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發布時間: 2022-09-03 07:23:10

『壹』 請問用英語和漢語怎麼解釋虎、獅子、狼、狐狸呢

虎:名詞,tiger 動詞,bluff intimidate deceive cheat 形容詞, tiger-like brave
狼:名詞:wolf greedy and cruel person
狐狸:名詞:fox bewitching woman

『貳』 請給我老虎、獅子、烏龜的英文解紹

烏龜 The turtle (Chinemys reevesii) the alternate name tortoise, thetortoise, the putty turtle and the tortoise and so on, subordinate inthe systematic zoology to 爬行綱, the turtle turtle item, theturtle branch, the turtle subfamily, is one of most common turtleturtle item animals. Our country each place nearly has the turtledistribution, but various provinces output is higher by Yangtze Rivermiddle and lower reaches; Guangxi each place also all has proces,southeast south You Yigui, the cassiabarktree such as the placesquantity are more; Overseas mainly distributes in Japan and NorthKorea. Turtle shell slightly flat, carries the abdomen armor to be fixed butcannot move, carries the head of a jia 10,112 centimeter, the widthapproximately 15 centimeters, some 3 longitudinal sticking out. Andthe neck side has the decadent striation streak, the four limbs isslightly flat, refers to and between the foot the complete web,besides after extremity fifth, refers to the foot terminal all to havethe fingernail. The turtle general life in the river, the lake, the bog, the reservoirand the mountain stream, sometimes also comes ashore the activity. Inthe natural environment, the turtle take the worm, 螺類, the shrimpand the small fish and so on as the food, also eats the plant the stemleaf. The turtle is one kind of cold-blooded animal, when temperature150C, the activity is normal also massively takes in food, buttemperature when 10 degree Celsius enters the hibernation condition.4,110 months turtles activity is frequent every year, when, dailysunset, the turtle then starts in the water to hover looks for food,continuously arrives in front of the dawn only then to stop lookingfor food, to dive into in the water, and frequently when cloudless dayto 4 PM climbs up the shore, calmly surpasses the shore to expose tothe sun the sun. 618 months for turtle Sheng Shiqi, in October itsfood quantity graally drop, 1,113 months are at the hibernationcondition.
In addition, the turtle also has following characteristic: Thereproction rate low also the growth is slower, a 500 gram aboutturtle only increases the weight 100 grams after a year raising leftto have. But the turtle bears the hungry ability stronger, even ifbreaks the food for several months not easily to starve to death,resistance to disease also strong, also the survival rate is high.Therefore the turtle is an animal which easier artificially to raise.
烏龜turtle或tortoise.烏龜吃肉末、麵包、面條、青菜、沙蟲(魚吃的那種)、小蝦米干、烏龜專用糧,其中只有肉末何青菜不吃,其它都吃,而且小蝦米干、沙蟲、烏龜專用糧超愛吃 雖然說烏龜任何食物都吃,但一直餵食便宜而營養價值低的食物,可能造成營養失調的現象,必須特別小心。 烏龜吃什麼呢?烏龜需要大量的鈣質,應餵食含有大量鈣質的食物。最近市場上推出營養均衡的烏龜專用飼料,可以放心食用。 烏龜還吃什麼呢? 除了上面的以外,鯉魚飼料、狗食也是烏龜很喜歡吃的食物。偶爾餵食一些去骨的魚內、蛇肉、老鼠等新鮮的食物,必能博得烏龜的喜愛。僅餵食魚肉、肉片,會造成營養不良,需要添加水溶式的營養劑。 以上所介紹的,是提供給經常棲息於水中的烏龜的食物。 陸地烏龜吃什麼呢? 陸龜等不下水、喜愛植物性食物的烏龜,較不適合使用人工飼料餵食。一般可使用葉菜、高麗菜、胡蘿卜等蔬菜,配合營養劑來餵食。也可利用九官鳥的飼料來飼養烏龜。 龜,活動較大,攝食能力強。一般投喂熟蛋黃、紅蟲、蠅蛆及瘦豬肉糜等,不能投喂含脂量高或鹽腌過的餌料,以免引起消化不良等症狀。初春,龜剛剛蘇醒,活動能力較弱,溫度穩定,不可多餵食,每3天喂1次,宜在11~14時餵食。春季、夏季稚龜每天投喂2次,上午8~9時、下午5~7時為宜。秋季,早晚氣溫變化較大,餵食宜在中午10~11時,每天1次。投喂量以投喂後1小時能吃完為宜。當溫度20~33°C時,龜能正常進食,其中25~28°C時攝食量最大。當溫度15~17℃時,大部分龜已停食,活動少,少部分龜僅食少量。隨著環境溫度的逐漸降低,龜進入冬眠。
The tiger is the carnivore, hunts for the multi-types the animal is the food, general custom in daybreak to sunset period preys on, mainly take the large-scale mammal like pig, the deer, the antelope, the water buffalo and the Indian reactionary as food.The tiger can prey on compared to a itself build bigger game, a bow heavy may hunt for a bow heavy approximately 100 to 250 kilograms tigers to reach 900 kilogram Indian reactionary.Open country tiger each time can eat food 40 kilograms meats, in not in the situation which harasses, they return generally after the capture game three to six days in hunt for the place to enjoy the surplus good food, until food -odd very few only then gives up. The tiger hunts for the expert, when capture game often has 90% opportunity to let slip, thus it can be seen, under the natural condition, the tiger cannot cause the game to become extinct, cannot have any important influence to game's community quantity.However, destroys the tiger along with the humanity to perch, the felling and the overburning plant unceasingly, and captures and kills the animal which tiger Lai Yi maintains livelihood, tiger's survival then prepares is threatened. The panda is in the world one of most precious animals, mainly distributes in our country's Sichuan, Gansu, Shanxi Province's indivial high mountain ridge area, quantity is extremely scarce, belongs to a national kind of protection animal, is called 「the national treasure」.Not only it chooses by the world wild animal association for the meeting symbol, moreover also frequently shoulders 「peaceful ambassador」 the ty, is having Chinese people's friendship, travels to distant lands, to overseas aspires to marry ties the friend, deeply various countries' people's welcome.Panda body fat soft, a round neck is thick, the ear small tail is short, the four limbs are sturdy, the height 1.5 meters, about the shoulder height 60-70 centimeter, the body weight may amount to 100-180 kilogram approximately
There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many friends and a happy life.Unluckily, his father was killed one day . He lost the touch with his family since then.His two friends helped him to have a new life . His mother and other family members thought he had died .One day ,his girlfriend met him .She persuadee him to come back to get his kingdom .He first did not take her advise but then he agreeed with the help of a magical monkey .He returned and he got to know it's his uncle who ended his father'life .He fought against him and he won at last . He saved his mother and other lions and became king of his tribe .He is a really Hero!

『叄』 小學英語故事樂園之十三 獅子和老虎


『肆』 用英語簡單介紹熊貓、老虎獅子(初一水平 通俗易懂)

This is Molly,she is a tiger.She comes from Africa,she is very big and she is kind of scary.

『伍』 老虎、獅子、狼的英語


『陸』 求用英語介紹動物:猴子,老虎,熊貓,蛇,大象,駱駝,獅子,狼,羊等,50字左右,任選一個!

Monkey is a commonly known. Primates in many animals we call monkey. 1 mammalia primates head. The groups most other animals, the brain is developed; eyes toward the front of the orbital space narrow; hands and feet of the toe (finger) to separate the thumb and flexible, with most of the other toe (finger) on the grip. Including the original monkeys and apes suborder suborder. Suborder face like the original Monkey Fox; no cheek pouches and hip corpus callosum; forelimbs shorter than hind legs, thumb and big toe developed, with other fingers (toes) relative; tail can curl or absent. Suborder apes face like people; mostly with cheek pouches and hip corpus callosum; mostly longer than the hind limb, and some degradation of the big toe; tail length, and some can be curly, and some no tail. Distribution by region or nose structure, and apes are divided into broad sub-nosed monkeys head group, also known as New World monkeys; narrow nose monkey group, also known as Old World monkeys. The project includes 51 genera and 11 families of about 180 species, mainly distributed in Asia, Africa and the Americas warm areas. Most of the forest habitat. Primates is the biggest gorilla size, weight up to 275 kilograms, the smallest is the Japanese monkey, weighing only 70 grams. Monkey
Tree branch with some very primitive skull features of the original monkeys is quite similar to many anatomists and paleontologists had left it, including within the primates, but its morphology and ecological habits and primates are very difference, therefore, modern taxonomists have it a separate project tree。
猴是一個俗稱。靈長目中很多動物我們都稱之為猴。靈長目是哺乳綱的目。動物界最高等的類群,大腦發達;眼眶朝向前方,眶間距窄;手和腳的趾(指)分開,大拇指靈活,多數能與其它趾(指)對握。包括原猴亞目和猿猴亞目。原猴亞目顏面似狐;無頰囊和臀胼胝;前肢短於後肢,拇指與大趾發達,能與其他指(趾)相對;尾巴能捲曲或缺如。猿猴亞目顏面似人;大都具頰囊和臀胼胝;前肢大都長於後肢,大趾有的退化;尾長、有的能捲曲,有的無尾。按區域分布或鼻孔構造,猿猴亞目又分為闊鼻猴組,又稱新大陸猴類;狹鼻猴組,又稱舊大陸猴類。本目包括11科約51屬180種,主要分布於亞洲、非洲和美洲溫暖地帶。大多棲息林區。靈長類中體型最大的是大猩猩,體重可達275千克,最小的是倭猴,體重只有70克。 猴子樹科的頭骨特徵與某些十分原始的原猴類頗相似,許多解剖學家和古生物學家曾把它包括在靈長類內,但其外部形態和生態習性卻與靈長類有很大差異,因此,現代分類學家已把它獨立成樹目。


『柒』 獅子與老虎的對話(最好英文)

lion:what's up,de.
tiger:Did you have breakfast?
lion:yes,I did it.
tiger:so,let's continue the topic what we talked yesterday.
lion:OK,i totally think i'm the king of this forest.
tiger:No,did you heard an old proverb in china,monkey could be the king just when tiger is not here.so if i'm not the king,the monkey would be the king.
lion:it sound reasonable.
tiger:yes,you loser.is your aunt still ok now?
lion:i'v no idea.she got a kind of horrible sick.
tiger:best wishes to her.i must go for dinner.
lion:but you just ate for breastfast for a little monent.
tiger:yes,you bastard.it's 15:00,we all got up too late,so we missed our lunch.
lion:you are right.i have to go for dinner,too.
tiger:ok.byebye,tiny guy.
lion:bye,god bless you.


『捌』 用英語介紹老虎

The animals are a kind of catamount animal. They look like cats. but much bigger than a cat. They are very ferocious and they eat mainly meat. they have yellow and black streaks all over their body and they look very beautiful. Their tail are long and strong and they can hit their quarry dying.

The animals live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are their food.

During the past years, many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the animals are becoming worse and worse. There are fewer tigers left in the world now. They are the animals of the world, and they should have their own living spaces. We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.






英['taɪɡə(r)] 美['taɪɡər]



例句:The tiger is a representative of the cat family.


『玖』 各位大俠,幫幫忙啊,急求關於老虎和獅子的資料,只要英文的。

先打開網路搜老虎和師資的資料 復制 ,再在網路上輸在線翻譯粘貼,翻譯搞定
The tiger (tiger), cats, is also the most powerful Asian terrestrial predators, is one of Asia's existing today the top predators, the tiger has one of the longest canine cat-like animals, most large claws, it gathers speed strength agile at a suit, a swinging strength of selenarctos 1000KG, claws penetrated depth of 11 cm, a hopping long can reach 6 meters, is the most perfect predators.
Lions (the lion) is the only type of two states of the male cats on earth, is one of the powerful cats, lion survival environment, other cats are at a disadvantage. Beautiful shape, terrible posture, king of strength and fantastic speed perfect union, has won the "million known as the king of beasts.

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