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發布時間: 2020-12-27 07:50:38

① 大家好,我叫xxx,(男),今年12歲,讀誠關一小六年級三班的英語翻譯

Hello,everyone.I'm .... I' m a boy. I am twelve years old. I study in Chengguan primary school. I'm in class three grade six

② 我有一個喜歡的人,我是六年級,我們班都表白了,我該怎麼面對,怎麼說,我是女生,十二歲


③ 她12歲了,讀衛城小學六年級二班翻譯成英文

She is 12 years old, read the sixth grade primary school class two Weicheng

④ 我叫張明月今年24今年12歲了我在6年級一班我喜歡踢足球這這些用英語怎麼說說

My name is Zhang Mingyue. I am 12 years old. I am in Grade 6. I am in class 24. I like to play football.

⑤ 我叫xxx,我今年12歲,我來自中國,我在xxxx小學6年級1班讀書用英語怎麼說 急呀!

my name is xxx,i am 12 year old 。i come from china 。i am student in Class 1,Grade 6。

⑥ 3月12日是植樹節,天氣晴朗,六年級三班的學生去植樹寫一篇英語作文

Finally ushered in once a year's Arbor Day,we decided to go to plant trees and teacher.My right hand carrying a bucket,left hand holding a shovel,starting to Qujiang park.Spring Qujiang park is full of vigour,rich multicolored decorations,spring is in the air.The teacher and the students with the tools and carefully selected their own small seedlings,came to a glade,the teacher told us the way,everybody is bustling with activity and dry up,some measuring,some digging,some water,moving trees there,I looked at my classmates,I thought:too good,this space will become a shade!

⑦ 大家好,,我是四十六校六年級五班的學生,我今年十二歲了,我喜歡藍色,我的愛好是畫畫和讀書,我最喜

Hello everyone,i am a student in class five great six of Fourtysix School.i am twelve years old, My favorite color is blue . i like paint the pictures and read book.My favorite season is summer because in that time i can eat ice_ cream.I have a dream that i want to be a teacher.

⑧ 我是六年級十二班的一名學生用英語翻譯

I'm a student in Class Twelve, Grade Six.

⑨ 我今年十二歲,在博凱中學六年級三班讀書翻譯成英語

I'm twelve years old.
I'm studying in calss 3 grade 6 of Bokai Middle School.

介紹自己朋友的英語作文朋友的名字叫bob年齡12歲,在6年級4班,在bridge schoo

I have a good friend. His name is Bob. He is 12. He is in Class 4, Grade 6. He studies in Bridge School. He likes sports very much. His favourite sports are playing basketball and swimming. He has a lot of subjects at school. But his favourite lesson is math.He is lovely. We all like her.

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