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Ⅰ 日本,德國,英國,美國,法國,澳大利亞,義大利各國的風景名勝用英文表達。

conservation of scenic spots
Management of Scenic Spot
Asking about sights to see
This Guide Book lists all the most famous beauty spots in our country.
After all which,the tutors,or servants,ought to make diligent inquiry.
to see the sight
the spring landscape
the scenic splendor of the Tianshan Mountains
the disagreeable oneness of roadside landscapes.
scenic - tourist town
scenic resort and historic site in China
planning of scenic resort

Ⅱ 急!在線等.用英語介紹德國


A country of north-central Europe. Occupied since c. 500 B.C. by Germanic tribes, the region became part of the Frankish empire by the sixth century A.D. Later it became a loose federation of principalities and the nucleus of the Holy Roman Empire until the imperial state was broken up by Napoleon in 1806. Germany became a confederation after 1815 and then an empire centered around Prussia (1871–1918). Following its defeat in World War I, it was reorganized as the Weimar Republic, which collapsed when Adolf Hitler rose to power and formed the Third Reich. Germany's defeat in 1945 at the end of World War II resulted in its division into four occupation zones, each controlled by an Allied power. Out of the U.S., French, and British zones West Germany was established in 1949, while the Soviet zone became East Germany. The two Germanies were reunified in 1990 after the fall of the East German Communist government. Berlin is the capital and largest city. Population: 82,400,000.

Ⅲ 幫忙找一些德國的著名景點,寫名字就好,英文和中文都要!!謝謝!!!


全程460公里,由德國中部延伸到南部。由維爾茨堡為起點,羅騰堡(最精華的段落,因保存完好的中世紀風情而名揚四方)、丁克爾斯比爾、奧格斯堡、慕尼黑、富森(新舊天鵝堡)。 特點:充滿浪漫氣氛的中世紀古堡、教堂、皇宮及半木製結構的房屋。






推薦城市:柏林 漢堡 法蘭克福 斯圖加特 慕尼黑 德累斯頓 萊比錫 科隆 巴登·巴登


現在,漢堡是一個年輕、現代、令人喜愛的城市,也是向全世界開放的城市。無論在水域, 陸地還是在空中,對於它的遊客來說,都是到了一座舒適的海濱城市。作為德國北部重鎮,德國第二大城市,全國最大的港口城市。漢堡為其客人們提供了無與倫比豐盈的藝術與文化。世界級的音樂,奢華、舒適的劇院,種類繁多的旅店,出色的餐館,豐富多彩的購物環境,充滿刺激的夜生活和1200年悠久歷史遺留下的大量歷史古跡。



慕尼黑- 伊薩爾河畔的雅典

德累斯頓 - 德國的佛羅倫薩


科 隆 - 香水之都
位於德國西部,萊茵河中游左岸,是德國著名的河港,歷史悠久,公元前38年為羅馬人所建,現在卻是一個充滿朝氣的現代化都市。這里亦是古龍水(Eau de Cologne,意為科隆之水)的發祥地,世界著名的「4711」古龍水亦原產於此。

巴登·巴登 - 溫泉勝地

Ⅳ 世界著名的風景名勝,英文名稱

一、金字塔(pyramid)在埃及和美洲等地均有分布,古埃及的上埃及、中埃及和下埃及,今蘇丹和埃及境內。現在的尼羅河下游,散布著約80座金字塔遺跡。 大小不一,其中最高大的是胡夫金字塔,高146.5米,底長230米,共用230萬塊平均每塊2.5噸的石塊砌成,佔地52000平方公尺。

二、長城(The Great Wall),又稱萬里長城,是中國古代的軍事防禦工程,是一道高大、堅固而連綿不斷的長垣,用以限隔敵騎的行動。長城不是一道單純孤立的城牆,而是以城牆為主體,同大量的城、障、亭、標相結合的防禦體系。

三、莫高窟(Mogao Grottoes),俗稱千佛洞,坐落在河西走廊西端的敦煌。它始建於十六國的前秦時期,歷經十六國、北朝、隋、唐、五代、西夏、元等歷代的興建,形成巨大的規模,有洞窟735個,壁畫4.5萬平方米、泥質彩塑2415尊,是世界上現存規模最大、內容最豐富的佛教藝術地。

四、龍門石窟(The Longmen Grottoes)是中國石刻藝術寶庫之一,現為世界文化遺產、全國重點文物保護單位、國家AAAAA級旅遊景區,位於河南省洛陽市洛龍區伊河兩岸的龍門山與香山上。龍門石窟與莫高窟、雲岡石窟、麥積山石窟並稱中國四大石窟。

五、大煙霧山國家公園(Great Smoky Mountains National Park)是美國著名的國家公園,建立於1934年,公園面積達52萬英畝(約21萬公頃),它位於美國東部的阿帕拉其安山脈(Apalachian Mountains)南端的藍色山脊上(Blue ridge)。行政上位於北卡羅林那州西部和田納西州南部交界處。景色十分優美,平均每年可吸引1千多萬遊人,是美國參觀人數最多的國家公園。






Ⅳ 急求柏林景點英語介紹


市內米特區西南緣挺立著勃蘭登堡門, 是曾經作為柏林象徵的凱旋門,建於1791年,全部用乳白色花崗岩築成,門樓上聳立著用青銅鑄造的勝利神像。勃蘭登堡門東側延伸著菩提樹下大街,為長1.2千米,寬 60米的林蔭大道,兩旁宮殿林立,和現代化建築群交相輝映。威廉大街由北往南穿過菩提樹下大街,曾是希特勒政府活動中心。東為亞歷山大廣場,有新建的辦公大樓,是原東柏林市政府所在地。旁有宏偉的共和國宮,外表全部用巨型特製玻璃鑲嵌而成,是原民主德國人民議院召開會議的大廈。勃蘭登堡門西側有過去的帝國大廈,已部分修復。往西蒂爾加滕區中聳立著1957年落成的議會大廈,是現代建築的代表作之一,在此舉行過上百個國際會議。該區西端為柏林動物園,建於1841年,飼養著許多珍貴動物,為世界最大的動物園之一。蒂爾加滕區西南延伸著庫爾菲爾斯特達姆林蔭大道,兩旁現代化商店林立。柏林植物園和植物博物館建於17世紀,原是皇家花園,第二次世界大戰後重建。市區西部沿哈弗爾河分布著大片湖泊和森林,其北是奧林匹克體育場,1936年為舉行第11屆奧林匹克運動會專門修建,體育場周圍有佔地 100多公頃的游泳場、冰球場、網球場和賽馬場。市內還有洪堡大學(建於1809 年)、自由大學 、藝術科學院、博物館、圖書館及歌劇院等文化設施,文化事業發達。由於特殊的歷史和宜人的景觀,旅遊業發達。


Berlin economic, and cultural undertakings were very developed. Vantage Berlin, surrounded by forests, lakes, rivers surrounded, as if immersed in a city in the ocean of green, from the south spree urban flow slowly. Alexander Plaza Tower, around Central to the modernization of hotels, shops, conference rooms, teachers Hall, and other large buildings, the magnificent vision, and aesthetically pleasing. Kool charges Christensen Dam 3 km long Commercial Street, shops, clothing stores, row upon row of the gallery. Famous bodhi tree Street, is Europe's most famous boulevard. Moreover, 10% of the white granite building Brandenburg Gate, the 800-year history of the church, the town hall, the island's oldest museum buildings, the "Crystal Palace" Republican Palace, Humboldt University, and others are very well-known. Charlotte Castle, the ancient distribution around the Egyptian Museum, antiques museum, prehistoric museum and the early application of Museum and other important cultural buildings, many of its collection of precious relics and works of art. William ancient emperor straight Memorial Church built octagonal side of the new church. 1957 completed silver, a clamshell-shaped roof to the conference hall is the representative of one of modern architecture.

City metres stand in the southwestern margin of the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin was once a symbol of the Arc de Triomphe, built in 1791, with all the white-granite building, with a gatehouse at the towering bronze statues cast victory. Brandenburg Gate in the east extension of the street under the bodhi tree for the 1.2 km long, 60 m wide boulevard flanked palace proliferation and modern buildings each other. William Street from the north south through the streets under the bodhi tree, he was Hitler Government Centre. East Alexandria Square, a new office building, the original location of East Berlin city government. Next to the magnificent Palace of the Republic, with all the appearance of glass mosaic from giant special, the original People's Chamber meeting buildings. Brandenburg Gate in the west past the Empire State Building, has been partially restored. Western Dierjiateng areas beyond the 1957 completion of the parliament building, is representative of one of modern architecture, held in more than 100 international conferences. Berlin area for the western end of the zoo, built in 1841, keeping many precious animals, as one of the world's largest zoo. Dierjiateng District Kuerfeiershitedamu southwest extension of the boulevard, on both sides of modern open-air. Berlin botanical gardens and museums plants built in the 17th century, was originally the Royal Garden, after World War II reconstruction. Hafuer River along the western urban distribution of the large lakes and forests, the North is the Olympic Stadium, in 1936 for the 11th Olympic Games held specially built, the area around the stadium more than 100 hectares of the swimming pool, ice pitches, tennis courts and the racetrack. The city also Humboldt University (founded in 1809), Free University, the Academy of Arts, museums, libraries and cultural facilities such as the Opera House, and cultural undertakings developed. Because of its history and pleasant landscape, the tourism instry developed.

Famous attractions: the Berlin Central Station, Museum Island, and the German Chancellor House, Museum of Science and Technology of Germany, the German National Museum, Capitol, the Brandenburg Gate, on June 17th Street, bodhi tree under Main Street, Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin TV Tower, Potsdam Square, Wulin Square, St. Hedehuige Cathedral, Berlin Cathedral, Nikola district, Alexander Plaza, Berlin Zoo, Hou election Dili street, Jialuoteng Fort Palace, the Berlin Jewish Museum, East Berlin, West Berlin , Notre Dame teaching, City Hall, the Republic Palace, Emperor William Memorial Church, benevolent Hall

Ⅵ 德國慕尼黑英語介紹5分鍾

Munich (German: München, pronounced [ˈmʏnçən] ( listen); Austro-Bavarian: Minga[1]) is the capital city of Bavaria, Germany. It is located on the River Isar north of the Bavarian Alps. Munich is the third largest city in Germany, after Berlin and Hamburg. There are approximately 1.35 million people living within city limits, while the Munich Metropolitan Area (including the urban areas of Augsburg, Ingolstadt, Rosenheim and Landshut) is home to over 5 million people.[2]
The city's motto is "München mag Dich" (Munich Loves You). Before 2006, it was "Weltstadt mit Herz" (Cosmopolitan city with a heart). Its native name, München, is derived from the Old German word Mönche, meaning "Monks". The city's name derives from the monks of the Benedictine order who founded the city; hence the monk depicted on the city's coat of arms. Black and gold—the colours of the Holy Roman Empire—have been the city's official colours since the time of Ludwig the Bavarian.
Munich is not the only location within Bavaria known as "München". Three such locations exist: one that is known as "Munich", another that is located northeast of the city of Nuremberg, and a third, Hutthurm, that is located north of Passau.


Ⅶ 急求德國一些景點的英文介紹!!!


Ⅷ 求一篇介紹德國的英語文章。 2-3分鍾朗讀的。

Germany is a democratic parliamentary federal republic of 16 states (Bundesländer). The country previously consisted of several sovereign states with their own history, culture, and religious affiliation. Germany was first unified as a nation-state amidst the Franco-Prussian War in 1871.

The Federal Republic of Germany is a member state of the United Nations, NATO, the G8 and the G4 nations, and is a founding member of the European Union. It has the largest population and largest economy of all European Union member states. As a modern great power,Germany is the world's third largest economy (after the United States and Japan), the world's largest exporter of goods, and the world's second largest importer of goods. Germany currently holds the rotating presidencies of both the EU and the G8.

Germany has the largest population in Europe, after the European parts of Russia, and is seventh in area. The territory of Germany covers 357,021 km² (137,850 mi²), of which land makes up 349,223 km² (134,835 mi²) and water makes up 7,798 km² (3,010 mi²). Elevation ranges from the mountains of the Alps (highest point: the Zugspitze at 2,962 m (9,718 ft)) in the south to the shores of the North Sea (Nordsee) in the north-west and the Baltic Sea (Ostsee) in the north-east. Between lie the forested uplands of central Germany and the low-lying lands of northern Germany (lowest point: Wilstermarsch at 3.54 metres (11.6 ft) below sea level), traversed by some of Europe's major rivers such as the Rhine, Danube and Elbe.[25] Because of its central location, Germany shares borders with more European countries than any other country on the continent. Its neighbours are Denmark in the north, Poland and the Czech Republic in the east, Austria and Switzerland in the south, France and Luxembourg in the south-west and Belgium and the Netherlands in the north-west.

Geography and climate
The scenery in the Alps of southern BavariaMost of Germany has a cool, temperate climate in which humid westerly winds predominate. The climate is moderated by the North Atlantic Drift, which is the northern extension of the Gulf Stream. This warmer water affects the areas bordering the North Sea including the peninsula of Jutland in north Germany and the area along the Rhine, which flows into the North Sea. Consequently in the north-west and the north, the climate is oceanic; rainfall occurs year round with a maximum ring summer. Winters there are mild and summers tend to be cool, though temperatures can exceed 30 °C (86 °F) for prolonged periods. In the east, the climate is more continental; winters can be very cold, summers can be very warm, and long dry periods are often recorded. Central and the southern Germany is a transition region which varies from moderately oceanic to continental. The maximum temperature can exceed 30 °C (86 °F) in summer.
Germany is the largest economy in Europe and the third largest economy in the world, behind the United States and Japan. It is ranked fifth in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. The export of goods is an essential part of the German economy and one of the main factors of its wealth. According to the World Trade Organization, Germany is the world's top exporter with $912 billion exported in 2005 (Germany's exports to other Eurozone countries are included in this total). It is second in imports only to the United States and has a large trade surplus (160.6 billion euros in 2005). In the trade of services (tourism, financial services, engineering, etc) it ranks second behind the United States. Most of the country's exports are in engineering, especially in automobiles, machinery, and chemical goods. In terms of total capacity to generate electricity from wind power, Germany is first in the world and it is also the main exporter of wind turbines.

Although problems created by the German Reunification of 1990 have begun to diminish, the standard of living remains higher in the western half of the country. Germans continue to be concerned about a relatively high level of unemployment, especially in the former East German states where unemployment tops 18%.In spite of its extremely good performance in international trade, domestic demand has stalled for many years because of stagnating wages and consumer insecurity. Germany's government runs a restrictive fiscal policy and has cut numerous regular jobs in the public sector. But while regular employment in the public sector shrank, "irregular" government employment such as "one euro" jobs (temporary low-wage positions), government supported self-employment, and job training increased.

中文; 德國是一個民主議會聯邦共和國Bundeslander 16個州)。這個國家主權國家,包含了幾個以前用自己的歷史、文化、宗教信仰的人。德國是第一個國家統一在1871年普法戰爭。


德國擁有世界上最多的人口在歐洲,在俄羅斯的歐洲部分地區,第七。德國境內357,021公里(137,850²包括心肌梗死²),其中土地構成349,223²(134,835²小姐公里)和水構成7,798²(3,010²小姐公里)。范圍從山海拔最高的阿爾卑斯山的意思了:Zugspitze在2,962 m(9,718英尺))南方海濱的北海(Nordsee)在西北、波羅的海(Ostsee)中國的東北。謊言所覆蓋旱地之間中央德國和低窪的土地(在德國北部的最低點:Wilstermarsch在354米(1160英尺)低於海平面),靠一些歐洲的主要等江河的萊茵多瑙河和地區。[25]因為它的中央位置、德國邊界接壤有更多的歐洲國家比其他任何國家都上。其鄰國是丹麥在北方,波蘭和捷克共和國在東方,奧地利和瑞士在南方,法國和盧森堡而重慶、比利時和荷蘭的西北部。



Ⅸ 德國城市漢堡風景名勝英語簡介,200詞左右

發音 gǎi huàn tóu miàn
釋義 比喻改變身份。
出處 明·馮夢龍《警世通言》第十八卷:「卻說鮮於同自吟了這八句詩,其志愈銳。怎奈時運不利,看看五十齊頭,『蘇秦還是舊蘇秦』,不能勾改換頭面。」
示例 無

Ⅹ 求德國的風景名勝的英語文章


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