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『壹』 剪紙的歷史(英文簡介)


『貳』 急!用英語介紹中國剪紙藝術

剪紙是中國最為流行的民間藝術之一,根據考古其歷史可追朔到公元六世紀,但人們認為它的實際開始時間比這還要早幾百年。剪紙常用於宗教儀式,裝飾和造型藝術等方面。 在過去,人們經常用紙做成形態各異的物像和人像,與死者一起下葬或葬禮上燃燒,這一習俗在中國境外有時仍可見到。剪紙藝術一般都有象徵意義,也是這種儀式的一部分;此外剪紙還被用作祭祀祖先和神仙所用供品的裝飾物。 現在, 剪紙更多地是用於裝飾。剪紙可用於點綴牆壁、門窗、房柱、鏡子、燈和燈籠等,也可為禮品作點綴之用,甚至剪紙本身也可作為禮物贈送他人 。人們以前還常把剪紙作綉花和噴漆藝術的模型。 剪紙不是用機器而是由手工做成的,常用的方法有兩種:剪刀剪和刀剪。顧名思義,剪刀剪是藉助於剪刀,剪完後再把幾張(一般不超過 8 張)剪紙粘貼起來,最後再用鋒利的剪刀對圖案進行加工。刀剪則是先把紙張折成數疊,放在由灰和動物脂肪組成的松軟的混和體上,然後用小刀慢慢刻劃。剪紙藝人一般是豎直握刀,根據一定的模型將紙加工成所要的圖案。和剪刀相比,刀剪的一個優勢就是一次可以加工成多個剪紙圖案。 在農村,剪紙通常是由婦女、姑娘們來做。在過去,這可是每個女孩所必須掌握的手工藝術,並且還被人們來品評新娘的一個標准。而職業的剪紙藝人則常常是男人,因為只有男人才能在作坊里一起勞作並掙工錢。 中國剪紙藝術英語介紹 Paper cutting can be seen in many parts of China ring the Spring Festival. People paste patterns on the window, door lintel or desks for the festival atmosphere。 It's difficult to tell when it originated. One saying is that it originated from the religious ceremony or offering sacrifices. The ancient people cut papers into animals or people. They either buried them with the dead or burned them on the funerals, wishing that things that paper stand for could be with the dead. A thousand years ago, paper cut was used for decoration. According to historic books, women in the Tang Dynasty used paper cut as headdress. In the Song Dynasty, it was the decoration of the gifts. People pasted on windows or doors or used it as decorations on walls, mirrors or lanterns. Some people made a living by it. Paper cutting is all made by hand. It is easy to learn the rudiments. Non-craftsmen need only a knife and paper. For craftsman, they need knives and gravers of various types to make complicated patterns. It can be one piece of paper or many pieces. Simple patterns can be cut with a knife. For complicated patterns, people first pasted the pattern on the paper and then used various kinds of knives to make it. No mistake can be made ring the process otherwise the work would fail.

『叄』 求一篇介紹某種傳統技藝(如剪紙)的英文作文初中年級水平,100字左右。

Let the Chinese traditional culture is profound, deep is far stream long. Today, I want to introce the traditional culture is the paper-cut!
There are many kinds of paper-cut, such as: the window, like flowers, fireworks, shoes, flowers, door raft, bay state cloth, measures of worship, the paper-cut, QiFan paper-cut, the paper-cut characters, the paper-cut, pictures, etc. My times just introce paper-cut pictures and characters and paper-cut QiFan paper-cut.
Paper-cut picture is on a piece of paper cut out a picture. You see first that "scholar", one is carrying on the reading a book, Mr. He is a scholar of the way, Look at this picture again, show peony "phoenix" is a phoenix on playing on a peony, like a child playing...Paper-cut characters is first, and then take out a piece of paper on top of some Chinese cut out, still can cut art words! I have cut, very beautiful, not letter, you try! You look nice would say, because this is the prequel down?
I have done QiFan paper-cut, according to their way (is) I first took a 1 FenMi stick, grab a piece of paper, it into a triangular shape between yourself and see this cut (how) the final paper is stuck up again. Would you try and made!
China still has a lot of traditional culture, such as calligraphy, embroidery, etc. How, we Chinese have many traditional culture?咱們的中國傳統文化博大精深,淵遠流長。今天,我要向大家介紹的就是傳統文化——剪紙啦!
剪紙圖畫就是在一張紙上剪出一副畫來。你先看看這幅「書生」,上面有一位正在拿著書在讀的先生,一看他的樣子就是一位書生;再看看這幅「鳳凰戲牡丹」,上面有一隻鳳凰在一朵牡丹上玩耍,活像一個小孩在玩耍…… 剪紙漢字也是先拿出一張紙,然後在上面剪出一些漢字,還可以剪藝術字呢!我也曾經剪過,非常的漂亮,不信,你自己試試!你看了准會說很好看,因為這是以前傳下來的嗎!

『肆』 剪紙用英文怎麼說啊



『伍』 剪紙的說明(中英雙譯)


Chinese Guangling Paper-cut, being China and world Intangible Cultural Heritage, is famous for its bright colors, vivid figures, slight lines and lifelike expression and delicate workmanship, and is called 「one unique folk art」 and a wonder in paper-cut art circle.

『陸』 剪紙的英文是什麼


『柒』 剪紙用英語怎麼說


paper-cut; scissor-cut;


She's good at making paper-cuts.

『捌』 用英語介紹中國剪紙

The paper-cut is one of the folks traditional decorative art which China popularizes the most. Probably because its so easy that, cost cheap, result stand and see, meet surface wide and welcome generally material; Because it suit rural proce leisure by woman, it acts as practibility can beautify life also most. All parts of the country can see paper-cuts , have even formed different local style schools . The paper-cut has not only displayed the masses' aesthetic hobby, and include and accumulating , It is one of the skills of the people that has the characteristic most in China too, its modelling characteristic especially deserves to be studied...Asamainformoffolkarts,Chinesepaper-cuthasalonghistory.Thechangeoftraditionalpaper-cutintothenewone ,eciation,andallfolkarts,includingpaper-cut,arefacingseriouschallenges剪紙是中國傳統裝飾藝術的人們最普及。可能是因為它如此簡單,成本便宜,結果站看看,見到面寬,歡迎一般材料;因為它適合農村生產休閑女人,它還充當實用性可以美化生活。全國各地的剪紙,甚至形成了不同地方風格的學校。剪紙不僅表現了群眾的審美愛好,並包括和積累,這是人民的技能之一,大多數在中國很有特點,其造型特點尤其值得研究……中國民間剪紙作為民間美術的主體藝術,歷史悠久、源遠流長。傳統剪紙到新剪紙的演化過程表明:在商品經濟與現代思潮的沖擊下,人們的文化心理與審美標准發生了巨大變化,包括剪紙在內的一切民間美術形式正面臨著嚴峻挑戰

『玖』 用英語介紹剪紙,並翻譯70字左右

Introced paper cutting in English, and translated 70 words or so

Introced paper cutting in English, and translated 70 words or so

Introced paper cutting in English, and translated 70 words or so

Introced paper cutting in English, and translated 70 words or so

『拾』 剪紙用英語怎麼說


paper-cut; scissor-cut;


She's good at making paper-cuts.

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