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發布時間: 2021-02-24 22:47:04

① 美術學院用英文怎麼說= =


academy of fine arts

fine-arts institute

school of art

復旦大學上海視覺藝術學院附屬高級中學Subsidiary high school of The Fudan University Shanghai Institute of Visual
Art (SIVA)

華山美校Shanghai Huashan Art School

② 藝術系女生 用英語怎麼說

Nanshan Campus

* The School of Fine Arts(造型藝術學院)
o The Department of Chinese Painting(中國畫系),
o The Department of Calligraphy(書法系),
o The Department of Oil Painting(油畫系),
o The Department of Print-making(版畫系),
o The Department of Sculpture(雕塑系),
o The Department of Experimental Art(綜合藝術系),
o The Department of New Media Art(新媒體系).

* The School of Art Humanities(藝術人文學院)
o The Department of Art History and Theories(美術史論系),
o The Department of Visual Culture(視覺文化系),
o The Department of Art Planning and Administration(藝術策劃和行政系),
o The Department of Archaeology and Museology(考古與博物館學系).

[edit] Zhangjiang Campus

* The Shanghai School of Design(上海設計學院)
o The Department of Landscape and Architecture Design(景觀與建築設計系),
o The Department of Visual Communication Design(視覺傳達設計系),
o The Department of Muti-media and Web Design(多媒體影像設計系),
o The Department of Instrial Design(工業設計系),
o The Department of Fashion Design(服裝設計系),
o The Department of Urban Landscape Plastic Art Design(城市景觀造型藝術系).

[edit] Xiangshan Central Campus

* The School of Design(設計藝術學院)
o The Department of Graphic Design(平面設計系),
o The Department of Instrial Design(工業設計系),
o The Department of Fashion Design(服裝設計系),
o The Department of Comprehensive Design(綜合設計系),
o The Department of Art Design(藝術設計學系).

* The School of Architectural Art(建築藝術學院)
o The Department of Architectural Art(建築藝術系),
o The Department of Urban Design(城市設計系),
o The Department of Environmental Art(環境藝術系),
o The Department of Landscape Design(景觀設計系).

* Public Art Institute(公共藝術學院) (A private sub-college)
o The Department of Art Ecation(美術教育系),
o The Department of Murals Art(壁畫藝術系),
o The Department of Ceramics and Arts and Crafts(陶瓷和工藝美術系),
o The Department of Public Art(公共空間藝術系).

* Media and Animation Institute(傳媒動畫學院) (A private sub-college)
o The Department of Photographic(攝影系),
o The Department of Animation(動畫系),
o The Department of Online Games(網路游戲系),
o The Department of Film and Video and Advertising(影視廣告系).

* (All schools in the Xiangshan Central Campus share a common department of foundation.)

* The College of International Ecation (國際教育學院), located in Nanshan Campus.

* The College of Alt Ecation or The College of Continuing Ecation(成人教育學院/繼續教育學院).

* The Vocational College of Art Design(高職學院).

③ 美術學院的英文怎麼拼

美術學院復的英文是Academy of Fine Arts。美術學院是指制以推動國家藝術發展、培養藝術家,並通過定期展覽和授予榮譽會員來提升成員專業和經濟地位等種種目的而組織的藝術家團體。義大利早於16世紀就成立了美術學院,法國、英國、美國相繼在17、18、19世紀建立了各自的美術學院。





④ 美術學院用英語怎麼說

Academy of fine arts

⑤ 美術學院 英文怎麼翻譯

Academy of Art

⑥ 「美術專業」用英語怎麼說

major in art /fine arts

⑦ 藝術學院學生會 英文怎麼說

Arts College Students' Union

⑧ 美術學院英文怎麼說

1.academy of fine arts
2. Ecole des Beaux-Arts
3.SchoolofFine Art
4.Accademia di Belle Arti
5.college of fine arts

⑨ 美術學院的英文怎麼拼

Academy of Fine Arts

⑩ 藝術學院英語怎麼讀

Art College.
art 發音:/ ɑ版ːt ; ɑrt /.
college 發音:/ 'kɒlɪdʒ ; ˋkɑlɪdʒ /.
阿權t 考勒揭

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