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發布時間: 2021-02-05 07:50:46

㈠ 用英語向同學介紹家鄉東北菜豬肉燉粉條

Like the warm hearted and straightforward local people, the Harbin dishes tend to be hot, strong flavors.Braised Pork with Vermicelli is a famous dish in Northeast of China. It is a dish cooked in traditional cooking skills with local materials. Because that this area is rich in potatoes, so the vermicelli there mainly means potato powder. When winter comes, the locals store processed potato power for future use.

㈡ 我去吃的我們家鄉菜,東北菜.用英語說

I will go to have our local dishes -- Northeasten dishes.

㈢ 介紹一個喜歡的東北菜英語作文

節日:和全國都一樣,過年吃餃子,放鞭炮,貼春聯,串門什麼的.晚上守歲之後版還要吃一次餃子權. 飲食:特色————當當當當~酸菜.這個是別的地方沒有的.就是在入冬的時候買許多白菜(也有大頭菜,但不如白菜好吃~),洗趕緊,放進缸里,撒上鹽,密封.一直到一個月左右.東北人愛吃燉菜.因為天氣冷.還有人參,鹿茸.這是特色嘛~東北菜量大,味道重.還有蘑菇,野菜.東北人喜歡吃面條,生蔬菜蘸大醬.最喜歡餃子.各種餡的.還有殺豬菜.比如血腸.殺豬菜都要用剛剛殺死的豬做.

㈣ 從味覺上介紹喜歡的東北菜英語作文

ey look like cats, but much bigger than cats. They are reddish, tan and striped. So they look very beautiful.They are about 1 meter high and 2.2meters long. Their weight is from 160 to 290 kilos. The Siberian Tigers live in the forests and mountains in Northeast of China. They are very ferocious and They eat mainly small animals.To get their fur, some people try their best to kill them. It becomes more and more less. It is said that it is only 10~20 wild ones and 500 in the zoos. We must do our best to protect the Siberian Tigers.


㈤ 用英文介紹中國菜


Chinese food refers to Chinese cuisine.

There are guangdong cuisine, sichuan cuisine, shandong cuisine, huaiyang cuisine, zhejiang cuisine, fujian cuisine, hunan cuisine, anhui cuisine "eight major cuisines". In addition to the "eight major cuisines", there are also some influential cuisines in China, such as: northeast cuisine, hebei cuisine, henan cuisine, hubei cuisine, benbang cuisine, hakka cuisine, jiangxi cuisine, Beijing cuisine, halal cuisine and so on.

The tableware of Chinese food basically has cup, dish, bowl, dish, chopsticks, spoon 6 kinds. At a formal dinner, the water glass is placed on the upper left of the plate and the wine glass on the upper right. Chopsticks and spoons can be placed on a special seat or in a paper cover. Public chopsticks and spoons are best placed on a dedicated seat.

Chinese food is usually served in the following order: cold dishes, hot dishes, and finally sweet food and fruit. Before dinner, the first wet towel served to everyone is a hand towel, preferably not a face towel.

Before serving shrimp, crab, chicken and other dishes, the waiter will present a small water bowl with a floating lemon or rose petal, which is not a drink, but for hand washing. When you wash your hands, take turns to dip your wet finger, gently rinse, and then dry with a small towel.









㈥ 幫我用英語介紹一下東北菜,急急急。。

oday I would like to introce cabbage genus to you all
Dongbei pickled cabbage genus, Northeast home, two things are indispensable First pickled cylinder, sauerkraut with large stones. Poor people and wealthy family. The sour smell of alcohol, light and refreshing, the use of biological antimicrobial, rich in lactic acid bacteria, dietary fiber and other nutrients, does not contain preservatives and pigments, is a green and natural health food

㈦ 誰能幫我用英語翻譯一下

Today I would like to introce cabbage genus to you all
Dongbei pickled cabbage genus, Northeast home, two things are indispensable First pickled cylinder, sauerkraut with large stones. Poor people and wealthy family. The sour smell of alcohol, light and refreshing, the use of biological antimicrobial, rich in lactic acid bacteria, dietary fiber and other nutrients, does not contain preservatives and pigments, is a green and natural health food

㈧ 東北亂燉英文背景 一道東北菜,東北亂燉。這道菜的背景來源。用英語介紹一下。

Chinese name Luann Northeast
The main ingredients of pork, beans, potatoes, green peppers, mushrooms
Category: northeast food
Ingredients: pepper, cinnamon, miso
Related stories
A pot stirring ladle, also called "a horse stirring spoon", is a genuine northeast dialect. See it, I think of the Northeast stew to call.
Stew is northeast dishes in the most common a kind of cooking way, this about the northeast cold related, you want to, ah, pot of stew served, braved the steaming heat, eat in the mouth is warm to shout, who immediately added heat, and cauldron stew will not soon cool, even if the time to eat a little bit longer dish still warm enough and to spare.
Most of the customs in Northeast China and northeast of the nation, people say that stew is left over from the nomadic nationality in Northeast China to eat, there was a world of Mongolia, Daikin, Daliaohe, Manchu residence, the nomads have a vagrant life on horseback, an iron cauldron loaded on horseback, every camp, but even the meat belt element thrown into a pot stewed, slowly forming characteristics of the Northeast stew.
Northeast stew doesn't need any complicated craft, vegetables, meat simple matter after shredding, pushed into the pot, frame lit bubbling and open stew, dish without delicate vessels, the stewed dish with a small iron pots, iron pots or large bowl installed on the end up. Look at this stew method, look at the amount of food, without exception, reveals a passion in the northeast and affordable, eat the Northeast stew without having to worry about the dishes is not enough, the big basin bowl served, with the Northeast words is you tried to build it.
The Northeast stew to eat, people's mood is very important, the polite civilization is not detached, a table of people around a big bowl of steaming stew, dancing chopsticks, scolds loudly glass touch thunderously, face was streaming with sweat oil, eat intoxicated fast when, may wish to stand up, one foot on the stool, hand raised their glasses, a busy clip vegetables, mouth to scold loudly, the sight in people in other places, it seems, is simply the bandits, but this is northeast person to eat hearty northeast stew reflected. Now this situation in the city is relatively rare, but the country to face the size of event, or often see.
Northeast stew looks simple messy, you fine pondering, or more interesting, more famous "pork stew vermicelli", "stewed chicken with mushroom", "pork with pickled cabbage", "ribs stewed beans", typical of the Northeast stew, mostly pairwise match, a stroke a, as is often said that "collocation of men and women, work not tired". Of course, there are a variety of materials stewed together, such as people eat "Luann northeast" is in different seasons collocation of different materials, roughly a dozen materials put together in a stew and.
The northeast people like to eat stew, just like living in the northeast people like the character, bold and simple. No matter what material, as long as can eat can promote a pot stew, although sometimes pairwise match, sometimes mixed, but a fire crazy stew after, something different eliminate the boundaries of each other, truly intertwined and inseparable, zero distance. Northeast people living in a world of ice and snow, in order to resist natural disasters, to develop the character of handouts and gas heavy friendship, we in a pot, stir the eating habits of the ladle, and pull into the relationship between each other, the character of the wide, atmosphere and passion, tolerance perfectly reflected in the stew.
1 must use pork.
2 all the dishes (except potatoes, Hu Luobu) are to be torn with the hand, so that the process of cooking is easy to taste, but also not to destroy the nutrition of food.
Luann northeast is simple and easy to cook, stroke is, nutrient rich, delicious taste delicious is a common northeast dishes, is also the northeast new favorite family.

㈨ "東北菜"英文怎麼說

Northeast dishes

或者Dongbei dishes

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