肉。
4. I』m stressed out. 我壓力太大。
5. It』s important to eat a balanced diet. 平衡飲食很重要。
6.You should eat fruit and other healthy food. 你一個吃水果和其它的健康食品。
7. You should lie down and rest. 你應該躺下來休息。
8. I like to listen to music. 我喜歡聽音樂。
9. I really need some conversation practice. 我真的需要一些對話練習。
10. I have a lot of headaches. 我頭痛得很厲害。
11.What』s the matter (with you )? (你)怎麼啦?I』m not feeling well. 我感覺不舒服。
12. That』s a good idea. 好主意。
13. I hope you feel better soon. 我希望你盡快好起來。
Unit 3
for vacation度假
babysit sb.…照顧(嬰兒)
how long多久
go sightseeing去觀光
go fishing去釣魚
rent videos租賃錄像帶
go camping去野營
on Monday在周一
go hiking去遠足
go bike riding去騎車
take walks散步
an exciting vacation一個令人激動的假期
a no-stress vacation一個沒有壓力的假期
1.What are you doing for vacation?你假期要干什麼?
2.He's going camping with his parents.他要和父母去野營。
3.She's babysitting her sister.她要照看她妹妹。
4.I'm going on Monday.周一我要去。
5.How long are you staying?你要呆多長時間?
6.I'm going hiking in the mountains.我要到山中遠足。
7.I'm going sightseeing.我要去觀光。
8.I'm taking walks,going fishing,and going bike riding. 我要散步,釣魚,騎自行車。
9.I'm renting videos and sleeping a lot.
10.I want an exciting vacation! A no-stress vacation! 我要過一個令人激動的假期!一個沒有壓力的假期!
Unit 4
get to school到達學校
how far多遠
ride one's bike騎自行車
the subway station地鐵站
take the bus坐公共汽車
the most popular最流行的
think of看待,認為
North America北美
be different from與……不同
depend on依靠,依賴
1.How does Emilio get to school?愛米麗歐怎麼去學校?
2 .How far is it from your home to school ?從你家到學校有多遠?
3.How long does it take you to get from home to school? 從家到學校你花費多長時間?
4_I ride my bike to the subway station.我騎車去地鐵車站。
5.In North America,not all students take the bus to sch001.在北美,並非所有學生坐公共汽車去學校。
6.In China,bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation.在中國,自行車和公共汽車是最流行的交通方式。
7.What do you think of the transportation in your town? 你認為你們鎮上的交通情況如何?
8.Other parts of the world are different from the United States.世界上其他地方與美國不同。
9. It depends on where you are. 它取決於你在哪裡。
Unit 5
come to 來到
have /take a piano lesson 上一節鋼琴課
would love to…願意…一
too much太多
play soccer踢足球
go to the doctor去看醫生,去看病
study for a test 准備考試
have to不得不;必須
the day after tomorrow 後天
the science report科學報告
1.Can you come to my party on Wednesday?
2.Sorry。I can't.I have a piano lesson.
3.Sure.I'd love to.當然,我願意。
4.I'm playing soccer.我在踢足球。
5.I have too much homework(to do) this weekend .這個周末我有太多家庭作業(要做)。
6.I have to go to the doctor.我得去看醫生。
7.On Thursday,I'm studying for a test.周四,我要備考。
8.I can't join you because I have to help my mom• 我不能參加,因為我要幫我媽媽幹活。
9.I'm having a piano lesson the day after tomorrow•後天我要上鋼琴課。
10.Can you come over to my house to discuss the science report':你能來我家討論這份科學報告嗎?
Unit 6
be outgoing愛拋頭露面
short hair短發
more athletic更健美
the same as 同……一樣
lots of許多
look the same看起來一樣
be good at /do well in 擅長 …
make sb.1augh使……發笑
3 centimeters taller高了三厘米
1.I'm more outgoing than my sister.我比我妹妹更愛出風頭。
2.He has shorter hair than Sam.他的頭發比山姆的短。
3.Tom is more athletic than Sam.湯姆比山姆更健美。
4.Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.劉瑩不如她姐姐擅長體育。
5.Both girls go to lots of parties.兩個女孩都參加了許多晚會。
6.In some ways we look the same,and in some ways we look different•在某些方面,我們看起來一樣,在某些方面,我們看起來不同。
7.My good friend is good at schoolwork.我的好朋友愛好乾學校事務。
8.I think a good friend makes me laugh.我認為好朋友會使我發笑。
9.I'm about 3 centimeters taller now.我現在(比以前)高了3厘米。
Unit 7
turn on打開
2 teaspoons of relish兩茶匙調味品
cut up切碎
add…to… 把……加入……中
mix up 混合在一起
make a banana smoothie做香蕉思木西
1.Turn on the blender.打開果汁攪拌機。
2.Cut up the bananas.切開香蕉。
3.Pour the milk into the blender.將牛奶倒入果汁機里。
4.Put some relish on a slice of bread.將調味品塗到一片麵包上。
5.Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender.將香蕉和酸奶倒人果汁機。
6.How do you make a banana smoothie?你如何做香蕉思木西飲料?
7.First, put 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise on the sandwich.首先,在三明治上放一茶匙蛋黃醬。
Unit 8
go to the aquarium去水族館
take photos照相
hang out with one』s friends與朋友閑逛
buy a souvenir買紀念品
a famous actor一個著名演員
go to the zoo去動物園
eat some ice cream吃些冰淇淋
go for a drive開車兜風
win a /(the first )prize贏得獎品(第一名)
have a yard sale 進行庭院舊貨出售
school trip學校組織的旅行
1.I went to the aquarium,I didn't go to the zoo我去了水族館,我沒去動物園。
2.Did you take any photos?你照相了嗎?
3.I』d like to eat some ice cream.我願意吃些冰淇淋
4.We often hang out with our friends.我們經常同朋友一起m去閑逛。
5.Would you like to go for a drive?你願意去開車兜風嗎?
6.Did Tina buy a souvenir?蒂納買紀念品了嗎?
7.Toby won a prize.托比贏了獎金。
8.Did Tina meet a famous actor?蒂納遇見一位著名演員了嗎?
9.The students had a terrible school trip.同學們度過了一次糟糕的學校旅行
Unit 9
a great Chinese ping—pong player一位了不起的中國乒乓球運動員
be born in 出生於……
for example例如……
too…to… 太……而不能……
a professional soccer star 一個專業的足球明星
a movie star一位影星
a loving grandfather一位慈愛的爺爺
free time業余時間;空餘時間
a skating champion一位溜冰冠軍
the first prize第一名
the 70-year history七十年的歷史
the International Piano Competition 國際鋼琴比賽
major in sth.主修某科目
l.Deng Yaping is a great Chinese ping—pong player.鄧亞萍是一位了不起的中國乒乓球運動員。
2.She was born in 1973.她出生於1973年。
3.For example,Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old. 例如,泰德。伍德十個月大時就開始打高爾去球。
4.Pele,became a professional soccer star when he was fifteen. 比利,在他十五歲時成了一位專業的足球明星。
5.When did she become a movie star?她何時成了一名影星?
6.Arthur is a loving grandfather.亞瑟是一位慈愛的爺爺。
7.He spends all his free time with his grandchildren.他全部業余時間都跟他的孫子在一起。
8.She become a skating champion when she was ten. 當她十歲時,她成了一位溜冰冠軍。
9.He won the first prize in his group.他在小組里贏得了第一名。
lO. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the Chopin International Piano Competition to win this prize. 在有七十年歷史的肖邦國際鋼琴比賽中他也是第一位獲此榮譽的中國鋼琴家。
Unit 10
grow up成長
a basketball player一位籃球運動員
a computer programmer一位電腦程序設計師
take lessons上課
somewhere interesting有趣的地方
a fashion show一次時裝展示會
a part-time job一份零工一份業余工作
save some money省錢;攢錢
make money掙錢、賺錢
at the same time同時
all over the world全世界
get good grade取得好分數
communicate with sb.與……交際;與……交流
a teaching job一個教學的lT作
a foreign language teacher一位外語教師
l.What are you going to be when you grow up?你長大了要干什麼?
2.I'm going to be a basketball player.我要成為一名籃球運動員。
3.I』m going to be a computer programmer.我要成為一名電腦程序設計師。
4.I'm going to take acting lessons.我要去上表演課。
5.I』m going to move somewhere interesting.我要搬到有意思的地方去。
6.I want to be an art editor for a fashion show.我想成為一名時裝展示會的藝術指導。
7.I'm going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money. 我想找一份可干一、兩年的零工,攢下點兒錢。
8.I』m going to study economics at the same time.同時,我要學習經濟。
9.I'm going to travel all over the world.我要到全世界去旅行。
10.I'm going to write articles and send them t0 magazines and newspapers.我要寫文章,發給報紙和雜志。
11.I』m going to get good grades.我要得一個好分數(成績)。
12.They want to communicate better with their kids.他們想要更好地與孩子進行交流。
13.She is going to look for a teaching job in China next year.明年,她想要在中國找一份教書的工作。
14.An old lady said she found a job as a foreign language teacher.一位老太太說她找了一份作外語教師的工作。
Unit 11
take out拿出來
make the bed整理床鋪
sweep the floor掃地,清潔地面
fold your clothes疊衣服
clean the living room清理起居室(打掃)
like to do sth. 喜歡干……
take care of / look after照顧
forget to do sth.忘記要去干……
forget doing sth. 忘記做過某事
work on從事
on vacation度假
1.Could you please take out the trash?請把垃圾拿出去好嗎?
2.Could you please sweep the floor/make the bed/fold your clothes/cleaning the living room? 你掃地/整理床鋪/疊衣服/清掃起居室好嗎?
3.Do you like to make your bed? 你喜歡整理床鋪嗎?
4.Could you invite your friends to my party?
5.Thanks for taking care of my dog.謝謝你照看我的狗。
6.Don't forget to clean his bed.不要忘了清掃他的床。
7.I'm going to work on my English project and then meet my friends. 我要做英語功課,然後見我的朋友。
8.I'm going on vacation tomorrow.明天我要度假。
Unit 12
close to home靠近家的
movie theater影院
comfortable seats舒適的座位
do a survey of做一個調查
play a piano piece彈一支鋼琴曲
the price of……的價格
the radio station廣播電台
think about考慮
talent show才能展示
boring TV show乏味的電視節目
a 1ot許多
1.What's the best movie theater? 哪個是最好的影院?
2.What is the best radio station? 哪個是最好的廣播電台?
3.It has the most comfortable seats.它擁有最舒適的座位。
4.What do young people think about places in town? 年輕人關於鎮上的位置是什麼看法?
5.We did a survey of our readers.我們做了一個讀者涮查。
6.Last week's talent show was a great success.上周的才能展示是一個成功。
7.She played a beautiful piano piece.她演奏了一支優美的鋼琴曲。
8.What is the most boring TV show? 最乏味的電視劇是什麼7
9.The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night. 一個旅館房間的價格是每晚320元。
10.There's a lot things to do.有許多事情要做。
Review of units 7一12
make mushroom soup做蘑菇湯
a speech contest一次演講比賽
live in居住在……
creative job富有創造性的工作
arrive in到達
elementary school小學
funniest movie actor最有意思的電影演員
1.How do you make mushroom soup? 你怎麼做蘑菇湯?
2.I won a speech contest.我演講比賽獲勝。
3.Are you going to live in Beijing?你要住在北京嗎?
4.No,not an actor,another kind of creative job.不,不是做演員,而是另一種富有創造性的工作。
5.We arrived in Australia 0n August 20th.
6.What is the best elementary school?最好的小學是哪個?
7.Who do you think is the funniest movie actor? 你認為誰是最有意思的電影演員?

⑶ 急!!!八年級英語詞彙,片語及重點,分無所謂

八年級下Unit 1
1. 在人們家中 in people's home
2. 在家通過電腦學習 study at home on computers
3. 將來 in the future
4. 免費的 be free
5. 活到200歲 live to be 200 years old
6. 一 百年之後 in 100 years
7. 一張紙 a piece of paper
8. 更多/更少的樹 more / few trees
9. 更多/更少的污染 more / less pollution
10. 更少使用地鐵 use the subway less
11. 更多使用…… use sth. a lot
12. 同意某人的意見 agree with sb.
13. 與……談話 talk to / with sb.
14. 使用某物做某事 use sth. to do
15. 在上小學 be in elementary school
16. 住在一間公寓 live in an apartment
17. 乘坐火箭到月球 fly rockets to the moon
18. 愛上…… fall in love with …
19. 獨自居住 live alone easye.2000y.net
20. 能夠做某事 be able to do sth.
21. 去香港度假 go to Hong Kong on vacation
22. 世界盃 the World Cup
23. 飛到月球度假 fly to the moon for vacation
24. 有朝一日 one day
25. 為某人工作 work for sb.
26. 看起來精神 look smart
27. 實現 come trueeasye.2000y.net
28. 預言未來 predict the future
29. 看見某人做某事 see sb. do / doing
30. 數以百計的 hundreds of
31. 在太空 in space
32. 擁有某人自己的機器人 have one's own robot
33. 科幻小說 science fiction movies
34. 幫助某人做家務 help with the housework
35. 與……做同樣的事 do the same things as sb.
36. 叫醒某人 wake upeasye.2000y.net
37. 與……交朋友 make friends with sb.
38. 某地有某人在做某事 there be sb. / sth doing sth.
39. 看起來更像 look more like
40. 一遍又一遍地 over and over again
41. 有更少的工作去做 have less work to do
42. 做某事有趣 be fun to do
43. 在25年到50年之後 in 25 to 50 years
Unit 2
1. 擋住;阻止……進入 keep out
2. 與……某人就某事爭吵 argue with sb. about sth.
3. 與……爭吵 have an argument with sb. = argue with sb.
4. 告訴某人(不要)做某事 tell sb. (not ) to do sth.
5. 得到一份兼職的工作 get a part-time job
6. 打開 turn oneasye.2000y.net
7. 把……聲音放得太大 play … too loud
8. 給……寫信 write sb. a letter
9. 給……打電話 call sb. up
10. 一場球賽的票 a ticket to a ball game
11. 使……驚訝 surprise sb.
12. 支付…… pay for
13. 從……借…… borrow sth. from sb.
14. 為某人買某物 buy sb. sth.
15. 不知道 have no ideaeasye.2000y.net
16. 有同樣的發型 have the same haircut
17. 查明 find outeasye.2000y.net
18. 請家教 get a tutor
19. 需要去做 need to do
20. 邀請某人去做某事 invite sb. to do sth.
21. 把某物落在家裡 leave sth at home
22. 做某事失敗 fail (in) sth.
23. 與……相處融洽 get on well with sb.
24. 與……相同的 be the same as
25. 歸還某物 return sth.
26. 在字典中查找…… look up … in a dictionary
27. 與……打架 have a fight with sb.
28. 與……比較 compare with
29. 向……抱怨某事 complain to sb. about sth.
30. 感覺處於(太多的)壓力之下 be / feel under (too much) pressure
31. 買不同的衣服 get different clothes
32. 把……從一個地方帶到另一個地方 take sb from 名詞 to 名詞
33. 直到……才…… not … until …
34. 盡可能多地充實到孩子們的生活中來 fit as much as possible into their kids lives
35. 屢見不鮮 nothing neweasye.2000y.net
36. 厲害地強迫某人 push sb. hard
37. 總是在做某事 be always doing
38. 計劃做某事 plan to do
39. 一方面 on the one hand
40. 另一方面 on the other hand
41. 從很小的年齡開始 start from a very young age
Unit 3
1. 到達 arrive at / get to / reach
2. 在……前面 in front of
3. 在……的前部 in the front of
4. 在理發師的椅子上 in / on the barber's chair
5. 睡懶覺 sleep lateeasye.2000y.net
6. 在電話中交談 talk on the phone
7. 航天博物館 the Museum of Flight
8. 降落在中央大街上 land on Center Street
9. 報警 call the police
10. 沿著街道走 walk down / along the street
11. 起飛/脫下 take off
12. 有一次不尋常的經歷 have an unusual experience
13. 大約在10點鍾 at around ten o'clock
14. 跟著某人做某事/去某地 follow sb. to do / 地點
15. 對……感到驚訝 be surprised / amazed at
16. 在樹上 in the tree / on the tree
17. 朝……喊叫 shout to sb. / shout at sb.
18. 在火車站 at the train station
19. 逃跑 run awayeasye.2000y.net
20. 沿著……走 walk around
21. 紐約市 New York City / the city of the New York
22. 對……說 say to sb.
23. 飛往紐約的航班 the flight to New York
24. 在醫生的診所 at the doctor's
25. 看望住院的姨媽 visit aunt in hospital
26. 2008年奧運會 the 2008 Olympics
27. 記得做過/去做某事 remember doing / to do sth.
28. 在歷史上 in history
29. 在現代美國歷史上 in modern American history
30. 最重要的事件之一 one of the most important events
31. 聽說 hear about / of
32. 多於;超過 more than
33. 玩得高興 have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself
34. 沉默地做某事 do sth. in silence
35. 在當今時代 in recent times
36. 被……毀壞 be destroyed by
37. 對……有意義 have meaning to
38. 在太空 in spaceeasye.2000y.net
39. 與(不與)……一樣 … as … as / not as / so … as
40. 環繞地球 around the world
41. 一個民族英雄 a national hero
42. 全世界 all over the world / around the world
43. 因/作為……而著名 be famous for / as
44. 第一次做某事 do sth. for the first time
45. 日常活動 everyday activities
Unit 4
1. 看肥皂劇 watch soap operas
2. 舉行一次驚喜晚會 have a surprise party
3. 在周五晚上 on Friday night
4. 生某人的氣 be mad at sb.
5. 首先 first of alleasye.2000y.net
6. 做課外家庭作業 do a homework project
7. 遞給某人某物 pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb.
= pass on sth. to sb. = pass sth. on to sb.
8. 在公共汽車站 at the bus stop
9. 理應做某事 be supposed to do
10. 擅長be good at = do well in
11. 很抱歉做某事 be sorry to do sth.
12. 感冒 have / catch a cold
13. 身體健康 be in good health
14. 一次期末考試 an end-of-year exam
15. 在某事方面感到費勁 have a hard time with
16. 做某事很吃驚 be surprised to do
17. 捎去某人的問候 send one's love
18. 到現在為止 for noweasye.2000y.net
19. 抄襲別人的家庭作業 others' homework
20. 傳些口信 pass on some messages
21. 大打一架 have a big fight
22. 忘記去做某事 forget to do
23. 養成一個壞習慣 start a bad habit
24. 克服 get overeasye.2000y.net
25. 改變某人的生活 change one's life = change the life of sb.
26. 在一個貧困的山村 in a poor mountain village
27. 聽起來像 sound like
28. 一個北京大學的畢業生 a Peking University graate
29. 一個為期一年的計劃 a one-year program
30. 由……發起 be started by
31. 教育部 the Ministry of Ecation
32. 派人去做某事 send sb. to do
33. 對某人來說是一個新的經歷 be a new experience for sb.
34. 海拔2000米 2000 meters above sea level
35. 使某人覺得惡心 make sb. feel sick
36. 經歷不同的事 experience different things
37. 打開某人對外面世界的視野 open up one's eyes to the outside world
38. 給某人生活一個好的開始 give sb. a good start in life
39. 在某人的生活中有一個好的影響 be a good influence in one's life
40. 關愛地球母親 care for「Mother Earth」
41. 無國界醫生 Doctors Without Borders
42. 瀕危野生動物 wild animals in danger
43. 處於危險之中 be in danger
44. 脫離危險 be out of danger
Unit 5
1. 去參加晚會 go to the party
2. 玩得高興 have a great time
3. 讓某人進 let ineasye.2000y.net
4. 備考 study for one's test
5. 一半的同學 half the class
6. 歲末晚會 end of year party
7. 穿牛仔褲 wear jeans
8. 把……拿走 take away
9. 在晚會期間 ring the party
10. 校大掃除 school clean-up
11. 兒童醫院探視 Children's Hospital visit
12. 環球旅行 travel around the world
13. 獲得教育 get an ecation
14. 足球代理人 professional soccer player
15. 謀生 make a living
16. 似乎 seem like sth. / doing sth.
17. 夢想的職業 dream job
18. 捐給慈善機構 give … to charity
19. 一直 all the time
20. 受傷 get injured
21. 很難做某事 have a difficult / hard time
22. 實際上 in facteasye.2000y.net
23. 能夠 be able to/can
24. 手機 mobile phone
25. 與某人度過時光 spend time with sb.
Unit 6
1. 收集貝殼 collect shells
2. 滑冰馬拉松 skating marathon
3. 你第一雙滑冰鞋 your first pair of skates
4. 募捐 raise moneyeasye.2000y.net
5. 整整五小時 the whole five hours
6. 三年半 three and a half years
7. 填充動物玩具 stuffed animals
8. 妖怪雪球 snow glob of the monster
9. 用光 run out ofeasye.2000y.net
10. 在我十七歲生日時 on my seventeenth birthday
11. 順便說一下 by the way
12. 最常見的 the most common
13. 送某人某物 send sb. sth.
14. 才藝表演 a talent show
15. 額外的英語課 extra English class
16. 古幣 old coinseasye.2000y.net
17. 自由話題 free topic
18. 想起 think of
19. 著名人物 famous characters
20. 黑龍江省會 the capital of Heilongjiang Province
21. 具有豐富多彩的歷史 with a colorful history
22. 歐洲的影響 European influence
23. 蘇聯風格 in Russian style
24. 家史 family history
25. 驚奇 be surprised
26. 受到……的歡迎 be welcomed by
27. 宋朝皇帝 the Song Emperor
28. 西方歷史 western history
29. 越……越 the +比較級 … the +比較級
30. 確信 be certain that / to do
Unit 7
1. 介意做某事 mind doing sth.
2. 調小/大 turn down / up
3. 洗餐具 do the dishes
4. 從……里出來 get out of
5. 立即 right away / at once
6. 一會兒 in a minute
7. 在開會 be at the meeting
8. 完成這些工作 finish these tasks
9. 在廚房裡 in the kitchen
10. 幫某人做某事 help sb. do / with sth.
11. 抱怨 complain about sth.
12. 商店職員 store clerk
13. 給你拿錯了食品 bring you the wrong food
14. 不好使 don't work
15. 惱怒 get annoyed
16. 排隊等候 wait in line
17. 長時間的電話聊天 have a long telephone conversation
18. 到處跟著我 follow me around
19. 回到…… go back to
20. 一直 all the timeeasye.2000y.net
21. 碰巧發生在某人身上 happen to sb.
22. 試著不做某事 try not to do sth.
23. 加號 cut in line
24. 有點晚 a bit late
25. 定購食物 order food
26. 壓低你的聲音 keep your voice down
27. 講英語的國家 English-speaking country
28. 社會行為 social behavior
29. 與某人站的近 stand close to sb.
30. 亞洲國家 Asian country
31. 在各種條件下 in all situations
32. 即使 even ifeasye.2000y.net
33. 當眾 in public
34. 小心 take care to do sth.
35. 熄滅香煙 put out the cigarette
36. 被批評 be criticized
37. 扔垃圾 drop litter
38. 撿起 pick upeasye.2000y.net
39. 表現禮貌 behave politely
40. 依靠 depend on
41. 地方報紙 local newspaper
Unit 8
1. 幸運兒 lucky guy
2. 做一頓特別的飯 make a special meal
3. 你自己的選擇 your own choices
4. 大腹便便的豬 a pot-bellied pig
5. 好夥伴 good company
6. 帶某人出去 take sb. out to do
7. 睡著 fall asleep
8. 半途中 half wayeasye.2000y.net
9. 樹上的一片葉子 a leaf from a tree
10. 贈送 give away
11. 公園長椅 park bench
12. 試著做某事 try to do sth.
13. 通過不同的方式 in different ways
14. 來自於中國各地 from across China
15. 在舞台上 on stage
16. 各種年齡層 all age groups
17. 鼓勵某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth.
18. 取得進步 make progress
19. 奧委會 the Olympic Committee
20. 從……中得到樂趣 have fun with sth.
21. 講本族語的人 native speakers
22. 使某要對某事感興趣 make sb interested in
Unit 9
1. 太空博物院 space museum
2. 游樂場 amusement park
3. 水上樂園 water park
4. 曾經到過某個地方 have been to
5. 到某個地方去了 have gone to
6. 呆在某個地方 have been in
7. 既不……也不;兩者都不 neither … nor …
8. 聽說 hear ofeasye.2000y.net
9. 迪斯尼人物 Disney character
10. 主題公園 a theme park
11. 當然 of course
12. 過山車 a roller coaster
13. 以……為主題 be themed by
14. 四處走動 walk around
15. 總是一直 all the time
16. 迪斯尼巡遊 Disney Cruise
17. 兜風 take a ride
18. 在船上 on board
19. 走不同的路線 take different routes
20. 結束 end upeasye.2000y.net
21. 空中乘務員 a flight attendant
22. 導游 a tour guide
23. 象……這樣的 such as
24. 考慮 think about
25. 勝於,而不是 rather than
26. 在東南亞 in Southeast Asia
27. 度假 take a holiday
28. 在一方面 on the one hand
29. 在另一方面 on the other hand
30. 超過 多餘 more than
31. 四分之三 three quarters
32. 三分之一 one third
33. 做某事有困難 have some problem doing
34. 不管 還是 whether or
35. 夜狩 night safari
36. 在白天 ring the daytime
37. 在更自然的環境里 in a more natural environment
38. 全年 all year round
39. 靠近 be close to
Unit 10
1. 閑聊 small talk
2. 祝一天愉快 have a good day
3. 瀏覽;粗略看一遍 look through
4. 排隊等候 wait in line
5. 穿過一條繁忙的街道 cross a busy street
6. 開場白 open questions
7. 感謝函 Thank-you note
8. 想要 feel likeeasye.2000y.net
9. 出現;陪伴 come along
10. 融洽相處 get along
11. 想起 think of
12. 有一個家宴 have a family dinner
13. 交通擁擠 heavy traffic
14. 至少 at least
Unit 1 第一單元單詞及短語
1. how often 多久一次2.exercise鍛煉;運動v.&n .3.skateboard.踩滑板;參加滑板運動v
12.program (戲劇、廣播、電視等的)節目、表演;(電腦)程序n.13.high school(美)中學;(英)公立中等學校
17.active.活躍的;積極的adj18.for.對於;關於;在……方面;就……而言prep19.as for至於;關於
20.about.約摸;幾乎adv21.junk.廢棄的舊物;破爛物n22.junk food垃圾食品23.milk.牛奶n
24.coffee.咖啡n25.chip (食物等的)薄片n.26.cola.可樂n27.chocolate.巧克力n28.drink喝;飲v.
29.health.健康;健康狀況n30.how many多少31.interviewer.采訪者n32.habit.習慣;習性n
33.try試圖;想要;設法;努力v.34.of course當然;自然35.look after照顧;照看36.lifestyle生活方式n.
39.same同樣的;相同的adj.40.as.(表示比較)像……(一樣) prep41.different.差異的;不同的adj
44.yuck.(表示反感、厭惡等)呸;啐int45.maybe或許;大概adv.46.although (=though)雖然;即使;縱然conj.
47.for (表示時間、距離、數量)達;計prep.48.grandpa爺爺;外公n.49.a lot of大量;許多
50.keep保持;使保持某種狀態v.51.must modal.必須v52.less.(little的比較級)較小的;更小的;較少的;更少的adj
Unit 2 第二單元單詞及短語
1. matter.事情;問題;差錯n2.have.得(病);患(病) v3.cold.傷風;感冒n4.have a cold患感冒
10.eye眼睛n.11.foot (pl.feet)腳;足n.12.hand.手n13.head.頭;頭部nl4.leg.腿;腿部n15.mouth.嘴;口;口腔n
16.neck.脖子;頸部n17.nose.鼻子n18.stomach.胃;胃部n19.tooth牙齒(pl.teeth) n.
25.dentist.牙醫n26.should.應該v27.headache頭痛n.28.shouldn't=should not29.ago.(距……)以前adv
34.stress加壓力於;使緊張v..壓力;緊張n 35.be stressed out緊張的;有壓力的
37.cereal.谷類植物;加工而成的,谷類食物(一般指燕麥片、玉米片等早餐食品) n
47.weak/adj.(身體)虛弱的;無力的48.Dangshen(中草葯)黨參49.Huangqi (中草葯)黃芪
57.few.(表示否定)很少的;幾乎沒有的adj58.a few(表示肯定)有些;幾個59.stay.繼續是;保持v
64.at the moment此時;現在65.late.晚66.until (=till)直到……之時;在……之前conj.
67.dear (表示驚奇、苦惱、懊悔等)呵;哎呀int.68.host family寄宿家庭69.yesterday昨天;昨日n.
Unit 3 第三單元單詞和表達式
1. babysit.臨時照顧(嬰幼兒) v2.camp設營;宿營;露宿v.3.plan計劃;規劃;方案n.&v.4.Tibet西藏
5.hike徒步旅行;遠足v.6.Hong Kong香港7.yeah.(yes的變體)是adv8.how long多久
9.away向遠處;離開;向另一方向adv.10.get back回來11.send.送;寄;派譴v12.postcard.名信片n
13..Hawaii(美國州名)夏威夷14.San Francisco(美國加利福尼亞州西部港市)舊金山
15.bike.自行車;腳踏車n16.ride乘騎;搭乘;乘騎(搭乘)旅行(的路程) n.17.sightseeing觀光;游覽n.
18.fish.捕魚;釣魚v19.rent租用;出租v.20.famous.著名的;出名的adj21.take a vacation去度假
27.the Great Lakes(加拿大與美國之間的五個大湖的總稱)五大湖28.leave離去;出發v.
29.countryside.鄉下;農村;鄉村n30.nature.大自然;自然界n31.forget忘記;忘卻v.32.a lot很;非常;常常
Unit 4 第四單元單詞和表達式
1. take.搭乘(某種交通工具) v2.subway.地鐵;地下火車n3.walk走;步行;散步v.
13.minute.分鍾n14.take花費(時間) v.15.by.表示交通、傳遞等的方式rep16.by bus 乘坐公共汽車
17.far遠的;遙遠的adj.18.how far多遠19.kilometer公里;千米n.20.shower&n.淋浴v.
25.mile.英里n26.stop.車站n27.transportation運送;運輸28.northn.北部的;北方的29.North America北美洲
34.depend on視……而定;決定於35.river.河;江n36.boat.船n37.by boat乘坐小船
38.must (表示推測)一定v.39.than.(用於形容詞、副詞的比較級之後)比conj
40.more (用於構成部分形容詞及副詞的比較級)(比……)更;更多的;更大的adv.
45.worry擔心;擔憂;焦慮v.46.look at朝……看47.so.(表示程度)這么;那麼adv48.much十分;非常adv.
Unit 5 第五單元單詞和表達式
5.calendar日歷;日程表n.6.tomorrow明天;明日n.7.the day after tomorrow後天8.invitation.邀請n
13.American美國的;美洲的adj.14.project (學校的)課題;作業;項目n.15.match比賽;競賽n.
16.whole整個的;全部的;完整的adj.17.over從一邊至另一邊adv.18.come over順便來訪
Unit 6 第六單元單詞和表達式
1. outgoing.友好的;爽直的adj2.twin孿生的;雙胎的adj.3.calm.(心情)鎮靜的;無憂慮的adj
10.as以……的方式;如同……那樣adv.11.way (某個)方面;某)點n.12.both兩個(都);兩者(都) pron.
13.hers.她的(所有物);屬於她的(東西) pron14.physics物理;物理學n.15.however.然而conj
16.more than 超出……17.common共同的;共有的adj.18.in common共同(的);共有(的)
19.be good at擅長;在……方面做得好20.schoolwork學業;功課n.21.make使;促使;迫使v.
22.laugh笑;發笑v.23.for (表示對象、用途等)為;給;對prep.24.opposite.對立的;相反的adj
25.view觀點;想法;態度n.26.interest興趣;愛好n.27.most of大多數28.though雖然;即使;縱然conj.
32.friendship.友好;友誼n33.primary.初級的;小學的adj34.primary school小學35.information消息;資料n.

⑷ 超詳細八年級英語上冊筆記

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?




is\am--was是 are -- were是 go--went去 buy—bought買 take --took拿走

do\does—did feed—fed喂 see—saw 看見 eat—ate 吃 have\has—had 有,吃

feel—felt感覺 ride—rode騎 get—got到達,得到 can—could能,會

forget—forgot忘記 drink—drank喝 find—found找到


some body

any one

every thing

no where(疑問副詞)

不定代詞和不定副詞 (1)左邊的some、any、every、no與右邊的body、one、thing構成不定代詞,some、any、every、no與右邊的疑問副詞where構成不定副詞;

(2)一般情況下以some開頭的不定代詞和不定副詞用於肯定句,以any開頭的不定代詞和不定副詞用於否定句、疑問句;以no開頭的不定代詞和不定副詞表示否定含義(no one為兩個單詞);


He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。(肯定句用something,形容詞important放後)

Did you buy anything special? (一般疑問句用anything,形容詞special放後)

Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上個月你去令人感興趣的地方了嗎?


(4)不定代詞和不定副詞做主語時,後面的動詞用單數形式。Everone is here today.今天每個人都在這里。


1.go on vacation去度假 go to the mountains 上山/進山

2. stay at home呆在家go to the beach去海灘 visit museums 參觀博物館 go to summer camp去夏令營

3.study for tests為考試而學習\備考 go out出去

4.quite a few相當多,不少(後跟可數名詞復數)

He has quite a few friends.他有不少朋友; take photos照相 most of the time大部分時間

5.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth為某人買某物

My mother bought me a sweater=My mother bought a sweater for me.我媽媽給我買了一件毛衣。

6.(P3,語法表格4行) taste good. 嘗起來很好


The food tastes delicious.這食品嘗起來非常可口。

The T-shirt looks beautiful.這件體恤衫看起來很漂亮。

The songs sound beautiful.這些歌曲聽起來很優美。

7.have a good\great\fun time過得高興,玩得愉快(=enjoy oneself)

They had a good time yesterday.= They enjoyed themselves yesterday.他們昨天玩得很開心。 8.go shopping去購物


He had nothing to do at home but read yesterday.昨天他在家除了讀書無事可做。

10.seem to do sth:好像… I seem to know him.我好像認識他。

seem+(to be)+形容詞:看起來…The work seems(to be)easy.這工作看起來很容易。

11.keep a diary記日記

12.(P5,2b,1行) in+大地方:達到某地 (get to +地方:達到某地)

arrive at+小地方:達到某地 (get的過去式為got)

He arrived in Beijing yesterday.他昨天達到北京。


Tom got home yesterday evening=Tom arrived home yesterday evening.昨晚湯姆到家。

13.decide to do sth:決定做某事 He decided to go home.他決定回家。

decide的名詞decision決定 ,make a decision做決定(to do sth.)

14. try doing sth.嘗試做某事 try to do sth.盡力去做某事

The boy tried riding bicycle.這個小孩試著騎自行車

He tried to help the old man.他盡力幫助這個老年人。

15.feel like給…的感覺;感受到

16.in the past 在過去 walk around四處走走

enjoy doing sth:喜歡做某事 He enjoys playing basketball.他喜歡打籃球。

17.difference(名詞,差異,差別)---- different(形容詞,不同的)

18.start doing sth:開始做某事 (= start to do sth)

He started doing his homework. 他開始做家庭作業。

19.over an hour一個多小時 (over超過,多餘 = more than)

20. too many 太多,後接可數名詞復數。

Mother bought too many eggs yesterday.昨天媽媽買了很多雞蛋。

too much 太多,後跟不可數名詞,修飾動詞作狀語。

We have too much work to do.我們有很多工作要做。 Don』t talk too much.不要說太多。

much too 太,後跟形容詞或副詞The hat is much too big for me.這帽子對我來說太大。

You』re walking much too fast.你走地太快了。

分辨三者的口訣: too much, much too, 用法區別看後頭:much 後接不可數,too 後修飾形或副。too many 要記住,後面名詞必復數。

21. because of 因為,後接名詞、代詞或動名詞(即動詞+ing),

不能接句子。 because因為,後跟句子。

He can』t go to school because of the rain.他因為下雨沒去上學。(rain為名詞)

He was late for school because of getting up late.他因為起晚而上學遲到。(get為動詞)

= He was late for school because he got up late.

I don』t buy the shirt because it was too expensive.我沒有買這件襯衣因為它太貴。


He has enough money .他有足夠的錢。(money為名詞)


He is old enough to go to school. (old為形容詞)

23.doing sth.忘記已經做過某事(已經做完)

forget to do sth.忘記去做某事(還未做)(forget的過去式為forgot)

Don』t foget to close the door.不要忘記關上門。(門還未關)

He forgot closing the door.他忘記已經關上門了。(門已經關上,但是他忘了)


He ate one apple,he wanted another two apples.他吃了一個蘋果,還想再要兩個。


too+形容詞+to do sth:太…以至於不能…

形容詞+enough to do sth:足夠…能夠做某事(注意三個句型有時可以互換)

He is so young that he can′t go to school.他如此年輕以至於不能去上學。

= He is too young to go to school. 他太年輕以至於不能去上學。

= He isn′t old enough to go to school.

用not ….enough to 時, enough前面的形容詞為原形容詞的反義詞。

26.tell sb (not) to do sth:告訴某人(不要)做某事

My mother often tells us not to play in the street.我的媽媽經常告訴我不要在街上玩。

⑸ 對於八年級英語考試,如何復習怎樣更全面完善的復習內容怎麼樣考得更高 急求,謝謝


①Words 。其實英語的學習歷來都把單詞的學習作為重點,初中也不例外。我們一定要記住,單詞記憶切忌孤立地,單純地背誦單詞。我們中學最習慣的背誦方法就是背拼寫,比如what這個單詞我們一般都是這么背what what,這樣只是記住了幾個孤立的字母而並沒有記住單詞,過不了幾天就會把這個單詞忘掉。那麼我們就要把單詞放在一個整體或者環境中背誦,比如我們不如記住下面一句話:What is your name?(你的名字叫什麼)那麼就不容易忘掉了。也就是說每記一個單詞都要相應地記住用這個單詞在內的一個例句,因為單詞的意思只能在句子中體現,有意思我們才不容易忘掉,而孤立的無意思的不容易記住。另外記憶單詞要利用一切可能的辦法去記住,比如分類記憶:我們把動物的有關詞彙放在一起,把有關校園的有關詞彙放在一起,或者天文,地理,等等。當然我們也可以利用諧音的方法自己編寫些小段子記住單詞,再就是詞根和音標記憶法,這些都是老生常談的方法.不過對於我大學的英語學習確實起到了不可比擬的效果,這就需要你留心英語的邊邊角角,注意總結,例如-tion和-ment都是常用的名詞化後綴communication就是communicat的名詞,而in-,dis-和im-就是否定的常用符號dishonest就是不誠實的意思,pre-表示提前的意思prepel就是推動促進的意思,英語大千詞彙很多就是這樣來的。



④Composition writting。寫作學習請大家牢牢記住下面兩句話。「讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神」,「熟讀唐詩三百首,不會做詩也會吟」,強大的閱讀功底是寫出好文章的保證,只有輸入得多了才能輸出得多,因此一定要多讀課外文章還有精讀文章。在具體聯系方面,我們並不需要寫太多字數的文章。因為初中生的作文並不需要寫太復雜的句子。僅僅是簡單句子的結合,所以說中學生的作文不叫真正意義上的作文,而是叫寫話。所以鑒於上述,我覺得英漢互譯寫句子是最好的寫作文的方法,把每句話成功的寫出來,再結合起來就是一篇好的作文了。

再就是希望你不要抱有太大的壓力,畢竟只是一次期末性質的考試,英語學習是一個長期的過程,需要持之以恆的毅力和決心,不夠要純粹應付考試的話,多做一些練習真題吧,掌握考試規律,認真比對答案,展出自己的不足與錯誤,再就是緊跟老師的教學步驟,不管是上課還是復習都好,筆記是絕對不能少的,課下的功夫也是不能少的,畢竟no pains,no gains嘛!只有付出了汗水才會有回報不過你也要相信where there is a will,there is a way.Nothing is impossible!


⑹ 人教版八年級上冊英語各單元語法

1) leave的用法
When did you leave Shanghai?
2.「leave for+地點」表示「動身去某地」。例如:
Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London.
Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing?
2) 情態動詞should「應該」學會使用
How should I know? 我怎麼知道?
Why should you be so late today? 你今天為什麼來得這么晚?
We should help each other.我們應當互相幫助。
1. 用於表示「應該」或「不應該」的概念。此時常指長輩教導或責備晚輩。例如:
You should be here with clean hands. 你應該把手洗干凈了再來。
2. 用於提出意見勸導別人。例如:
You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果你感覺不舒服,你最好去看醫生。
3. 用於表示可能性。should的這一用法是考試中常常出現的考點之一。例如:
We should arrive by supper time. 我們在晚飯前就能到了。
She should be here any moment. 她隨時都可能來。
3) What...? 與 Which...?
1. what 與 which 都是疑問代詞,都可以指人或事物,但是what僅用來詢問職業。如:
What is your father? 你父親是干什麼的?
What does your father do?
What is your father's job?
Which 指代的是特定范圍內的某一個人。如:
---Which is Peter? 哪個是皮特?
---The boy behind Mary. 瑪麗背後的那個男孩。
2. What...?是泛指,所指的事物沒有范圍的限制;而 Which...?是特指,所指的事物有范圍的限制。如:
What color do you like best? (所有顏色)
Which color do you like best, blue, green or yellow? (有特定的范圍)
3. what 與 which 後都可以接單、復數名詞和不可數名詞。如:
Which pictures are from China?
4) 頻度副詞的位置
always(總是,一直) usually(通常) often(常常,經常) sometimes(有時候) never(從不)
David is often arrives late for school. 大衛上學經常遲到。
We usually go to school at 7:10 every day. 我們每天經常在7:10去上學。
Sometimes I walk home, sometime I rides a bike. 有時我步行回家,有時我騎自行車。
Never have I been there.
5) every day 與 everyday
1. every day 作狀語,譯為「每一天」。如:
We go to school at 7:10 every day. 我們每天7:10去上學。
I decide to read English every day. 我決定每天讀英語。
2. everyday 作定語,譯為「日常的」。
She watches everyday English on TV after dinner. 她晚飯後在電視上看日常英語。
What's your everyday activity? 你的日常活動是什麼?
6) 什麼是助動詞
1.協助主要動詞構成謂語動詞片語的詞叫助動詞(Auxiliary Verb)。被協助的動詞稱作主要動詞(Main Verb)。
He doesn't like English. 他不喜歡英語。
a. 表示時態,例如:
He is singing. 他在唱歌。
He has got married. 他已結婚。
b. 表示語態,例如:
He was sent to England. 他被派往英國。
c. 構成疑問句,例如:
Do you like college life? 你喜歡大學生活嗎?
Did you study English before you came here?你來這兒之前學過英語嗎?
d. 與否定副詞not合用,構成否定句,例如:
I don't like him. 我不喜歡他。
e. 加強語氣,例如:
Do come to the party tomorrow evening. 明天晚上一定來參加晚會。
He did know that. 他的確知道那件事。
3.最常用的助動詞有:be, have, do, shall, will, should, would
7) forget doing/to do與remember doing/to do
1.forget to do 忘記要去做某事。 (未做)
forget doing 忘記做過某事。 (已做)
The light in the office is still on. He forgot to turn it off.
He forgot turning the light off.
他忘記他已經關了燈了。 ( 已做過關燈的動作)
Don't forget to come tomorrow.
別忘了明天來。 (to come動作未做)
---- The light in the office is still on.
---- Oh,I forgot___.
A. turning it off B. turn it off
C. to turn it off D. having turned it off
答案:C。由the light is still on 可知燈亮著,即關燈的動作沒有發生,因此用forget to do sth.而forget doing sth 表示燈已經關上了,而自己忘記了這一事實。此處不符合題意。
2.remember to do 記得去做某事 (未做)
remember doing 記得做過某事 (已做)
Remember to go to the post office after school. 記著放學後去趟郵局。
Don't you remember seeing the man before? 你不記得以前見過那個人嗎?
8) It's for sb.和 It's of sb.
1.for sb. 常用於表示事物的特徵特點,表示客觀形式的形容詞,如easy, hard, difficult, interesting, impossible等:
It's very hard for him to study two languages. 對他來說學兩門外語是很難的。
2.of sb 的句型一般用表示人物的性格,品德,表示主觀感情或態度的形容詞,如good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right。
It's very nice of you to help me. 你來幫助我,你真是太好了。
3.for 與of 的辨別方法:
You are nice. (通順,所以應用of)。
He is hard. (人是困難的,不通,因此應用for。)
9) 對兩個句子的提問
句子:The boy in blue has three pens.
提問:1.Who has three pens?
2.Which boy has three pens?
3.What does the boy in blue have?
4.How many pens does the boy in blue have?
句子:He usually goes to the park with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday.
提問:1.Who usually goes to the park with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?
2.Where does he usually go with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?
3.What does he usually do with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?
4.With whom does he usually go to the park at 8:00 on Sunday?
5.What time does he usually go to the park with his friends on Sunday?
6.When does he usually go to the park with his friends?
10) so、such與不定冠詞的使用
He is so funny a boy.
Jim has so big a house.
It is such a nice day.
That was such an interesting story.
11) 使用-ing分詞的幾種情況
He is watching TV in the room.
They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.
2.在there be結構中。如:
There is a boy swimming in the river.
3.在have fun/problems結構中。如:
We have fun learning English this term.
They had problems getting to the top of the mountain.
Thanks for helping me.
Are you good at playing basketball.

Unit 5
come to 來到
have /take a piano lesson 上一節鋼琴課
would love to…願意…一
too much太多
play soccer踢足球
go to the doctor去看醫生,去看病
study for a test 准備考試
have to不得不;必須
the day after tomorrow 後天
the science report科學報告
1.Can you come to my party on Wednesday?
2.Sorry。I can't.I have a piano lesson.
3.Sure.I'd love to.當然,我願意。
4.I'm playing soccer.我在踢足球。
5.I have too much homework(to do) this weekend .這個周末我有太多家庭作業(要做)。
6.I have to go to the doctor.我得去看醫生。
7.On Thursday,I'm studying for a test.周四,我要備考。
8.I can't join you because I have to help my mom? 我不能參加,因為我要幫我媽媽幹活。
9.I'm having a piano lesson the day after tomorrow?後天我要上鋼琴課。
10.Can you come over to my house to discuss the science report':你能來我家討論這份科學報告嗎?
Unit 6
be outgoing愛拋頭露面
short hair短發
more athletic更健美
the same as 同……一樣
lots of許多
look the same看起來一樣
be good at /do well in 擅長 …
make sb.1augh使……發笑
3 centimeters taller高了三厘米
1.I'm more outgoing than my sister.我比我妹妹更愛出風頭。
2.He has shorter hair than Sam.他的頭發比山姆的短。
3.Tom is more athletic than Sam.湯姆比山姆更健美。
4.Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.劉瑩不如她姐姐擅長體育。
5.Both girls go to lots of parties.兩個女孩都參加了許多晚會。
6.In some ways we look the same,and in some ways we look different?在某些方面,我們看起來一樣,在某些方面,我們看起來不同。
7.My good friend is good at schoolwork.我的好朋友愛好乾學校事務。
8.I think a good friend makes me laugh.我認為好朋友會使我發笑。
9.I'm about 3 centimeters taller now.我現在(比以前)高了3厘米。

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