❶ 拳擊英文是什麼
動詞有:strike with fist
❷ 我在外國學拳擊,誰能告訴我所以拳擊名稱的英語啊。比如前手拳、後手拳、左勾拳等等,越詳細越好。
一 拳擊術語
交叉拳 Cross
快速拳 Speed jab
左擺拳 Left swing
右擺拳 Right swing
上鉤拳 Uppercut
組合拳 Combination blow
下潛 Ducking
閃 Sway
躲 Duck
步伐 Foot walk
向後移步 Back pedalling
身體貼靠 Lean on one#39;s opponent
身體靠繩 Lean on the ropes
假動作 Feint
失去平衡 Lost balance
跳開,撤步Step away
重拳 Haymaker
滑倒 Slip down
清晰有效拳Clean punch
交叉迎擊 Cross counter
拳擊藝術家Ring artist
錯判 Wrong decision
擊打頭部 Knock on the head
擊打面部 Knock on the face
短擊 Short punch
移動躲閃 Weaving
眼腫 Shiner
次拳 Jab
勾拳 Hock
減體重 Weight rection
拳賽規則 Boxing Rules
無結果 No decision
葯物管理 Administration of Drags
拳王 Champion
國旗 National Flag
業已拳賽 Amateur Boxing match
職業拳賽 Scrap
腰帶 Belt
護齒 Gumshields
左式 Southpaw
戰術 Tactic
摟抱 Clinch
評論 Remarks
級別 Boxing weight
第一回合 First Round
第二回合 Second Round
最後回合 Last Round
開始 Box
分開 Break
停止 Stop
數十擊敗 Out
擊打倒地拳手 Hitting on opponent who is down
擊打腰帶一下 Hitting below the belt
擊打後背 Hitting on the back
用頭撞 Butting]
擊打後腦 Rabbit punch]
用肘擊打 Elbow blow
開掌 Blow with open glove,open blow
抱住擊打 Hold and Hit
夾對方手 Double lock
下潛過低 Ducking blow the belt
擊打頸部 Blows on the neck
用小臂擠壓對方 Pressing with the forearm
故意吐護齒 Spitting out gumshield
比賽時與對手和裁判講話 Speaking to the opponent or the refesee ring the Boxing.
回合結束還擊打對手 Hitting after the going sounds marking the end of the round or end of the conest.
重量級 Heavyweight
次重量 Light-heavyweight
中量級 Middleweight
次中量級 Light-middleweight
輕中量級 Welterweight
輕量級 Lightweight
次輕量級 Featherweight
輕量級 Bantamweight
體重控制 Weight control
超重 Weight over
長體重 Weight gain
減體重 Weight rection
鎊稱 Scale
最大體重 Weight limit
臨賽體重 Fighting weight
二 拳賽組織與人員
裁判委員會 Referees Commis sion
裁判執委會Jury, Referees
Executine commission
主席 President,Chir man
秘書長 General Secretary
主裁 Referee
邊裁 Judge
計時員 Timer
醫生 Doctor
拳迷 Fancy
三 拳台及其它裝備
拳台 Ring
圍繩 Ropes
場角 Ring Coner
紅角 Red Coner
藍角 Blue Coner
蹬子 Stool
毛巾 Towel
棉花棒 Drop the cotton
梨球 Light bag,Pear bag
吊球 Floor-to-ceiling ball
沙袋 Punching sack
手套 Glove
鑼 Gong
四 拳擊術語(2)
流血 Bleeding
警告 Waning
拳手 Boxing
教練員 Handler
回合 Round
級別 Boxing weight
記分卡 Score Card
勝者 Winner
敗者 Loser
擊倒 Knock out (K.O)
技術擊倒 Technical knock out (T.K.O)
❸ 關於拳擊起源、發展、規則的英文介紹
Boxing (sometimes also known as Irish boxing or pugilism) is a combat sport in which two participants, generally of similar weight, fight each other with their fists. Boxing is supervised by a referee and is typically engaged in ring a series of one to three-minute intervals called rounds. Victory is achieved if the opponent is knocked down and unable to get up before the referee counts to ten seconds (a Knockout, or KO) or if the opponent is deemed too injured to continue (a Technical Knockout, or TKO). If there is no stoppage of the fight before an agreed number of rounds, a winner is determined either by the referee's decision or by judges' scorecards.
Although fighting with fists comes naturally to people, the ancient Greeks provide us our first historical records of boxing as a sport; they codified a set of rules and staged tournaments with professionals. The birth hour of boxing as a sport may be its acceptance as an Olympic game as early as 688 BC. Modern boxing evolved in Europe, particularly Great Britain.
In some countries with their own fighting sports, the sport is referred to as "English Boxing" (e.g. in France to contrast with French boxing). There are numerous different styles of boxing practiced across the world.
Early history
A young king named Anwar created boxing Fist fighting is depicted in Sumerian relief carvings in the 3rd millennium BC,[1] Both depictions show bare-fisted contests.[1]In 1927 Dr. E. A. Speiser, an archaeologist, discovered a stone tablet in Baghdad, Iraq depicting two men getting ready for a prize fight. The tablet is believed to be 7,000 years old.[2]. Fist fighting or boxing is also described in several ancient Indian texts such as the Vedas, the ramayana, and the mahabarata. Evidence of boxing as a sport was found in excavations done in Mohenjadaro and Harappa.[3]. The earliest evidence for fist fighting with a kind of gloves can be found on Minoan Crete, (c. 1500-900 BC) and on Sardinia, if we consider the boxing statues of Prama mountains (c. 2000-1000 BC).[1]
❹ 請高人提供一下拳擊的中英文術語
infighting 近戰
straight punch 直拳
uppercut 上鉤拳
right hook 右鉤拳
foul 犯規
punch bag 沙袋
punch ball 沙球
boxing match 拳擊比賽
referee 裁判員
boxing ring 拳擊台
rope 圍繩
winner 勝利者
loser by a knockout 被擊敗出局者
timekeeper 計時員
boxing weights 拳擊體重級別
light flyweight 48公斤級, 次特輕量級
flyweight 51公斤級, 特輕量級
bantamweight 54公斤級, 最輕量級
featherweight 57公斤級, 次輕量級
lightweight 60公斤級, 輕量級
light welterweight 63.5公斤級, 輕中量級
welterweight 67公斤級, 次中量級
light middleweight 71公斤級, 中量級
middleweight 75公斤級, 次重量級
light heavyweight 81公斤級, 重量級
heavyweight 81以上公斤級, 最重量級
❺ 拳擊英文怎麼讀
音標:英 [ˈbɒksɪŋ] 美 [ˈbɑ:ksɪŋ]
1.Some speakers argued that boxing was less dangerous than rugby.
2.One suspects he will be finished with boxing.
3.Boxing is a test of skill and technique, rather than brute strength.
4.I know nothing about boxing, but I could see he was unfit, because he was puffing.
5.She is expert at Chinese boxing.; She is expert at martial arts.
❻ 拳擊英語怎麼說
❼ 我需要關於拳擊和泰森的英文介紹
Boxing (sometimes also known as English boxing or pugilism) is a combat sport in which two participants, generally of similar weight, fight each other with their fists. Boxing is supervised by a referee and is typically engaged in ring a series of one to three-minute intervals called rounds. Victory is achieved if the opponent is knocked down and unable to get up before the referee counts to ten seconds (a Knockout, or KO) or if the opponent is deemed too injured to continue (a Technical Knockout, or TKO). If there is no stoppage of the fight before an agreed number of rounds, a winner is determined either by the referee's decision or by judges' scorecards.
Although fighting with fists comes naturally to people, the ancient Greeks provide us our first historical records of boxing as a sport; they codified a set of rules and staged tournaments with professionals. The birth hour of boxing as a sport may be its acceptance as an Olympic game as early as 688 BC. Modern boxing evolved in Europe, particularly Great Britain.
In some countries with their own fighting sports, the sport is referred to as "English Boxing" (e.g. in France to contrast with French boxing). There are numerous different forms of boxing practiced across the world.
Michael Gerard "Iron Mike" Tyson (born June 30, 1966) is a retired American boxer. He was the undisputed heavyweight champion and remains the youngest man ever to win a world heavyweight title at just 20 years old. Throughout his career, Tyson became well-known for his controversial behavior both inside and outside the ring.
Nicknamed "Kid Dynamite",[1] "Iron Mike," and "The Baddest Man on the Planet," Tyson won his first 19 professional bouts by knockout, 12 in the first round. He unified the belts in the splintered heavyweight division in the late 1980s. Tyson was the undisputed heavyweight champion for over two years, before losing to 42-to-1 underdog Buster Douglas in 1990.
In 1992, Tyson was convicted of raping Desiree Washington, for which he served three years in prison. After being released from prison in 1995, he engaged in a series of comeback fights. He regained a portion of the heavyweight title, before losing it to Evander Holyfield in 1996 by an 11th round TKO. Their 1997 rematch ended in disqualification for Tyson after he bit off a piece of Holyfield's ear and an attempt to repeat the same a second time a few minutes later ring the same match. He fought for a championship again at 35, losing by knockout to Lennox Lewis in 2002. Tyson retired from competitive boxing in 2005 after two consecutive knockout losses to Danny Williams and journeyman Kevin McBride.
Tyson declared bankruptcy in 2003, despite receiving over US$30 million for several of his fights and $300 million ring his career.
❽ 拳擊的英文單詞
boxing 拳擊是人體近距離爆發最高的一種運動,沒有之一,但是說歸說如果實力不夠,也沒有用。望採納,謝謝。
❾ 關於拳擊運動的英文單詞
boxing glove 拳擊手套
boxing shoe 拳擊鞋
infighting 近戰
straight punch 直拳
uppercut 上鉤拳
right hook 右鉤拳
foul 犯規
punch bag 沙袋
punch ball 沙球
boxing match 拳擊比賽
referee 裁判員
boxing ring 拳擊台
rope 圍繩
winner 勝利者
loser by a knockout 被擊敗出局者
timekeeper 計時員
boxing weights 拳擊體重級別
light flyweight 48公斤級, 次特輕量級
flyweight 51公斤級, 特輕量級
bantamweight 54公斤級, 最輕量級
featherweight 57公斤級, 次輕量級
lightweight 60公斤級, 輕量級
light welterweight 63.5公斤級, 輕中量級
welterweight 67公斤級, 次中量級
light middleweight 71公斤級, 中量級
middleweight 75公斤級, 次重量級
light heavyweight 81公斤級, 重量級
heavyweight 81以上公斤級, 最重量級