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1. 大學生戀愛英語論文及翻譯

Students Outlook on Love


Outlook on Love - the opposite sex between the physical, psychological and environmental factors interact with each other, love, admiration and foster the process of ideas.

In today's colleges and universities, college students love is a very common phenomenon, and the average age of college students around the age of 20 is already legal citizens, alts. Protected by law and constraints. In sex, both psychological and physiological maturity period. They are keen to love, and the Chinese university regulations, rules and regulations expressly provides that in school students can get married. Thus, college students love this is beyond question. But love is followed by the ideas on the exclusive, volatility, so that endless quarrels between lovers, because the situation of the storm, dropped out of school, regret for life; to love, fight, bloody incidents occurred on campus. The two emotional cracks, vulnerable young people chose to commit suicide to escape soon broken romance. So these are for college students should have pure, loyal love painting on the sum of gray, so that the community in question: Should college students ring their studies dating? In love with the school's choice about what is more important?

From another point of view, with the introction of Western ideas and social phenomena, and university students to new ideas, while also accepted the "sexual liberation" of "sexual freedom." This kind of thinking, they have not for marriage, love, love is not a sincere performance. After graating from the development of love as a "power source"; to love as a college ranked Jie Youchou methods; to love as a kind of fashion, a way to demonstrate their ability. Students in the emancipation of the mind at the same time, ignoring the moral, social, legal constraints and condemnation. Another way of thinking for college students should have a normal love painting on the sum of disgraceful. So that the community also asked: These are the contemporary college students should do out of do?

As one about to graate, college counselor engaged in the work of young teachers in the university's five years (specialist three years, the undergraate years) heard about, witnessed the college students were trapped in the pain of love for the love all kinds of violence triggered by parts, e to circumstances and the passing away of the young lives ... .... Because of the future will be engaged in frequent contacts with the college students, therefore, how to understand the late adolescent college students; how to enter their inner world, so that they grow up healthy, successful completion of their studies, success is my ideal, is my goal. Want students to ideals, aspirations, wants parents to be assured that the community be assured that the most pressing issue that the issue of college students Outlook on Love. This is a top priority. Contemporary college students are mostly one-child, character Snob, emotionally fragile, and how to enlighten them and help them out of the feelings of misunderstanding it? So that a decrease in incidents of unnecessary pain, or even disappear?

I have always had a deep study of the issue will be in love wish to take this thesis opportunities for young people through the psychological, physiological understanding, access to a large number of books on adolescent mental health; in the fact that the network access to a large number of cases; extracts from the papers of many experts and scholars in essence; plus five years of his ears ring the school witnessed familiar examples, their own ideas in mind, the completion of this paper.

Study of contemporary college students Outlook on Love, aimed from the physical, psychological understanding of contemporary college students knowledge and attitudes of the Outlook on Love, citing examples of analysis because they do not correct the many problems caused Outlook on Love, and Western thinking, and social impact on college students Outlook on Love , by linking theory and practice, so that students will realize that love, to guide college students to correct the Outlook on Love and smooth through college, made love and the cause of the "double harvest."

Outlook on Love Problems of College Students

Since the last century since the 90s, e to the foreign "sexual freedom", "sexual openness" of the impact of Chinese adolescent mental maturity stage of a graal advance, but because of psychological immaturity, making a number of unhealthy, immature love ideas generated. This unhealthy, immature love the concept will have a direct impact on adolescent psychology, physical growth; but will also affect countries in the new century the cultivation of young talent. Institutions of higher learning, as a small community of energetic young people more susceptible to outside influence. Network unhealthy information and negative social atmosphere, making psychological well-proced one after another misunderstanding that contemporary college students a new Outlook on Love also remember with affection. The age in which college students are part of the ideological maturity of the critical period. More than 20-year-old college students are in the bloom of age, full of love, desire and longing, the pursuit of beautiful moments in life, hoping to understand the opposite sex and get the opposite sex's attention. In fact, as early as secondary school, youth who aspire to rise to the opposite sex, understanding sexual twilight period and the nature of Simu period, but e to the parents, teachers and academic pressure to "suppress", the feeling can only be suppressed. After entering university, the family suddenly reced the binding, the interaction between the male and female students more opportunities, in a relatively relaxed and free environment, the "Love" will be in the psychology of college students the rapid emergence and development. Love and academic is naturally become a university student in school was facing two major problems. Love relationships handled properly, correctly, can be a catalyst for learning and career that people learn from its efforts to increase performance; love affair handled properly, it could disperse energy, a waste of time, mood swings, decline in performance. Therefore, the understanding of university students Outlook on Love, correct and guide them to the concept of love is necessary.

1, contemporary college students Outlook on Love

Outlook on Love is a heterosexual physical, psychological and environmental factors surrounding the interaction with each other under the process of love, admiration and nurture ideas, college students love being a university student's psychological, physiological, relative maturity, psychologists, Lin Mao, and Mei-ping is more in its "Analysis of Driver Lloyd's theory of the impact of college students toward love and sex, "the book, 13 universities in Shanghai 1862 sample survey of college students come to this conclusion: the concept of contemporary college students by Western thinking, in the" sexual liberation "fuzzy answers accounted for 34.3%; as long as there is love there is, everything is no problem accounting for 29.2% answered in the affirmative. With the introction of Western ideas and social impact of the outside world, family factors, makes the contemporary college students showed a "new" concept of love.

2. 大學生談戀愛的利弊《英文版


3. 急求關於大學生戀愛的英語對話

In modern times,love is a popular topic,espacially in our fleshmen.But is it right or wrong on earth?
When we get in a university,we can see many loves here and there.Some people say that it is a good thing but others think it is a bad thing.
In my opinion,love is very strange.It can make you more strong and happy if you can deal with it in a suitable way.On the other hand,if you get struct,you many lost a lot.We should see love as a sord with two sides. we must strongth our study ability at first.Then we can think about love.
At last,I hope everone can have a good love .
but there are more disadvantages than advantages .I think the love in the colleges is only an entertaining proct of loneliness.As we all know,when most college students start to love,love is not what they expect it is not the start-point of them.They love for an accompany.On the other hand,the possibility\result of their love success is almost zero.Because once they get into the society,there are too much temptations there.Thus they'll become cool\calm down when facing the situation.That means by the time they graate,it is the time they go apart.
The university is the heaven to learn knowledge.And to those college students in love,they seldom arrange their time reasonablly.They spend their time for study on love.That is why I can't agree with the game like this which doesn't only waste our time but also our energy.

4. 大學生戀愛。120字英語作文

In this world there is a kind of pure things, called love. College students' love may be based on curious, maybe is based on empty, maybe is based on look at each other in the love at first sight. University of be in love, is also a kind of life experience, no matter whether the future will walk into the palace of the marriage, will be left to each other a memory! But don't go for love, learning is the kingly way. Love is based on you in time based on the excessive to love will only make each other waste more time, if the bottom line to do more than anything, more will make love metamorphic! So, college students fall in love, to take regularly, love each other, also want to love yourself. I believe that the only way to the love that is in the university is the love!

5. 如何看待大學生戀愛的英語作文


6. 有關大學生戀愛的英語作文2000字左右

Falling in love with in college As it is known, when we are in high school, we all have a constant goal that is to get the entrance to college, and hard work is out of question for the following. So we gain the notice to college finally which we often dream of in the nights, which proves a proverb that the god doesn』 live up to someone who spends time and efforts, please memorize the sentence for good. Of course one day we went to college in August or September happily and proudly, but at the same time something happened that it made your heart pounding fiercely next, by the way, that is love for many college students. And then they miss the directions and their selves as well for their lives. Next I am to express that I am neutral for falling in love in college, however I have some ideas to illustrate of my own. Firstly, if you are passers-by, I think we will find a lot about several couples of boyfriends and girlfriends under the dorms or dim corners or in the classes without anybody for close postures, as youngsters, it is normal without asking cause about that. Secondly, even worth mentioning is that many young boys and girls couldn』t attend classes and courses instead of traveling to some sceneries and sight places or doing other things only to turn out them loved each other temporarily.www.dxs518.com/ Thirdly, especially to most of freshmen, please don』t be influenced by the phenomenon that a number of students who finds anther half called by them selves proudly, because I think persons are different from each other, different characters, backgrounds and aims. But there is one point to obey if you actually want to have an attempt the feeling for love at first sight: it is , whenever you and I am, the learning and the work is the most principle rather than love is the first and work second, for we aren』t children and teenagers anymore, in the future society needs a comprehensive qualifications, profound and extensive knowledge persons, meanwhile in college you are in the state of half foot to society which time is a most important process to exercise and experience before stepping to complicated and complex society, and therefore we are supposed to spend much time in learning instead. What are mentioned above are only my opinions, believing that others have more perfect for falling in love in college.

7. 大學生戀愛問題英語怎麼翻譯

the amative problem of academician

8. 關於大學生戀愛的英語作文

It is an indisputable fact that most colleage students fall in love with somebody.What about contemporary colleage students' view of love?In my opinion,contemporary colleage students have the following 2 views of love.On one hand,treating more seriously in love and thinking love is on the basis of feelings.They are generally more mature psychologically, there is a certain sense of responsibility and a better understanding of each other.On the other hand,dealing with the attitude of love not seriously,it is not sincere. This type of colleage students regard love is just for fun,or meet a variety of desires.They are basically no sense of responsibility,there is not love between the two sides and they know nothing about each other.
The reasons for the incorrect view of love mentioned above lies in the following aspects.Firstly,Boredom.Some college students lack of study power and aim, so turn to love to spend time search for happiness.Secondly,Curiosity.The idea of love is not fully reflected in the high school because of study stress.When one turns to a colleage student the idea of love shown result from high degree of study freedom.Lastly,boring.To someone campus life is monotony,even 3 point 1 line life become all the day.Coupled with the intervention from parents significantly reced,so he in order to be happy and seek the spirit of love.
Fall in love with others is not a bad thing.The key is to hold one's focus to future-oriented.

9. 大學生談戀愛的好處英文

Love in university campus, we have It is quite common for.
First of all, I want to say about the situation of College Students' love.
1, love is the age of small, popular from the start;
2, love the open, and in high school, now we all love your male (female) friends toreveal to the public, countries allow college students to get married, how can so many school tube;
3, the low survival rate of increase of love, tragedy. Due to the lack of economic foundation and a qualitative University future, love marriage low probability. Some students can not deal with academic and love relationship, love first, increasedweariness, truancy phenomenon, serious can't even graate, delayed his bright future. Also some social experience shallow, the psychology bearing capacity is weak, and expectations are high, easy impulse, once the romance or hit, often caused the tragedy of love. Hurt each other with the Dutch act; have;schizophrenia is earthly, Poguanposhuai; aversion to also have. Therefore, we need a rational understanding of love in the university.
I have to say about the advantages and disadvantages of College Students' love.Indivially, love has a promoting effect on young heart mature, some psychologists say, love is a late adolescence and early althood, the most important event, only through love, people will truly mature. However, the meaning of love is a positive side, sometimes harm youth mental health. The love of the ups and downs caused change radically the psychological pressure to bear, one can imagine, all of you present here some people must also have experience of Sen.
College Students' love is a double-edged sword, has both advantages, and disadvantages. We should let its beneficial effects become larger, adverse effectsto a minimum.

10. 英語小短文(關於大學生談戀愛)

Love is an important thing in life. When it come to a certain period in life, love relationship will intersact and become neccessarily. I think school dating can be acceptable depend on ring which level of ecation. Personally i think dating in university is acceptable as student in university as grownth up mature alts who are well enough to make and be respondsible for their action. Dating in primary school and junior high school should not be encouraged as children are not mature mentally anf physically.

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