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『壹』 四年級英語春節手抄報


Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life.-----Goethe
天才形成於平靜中,性格來自於生活的激流。 -----歌德

Wherever valour true is found, truemodesty will there abound.-----W. S. Gilbert

Life can only be understood backwards, But it must be lived forward.-----Kierkergaard
前看。 -----克爾凱郭爾

A Night Mooring By Maple
-----Zhang Ji
Moon's down ,crows cry and Frost fills all the sky. By maples and boat lights, I sleepless lie. Outside Suzhou Hanshang Temple is in sight. Its ringing bells reach my boat at midnight.
月落烏啼霜滿天, 江楓漁火對愁眠。
青島 宣傳詞
Highlight Olympic Spirit and Culture.
Green Olympics Green Qing.
Meeting in Beijing Sailing in Qing.
Set Olympic Sails and Build Our Beautiful Home.

A School-report
The father was reading the school-report which had just been handed to him by his hopeful son. His brow was wrathful as he read: "English, poor, French, weak, mathematics, mathematics, Fair," and he gave a glance of disgust at the quaking lad. "Wall, Dad." Said the son, "it is not as good as it might be, but have you seen that?" And he pointed to the next line, which read: "Health excellent."

The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coodination with the changes of Nature). Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations are hanging around. All agree, however, that the word Nian, which in modern Chinese solely means "year", was originally the name of a monster beast that started to prey on people the night before the beginning of a new year.

『貳』 (四年級英語手抄報要翻譯要英語)

Spring Festival ,known as the Chinese New Year, is the most important holiday in China.From late January to early February,Chinese people are busy preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses ,have their hair cut,and buy new clothes .Jiaozi or mpling is most popular.To those who live far away from their home,this festival is also a framily reunion occasion.
And they often go back home to celebrate the festival with their family.The first day of the new year is the time when people visit their friends adn wish each other good luck in the new year.


『叄』 鏂板勾蹇涔愯嫳鏂囨墜鎶勬姤鍐呭瑰洓騫寸駭


Send you a new year's joy,let you forget the trouble.


l wish you and your family good health.


In the new year, we can open up new hope and new blank to carry new dreams.


Hope 2022 is colorful, not messy.


Sleep in, get rid of tiredness, and run with you.


l'd like to send you a fortune fish.l wish you a fortune every year.I hope you can get rich every year.

『肆』 鍥涘勾綰ц嫳璇鏄ヨ妭鎵嬫妱鎶ュ唴瀹圭畝鐭


Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China and some Asian nations. Because legend has it that the beast is afraid of red, afraid of fire and afraid of sound, so people will have couplets, firecrackers, gongs and drums and other customs. Different periods銆

鏄ヨ妭鏄涓鍥藉強涓浜涗簹媧叉皯鏃忎竴涓鍙よ佺殑浼犵粺鑺傛棩銆傚洜涓虹浉浼犲勾鍏芥曠孩鑹詫紝鎬曠伀鍏夊拰鎬曞搷澹幫紝鎵浠ヤ漢浠渚挎湁璐存槬鑱斻佹斁闉鐐銆佹暡閿f墦榧撶瓑涔犱織銆 涓嶅悓鏃舵湡銆佷笉鍚屽湴鍖恆佷笉鍚屾皯鏃忕殑涔犱織閮戒笉鐩稿悓銆傘銆


『伍』 急求小學生四年級英語手抄報(內容是你怎樣過春節的)(手抄報的英語只要一小段)拜託了

春節(The Spring Festival)英文介紹

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.

Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days. The Chinese government now stipulates people have seven days off for the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Many customs accompany the Spring Festival. Some are still followed today, but others have weakened.

On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, many families make laba porridge, a delicious kind of porridge made with glutinous rice, millet, seeds of Job's tears, jujube berries, lotus seeds, beans, longan and gingko.

The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve. At this time, people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god. Now however, most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves.

After the Preliminary Eve, people begin preparing for the coming New Year. This is called "Seeing the New Year in".

Store owners are busy then as everybody goes out to purchase necessities for the New Year. Materials not only include edible oil, rice, flour, chicken, ck, fish and meat, but also fruit, candies and kinds of nuts. What's more, various decorations, new clothes and shoes for the children as well as gifts for the elderly, friends and relatives, are all on the list of purchasing. 英語成語:A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 惡其始者必惡其終。
A bad bush is better than the open field. 有勝於無。
A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. 吃虧的和解也比勝訴強。
A bad conscience is a snake in one's heart. 做賊心虛。
A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 壞習慣像鮮餡餅,分食要比保存好。
A bad padlock invites a picklock. 開門揖盜。
A bad penny always turns up.爛錢總是會再回籠
A bad thing never dies. 壞事傳千年。

英語故事:三個懶漢:A king had three sons whom he loved equally well, and he did not know which of them to appoint as king following his own death.

When the time came for him to die he called them to his bed and said, 「Dear children, I have thought of something that I will reveal to you. The one of you is the laziest shall become king after me.」

The oldest one said, 「Father, then the kingdom belongs to me, for I am so lazy that whenever I lie down to sleep, and a drop falls into my eyes, I will not even close them so that I can fall asleep.」

The second one said, 「Father, the kingdom belongs to me, for I am so lazy that when I am sitting by the fire warming myself, I would rather let my heels burn up than to pull my legs back.」

The third one said, 「Father, the kingdom is mine, for I am so lazy that if I were going to be hanged and already had the rope around my neck, and someone put into my hand a sharp knife with which to cut the rope, I would let myself be hanged rather than to lift my hand up to the rope.」

When the father heard this he said, 「You have taken it the farthest and shall be king.」

在一個遙遠的地方,有一個國王,他有三個兒子,對每一個兒子他都非常喜愛,他不知道自己死後應該把王位傳給他們三個中的哪一個。所以,當他快要死的時候,就把他們叫到身邊說:「親愛的孩子們,在我死後,你們三個中誰最懶,誰就繼承我的王位。」老大說:「既然這樣,這王位就是我的,因為我是最懶的兒子,當我躺下睡覺時,有任何東西落到我的眼睛裡,我也懶得去擦掉,即使不能把眼睛閉上,我仍然會繼續睡覺。」二兒子說:「爸爸,王位應該傳給我,因為我是最懶的兒子。當我坐在火邊取暖的時候,就是火燃到我的腳趾,我也懶得把腿收回來。」第三個兒子說:「爸爸,這王位是我的,因為我是你最懶的兒子,如果我就要被吊起來,繩子已經套在了脖子上,有人把一把鋒利的小刀塞在我手裡,要我切斷繩子,我寧願被吊起來也懶得抬起手把繩子割斷。」父親聽到這里說道:「你是最合適的人選,你應該繼承王位。」One legend goes that the beast Nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people with one bite. People were very scared.
The custom of putting up red paper and firing fire-crackers is to scare away Nian.
However, people today have long forgotten why they are doing all this, except that they feel the color and the sound add to the excitement of the celebration.

『陸』 給老師的英語新年賀卡手抄報怎麼寫四年級虎年


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