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『壹』 急求~~~英文原文關於工程造價的英文

中國建設工程造價管理協會 2007 年工作要點

2007 年中價協的工作要以鄧小平理論和「三個代表」重要思想為指導,圍繞建設部關於建設工作的總體要求,按照「轉變觀念、創新服務、扎實工作、穩步發展」的工作方針,充分發揮協會的「提供服務、反映訴求、規范行為」的作用,繼續推進工程造價咨詢行業自律建設,促進工程造價行業的穩健發展。為此我們將重點做好以下工作:





五、認真貫徹建設部第 150 號部令,修訂完善注冊造價工程師繼續教育管理辦法。組織編寫造價工程師繼續教育培訓教材及全國建設工程造價員繼續教育培訓大綱,全面提升工程造價專業人員的綜合素質和執業水平,以滿足新形勢下人才的需求。

六、積極開展對外交流與合作。組織參加亞太工料測量師協會( PAQS )第十一屆理事會和加入國際造價工程師聯合會( ICEC )的工作。

-------------------China Construction Cost Management Association 2007 points in 2007 moderately priced Society's work should be guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as the guide, the Ministry of Construction work on the general requirement, according to "change their concepts, innovative services, and do solid work, steady development "in their work, and give full play to the Association" to provide services, reflecting demands. irregularities ", has continued to promote the project cost consulting instry self-discipline, and promote the healthy development of trade project cost. Therefore, we will focus on the following tasks : First, to help government departments to standardize the construction cost consulting market. According to the construction market, further improve the quality of the project cost consulting business. Cost Engineer registered with the day-to-day management of examinations, the government efforts to provide good service. Second, the instry's investigations. Cost of the project hot instries, and difficult to conct in-depth research, the advice and suggestions to policy-making government departments. Completion of the research projects at the same time continuing to increase research and the results of the application of the standards association, promote the sustainable development of instry. Third, instry norms, improve self-building. Developing and refining instry norms and standards. In the self-management of the research results, based on sound engineering cost professionals practicing moral code, Project Cost Advisory outcome document quality standards, outstanding engineering achievements of the assessment methods and other related costs. to raise the standard of practice and the quality of services, and create a sound environment for the development of the instry cost. Fourth, promoting the project cost consulting instry credibility. Graally establish a cost consulting enterprises registered Cost Engineer credit file system to cost consulting enterprises, Cost Engineer side to implement the registration system and disciplinary warning mechanism. Promote instry integrity, honesty instry organizations evaluate, select members of the advanced units, advanced indivial member activities. Project Cost Consulting Firms continue operating income 100 scheling, project consultant for brand awareness. 5, conscientiously implement Decree No. 150 of the Ministry of revising and improving the management of continuing ecation registration cost engineer. Cost Engineers prepared to continue ecation and training materials for the continuing ecation of the National Construction Cost training outline raise the overall quality of construction costs and professional practice standards to meet the demand under the new situation. Sixth, actively carry out exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries. Organizations in the Asia-Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors (PAQS) 11th Council and the international cost of Engineers ( ICEC). 7, the secretariat of the Association to continue to do work and organizations. Increase awareness of independent innovation, expand service areas and deepen services, and improve the quality of service.

『貳』 我是學工程造價的英語自我介紹範文大一漢英

Hello everyone!I would like to take thisopportunity to introce myself.My name is ……,but you can just call me …….Icome from a beautiful city Guilin Guangxi.I』m currently a student at Nanning College for Vocational Technology andmajoring in accounting.My favorite pastimes are reading、writing、listeningto music and spending time with my friends.I』m confident to myself.Persistenceand patience is my biggest personality.English is my favorite subject and itis important to me.I want to be an English teacher in the future and share myexperience with them.That』s all.Thank you.

『叄』 幫我翻譯關於工程造價英語作文

Project cost means to carry out a project to spend the full cost. Project cost is a broad concept, on various occasions, the different meaning of the project cost. Since the study, the project has cost construction cost, the indivial project cost, construction cost units as well as the construction cost of installation and so on.
Project cost with good professional training of scientific accomplishment of the project cost to master the basic knowledge, familiar with the whole process of project cost management, a rigorous practice skills in order to project the construction phase of the preparation of project cost control and focusing on high-technology talent .

『肆』 「工程造價」英文怎麼說

工程造價project cost; cost of works; cost of the execution of works
建築工程造價cost of civil engineering works

『伍』 求一篇關於工程造價的英語文章、附翻譯的(800字左右最好)最佳答案加30分

The information about "The engineering costs "
The engineering costs complete equipment investment cost of meaning to constuct an engineering expectation expense or actual expense.Is also an engineering and pass construction the forming corresponds of the total of using a time of charge that non - trading asset, immaterial assets needs.
This meaning defines from the angle of investor-owner.Say from this meaning, engineering's costing is an engineering rate.For Be finished an engineering, projected or physically in service market in the land Market, equipment market and technique, and contracts for a market to etc. trade to is movable amid the building forminged setup engineering of rate and the construction engineering total price space.
It usually is the second that costs engineering to grow meaning to affirm to accept to send report rate for engineering.It is constructing a market to pass to recruit tender, from demand master investor and supply master the construction company approve together of rate.

『陸』 關於工程造價、英語


『柒』 工程造價專業英文自我評價

自我評價 就像一面鏡子,平時無法看清自我,但是在鏡子前自己的美醜一覽無余,但是英文的自我評價要怎麼寫呢?下面是我為大家帶來的工程造價專業自我評價,相信對你會有幫助的。

工程造價專業 英文自我評價 篇一

1, understand the drawings, information, equipment, cad and so on. Can be hard-working, enterprising. Responsible for the overall deployment of the construction site, the general layout.

2, coordination of the construction of the labor layer progress, quality, safety. The implementation of the overall construction program.

3, the service layer assessment, evaluation.

4, supervision of the service layer according to standard construction, to ensure safe proction, civilized construction. Comprehensive and reasonable and effective implementation of the program to keep the construction site safe and effective.

5, proposed to ensure construction, safety, quality measures and organize the implementation.

6, urge the construction materials, equipment on time, and in a qualified state to ensure the smooth progress of the project.

7, to participate in the project completion inspection, responsible for the project intact protection.

8, on-time and accurate record of construction log.

9, the rational allocation of proction factors, and strictly organize the construction to ensure project progress and quality.

10, the organization concealed project acceptance, to participate in sub-sub-project quality assessment.

11, to participate in the drawing of the trial and the preparation of the progress of the project with a grateful heart of life, with love to do business.Computer skills: intermediate language proficiency: English (general); Mandarin (good) precise operation of equipment, cad, site coordination and management, pre-technical technology to the end of the quality axis elevation. Be familiar with and make drawings, data, construction plans, contracts.


Years of large-scale construction site management experience, is responsible for engineering, progress, quality, cost, security and other aspects of management. Familiar with the construction norms and acceptance norms; Familiar with the operation of the project throughout, to master the engineering and technical requirements. Can effectively organize, lead, coordinate the work of the total package and the subcontractors, and strictly fulfill the contract requirements, to complete the scheled quality, schele, cost targets. Love and respect their jobs, lead by example with a strong team coordination and management capabilities. Hold construction professional intermediate title (document number __0523761) and obtain a construction division qualification certificate (document number 0127717). Skilled use of autocad, office series of office software.

I am rich in knowledge, excellent self-regulation, good health, long-term to maintain a good working condition. Character indifferent, growing in the military family, a strong self-discipline, with teamwork awareness. Serious and responsible work attitude, to fulfill their ties and strive to perfect.He has been working in the construction of a total bureau, the construction - Dacheng companies and other units, has long been engaged in the construction of the total package site management, familiar with the total package, the contractor and the project management process supervision, the construction organization, construction technology, communication and coordination And other aspects of deep experience. In __ the first batch of a national registered a construction division, and strive to become a good project manager (proction manager), reflect their value in life.


Through three years of college study and temper, so that they mastered a better learning methods, exercise their perseverance, and develop their own hard-working quality, for their own lifelong learning and laid the foundation. In addition, I study, work and overall quality has been greatly improved, so I understand the addition to learning outside the personal ability and the importance of the necessity of communication skills.

1. On the ideological and moral, I have a good moral cultivation, a firm political direction. So I pay attention to their own conct, adhere to the self-reflection and strive to improve their own personality, so no matter what the circumstances, are the first to the moral requirements of their own, strict self-discipline, self-discipline and self-discipline, , Helpful.

In the study, I successfully completed the course, the completion of construction materials, the completion of settlement and accounting methods and Guanglianda software can skillfully operate, usually I also dabbled in a lot of literature, psychology and other extra-curricular knowledge. I believe in the future theory and practice which, can have a greater increase!

3. In the work, the work of enthusiasm, hard working, strong sense of responsibility, with good organizational communication skills, and colleagues united, pay attention to work with colleagues and leaders to do a good job, we have been unanimously praised.

In life, I advocate a simple life, and to develop good habits and decent style, can be very good to communicate with people, strong social adaptability, good at learning and accept new things, to Chikunailao,Positive and positive treatment of things and pressure, work on a proactive, serious and responsible. In addition, the concept of time attaches great importance. My life motto: There is no rehearsal of life, only live, so every thing should strive to do our best!

Three years of college, shaping a healthy, confident self, self-confidence from the strength, but also recognize that the rapid social change, the demand for talent is also growing, society is constantly changing, development, use Development to look at the problem, there are many shortcomings and deficiencies, to adapt to social development, must constantly improve their thinking, improve themselves and correct shortcomings, to learn to learn, learn to innovate and learn to adapt to social development requirements. I believe: efforts will certainly be able to win wonderful!

工程造價專業英文自我評價相關 文章 :

★ 工程造價專業個人簡歷自我評價

★ 工程造價個人簡歷自我評價

★ 工程造價畢業生自我鑒定範文

★ 造價工程師自我評價

★ 工程造價簡歷自我評價

★ 工程造價自我評價範文

★ 簡短工程造價轉正自我鑒定

★ 園林工程師個人求職簡歷模板

★ 工程造價應屆畢業生個人簡歷自我評價

『捌』 工程造價用英語


『玖』 用英語寫一封關於工程造價專業的求職信

P.O. Box 36
Tsinghua University
Beijing,China 100084

Dear Sir/Madam:
Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graating from Graate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my ecation, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,

Wang Lin

『拾』 土木工程, 和工程造價這兩個專業的英文是啥

Civil Engineering

Construction Cost

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