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發布時間: 2021-02-22 15:31:26

Ⅰ 使學生激昂 英語怎麼說

使學生激昂 英語翻譯是:Drive the students up

Ⅱ 分心的英語翻譯 分心用英語怎麼說

[詞典] distraction; distract; divert [distract] one's attention; claim attention;
When working, one should concentrate and not allow oneself to be distracted.

Ⅲ 上課分心用英語怎麼說

absent minded in class

Ⅳ 實用英語口語:英語「分心」怎麼說

分心:distract;divert [distract] one's attention
distract sb from sth

'Please do not let this distract you from your daily responsibilities, ' he said.


Ⅳ 我會分心的 英語怎麼說

【I'll get distracted】

【I haven't thought about having a love affair.】

Ⅵ 分心的英文翻譯是什麼

be distracted

Ⅶ 英語高手進

look at v. 看;考慮;著眼於
look for 尋找
look forward 期待;盼望
take a look 看一下
have a look 看一下,看一眼;看一看
look into 觀察;窺視;瀏覽
look up 仰望;查閱;尊敬;拜訪
look after 照顧;關心;目送
look back 回顧;回頭看
look in 看望;順道訪問
take a look at [口]看一看;檢查
look on 觀看,旁觀;看待
look around 游覽;到處察看;到處尋找
have a look at 看一看,看一眼
look upon 看待;把…看作
look out 注意;面朝;照料
look good 看起來很好看
look down 俯視;向下看;用目光懾服某人;[股]看跌
new look 新面目,新氣象
look as 把…看作
put away v.放好, 儲存...備用, 處理掉, 放棄, 拋棄
put on v.穿上, 把...放在上, 裝出, 假裝, 增加, 欺騙, 添上, 使靠...維持生命
put up v.舉起, 抬起, 進行, 提供, 表現出, 建造, 提名, 推舉
put off v.推遲, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厭惡, 扔掉, 脫掉, 勸阻
put into v.使進入, 把...翻譯成, 在...上種植
put down v.放下, 拒絕, 鎮壓, 羞辱, 削減, 記下, 制止, 取締
put out v.放出, 伸出, 生產, 消除, 打擾, 麻煩, 作出努力, 使退場
put in 插話,
put sth aside 放到一邊,
put it on 假裝生氣,
put sth by 存錢以備不時之需,
put back,放回,
put in an appearance:露臉
put... in the picture:把近況告訴……
put... in the shade:使……遜色
put... on the map:讓……出名
put... off the scent:誤導……
put on airs:擺架子
put... on his guard:勸……當心
put... on a pedestal:把……當偶像崇拜
put a spoke in someone's wheel:妨礙某人的計劃
put one's money on...:對……有把握
put "paid" to...:結束……;毀掉
put the lid on...:禁止……
put one's thinking cap on...:動腦筋想
put one through one's paces:考驗某人的本領
put... through the mill:使……經歷磨練
put someone's name forward:正式提某人的名
put it down to experience:從經驗中學習
put... behind...:嘗試把……忘掉
to put it bluntly:不客氣地說
put out feelers:放出觸角

Ⅷ 學生應該努力學習,而如果有手機會讓他們分心用英語怎麼說

Students should study hard, but if they have mobile phone, they can not concentrate on their study.

Ⅸ 更容易分心英語

You're prone to get distracted.
you distract me .你讓我分心.
Don't distract me .別讓我分心.

Ⅹ 關於使大學生學習分心和解決措施的英語作文


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