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發布時間: 2024-04-01 11:19:41

『壹』 英語調查報告論文


R ( a so called (r;,e) Rohlin set) such that, for ] 0, 1, ..., r; 1, the sets T JR are pairwise disjoint and exhaust X with exception of A TER。 http://www.txlunwenw.com。TERremainder set whose mass is smaller than e. In particular, Rohlin's Lemma is indispensable for the canonical construction of generators.

『貳』 怎樣寫英語調查報告

According to a survey…
I』ve made a survey and find that…
A recent study shows that…
As far as I know…
Some…while some…
I think…
In my opinion…
I hope…
I advise that …

『叄』 調查報告英文




At present, the colleges and universities there are some outstanding problems in vocational ecation, school ecation and students employment and the market demand for talents, the separation of teaching effectiveness is poorer, teaching in the embarrassing situation. In adopting sampling survey method, questionnaire investigation, visiting and other methods, the status of the demand for business English professional market, the business English major teaching and the requirements of curriculum development situation has carried on the investigation and analysis, such as for reform of higher vocational ecation and teaching work.


The demand for business English in the employment market


In the national ecation system, vocational ecation is an important part of which cannot be ignored, because it is to promote economic and social development and employment of important ways. Professional ecation is the employment of ecation, and social demand is the proctivity of ecation. Only by adhering to the reform and innovation, and adjusting the major in time according to the demand of the market, is the fundamental way for the sustainable development of professional ecation.


August 20 * * to * * 20 years in September, jilin province department of foreign languages ecation college course in higher vocational business English professional development and research of the curriculum reform in jilin province, liaoning province, zhejiang province, and Beijing, Shanghai, shenzhen, hangzhou, yiwu, dalian and other places for a market demand social questionnaire sampling survey, tries to survey the social demand for business English professional talents, learn some basic situation and the proportion, provide the basis for further development of business English professional, and according to the social demand and employment guidance curriculum development and reform, redesign to the employment as the guidance, the students career planning as the main line of teaching plan, make the specialty and its curriculum more perfect and effective, and meet the needs of the development of contemporary society, with timeliness.


One, about the questionnaire


The question of the survey


The questionnaire was designed by members of the study group. Consists of three parts, namely the basic situation, main questionnaire investigation unit and to investigate the situation of business English professional curriculum, a total of 35 design problem, the research unit and five respondents personal basic situation, market demand and the curriculum research 30 specific problems.


The way of the survey


The questionnaire issued to take one of two ways, one is questionnaire, and the second is, by means of visiting a questionnaire to survey unit directly, face-to-face meetings and interviews with managers, and submit the answer on the spot. The questionnaire and the scope of the survey were sent in 5 provinces and 12 cities in the whole country, with a total of about 500 questionnaires, and a total of 156 questionnaires, including 128 valid questionnaires.


Second, the basic situation


The units of the survey mainly involve state-owned and public enterprises, private enterprises, sino-foreign joint ventures, commercial and joint-stock companies, indivials and private companies. From the scale of the enterprise, large enterprises account for 22, 0 percent, medium enterprises accounting for 31, 5 percent, small businesses accounting for 46 percent and 5 percent. From the economic type, state-owned enterprises accounted for 10, 4%, 23, private enterprises accounted for 5%, a sino-foreign joint venture accounting for 0%, commerce and the joint stock cooperative system 9, the company accounted for 5%, 25, 31, 6% of indivials and private companies.


Investigation to company and enterprise managers as the object, in which the business operators position as chairman of the board of directors, general manager, director, corporate senior deputy accounted for 0% of 26, marketing and human resources manager accounted for 5% of 38, engineers and technical personnel 8, 7%, 17, 5% employees and other positions of 9 and 3%. Men accounted for 64 percent of the 128 people surveyed, 35 percent of women and 9 percent of women.


Third, the requirement of business English specialty


In the survey, there were 60 or 9 per cent of the units chosen to "have" when asked whether they had introced a business English talent programme. The absence of consideration was 23, 4 and 15, and 6 percent. This shows that the demand for business English graates is more important, and the prospect of cultivation is optimistic. Survey, think is the most popular with the enterprise of business English major graates type is "good grades, and have strong ability of social" (60%), followed by 9% of 27, "social skills", and "good grades" of 12, 1%, the graates of high comprehensive quality is the most popular type.


Asked for the specific requirements of business English graates (multiple), put forward the "good spoken English" the most proportion of 61, 6%, in turn, is 53, accounting for 8% of "communicative competence", "has a solid foundation of basic skills, business ability" accounted for 6% of 42, "has a certain business practice ability" accounted for 5% of 40, "English + business accounted for 19%," graates "to English level 4" accounted for 5% of 18, "national secondary computer certificate" accounted for 3%, 10, "has a good professional ethics and employment concept" of 5, 6%, of the top image temperament of 3, 1%.


Excellent examples of excellent examples of English survey report


For professional qualification certificate of graates is an important issue, said important investigation unit, 45% think not too important, practical ability of accounting for 7%, 54. Thus can see that unit of choose and employ persons tend to value the practical ability of graates and level, but from the statistics of proportion of also can see that at present many units are attaches great importance to the graates have a variety of certificates.


Fourth, the requirement investigation for business English major student teaching and course development


In this survey, the survey unit was concerned about the issue of business English majors and curriculum. When asked whether basic English courses in business English need to be used for learning materials, 82 and 5 percent of the units chose to agree. Disagreeing and disagreeing are 12, 3 and 5 and 2 percent respectively. This shows that the basic English courses in business English are in accordance with the requirements of the market.


In the course of business English professional teaching should be taught in English or with the aid of Chinese issues, agree with the highest percentage of teaching of Chinese business accounted for 3% of 45, agreed to use English to tell the proportion accounted for 6%, 33, don't agree with it is not against the proportion of 21, 1%. It is shown that the importance of learning business knowledge by using native language is not very important.


Asked for business English majors in college what should be taught as well, there are 31, 5% of the operator is suggested to open "business English intensive reading" and "business English" courses; The requirements for "international trade practice", "business etiquette" and "marketing" are also larger than 25, 6, 14, 1 and 10, and 9 percent. "Business English writing" accounted for 18%, 3% of 16, "e-commerce", "international finance" 15, 3%, accounted for 6% of 14, "economics", and put forward for "sociology" and "management", etc.


The main problems and Suggestions for improvement


Through the investigation understands, unit of choose and employ persons have higher demand to training students for the school, which thinks that schools should train students to deal with all kinds of people, with strong communication skills up to 43, the proportion of 5%, the second is: to cultivate students with strong practice ability (21, 5%), cultivating ability and knowledge that pay equal attention to students (19, 3%) is unclear or no advice (15%).


Asked "can you as a unit of choose and employ persons, business English major students in vocational college, put forward some valuable opinions and Suggestions", some investigation showed a strong sense of social responsible for unit, put forward many constructive comments and Suggestions, sums up the following aspects; 1) improve the overall quality of students; 2) cultivate students with good moral values; 3) students are required to be fluent in English, fluent in oral English and strong in business practice. Schools should pay attention to the quality of teaching; 5) find a practical unit, take part in social practice study, and carry out the practical type ecation. 6) to train students to have certain written and translation abilities; 7) encourage students to increase their confidence; 8) cultivate students' ability to socialize and improve their overall image.

從此次調查問卷可以看出,用人單位對畢業生和學校的要求都具有較強的實用性和針對性的特點,既要求學生有較高的英語語言技能,尤其是英語口語水平,又需要學生具有較好的商務實踐和商務溝通能力,也對學校提出了培養學生的綜合素質和提高教育教學質量的要求。這些調查結果應引起我們極大的關注和重視,有待在今#from 本文來自高考資源網http://www.gkstk.com end#後的商務英語專業教學中進行調整和強化,它也是進行商務英語專業課程開發和課程設置改革的重要依據,具有寶貴的參考和實用價值。

Can be seen from the survey questionnaire, and unit of choose and employ persons to graate school requirements has stronger practicability and pertinence, the characteristics of both require students to have higher English language skills, especially in spoken English, and students need to have good business practices and business communication, also put forward to the school to cultivate the students' comprehensive quality and improve the teaching quality of ecation. These findings should cause our great concern and attention, to be in this # from this article from the college entrance examination after the net resource http://www.gkstk.com end# to adjust and strengthen business English professional teaching, it is also for business English professional curriculum development and the important basis of the curriculum reform, has a valuable reference and practical value.


『肆』 英語調查報告範文優秀作文

I’m here today to present my research about the advertisingcampaign for the Kitchen Master microwave oven. Since this is a newproct, our main goal is to establish brand awareness among our targetaudience, which is working women, aged 25 to 40.

According to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% saidthey read at least one of the top-five selling women’s magazines inTaiwan. And a full 80% said they watch at least one hour of televisioneach night.

If you’ll take a look at this chart, the best media mix, then,would be a combination of TV and magazine advertisements. I suggest 60%of the budget go toward spot ads, 35% toward print ads, and 5% towardoutdoor advertising.

To conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined,introcing a new proct is always a gamble. But with the proper mediamix we can certainly lessen the chance of failure.




Suggested answer: (127words)

The last years of twentieth century saw the Internet being used by more and more companies as a business tool. In 1997 e-commerce was very limited earning a revenue of less than $25 billion. However, since then, there has been a steady growth worldwide. This trend looks set to continue into the next century with revenue from e-commerce rising to reach almost $200 billion by 2003.

Like e-commerce, e-business has shown steady growth with revenue tripling in the period 1997 to 2000, rising from about $50 billion to $150 billion. However, ring there is predicted to be a far more dramatic increase in e-business revenue over the next three years. It is thought that by 2003 revenue from e-business will have reached over $800 billion worldwide.





4. 一般用一般現在時態。




(1) I have recently made a survey among 300 boys and 300 girls in my class about their purposes of surfing the Internet. 最近我對我班的30名男生和30名女生進行了調查,看他們上網做什麼。

(2)Last week,we did/concted/carried out a survey among all the students in our school on the time they spent in sleeping every day. 上周,我們就每天的睡眠時間對全校學生進行了調查。

(3)Recently the safety of school buses has attracted more and more public attention, and it is becoming a serious problem, so in our class we have held a heated discussion on the causes and solutions.

(4) Recently in our school we made a survey which shows that more and more students have become near­sighted. According to the survey we find that ...

(5) Recently in our school we made a survey on whether middle school students should wear long hair.


(1)From the above table,we can conclude (that) over 20% of the teenagers are addicted to smoking.根據上表,我們可以得出如下結論:超過20%的青少年吸煙上了癮。

(2)As is shown in the above table,Senior Three students spend the least time in sleeping.如上表所示,高三學生睡眠時間最少。

(3)As can be seen from the table above,more than 70% of the students have formed a very good habit of studying.從上表可以看出,70%以上的學生已經形成了良好的學習習慣。



(1)30% of the students questioned say they think it better not to have physical exercise,which shows(mirrors, reflects, reveals ) that these students lack the awareness of keeping healthy.在被調查的學生中,有30%的人說,他們認為最好不要進行體育鍛煉。這表明,這些學生缺乏保持健康的意識。http://m.xiezuoyi.com/

(2)Only seven percent of the students are interested in looking up new words in the dictionary,showing(mirroring, reflecting ) that owing to their laziness,these students would rather be given everything by their teachers.只有7%的學生喜歡利用詞典查生詞,這表明這些學生由於太懶,寧願老師包辦一切。


(1)As far as I am concerned,effective measures should be instantly taken to help students to spend more time on sleep. 在我看來,應該立即採取有效措施來幫助學生獲得更多的休息時間。

(2)From my own perspective,we should take action to help students to make good use of their study time.在我看來,我們應當採取措施幫助學生好好利用學習時間。


Last week,we did a survey among 2,600 students on Who Is Your Idol.The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols,while 48% of the boys favor sports stars.

As the data shows,parents ranks second for the girls,but the fourth for the boys.However ,the percentage of the boys choosing great figure is the same as that of the girls.As for myself,Thomas Edison is my idol,because his inventions have greatly changed our life.

『伍』 大學英語社會調查報告的格式

(一)標題。標題可以有兩種寫法。一種是規范化的標題格式,即「發文主題」加「文種」,基本格式為「××關於××××的調查報告」、「關於××××的調查報告」、「××××調查」等。另一種是自由式標題,包括陳述式、提問式和正副題結合使用三種。陳述式如《東北師范大學碩士畢業生就業情況調查》,提問式如《為什麼大學畢業生擇業傾向沿海和京津地區》,正副標題結合式,正題陳述調查報告的主要結論或提出中心問題,副題標明調查的對象、范圍、問題,這實際上類似於「發文主題」加「文種」的規范格式,如《高校發展重在學科建設――××××大學學科建設實踐思考》等。作為公文,最好用規范化的標題格式或自由式中正副題結合式標題。 (二)正文。正文一般分前言、主體、結尾三部分。

『陸』 誰能給我一份大學生做兼職的調查報告啊 要英文的! 小弟在線等 謝謝了

particularly.How many university students Be do part-time?The university student likes most to do how of part-time?

Recently, section in 華 the big college aimed at an university student part-time, launched inquisition in the school.The result show:There are 26% university students to being do part-time, big four students' part-time rateses are up to more 41.2%.Still have moreover 82% of do not have a part-time job to mean as long as work in keeping with would like to do.

The men and women, who show according to another inquisition, have a part-time job at the university student of the school, living a comparison basic hold even, the girl is opposite slightly high.Girl of part-time main regard traditional family training as principle.

But in recent years, the comparison that is attendant of the dining professions, such as cabaret and coffee shop...etc. increases year by year, and does the amusement place attendant and gets a dance a young lady big someone also at.At big city Cities, such as Wuhan,Peking and Guangzhou...etc., the pattern are of a great variety of various accompany a type is part-time("accompany to chat"," accompany to play"," accompany to sing a song" …… ) to open of the conditions is all very captivating.

In addition to a handful of classmates are the company or other organizations in school is part-time outsides, greatly parts of classmates have a part-time job of the place is opposite and miscellaneous disorderly at the out of the school private business enterprise or the friendly intercourse population of place.The boy is part-time then with investigation,promote sales etc. is part-time for lord.

Say generally that come, the university student work part-time choose possibly with the profession that oneself learn to or contact mutually of post.But, in addition to the IT profession and and this related professional university student of part-time is close with the profession contact, translation,guide(girl mostly)...etc. more have the work of the challenge and social social intercourse technique is welcome among the university student outside, more university students are part-time at will sex is all very big, usually is occupy dry go.

Part-time purpose

The university student has a part-time job to work of the purpose have a lot, but expect the oneself of 鍛煉 in the middle of work, obtain parts of funds incomes their most basic viewpoint then.They also think that have a part-time job's work can also abundant personal career.Use person's unit at present to usually request the work career while invite talented person, although the university student has no work career, if have"abundant" of work part-time career, while accept appointment is also an important 砝 code.

Some business enterprises also taking pleasure in recruit to use an university student to have a part-time job to work is in order to paying the salary that has a part-time job to work at the university student of the school low.

Some amusement places recruit to use a female university student then mainly is because the university student give the felling layer of the customer is higher.

Vie with each other in with student part-time the formation is anti- bad of BE, investigate manifestation to have unexpectedly 70.5% teachers for the student Be having a part-time job to hold the objection attitude outside.The widespread viewpoint is a part-time meeting to influence to studies, and out of character of part-time will lead a student toward stray road, it is on the thought to walk into mistake area perhaps.

The university student should choose to suit own part-time

A teacher say that part-time is a kind of whet to practice of test, the social ability of many university students is have a part-time job to get up in the hammer 煉 and the maturity.But, do attendant to do the amusement amenity attendant and even do to accompany a type especially part-time, this is very disadvantageous to the growth of the female university studentses.

The section in 華 is big one youth the teacher said, some layers weren't high to accompany a type especially part-time is an university student to take sacrificing an own personality as price to exchange money, the school should strictly forbid an university student to attend similar of part-time activity.

Teacher in 華 the big teacher say, layer the not high part-time risk is big.The female university student thought more pure, at be engaged in layer not high part-time usually will not protect by one's own, because of at that time immodesty but drop into illegal member of the affair of the trap have occurrence.Also have parts of girls at do this type of part-time vanity unilateral inflation, cause the alignment depravity.

The section in 華 takes care of a college of science a teacher to suggest greatly, the university student is part-time to want to take make money as a purpose blindly, but want careful choice and oneself's profession to oscular part-time, so then can the oneself of 鍛煉 betterly, choose an instry to open widely road for aftertime.The university student has a part-time job to want the road that combines together with studies.

At the same time, the teachers all thinks the school should draw up related discipline, having a part-time job to carry on the norm and leading to the university student, letting them know which can do, which can't do.

The part-time type that university student's winter and summer vacation can choose

1,traditional family training.

2,make use of employee to go home to have holiday in each size business enterprise of get empty to block to practice, certainly need to choose to suit an own work.

3,make use of an own special computer technique to come to maintain a computer for customer.(the hardware and software and have)

4,Be travel the divine spot make to concern foreign affairs a guide.The winter and summer vacation go out trip of the foreigner is a lot of, get the old outside tour and not only can get and don't calculate little guide's fee, but also can pass introction visitor to arrive appointed the store shopping, obtain to be up to 50%"discount"s thus.Can not only raise English dialogue level, but also understand the difference of the Chinese and Foreign culture morely in this process, will go abroad in the future to read aloud"preparatory school" in advance for the oneself.

5,the foreign language translate.International communication and cooperate of strengthen, is also the good opportunity that the student who is a translation provided to make money.Pass the network and friend's etc. look for a part-time opportunity of translation, on cold winter since can not go out, and then can earn to QIAN2 HE2 YAO4 not for?

6,winter and summer vacation period, a lot of companies all will make to promote sales an activity.Make use of this opportunity does the rite mold especially-time is short, coming to money quick.


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