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發布時間: 2021-01-27 20:21:57

Ⅰ 我們該如何用英語講好中國故事英語作文

I've had ~ years' experience with acompany as a ~。

Ⅱ 如何看待用英語講中國故事 四級作文


Ⅲ 如何用英語講好中國故事英語作文

Chinese history refers to the history of China's emergence from the Chinese civilization to the present. China has a long history and about 5000 years from the period of Yu Dynasty's Ji Xuanyuan (also known as the Gong sun Xuanyuan); it has been about 4600 years from the three emperors and five emperors; about 4100 years since the Xia Dynasty; the Qin Dynasty from the first centralized centralized system in China has been calculated for about 2240.
China has been the most powerful country in the world after many political changes and dynastic changes, and the world is attracting attention from economy, culture and technology.
The two emperors of Yan Huang were pretreated as the first ancestor of the Chinese nation in prehistoric times.
In the twenty-first Century BC, Yu Chao was the first country in China.The Eastern Zhou Dynasty promoted the development of proctive forces and social changes, and there was a hundred schools of thought contending in mind. In 221 BC, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty established the first unified authoritarian centralization empire of the Qin Dynasty in Chinese history, and the Western Han Dynasty further consolidated and developed a unified situation. In the period of the Three Kingdoms and the northern and Southern Dynasties,
China fell into a split and separatist situation. During the period of five disorderly China, the different ethnic groups became stronger in China, and many ethnic groups graally converged in the conflict of the separation of political power. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the central government had closer ties with the minority nationalities in the border areas, and the economy flourished and the science and technology culture developed highly. In the song and Yuan Dynasties, multiculturalism collided and mingled, and the economy and technology developed to a new height. During the prosperous period of the Ming Dynasty, the social and economic development was high

Ⅳ 如何用英語講好中國故事英語作文



Ⅳ 主題:用英語講好中國故事 的演講稿怎麼寫 3到5分鍾

1.你可以看一些情景模式的英文對話,比如英孚官網有每日課程,根據對話,用自己的英語去描述發生了什麼 2.可以看一些英文故事書籍,比如小王子,看裡面的語句,把中國的元素套用文章裡面的人或者物。

Ⅵ 作為新時代的大學生,你認為如何更好的講好中國故事,讓世界讀懂中國









Ⅶ 如何用英語說好中國故事



Ⅷ 如何用英語從中國人的角度講好中國故事 中文回答






Ⅸ 關於如何用英語講中國故事的英語作文

Magic Shot Outside the Military Camp
Yuan Shu sent 100 thousand troops, led by General Ji Ling, to attack Liu Bei. For fear of Lü Bu in Xuzhou who might lend Liu a hand, Yuan wrote Lü a letter, together with many food supplies as gifts, asking him not to help Liu. Liu, on the other hand, wrote lüa letter asking for assistance. 「 I remain an onlooker with folded arms,」thought Lü, 「I will be in danger after Yuan defeats Liu. But if I help Liu, Yuan will be be resentful to me.」 So Lü invited both Liu Bei and Ji Ling to a bqnqet.
Lü sat between Liu and Ji at the banquet. After a few rounds of toasts Lü began, 「Please grant me a favor by stopping the fight.」 When Ji Ling refused, Lu shouted for his long lance to be brought over. Both Liu and Ji got a fright. 「I'll stand my lance 150steps away outside the gate. If my arrow hits its edge you two will stop your fight. And if I miss the target you have your own way.」 Ji secretly hoped that he would miss the target, while Liu crossed his fingers wished Lu succees. Lü and wine brought up to him. After each one had a cup Lu arched his bow, aimed and shot with a big shout. The arrow flew like lightening toward the target, and hit right on the edge of the lance. A big applause rose from everybody around. Lu dropped his bow and laughed, saying, 「You see, even the heavens wish that you stop fighting.」 With his excellent archery, Lü averted a fight between the two sides.

Ⅹ 如何用英語講中國故事

哈哈 偶然間又看到了這個題目
之前寫的 懶得擺中文版了 後面給你順便貼一個機翻的中文版吧
How to tell Chinese Stories in English
The art of literature blooms the different values and perspectives of cultures, and with apologies to the Apple Pie, English often lauded for its straightforwardness, holds probably the most substantial gap with the symbolic characteristics of our mother tongue. Hence the saying, translation is treason. And given the task to tell Chinese Stories in English, I cannot help but wonder if the process of translation, even done by empathizing and embracing personalities of its author, is futile. Hence the resulted translated piece being fruitless. 「Ay, there's the rub.」
Our traditional culture is just too different from the modern pop culture the western world has to offer. Thereby I believe that only by reinventing the voices of translators creating utterly new works, are literature and documentation of Chinese history to be understood by the rest of the world e to our language and tones being so far apart.
However, concerning modern media or news, translation with accuracy is much easier, thanks to globalization. The gap between us and the rest of the world has become, if not eliminated entirely, tremendously smaller. Yet the stories told by western media and that of our own are still often different. Stereotypes do still exist despite being denied by all western papers.
Thus the answer is clear. To tell stories of our own in English, first, we must be able to overcome the barriers of expression which tethers the audiences』 understanding. Then we must have a profound understanding of our own culture and introce to them our own perspective. And finally, we must break those stereotypes which are biased against us through our own actions, only by so, will they be able to have the patience to listen to our side of the story they once loath to care.

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