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⑴ 玩偶翻譯成英文是什麼

Mother gives him two dolls of automatic kick on boxes.
The little girl mourned her lost doll.
Hello. Is this the Yang Doll Company?
喂容, 這是楊氏玩偶公司 嗎 ?

⑵ 求英文的薔薇少女介紹,把每個人偶簡略的說一遍就可以了,還有劇情。千萬不要太長啊![不要用英文翻譯的


Suigintou(水銀燈) is the first Rozen Maiden doll. Her desire to win the Alice Game
is the strongest of all the dolls, and is primarily driven because she
wants the attention of their "Father", the dollmaker Rozen. Initially,
Suigintou's will to exist was so strong that she was able to move even
without a Rosa Mystica. She could also use her powers without a medium. Sadistic, spiteful, and arrogant (all e to her Inferiority complex),
she would stop at nothing to become Alice. Although she avoids talking
with her sisters, she has a particularly bitter hatred for Shinku(真紅).
Kanaria(金絲雀), The second Rozen Maiden doll, who is as adorable as she is eccentric.
Not only does she constantly refer to herself in third person, but she
also talks about taking her sisters' Rosen Mysticas, though she
repeatedly fails in her attempts to do so. She fancies herself as quite
the stealthy prowler, and makes a hobby of watching the exploits of her
sisters, usually through binoculars. Kanaria's bright, somewhat arrogant
disposition makes her the ideal subject for many of the comedic
episodes. Despite this, she is a competent opponent and attacks with a
violin that can emit particularly destructive sound waves. Her
personality mostly complements that of Hinaichigo, who eventually
becomes her good friend and rival; they often debate on whose medium is
"better", i.e. prettier. In the manga, she visits the Sakurada home more
often than in the anime, and even invites Mitsu, her medium, after
Hinaichigo is taken by Kirakishou to fulfill the void left by
The third Rozen Maiden doll, and Souseiseki's older twin. She and
Souseiseki are both Suiseiseki(翠星石), referred to as "gardeners" for their ability to
communicate and tend not only to regular plants, but also to the "soul
trees" of humans.
Souseiseki(蒼星石), The fourth doll of the Rozen Maiden collection and Suiseiseki's twin,
Souseiseki possesses a sharpness in her speech that is similar to
Shinku's, attacks ruthlessly in combat, and does not tolerate sub-par
actions. She is also quite stubborn and very devoted to her masters. Her
appearance is not only the most masculine of the dolls, but her speech
is also noted to be of the masculine form, using the first person pronoun
"boku(仆)" instead of gender neutral pronouns like "jibun(自分)" or "watashi(私)."
Souseiseki's presence is much more significant in the anime than in the
manga. These all being stereotypical traits of a tomboy.
Shinku(真紅) is female protagonist of this story and the fifth Rozen Maiden
doll, the first to appear in the series, and the strongest doll in the
series. Her name, in addition to its Japanese meaning, could be also a
play on the Japanese pronunciation of the word "cinq" (French
for "five"). She embodies the traditional Victorian aristocrat. She is
extremely demanding and can seem unappreciative of others. Her favorite
words are "tea", "servant"
and "What?" She seems to enjoy lecturing, slapping, and generally
abusing Jun, her medium, at every opportunity. She is very aware of her
femininity, forever reminding others that she and the other Maidens are
'ladies'. Shinku is also perceived as being cold and harsh, but she is
actually very protective of, and cares deeply for, her sisters and for
Jun. Shinku's presence at the Sakurada home has led to other Rozen
Maidens appearing there. She hates cats because one almost swallowed her
wind-up key in the past.
Hinaichigo(雛莓), The sixth Rozen Maiden doll. Although she can be ridiculously naïve and
selfish, she has nothing but the best intentions for those that she
cares about. Her disposition is also a mismatch for her power, which is a
series of attacks based on strawberry vines, which she mostly uses to
restrain opponents and can also tell her what is happening. She loses to
Shinku in the Alice Game, becoming the first doll to lose the right to
become Alice. Shinku does not beat Hinaichigo outright; the younger doll
simply exhausted the energy of her medium, Tomoe, and she becomes, in
Shinku's opinion, another servant.
Kirakishou(雪華綺晶), The true seventh Rozen Maiden doll. Both her hair and her ornately
ruffled dress are white, as indicated by Shinku's description of her in
volume 6 of the manga, and by the remodeled version of the original
manga. However, she has been shown with a pale pink dress (anime), pale
pink hair (Rozen Maiden AliBat, a fan-created fighting game), or both (the cover of volume 6 of the manga). Kirakishou's right eye is missing.

⑶ 玩偶用英文怎麼寫~~!!!! 告訴我個中文翻譯英文的網站!!!謝謝

puppet:n.傀儡, 木偶
doll:n.洋娃娃, 玩偶, 美麗但無頭腦的女子, <俚>美男子

⑷ 玩偶的英語怎麼寫

玩偶 Dolls;doll;Dolls and Co
玩偶歷險記回 Tin Toy Adventure
紐約答玩偶 new York dolls

⑸ 用英文介紹洋娃娃的作用,外觀,製作材料等等,對話的形式,謝謝各位了

A: Good morning, Helen.
B: Good morning, Nancy.
A: You look so happy. Why?
B: I made a lovely doll just now.
A: Really? What does it look like?
B: She has blue eyes, yellow hair and pink skin.
A: Sounds good. what materials is it made of?
B: The doll is made of cloth. I also used some cotton. The hair is made of a ball of wool.
A: Does she wear a dress ?
B: Yes, she wears a blue dress. There are many flowers on it.
A: How do you play wih the doll?
B: I can change the clothes for her and comb her hair every day. It can make me happy.
A: Great. Can I have a look at your doll ?
B: OK. Let's go.


⑹ 《玩偶》用英語怎麼講


《玩偶》Dolls 【日本】 導演:北野武Takeshi Kitano

⑺ 玩偶的英語翻譯 玩偶用英語怎麼說

doll 英[dɒl] 美[dɑ:l]
n. 玩偶; (口技演員使用的) 木偶; 紈絝子弟; 漂亮的姑娘;
vt. 把…打扮漂版亮;
[例句]It's a vinyl doll with movable arms and legs

⑻ 毛絨玩具用英語怎麼說

毛絨玩具的英文: toys、plush toy。

1、stuffed toys

英文發音:[stʌft tɔɪz]



Cute stuffed toys of Angry Birds, feel extremely comfortable.


2、plush toy

英文發音:[ˌplʌʃ ˈtɔɪ]



Until then, lets keep our hopes alive that a human/ plush toy pairing can make their dreams of having a child together come true.









I wish you stuffed in my stocking.





adj. 豪華的;長毛絨做的;舒服的

n. 長毛絨


Cut or uncut loops of yarn forming the surface of certain fabrics, such as velvet, plush, and carpeting.


⑼ 公仔,玩偶和手辦用英語怎麼說

figure (固定式完成品)或者GK(白模)

⑽ 你知道玩偶用英語怎麼說嗎

英 [dɒl] 美 [dɑ:l]
It's a doll. it's very precious to me.
That lost all her dolls.

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