① 這是一個化妝品的英文介紹,我不知道該怎麼用它,請問它是什麼意思
② 翻譯:一些護膚品簡介譯成英文,謝謝!急!
1: after cleansing and lotion, apply eye 15-30 minutes after next.
2, deeply nourish skin, whiten skin, instant whitening nutrition system, fade ll tone, efficient hydrating, quickly and noticeably improve skin water content, promote skin natural water, persistently hydrate skin, deeply nourish skin, firming and refine pore, sunburnt repair, make skin tender, white, tender, white water of jade-like stone embellish skin.
3 and the mask from the mold gently remove, evenly apply face, to draw a 20-30 minutes remove, one to three times a week, use everyday effect is better.
4, provide skin with sufficient moisture and nutrition, improve skin cell vitality, adjust the water capacity, inhibit melanin, give skin by inside and the intensive care, make your skin bright and transparent water embellish luster.
5, nutrition can quickly permeate to the bottom of skin cell vitality, rable, lock the moisture, nourish and hydrate skin, prevent, tightening skin flabby, compact facial contour, increase the elasticity of the skin, fade wrinkles, make skin tender and firming vigor.
③ 請用英文介紹一款化妝品,在線等
Helena Rubinstein: beauty procts, high-performance skin care and spectacular make-up for the world's most discerning women. Skincare at the frontier of medical science, make-up at the leading edge of creativity. Discover Prodigy, Life Pearl, Gold Future and Collagenist Intense Fill ( anti wrinkle ) Hydra Genius for perfect skin, lipsticks Wanted Rouge, Color Clone ( skin and foundation ), cream powder sensation Sensual Clone, Lash Queen mascara, Stellars gloss and Golden Beauty sun care .HR is Beauty driver since 1902. Find out more about Live Brilliantly and Helena Rubinstein's Muse Demi Moore.
④ 各類化妝品的英文翻譯
1、保濕霜:Moisturizing cream
3、美白霜:whitening cream
4、去角質霜:exfoliating cream
5、洗面奶:facial cleanser/face wash(foaming,milky,cream,gel)
6、護膚: skin care
7、爽膚水: toner/astringent
9、面膜: facial mask/masque
10、眼膜: eye mask
1、彩妝: cosmetics
2、遮瑕膏: concealer
4、 修容餅:shading powder
5、隔離霜,防曬:sun screen/sun block
6、散粉:loose powder
7、閃粉:shimmering powder/glitter
8、眉粉: brow powder
9、眉筆:brow pencil
10、唇膏: lip color/lipstick(筆狀 lip pencil,膏狀 lip lipstick,盒裝 lip color/lip gloss)
1、去黑頭: blackhead removal/(deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining
2、收縮毛孔: pore contraction
4、去死皮: exfoliating scrub
⑤ 如何運用英文介紹化妝品
卸裝水:makeup remover 卸裝乳:makeup removing lotion 帖在身上的小亮片:body art 指甲:manicure/pedicure 指甲油:nail polish/color/enamel 去甲油:nail polish remover 護甲液:Nail saver 發:hair procts/accessories 洗發水:shampoo 護發素:hair conditioner 鋦油膏:conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩絲:mousse 發膠:styling gel 染發:hair color 冷燙水:perm/perming formula 卷發器:rollers/perm rollers 彩妝:cosmetics 遮瑕膏:concealer 修容餅:Shading powder 粉底:foundation (compact,stick) 粉餅:pressed powder 散粉:loose powder 閃粉:shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉:brow powder 眉筆:brow pencil 眼線液(眼線筆):liquid eye liner, eye liner 眼影:eye shadow 睫毛膏:mascara 唇線筆:lip liner 唇膏:lip color/lipstick(筆狀 lip pencil,膏狀 lip lipstick,盒裝 lip color/lip gloss) 唇彩:lip gloss/lip color 腮紅:blush Mult-(多元) Normal(中性皮膚) Nutritious(滋養) Oil-control(抑制油脂) Oily(油性皮膚) Pack(剝撕式面膜) Peeling(敷面剝落式面膜) Remover(去除、卸妝) Repair(修護) Revitalite(活化) Scrub(磨砂式(去角質)) Sensitive(敏感性皮膚) Solvent(溶解) Sun block(防曬用) Toning lotion(化妝水) Trentment(修護) Wash(洗) Waterproof(防水) 1、eye cream/eye care/eye gel:眼霜或者眼部保養品或者眼膠 2、masque:面膜,是面膜產品的通稱. 面膜的其他表示方法有*mask-面具 *pack-外盒,包 3、day&night:指白天專用的產品和晚上專用的產品 4、exfoliate:剝落,脫落.一般看到exfoliate基本上就是去角質的產品了. 其他表示方法:scrub 去除雜質 5、essence:精華,要素;指精華液,美容液,精華露. essential-精華的;soul-精髓;extract-萃取精華 6、lotion:化妝水,洗滌劑.英文法文表示一致,都是lotion 有些品牌也用lotion作為乳液的用詞,不過嚴格來講,最好是在lotion前面加上milk(乳液,乳狀物),或者milky(乳狀的),也就是milk/milky lotion 化妝水的其他用語:toner;tonic;water 乳液的其他用語:fluid-流動的,液體(英文法文通用);liquid-液體物質 7、foam:泡沫,或者可以擠出來的泡沫,可以產生泡沫的產品 8、soap:肥皂,塊狀的產品 肥皂類其他用語:bar 9、make up remover:卸妝 卸妝的其他用語:cleanser, cleansing, clean off, clean out都有清潔,掃除的意思,但有時會跟洗臉產品的標示有重疊,要留意是否註明[可以清除彩妝] 10、balm:香油,芳香性樹脂,大多指護唇油(罐裝的唇膏) 護唇膏的其他用語:lipsalve-嘴唇用油膏;lip ointment-唇用軟膏 11、shake well before use:使用前請先搖勻 通常這一類產品都含有不同密度的物質,所以要先搖勻 搖勻的其他用語:brandish-搖動;jiggle-輕輕晃動;joggle-輕搖 12、tissue-off:用完以後要以面紙或者化妝棉,擦掉的產品 擦拭的其他用語:well-off;brush;wipe off 需要[剝,撕]的其他用語eel off 13、wash-off:水洗,用後要洗掉的 水洗的其他用語:water-off;rinsing-off;washable;sweep 14、pat:輕拍,輕撫,輕壓 拍打的其他用語ab-以手按壓;flap-拍打,撲打 有些產品需要稍加畫圓,按摩.外文是:massage-onto-在肌膚上面按摩;circular movement-畫圓移動 acne(青春痘用品) active(賦活用) after sun(日曬後用品) alcohol-free(無酒精) anti-(抗、防) anti-wrinkle(抗老防皺) balancing(平衡酸鹼) blusher(腮紅) clean-(清潔用) combination(混合性皮膚) correct(遮瑕膏) cream(霜) day(日間用) dry(乾性皮膚) essence(精華液) exfoliator(去角質) eye gel(眼膠) eye mask(眼膜) eye shadow(眼影) eyeliner(眼線(筆、刷)) facial(臉部用) fast dry(快乾) firm(緊膚) foam(泡沫) foundation(粉底) 2.3 化妝品英語2 gel(膠狀) gentle(溫和的) hydra-(保濕用) lip care(護唇用) lip coat(口紅弧膜) lipstick(口紅) long lasting(持久性) lotion(水、露) loose power(蜜粉) makeup(粉底) mask(面膜) mascara(睫毛膏) milk(乳) moisturisor(保濕面霜) mult-(多元) nail color(指甲油) nail enamel(指甲油) nail polish(指甲油) nail saver(保甲液) normal(中性皮膚) nutritious(滋養) oil-control(抑制油脂) oily(油性皮膚) pack(剝撕式面膜) peeling(敷面剝落式面膜) pressed powder(粉餅) purify(清潔用) quick dry(快乾) remover(去除、卸妝) repair(修保) revitalite(活化) scrub(磨砂式(去角質)) sensitive(敏感性皮膚) shading powder(修容餅) solvent(溶解) spot(青春痘用) sun block(防曬用) toner(化妝水) toning lotion(化妝水) trentment(修護) wash(洗) waterproof(防水) -white-(美白用) 例子: 1。具有緊致皮膚、燃燒脂肪及減少墜肉效果的纖體瘦身按摩膏,含有番木瓜果提取物、透明質酸等具有增強皮膚毛細血管微循環,促皮膚新陳代謝、去除老化角質的功效;用後有明顯清潔感和透明感。使皮膚顯現出細致柔軟的膚質。能起到緩解緊張感的作用,改善暗啞膚色,增強皮膚彈性煥發青春光彩。 2。具有休息皮膚、緩解緊張及減少墜肉效果的香熏瘦身按摩膏,添加香薰油、天然植物草本精華提取物、透明質酸等具有收斂、保濕、激活皮膚深層細胞等有效的天然成份,可以使極度疲於內外壓力的皮膚得到修整,能起到緩解緊張感及瘦身的作用。 3。使用方法:取適量本品均勻塗於皮膚表面,雙手以打圈的方式進行有規律的按摩,也可輔以蒸汽噴霧5-10分鍾,按摩20-30分鍾後,用濕巾擦凈即可。 注意:在按摩中,不要用力過度,以免引起皮膚發紅、發熱等不適現象。
⑥ 化妝品用英語怎麼寫
makeup [meɪkʌp]
toiletry ['tɒɪlɪtrɪ]
cosmetic [kɒz'metɪk]
⑦ 化妝品說明書的英文翻譯
柔和的乳液舒緩眼瞼, 明亮雙眼。
MATIS 獨家高耐受配方。
經過dermatologisch getestet測試。(可能是某家皮膚醫院的測試)
⑧ 150詞化妝品介紹英語作文
⑨ 英文翻譯!化妝品說明!附圖片!
防止早期專Aging1:30Anti-Aging特色Videos2:17How護膚ProctsBy 5min生活Videopedia雖然我屬不是完全的皮膚皺紋,我仍然需要額外的措施來確保我的皮膚保持年輕尋找,只要它能。當我遇見L 'Oreal年齡適合的、成熟的皮膚,我認為乳霜豐富的修復,那將會是一個好的簡單的方式來保持年輕的皮膚。
總之L 'Oreal年齡適合的、成熟的皮膚,豐富的恢復性膏潔面乳會成為一名偉大的為那些有乾燥皮膚,但是對於那些有自然的油性皮膚L 'Oreal閃亮的、成熟的皮膚,年齡適合恢復性膏潔面豐富是一場噩夢。
⑩ 求化妝品的英文介紹!!
go to " sasa.com" i think there has all the proct u want and have chinese and english ~~