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發布時間: 2024-06-12 22:31:23

⑴ 自信的英文




Back in Korea, Chung exudes confidence.

Confidence radiated from her face.

2、self-assurance:n. 自信


The teacher lacked assurance in front of his class.

Brave men meet danger with assurance.



confidence 信任、poise 平衡、self-confidence 自信、assurance 保證,擔保、self-possession 沉著、composure 鎮靜、sureness 千真萬確、authority 權力

自信反義詞:diffidence 無自信inferiority、abasement、humiliation、contempt

⑵ 培養學生的自信心用英語怎麼說

cultivate the confidence of the students

⑶ 「樹立學生學好英語用好英語的信心」用英語中怎麼說

^Build up the students' confidence to learn English well and to use English well.

學習是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*)

⑷ "培養自信"用英語怎麼說

Develop confidence
foster confidence
train confidence
cultivate confidence
Youth & Juvenile Research
One way to develop your self confidence is to do what you are afraid of and be successful.
You commit to help your child develop a positive sense of him/herself and developthe ability to make and keep friends.

⑸ 英語怎麼說 參與各種各樣的活動,可以挖掘學生的興趣愛好,培養他們自信心

That students participate activities diversely can generate their interests and build up their confidence

⑹ 英語作文關於如何培養學生的自信

Confidence is something that push you move foward and give you encourages when you fall down or face difficulties. Full of confidences, your life will full of sunshine, your future will be bright and beautiful. If you fail in exam, confidence will help you stand up and achieve a good school records next time; if you feel dispointed to you life, confidence will bring you the brave and strength and all the problems you meet will become a small case; if you fall apart with you love, confidence will heal your heartbreak and lead you to a new life. Anytime and anywhere, just full of confidence and make your life full of surprises.

⑺ 「提高自信」用英語怎麼說

Develop confidence
foster confidence
train confidence
cultivate confidence
Youth & Juvenile Research
One way to develop your self confidence is to do what you are afraid of and be successful.
You commit to help your child develop a positive sense of him/herself and developthe ability to make and keep friends.

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