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發布時間: 2022-09-16 11:25:01

『壹』 今天我將要向大家介紹我的理想丈夫。這句話翻譯為英語。

Today,I'd like to introce my ideal husband to everybody!或者
I will intoce my ideal husband to everyone today!

『貳』 \"今天,我要向大家介紹一些特色菜\'這句話用英語怎麼說

Today, I will introce some special features vegetableses to everyone.

『叄』 今天我將要為大家介紹五個新的單詞英文翻譯

應該用 「introce+雙賓語」 翻譯:內容
~I'm going to introce you five English new words.
~I'm going to introce five English new words to you.

『肆』 今天我要向你們介紹我的房間 用英語翻譯

翻譯:「Today, I would like to introce you to my room.」

『伍』 大家好今天我來給大家介紹一下我的朋友用英語怎麼說

Hello, everyone. Today I'd like to introce my friend to you.

『陸』 今天我將要給大家介紹一下我最喜歡的東西用英語怎麼寫

Today I'm going to introce something that I like best.

『柒』 【急!】「今天我要向大家介紹聖誕節」用英語怎麼翻譯

Today im going to introce the Christmas

『捌』 今天我要給大家介紹一個植物用英文怎麼說


『玖』 今天我要為大家介紹一位作家翻譯

Now,please allow me to introce a young writer whose name is Hanhan.His articles have been proven controversial,some young people fancy the amusing part while other writers believe his articles are vulgar,but in my opinion there is more irony than any other things in his articles.
He loves car racing but dislikes English,that's why English translation of his books are off his limited.
Like it or not,his unique style did make an impression on many young people.

『拾』 「今天,我想給大家介紹一下四季」這句話用英語怎麼說

Today,I want to intronce four seasons to everyone

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