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㈠ 民謠英語怎麼說

[詞典]ballad; folk rhyme; folk music; folk songs; Volkslied;

㈡ 民謠的英語翻譯 民謠用英語怎麼說

[mín yáo]
folk,ballad,folk songs,folk music,folk rhyme
民謠 Folk;Ballad;Volkslied鄉村民謠 Country;Folk Music;COUNTRY BALLAD英國民謠 British Folk;English Banad;Danny Boy

㈢ 民謠的英文單詞怎麼說

Elvis conceived of himself as a ballad singer.

㈣ 用英文簡述民謠特點

A popular, rich in folk songs, called folk or folk songs.
The ballad of the long history, the author unknown. Rich in content and folk, religion, love, war, work, drinking, dancing and musicians, and of the festival and so on.
Is the performance of folk affection and custom of a nation, so each has its unique and exotic style.
As French folk song of the vigorous, the enthusiasm of Italian folk music, British folk simplicity, Japanese folk song of grief and indignation, Spain folk rhyme uninhibited, Chinese folk songs full of pathos, the strong national qualities and color.

㈤ 英語高手 中國民間音樂的英語介紹

Generalized that a national folk-style songs, folk songs refers to the narrow folk songs. Folk songs in the folk songs from generation to generation widespread, is the most popular form of music is that the public verbal creativity, and constantly enrich the spread of the crystallization of the collective wisdom, it will be very distinctive national characteristics and local color. China has a long history, vast territory and large population and the nation, so long folk songs, a broad array. Folk music Xilian concise language, music, image vivid, colorful performance practices in China is in the treasure trove of folk music an important component.

Contemporary music by the popular genre of: Labor, the son of folk song. Minor.

Folk Songs (Folk) originally refers to the traditional songs of each nation, each nation's original inhabitants since they have / have ancient songs, most of these songs do not know who the author is, and oral communication, a Chuan Shi Shi Chuan 100, passed down from generation to generation-date. But today we are talking about folk songs (Folk), the pop songs that are the folk songs (Folk), referring to the main wood for the guitar accompaniment of musical instruments, natural frank manner singing, we sing the kind of simple life experience songs.


㈥ 民謠用英文怎麼說

Germanic peoples have a Adaro's unique temperament, but a combination of a number of other European ethnic flavor. Their album has absorbed rock and roll, pop, medieval, classical, film music, plays and other styles of music, folk songs in Germany on the basis of a large-scale use of Female Qinglie, elegant melodies, the songs reveal virtually surrounded by the magic of magic slowly your soul, as in ancient China and the United States Marine mermaid with ghost songs to attract the sailing crew.
這首Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen This is the first Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen Germany is a The band not only works of the German national heritage unique temperament, but also the integration of Scottish pipers and modern electronic elements in the song. Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen This is the first Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen have a wonderful female voice, the whole album in the cheerful style, this first of the gently-paced song can be said to be thriving. …… The female lead singer sounds like a siren as charming and gorgeous, let me from the start that some of the blue immersion in the sea, able to extricate themselves. Like a mermaid's voice, behind a fresh grief behind, also has a beautiful behind The slightest sense of fear ... ...

㈦ 音樂中的民謠風格用英文怎麼講

Ballad style

㈧ 民謠怎麼說


㈨ 求民謠的英文介紹

Civil popular, rich colors of the national songs, ballads or folk songs called. Youyuan the history of folk songs, the more its author unknown. The rich folk, religion, love, war, work, but also to drink, dance fun, festivals and so on. Performance of folk songs is not only a nation's feelings and still learning, so have their own unique scale and exotic style. French folk songs such as the booming, the enthusiasm of the Italian folk songs, ballads of the British honest, the Japanese folk songs of grief and indignation, the Kuangfangbuji Spanish folk songs, Chinese folk songs of Chanmianfeice, have shown a strong national character and color.

Modern composers, useful folk songs as the theme to create all kinds of music, such as Dvorak (antonin dvorák) "from the New World" Symphony, Tchaikovsky (peter llyitch tchaikovsky)'s "Symphony No.4 "Dan section (vincentd'indy)" Folk Song Symphony "; Harris (roy harris) of" folk symphony "; Bulu He (mar bruch)'s" Concerto Scottish folk song ";威廉士沃恩( williams vaughan) "the English Folk Song Suite"; Dubinsky (arcadybensky) "Stephen Foster Suite" and Liadov (anatol constantinovitch liadov) of the "eighth orchestral folk song", were wonderful parade of Music, generally welcomed by the people of the world.

(A) England folk: Britain's folk music until the late 19th century before Easter. At that time, a Mingjiaosaixi Erxia Pu (cecil sharp), a collection of nearly 3,000 the number of folk songs, of which more than 1,600 first, spread to North America Ebalaqi Mountains area. Strange to say, the real British traditional music in the United States kept by the local community more than the United Kingdom. The so-called British traditional music, its main characteristics is a native to music, and with pop music to tell stories of folk songs.

(B) of the French folk songs: the French folk songs, are usually full of emotion and secular Fangdangbuji of humor. From their folk songs, not only can understand the habits of the French people, as they also tasted the wine dishes, as if they also see the light Miaowu.

(C) of the German folk songs: pop music and endemic melody, the German folk music by the great impact, and pop music and endemic outdoor life and they are part of the activities of groups.

(D) of the Netherlands folk song: Germany's national music, not only in Germany in the spread, in fact, also prevalent in the North Sea near the several countries. The Netherlands is one of them, mainly because Germany and the north country, their language and customs are more similar to Germany, German folk music is very natural that they be accepted.

(E) of the Irish folk song: Since the Middle Ages, the harp has become Ireland's most popular musical instruments. 12 century, the court poet of the songs, but also more oriented to harp; Unfortunately, those Gepu already lost, leaving only part of the lyrics. To the 17th century, that is, when the British rule in Ireland, the court poet graally decline, and harp soloist, is still active in the corner. Another instrument called pipers, also very popular in Ireland, perhaps because Qi Rinaldi (celti) especially like to hear that voice high and sharp!

(6) Italian folk songs: Italian folk music, the melodies are beautiful and warm with Harmony because the music moving, Jinyi throughout the world. Liu Xianqin and accordion accompaniment of this song is the main instrument, which also can be said that the characteristics of Italian folk songs.

(7) Norwegian folk songs: It is well-known Norwegian folk songs, has been forgotten for a long period, until about 1840, were not seriously while people recover from the current famous was the first of about a million, most of its contents described The beautiful Huguangshanse.

(8) Scottish folk songs: As the printing of not yet universal, and the harp family have died, resulting in the early Scotland Gao Shanzu Gunai (gales) music has been mostly lost, who was only until 1781 to begin collecting. Scottish wild music, sounds Poxiang Irish music, this is because Scotland earlier harp from home most of the reason Ireland. In Scotland, harp is a very common instrument, almost every family has, everyone can bomb, but later e to the rise of pipers e to the harp family status greatly affected. Because pipers in outdoor play, and harp only suitable for indoor play. Scottish folk songs and a high plains of points, compared magnificent Highland folk songs, ballads are inclined to soft ground beautiful.

(9) Spanish folk songs: Spain's folk music, most of that part of the Dance, Dance tend to be a part of folk songs. In addition, all of the Spanish folk songs, all with strong rural atmosphere, which is the Spanish folk songs of a unique style.

(10) Sweden folk songs: Swedish folk songs, said people in 1631 were not collected, which describes the ancient story of the heroic soldiers, magnificent melody, passionate, work.

(11) Prince of folk songs: the Prince of traditional music, the tunes are based on harp and composition, including folk songs, folk dance, carols, hymns, and more to the accompaniment of harp music.

㈩ 求翻譯一英語介紹



1978年,佩德羅與查理·加西亞、大衛·雷伯恩以及奧斯卡·莫洛組成了搖滾樂隊「Serú Girán」,這也許是阿根廷搖滾樂歷史上最為重要的一支樂隊了。1983年,佩德羅加入了美國爵士樂組合「Pat Metheny Group」(中文名似乎音譯為「派特麥席尼」),與派特麥席尼、雷勒·麥斯、史蒂夫·羅德比及保羅·威爾蒂科一起進行過數次世界巡演並獲得三屆格萊美大獎。

佩德羅發行過大量的個人專輯和原聲專輯,他的音樂在美國南部民謠的基礎上融合進搖滾與爵士的元素。他還擔任並完成了超過100件以上的錄制唱片和進行演唱會的任務,這些唱片和演唱會來自於阿根廷的乃至世界各地的音樂人。他最近的一張專輯名為《Aznar canta Brasil》,這張專輯內用CD和DVD記錄了2005年2月在布宜諾斯艾利斯舉行的一場現場表演的實況錄像,在那場表演中,佩德羅演繹了眾多重量級的巴西音樂家們的金曲。

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