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發布時間: 2020-12-27 08:14:15

⑴ 對大學生活的期望英語作文





When I was in high school , I had dreamt of having a wonderful life in college . I said to myself that I would do lots of interesting things to make the next few years filled with happiness. I even make a detailed plan . but when I entered college I found it quite different from what I thought before ,I felt a little depressed .As I don』t know what to do after class .in fact , we have far less lessons than we had in high school;. So , what should I do in the long spare time . I didn』t know ,so I spent much of my time reading , you know ,some novels , but ,day after day ,I began to feel boring only to read . Will the next four years be the same ? I wondered .if so , I will be crazy ,Four years have too much spare time , four years reading novels ,four years feel depressed ,I couldn』t think more about it .So after a period of several weeks , I started to make a plan for my college life , in order to make it colorful and valuable . First of all , I should get up early in the morning rather than sleep late , even on the weekends, then I can do some exercises as body building .Second , I should go to the library , of course , not just for novels , other kinds of books like maths , English are included . if I still have some spare tie , I will find a part-time job . in this way , I could gain some money and what is the most important, experience , I can know more about the real world .



⑵ 大學生自我總結英語150詞


⑶ 以「大學生是就業還是繼續學習」為話題寫一篇英語作文

Nowadays, the employment of college students is becoming more and more of a problem. About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after graation, while the things are quite different at present. In addition, according to statistics, about 30% of graate students can』 find a job but stay at home after graation。
Employment difficulty of college students is e to the following reasons. Among these, the increasing recruitment of colleges and universities plays a vital role. In addition, many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy

⑷ 關於大學生活的英語作文120字左右




Nowadays, the life of university is very wonderful. the life of university once we dreamed is before us now. My college life is so different from before . At weekends, I do a part-time job at the nearby supermarket. I need to experience the world outside, I need to grow up . From it, my get real improvement. my study result is ordinary. And there are weak poor subjects. But I think I have to study hard. I believe: no pains ,no gains. I hope my future work is my favourite professional. More importantly, I know I have to do my work from grass-roots基層 level. So, from now on, I hope I can have perseverance 毅力and courage to overcome the difficulties of life . I won't give up easily. Normally, I most like to play basketball. With friend together day,i feel very happy. Hope I can really learn knowledge from university to experience the career in future.



⑸ 對於大學生的英語學習建議有哪些


⑹ 英語作文:大學生最重要的素質。給個範文啊。

I think the most important quality for students are the Thinking, Creating and Ability.
Have to think and create knowledge, good quality of thinking that will enable people to continue to pursue new knowledge. Thinking quality performance for the first diplomatic front, followed by performance to be good at thinking. We should use the method of dialectical thinking positive thinking, reverse thinking, and more to thinking, the thinking was fruitful. Creating quality, it refers primarily to have a rich imagination and build, can learned from the news I know 10, they jump other people can ignore things, and pay attention; be able to find a new point of interest in a wide range of ideas. have a strong sense of curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Along with the rapid development of economy, it is far from enough only to acquire knowledge, but must also have the ability to use them. Ability to learn and apply knowledge is a human wisdom is the core of the quality of scientific and technical personnel, also known as smart. Apart from increasing the use of high-quality personnel specialized knowledge and ability, they also have to improve the foreign language and computer skill, also a good expression, organization, innovation capability. At present, the field of science and technology mutual infiltration and cross-cutting trend, a major research project on "large-scale operations." Therefore, on the quality of leadership, cooperation, coordination capacity of a higher demand.

⑺ 怎樣在大學生中開展英語活動總結

可以說,如今每一位英語社團的成員都有一種One Small Point of Prise(一點點的驕傲)。學習是一種積累的過程。學習中達到心眼口的和諧統一,是學好英語的重要保證。活動中所要求的讓學生每學一個新單詞、一個新短語、一個新句型、一篇新課文,必須口讀到哪兒,手就指到哪兒,眼睛就看到哪兒的教學策略已經開花結果了。實踐證明,這種看似簡單的金手指法,是集中精力,掌握基礎知識最有效的途徑之一。本學期英語社團的成員何浩然被評為新的英語之星,年齡最小的李涵同學被評為進步之星。本學期有新加入了3名成員,使快樂英語社團成為最受學生喜歡和嚮往的活動團體。
Interesting is the best teacher .(興趣是最好的老師)我們在社團活動中選擇了新穎恰當的教學內容,收到了事半功倍效益。我校的校本教材《快樂英語》為主要教學內容,另外,還根據學生們對生活化的教學內容感興趣這一特點每次活動都特別奉獻一兩句經典英語,如Take time to think, it is the sourse of your power.(花點時間去思考,它是你智慧的源泉)等。學生們參與的積極性很高,在快樂中汲取著知識的瓊漿,在快樂中提高了英語的能力。孩子們那日漸地道的英語會話流能力,就是學生英語素質已經提升的了的見證!十年樹木,百年樹人。快樂英語社團一定會成為學生人生路上的一道亮麗的風景線。
三、Here in no lack of beauty in the world,but notice(世界並不缺少完美,而是缺少發現)
在《快樂英語》教材的編寫上,我把學生喜歡的老師,生活中有趣的實例都編入教材之中,學生們學起來既生動又親切,興趣高漲。紙上來的終覺淺,絕知此事要躬行。在活動中讓學生當演員,通過英語會話情境實踐,感受著學習英語的魅力。English is a beautiful language , I love learning English . I know there is no end to learn , I will live and learn .(英語是一種美麗的語言,我喜愛學習英語。我知道學無止境,我將活到老學到老。)已經成為了學生的一種信念。

⑻ 大學生英語學期小結


A Summary for this Semester

It comes the final of this term . Looking backward to so many things happened ring the past five months , I suddenly felt I grew up quickly from the series of problems I had ever met . Life is so difficult sometimes , putting a lot of troubles together in front of you . Maybe it is god teaching me how to face the reality ---- life in fact is not always as beautiful as the sun , the sky would be angry sometimes , god would also burst into tears . And so is my life .

This term is much more important because of the exam of TEM4 and class and major 『s division . What is more , when the TEM4 examination came , I was afflicted seriously with the disease of depression and hurt by the long – term separation with 「Martian」 . It was really the hardest time for me . I cannot remember how many times I cried , even want to give up everything even life . But I dared not . I was still clear that I must overcome the trouble , I believed that everything would turn to be much better as far as I tried again and again . God won』t let an encouraged and determined and brave heart down ! So I walked steadily from side to side till I welcome the may holidays . I would never forget those kindly friends who helped and accompanied me go through those grey days . Jake ; Gary ;Mr Wang , who I consider as my intimate brother ; James Xu , whose mother treated me as well as her own daughter when I was in Shanghai ring the spring holidays ; and my first boyfriend , my classmates and roommates … of course my family especially my dear mother is the greatest power for me to continue my way .

⑼ 一名大學生對英語的困惑

英語學習應遵循以下六大原則。這些原則都是"常識"性的。正如美國總統林肯所說:一個人必須依據語言、邏輯和"簡單的常識"來決定問題和建立自己的行動計劃。在學習英語的過程中,你按照常理去做,你就可能成功。你違背了常理,就不可能成功。當然,成功與否還取決於你的"努力"。 這一次,你若按照常理去做,並且下工夫,那你就要成功了!












Plain English(簡潔英語)在英語國家已成為趨勢:即在說或寫英文時都力求簡單。而中國學生盡管學了很多難詞,復雜的結構,但就連用簡單詞和結構來表達思想都做不到;有時用了很大的詞,一方面不妥,再者也很難讓別人明白。其實當你透徹理解英語中的"小詞","簡單表達方式"時,才能熟練地用簡單英語交際。






語言的學習是培養一種感覺,而感覺要數量的積累來培養。俗話說水到渠成。同樣的道理,達到了一定的量,"語感"就產生了。這時應再把感覺上升到理念,將理念融入到自己的思維中,英語就能運用自如。請注意量的積累在基礎階段最為重要。金字塔的魅力就在於它完美的建築結構。有寬廣深厚的基礎,才能造就塔尖的輝煌。學好英文的道理是同樣的。 基礎必須打牢,也只有在基礎打牢的前提下,才能學好英文。




英語有句諺語"Repitution is the mother of skill(重復是技能之母)"。你可以回憶一下你學習任何一種技能的過程。無論是游泳還是騎自行車,都是重復同一類動作的過程。 任何技能的獲得,當然包括英語這項語言技能,均來自重復。一種事情重復多了,便產生了芯鹺蛻羈痰陌鹽鍘R虼耍

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