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1. 狂歡節時間地點起源 英文帶中文

1840年1月22日,一家義大利飯店的老闆娘分發了請柬,雇了樂師,用綵帶裝飾了飯店,准備了五彩紙屑,一大群人到這里跳起了新大陸時興的波爾卡舞,這種風格的舞會一直延續到1846年。那時從歐洲剛回國藝術家克拉拉德瑪斯特羅(CLARA DEL MASTRO)帶了一夥戲劇演員,他們在一家劇場舉行了當時義大利十分遊行的假面舞會。後來,人們很喜歡這種方式,紛紛在其他的劇場效仿。幾年後,假面舞會越來越紅火,起初還站在一邊觀望的富貴人家也加入了假面舞者的行列。街上的惡作劇從此銷聲匿跡了。1879年有一則舞會廣告是這樣寫的:早場舞會上午11時至下午2時,交響樂隊伴奏,門票每位1000雷亞爾(REIS),下午場5-9時,地點在喬治廣場(GEORGEOUS SQUARE),晚場9點至次日天亮。在NINICHES俱樂部的化裝晚會上,人們第一次使用了非洲的AGOGO鼓和巴西黑人愛用的金屬打擊樂器。後來,由當地的鐵匠和採石工人搞出來的化裝人物形象大獲成功,這是一個打著大號非洲鼓,留著八字小胡須的假面人,他滿面春風,熱情、厚道,成了倍受喜愛的形象,這就是無人不知的"澤佩雷依拉大叔"(ZE PEREIRA),其實,大叔正好代表了歡快的巴西人在節日里的心情。澤佩雷依拉的歌曲迅速傳遍全國,成為當年巴西狂歡節的代表歌曲。歌詞大意為:"你是個好心的人,澤佩雷依拉萬歲!為了今天的狂歡節,我們一醉方休,萬歲!" 狂歡節最初是作為天主教的主要節日,一般在每年2月中下旬舉行,歷時三天,現已改為從星期六開始,六、日和下周一、二,全國共放假4天。一百多年來,巴西的狂歡節吸收了黑人的音樂和舞蹈等內容,逐步由鬧劇、上層社會的豪華假面舞會,變成了全社會各階層共同參與,共同分享的生動、熱鬧的慶典活動。它原有的宗教氣氛反而被沖淡了。它已是巴西特有的傳統節日,一個民間的節日。今天的巴西人已經把一年的時間分成了"節前"和"節後"這兩個時間段,這與中國的農歷春節對中國人的影響有些類似。
Origin of the festival
Many countries have a carnival in the world. This festival originated in medieval Europe. God of ancient Greek and Roman wood section, dionysia is arguably its predecessor. In some areas also call it a xie meat section section and repent. The festival is associated with Easter. Before Easter have a period of 40 days of lent, which lent (lent). Lent, people banned entertainment, avoiding meat, reflection, confess to the memory of the Jesus, three days before Easter distress life solemn depressing, so three days before at the beginning of lent, people will specially held a banquet, dance, parade, tiles, reason has "carnival". Now not many people stick to such discipline, lent but traditional carnival activities, become the important holiday express yearning for happiness and freedom.
People celebrate mardi gras in Europe and South America area. Around the date of celebration is not the same, but in general most of the countries in the mid to late February. All the carnival features, but on the whole, are drunken drink without restraint is famous for its music. One of the most famous carnival.
It is widely believed that the carnival originated from ancient Roman and Greek Spring Festival ceremony. In the middle ages, the Catholic church to suppress all pagan ideas, but it has not been cancelled mardi gras, so I put it into your calendar, the Thanksgiving Day. In Europe, especially Portugal, people use off peers and wearing masks to dance to celebrate in the streets. And Brazilian Portuguese brought traditional settlement later. But some argue that the Brazilian carnival is different from traditional carnival, may be derived from Brazil black African worship of the local culture, and people seem to think it is perhaps Africa and Iberia to a mix of the two cultures. Originally, on ash (SENZAS) on Wednesday February the last Wednesday (equivalent to the Gregorian calendar) before three days, people took to the streets wearing masks, each throw rotten eggs, flour and water disgusting smell. The Portuguese was like the mischief, Brazil local black slaves also took part in the came in, they painted the white face with flour, borrowed from the master old clothes, old net, mad mad mad to play for three days. Many slave owners to the slaves free for three days. Thank you master's kindness, generally don't take this opportunity to escape.
On January 22, 1840, an Italian restaurant owner handed out invitations, hired musicians, decorated restaurant with ribbons, prepared confetti, a large group of people to jump up a new world in fashion polka, this style of PROM was extended until 1846. Now has just returned home from Europe artist carat radmanovic, ROM (CLARA DEL MASTRO) brought a group of drama actor, they held when Italy very parade in a theater of the masquerade. Later, people like this way, in other theater follow suit. A few years later, the masquerade is thriving, also at first stood on the sidelines of a silver spoon in his mouth, joined the persona of the dancer. The street prank disappeared from now on. In 1879, an advertisement is: ball matinee dance between 11 am and 2 PM, the orchestra accompaniment, tickets for every 1000 reais (REIS), field 5-9 PM, place in George SQUARE (GEORGEOUS SQUARE), 9 am to morrow morning. Your evening In NINICHES club masquerade party, people for the first time to use the black African AGOGO drum and Brazil love with metallic percussion instruments. Later, by the local blacksmith and quarry workers out of masked figure is a great success, it is a large African drum, with little beard persona, he was all smiles, enthusiastic, honest, became the image of the much-loved, this is no one I do not know the "ZE pere uncle IRA" (ZE PEREIRA), actually, uncle just represents the cheerful brazilians in the holiday mood. Ze pere based on songs spread across the country, was carnival on behalf of the song of the year. Lyrics meaning: "you are a good person, ze pere viva la! To mardi gras,

2. 巴西狂歡節用英語怎麼說和節日

Brazil carnival

3. 用英語介紹狂歡節

About Carnaval

The annual Carnival in Brazil is a unique festival. It is also the most important ethnic celebration. It comes between the end of February and the beginning of March every year. Hundreds of thousands of tourists from overseas were attracted to join the feast of rejoicing, which involves flamboyant1 costumes, sexy Brazilian girls and passionate Samba dance.


The earliest Carnival dates back to 1641, when the colonial rulers implemented a decree2. According to it, people would be encouraged to parade, dance and drink unrestrained to celebrate the birthday of the Portuguese King. More than three hundred years later, the Carnival has become the most important folk festival of Brazil.

The main 「course」 of the carnival is the Samba dance. Months before the Carnival, some professional Samba schools will set out to compose music, rehearse5 dances and design costumes according to the current theme of the Carnival.

Seven hundred thousand tourists swarmed the coastal city of Rio De Janeiro for Carnival. Whoever they are—poor or rich, celebrity or ordinary people—they are all just dancers, day and night. Happiness prevails7, while complaints disappear. Countless romantic stories occur ring the celebrations, brightening everyone's ll daily life.


呵呵 我網路出來的~

4. 幫忙翻譯一下一段關於巴西狂歡節的,明天就要。急!!!!!!



5. 求巴西 狂歡節英文簡介

Carnival is the most famous holiday in Brazil and has become an event of huge proportions. Rhythm, participation, and costumes vary from one region of Brazil to another. In the southeastern cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, huge organized parades are led by samba schools.The country stops completely for almost a week and festivities are intense, day and night, mainly in coastal cities. The consumption of beer accounts for 80% of annual consumption[citation needed] and tourism receives 70% of annual visitors. The government distributes condoms and launches awareness campaigns at this time to prevent the spread of AIDS.

6. 哪位能介紹下國外的一些著名節日(英語),盡量詳細點

狂歡節(巴西,二月中下旬)---Carnival.很多國家都有狂歡節.狂歡節是歐洲,南美洲一些地區的傳統節日.狂歡節起源於中世紀,盛行於當代.該節的名稱、內容、時間因地而異,通常始於四旬齋前的主顯節(1月6日). 因封齋期間教會禁止肉食和娛樂,所以人們要在狂歡節期間,盡情享樂、吃喝.現在的狂歡節並非原來意義上的狂歡節,它成為許多國家人民辭舊迎新、抒發對幸福和自由的嚮往的重要節日. 在世界各地的狂歡節中,巴西的狂歡節最為著名.巴西桑巴舞就是因此而聞名於世.狂歡節之日,男女老少都集中到巴西首都里約熱內盧,穿起令人眼花繚亂的艷麗服裝,戴上奇特的假面具,勾畫出形形色色的臉譜,湧向街頭、廣場,觀看或參加遊行.在遊行中,有儀仗隊、彩車隊和歌舞隊.每年的狂歡節,都由有關部門組成評獎委員會,給勝出者頒發集體獎和個人獎. 感恩節(美國,11月最後一個星期四)---Thanksgiving.感恩節是美國人盛大的傳統節日,也是美國人傳統的家庭團聚的日子.此外,加拿大於1879年首次慶祝感恩節. 感恩節起源於1621年.1620年9月,102個英國清教徒乘坐"五月花"號木船於當年11月21日到達現在美國馬薩諸塞州的普利茅斯.由於嚴寒、(飢餓和疾病,只有50人倖存.第二年春天,在當地土著印第安人的幫助下,移民們學會了生產技能.為了感謝上帝的恩惠,密切同印第安人的關系,11月底的這一天大排筵席,邀請印第安人參加.隨後這個活動在普利茅斯年復一年傳下來,並風行全國.1795年,美國第一任總統華盛頓宣布感恩節為全國性節日,1863年,林肯總統再次將感恩節定為全國性節日.1941年,美國國會將感恩節確定為11月的第四個星期四. 愚人節(4月1日)---Fool's Day愚人節的時間是每年4月1日,又稱萬愚節.關於它的起源說法各異.有人說源於古羅馬的媳樂節;也有人說源於印度的歡娛節;還有人認為愚人節和春分有關,春分時節天氣變化無常,似乎是大自然在作弄人.愚人節被戲弄的人並不生氣,反而引以為樂.英國甚至連電台、報紙也精心組織"假報道"作弄公眾,"四月傻瓜"就從那次上當受騙的人中產生了. 情人節(2月14日)---St.Valentine's Day.每年的二月十四日的情人節是歐洲,美洲和大洋洲一些國家最富有浪漫情調的傳統節日. 情人節產生於3世紀.古羅馬帝國時期的一位叫瓦倫丁的基督徒因為與典獄長女兒相愛,兩人於270年2月14日殉情而死.基督教便把兩人殉情的這一天定為情人節.隨著時間的推移,這個節日逐漸演變為流行的大眾節日. 聖誕節(12月5日)---Christmas Day.每年的12月5日的聖誕節是基督教為紀念耶穌誕生而設的節日.早在336年,12月25日正式被羅馬教會定為聖誕節,到5世紀中葉時,聖誕節已成為教會的傳統宗教節日,後來逐漸大眾化,現在許多國家都過聖誕節,但也並非所有人都過. 在許多國家,過聖誕節有許多重要活動.12月24日夜晚稱為聖誕夜,人們團聚在一起,共進聖誕晚餐,互贈禮品.一棵漂亮的聖誕樹是聖誕節必不可少的.聖誕樹通常用杉,柏等呈塔狀的常青樹做成,樹上懸掛著五光十色的彩燈和彩花,種類各異的禮品,這是聖誕老人給兒童分發禮物.到了聖誕節子夜時分,教堂舉行隆重的子夜彌撒,黎明和上午再舉行兩次隆重的彌撒. 聖誕節盛行唱聖誕歌.兒童扮成東方三王,唱著聖歌到家家戶戶通報耶穌誕生的喜訊.

7. 巴西狂歡節英文如何說


8. 世界各國傳統節日簡介英文版

1、日本成人節 在日本,每年1月15日的成人節是個大節,它受到
舉行慶祝活動。In Japan, each January 15 of Age Day is a big festival, it is subject to
I, family and society, universal attention. That day, at least 2 years old
Japan's young men and women must wear beautiful traditional kimono or a suit,
To celebrate that they have been incorporated into the alt ranks. There are families with young alts, a
Like to be held in the family celebration, or be held in the restaurant. The town and township
Village, government agencies, will also be on this day, the young alts together
Celebration. 2、威尼斯狂歡節 威尼斯是義大利東北部的一座親水小城,每年一次都會沉浸在歡樂和興奮的海洋中。每年2月21日至3月4日,狂歡節都會在大街小巷展開。
人們沿著水路互相問候:「早上好,面具女士!」。VENICE, a small, waterside city in northeast Italy, boils with happiness and excitement once every year. Between February 21 and March 4, carnival (狂歡節) hits the streets.
For most people, carnival means large parties and feasting . But in Venice, it also means traditional masks and clothes.
These costumes were first meant to hide personal identities. Then, different social classes could mix in a sea of happiness.
Along the waterways, people greeted each other with: "Good morning Mrs Mask!"
3、美國感恩節 Thanksgiving Day, as celebrated in North America, is a time to gather with family and friends to give thanks for the many blessings enjoyed by these nations and their citizens. However, to many people, its meaning is lost. It has become simply another day for huge meals, dinner parties, get-togethers or reunions. What does Thanksgiving mean to you?
Turkey dinners, cranberries, candied yams, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and family gatherings—these are all commonly associated with most Americans' and Canadians' yearly celebration of giving thanks—Thanksgiving Day!

In the United States, Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, it is the second Monday in October. On this holiday, a Thanksgiving meal is prepared with all the trimmings; families gather together and talk, while others watch a game or a parade filled with pilgrims, Indians and other colonial figures. Some families may even have their own yearly Thanksgiving traditions.

What comes to mind when you think of Thanksgiving? Do you picture a time of thankfulness towards God—or is it merely one of eating, partying or watching football?

Sadly, the latter is what Thanksgiving has become to most. They have forgotten why the day was established. Its meaning has slowly deteriorated, and is now almost completely lost under a cloud of media hype, sales pitches, marketing tactics and blitz commercialism.

While many are familiar with the traditional representation of the original Thanksgiving, it is helpful to examine the purpose for which it was first celebrated. By doing this, the day's meaning will be firmly established.

9. 巴西狂歡節的介紹


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