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發布時間: 2020-12-27 17:22:38

㈠ 老師要求學生課後將這一問題好好思考一下用英語怎麼說

The teacher demanded that students (should) think about this question thoroughly after class.

㈡ 1多傾聽學生心聲。2增加學生自主思考時間。3笑臉是陽光,上課時不要太嚴肅。用英語怎麼說

Many students listen to the voice of.

Increase students' independent thinking time.

Are the smiling faces of the sun, not too serious in class.

㈢ 教師應鼓勵學生獨立思考用英語十種不同形式翻譯

Teachers should encourage students to think themselves.

Teachers had better encourage students to think on their own.

Teacher ought to inspire students to think independently.


㈣ 「增加學生自主思考的時間」用英語怎麼寫

increase the students' time of thinking over independently

㈤ 教育的目的是教會學生如何思考而不是如何考試用英語翻譯!

The aim of ecation is to teach student how to think not how to pass a test.

㈥ 「她要求學生獨立思考,而不是告訴他們該思考什麼」怎樣翻譯成英語

She asked the students to think independently, rather than telling them what to think .

㈦ 請用英文翻譯一句話:現在的中國學生缺乏獨立思考,很少有自己的思想,很少有未來的規劃與對社會、人生

樓上來那位有自幾個小錯誤,更正一下,是缺少indenpendent thinking!
Nowadays,the chinese students are lack of independent thinking and seldom have their own thought. Moreover, they have few planning for the future and few view on society and life.

㈧ 英語翻譯 鼓勵學生思考,培養學生自學能力

鼓勵學生思考,培養學生自學能力Encourage students to think, to cultivate students' ability to study independently

㈨ 她要求學生學會獨立思考,而不是告訴他們該思考什麼。翻譯成英語

she requires her students to learn to think independently rather than tell them what they should think directly.

㈩ 他是一個愛思考的學生,用書面一點的英語怎麼說

He is a student who likes thinking it over.

最好說He is a student with an inquiring mind.
很難找到一個詞填在回he is a .....student里邊。答

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