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發布時間: 2020-12-27 18:02:12

❶ 關於大學生為什麼要做兼職的英語作文

College students should take Part-time Job.First , part-time job experience provides the opportunities for college students to improve their personal abilities for their future jobs. Second, the part-time jobs can enrich students' daily life activities and help them to make more friends who will help him with his personal development in the future. Third,college students taking part-time jobs can rece the financial pressure for their family. finally, part-time jobs can help collge students to find out their shortcomings ,they conque their shortcoming so that they will become more confidence.therefore,College students should take Part-time Job.


Whether it is necessary for college students to take part-time jobs?

❸ 大學生兼職的利弊的英語作文

眾所周知,現在有一些大學生在大學期間兼職,關於大學生該不該兼職,歷來有許多不同看法,有人說好,也有人說不好.我覺得,大學生兼職有好處也有不好處,下面我們將從不同方面討論大學生兼職的問題好壞. 有人說,大學生兼職好,因為在大學期間,課程較少,學生可以利用課余時間在校內外兼職,這樣可以鍛煉自我的交際的能力和工作能力,可以提高自我的閱歷和經驗,可以獲得一定得收入,給父母減輕一些負擔,可以使自己不斷成長,增強適應社會能力.但是也有人說大學生兼職不好,因為 大學生時間少,如果不抓緊時間,學不到扎實的基礎知識;並且可能會影響和舍友之間的關系;還有大量的時間花在兼職上,這樣會使自己很累. 所以,大學生該不該兼職,需要從實際角度出發,如果你的學業處理好,當然可以去兼職,但是如果連學業都處理不好,還是減少兼職的好.
As everyone knows, there are some part-time college students ring the period of University, college students about the part-time job, there are many different views, some people say, some people say is not good. I think, college students part-time can be good or bad, as we discuss below or part-time students problem from different aspects.
Some people say, good for college, because ring the period of University, curriculum is less, students can use their spare time to part-time in school, so you can exercise their communication skills and ability to work, can improve the self experience and experience, can obtain certain income, alleviate some of the burden to the parents, can make oneself grow up, enhance the ability to adapt to society. But some people say that part-time college students is not good, because the students less time, if we do not seize the time, less than a solid foundation of knowledge; and may affect the relationship between the roommate; and the amount of time spent on the part-time job, which will make their own very tired.
So, university students should not get a part-time job, need from a practical point of view, if you study well, of course you can get a part-time job, but even if the school is not handled properly, or rece the part-time.

❹ 大學生應不應該做兼職的英語作文


❺ 在校大學生對做兼職的看法用英文回答

A, may realize to make money, and then realize the hardships of parents is not easy. Two, can let my early know society through part-time exercise myself, to prepare for the job in the future. Three, can experience life, temper themselves. Four, but, if not arrange time properly, it will affect schooling, but I think on college students' speaking, society is a worthy of study of big classroom

❻ 英語辯論 —— 大學生應不應該做兼職

Our views are college students part-time outweigh the costs.我方觀點是大學生兼職利大於弊.
In today's society, what is the most important?Talent!在當今社會中,什麼最重要?人才(天才)!
What is the most important talent?Experience!人才最重視的是什麼?經驗!
In the process of doing part-time jobs, can exercise their social skills在做兼職的過程中,可以鍛煉自己的社交能力
And to correctly handle the relationship with their colleagues並能正確處理與上級,同事的關系
In practical work for the experience and lesson為以後參加實際工作提供經驗教訓
And for our daily expenses increased costs.且可為我們的日常開銷增加費用.
These for college students are very practical benefits這些對大學生來說都是很實際的好處
Now many students are doing a part-time job 現在很多大學生都在做兼職
This also proves our view "college part-time outweigh the costs 」of the correctness of a powerful credentials
I don't agree with each other point of view我不同意對方的觀點
Such as hair handbill,比如發傳單,
It can make personal expression ability was improved 它可以使個人的口頭表達能力得到提高
In a short time pleasant conversation with a stranger在很短的時間內與陌生人交談愉快
And finish your mission並完成你的任務
Isn't that a kind of ability?這難道不是一種能力嗎?
This ability is no exercise can have?這種能力是不鍛煉就能擁有的嗎?

❼ 大學生應不應該做兼職英語作文


❽ 英語作文大學生做兼職的好壞 120字數

Nowadays, an increasing number of college students are doing part-time jobs. People hold different opinions on that.

Some people think that there are many advantages for college students to have part-time jobs. Firstly, part-time jobs offer them opportunities to apply what they have learned in school and demonstrate their abilities. Secondly, it enables them to be more independent of their family and builds up their self-confidence. Thirdly, part-time experiences may be of great help to their future careers. Finally, part-time jobs can broaden their college lives and help them know more of themselves and society.

However, some other people hold that doing part-time jobs has more disadvantages. The main job of college students is to study, not to work. If they have part-time jobs, they may have to rece their time for sleep, rest, study and activities. Working several hours a day consumes a lot of time and energy and may affect their studies. As a result, they may find it hard to adjust to what the college expects of them as well as their employers expect, and finally, they may fall behind or fail in their studies.

In my opinion, students can choose to take up a part-time job according to their own situation. The most important thing for them is to keep a good balance between part-time jobs and his study.





❾ 大學生為什麼要做兼職的英語作文


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