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Ⅰ 哪位兄台有關於魔方的英文介紹急!謝!

SUB 為Subtraction的縮寫,意思就是「少於、低於」的意思,如:SUB-30,就表示在秒以下。SUB所指的秒數通常是指平均秒數。例如平均29秒,便可稱呼SUB-30,但不可稱作SUB-29。
CE-PAIR 為Corner & Edge PAIR的縮寫,是F2L最主要的觀念,由一個角塊(Corner)和一個棱塊(Edge)所組合成的小區塊,亦稱「Pair」。
Average Time 平均時間 指復原魔術方塊的平均時間。正式比賽中復原五次,刪除最快與最慢,剩下來的三次除以三,就是平均時間。
Tps. 每秒轉動步數 為Turn Per Second的縮寫。一秒平均轉動幾步。假如一個人復原魔術方塊花了21秒,轉了62步,即是 62 ÷ 21 = 2.95 tps ,則此人平均每秒轉動 2.95 步。
Best Time 最快時間 復原魔術方塊最快的時間。
CFOP 是Fridrich Method的簡稱,由於流程為Cross→F2L→OLL→PLL,故取每一個步驟之字首作為簡稱。
Fridrich Method 是改良LBL的速解法。由捷克密碼學教授Jessica Fridrich於1980年代初發明。
F2L 運用Fridrich Method還原魔方第一、二層的方法。
BLD 盲解 為Blindfold Cubing的縮寫。在不用眼睛下觀看魔方下復原。計時是從第一眼看到魔方開始,然後進行記憶,記憶完成後盲解魔術方塊。
Blank Cube 沒有貼貼紙的魔術方塊。
BOY Color Scheme 指美國及官方所採用的魔方配色順序:為藍色、橘色、黃色在一個角塊上呈順時針排列。
BYO Color Scheme 指日本所採用的魔方配色順序:為藍色、黃色、橘色在一個角塊上呈順時針排列。
D-Cross 底十字 在魔方底面或側面完成Cross,以節省時間。
Center Slice 中間層 魔術方塊的中間層。依據位置的不同分為「S」、「M」、「E」三種轉動方式。
DNF 為Did Not Finish的縮寫。魔術方塊比賽用語。指參賽者感覺自己無法在滿意的時間內完成魔方而宣布棄權,在比賽中可以有一次DNF。
Inspection Time 觀察時間 魔方比賽用語。正式的魔方比賽前有十五秒的觀察時間,參賽者可在十五秒內預先了解狀態以計畫轉法。十五秒觀察完畢後,才開始進行計時。
LBL Layer By Layer的縮寫。指逐層還原魔術方塊。LBL同時也衍生了多種的還原方法,如:CFOP。
Elno Rubik 厄爾諾.魯比克 魔術方塊的發明人。為匈牙利建築學教授和雕塑家。
Lucky Case 指還原魔術方塊的過程中,某一個步驟不須進行而幸運地自動跳到下一步驟。
Lucky Time 指出現Lucky Case下所還原的時間。
NIT No Inspection-Time的縮寫。是一種還原前禁止預先觀察魔方的比賽。
Non Lucky 指不包含Lucky Case的魔方還原時間。
OLL Orientation of Last Layer的縮寫。運用CFOP還原魔術方塊頂面的方法。
PB Personal Best的縮寫。為個人的魔術方塊最快時間。
Middle Layer 魔術方塊的中間層。
PLL Permutation of Last Layer的縮寫。運用CFOP還原魔術方塊第三層的方法。
Scramble 轉亂魔術方塊
Scrambling Sequence 按步驟轉亂魔術方塊
Second Layer 魔術方塊的第二層。
Speedcuber 追求速解的玩家。
Un Lucky 在還原魔方的過程中,某一步驟出現非預期地需要追加步驟才能繼續的現象。
Speed Cube 快速還原魔術方塊。是一種競速。需要頻繁練習與深入研究。
UWR Unofficial World Record的縮寫。非官方統計的魔術方塊世界紀錄。
ZB Zborowski-Bruchem Method的簡稱。為Zbigniew Zborowski與Ron van Bruchem發明的一種基於Fridrich method的LBL還原法。總共有305個公式。
POP Pop up的縮寫。魔術方塊在復原過程中,棱塊、角塊等零件脫離飛出。POP就是在彈簧結構的方塊中的特殊現象,文意是「彈跳」,意思就是轉動角度不對且用力過猛而讓方塊的「棱塊」或 「角塊」跳出來。

Ⅱ 魔方的英語

Rubik's Cube 或者 Magic Cube

Ⅲ 魔方的英語介紹

the intelligence community of the game you know incredible it? He was referring to the Chinese invention of Huarong, the Frenchman invented by independent diamond and Hungarian invented the Rubik's Cube (Rubik's cube), cube popularity is the miracle of the intelligence game instry. Rubik's Cube, Rubik's Cube, also known as the Rubik's Cube, also known as Rubik box. Budapest, Hungary E Ernuo · Rubik Professor, School of Architecture was invented in 1974. When he invented the Rubik's cube, just as a way to help students enhance the teaching tools of spatial thinking ability. But to make those small box can be rotating rather than spread out, is not only a mechanical problem, it involves a wooden axis, and tenon. Until the cube in hand, he cube turn a few times, only to find how confusing the color box recovery was actually an interesting and difficult problem. The Rubik determination mass proction of such toys. Rubik's cube invented soon swept the world, it was found that this small box of stuff really is infinite mystery. Third-order cube cube by six of the 26 small box and a three-dimensional cross (cross shaft) connecting shaft composed of small squares in the face center (center), eight in the corner (corner block), 12 in the edge (edges), the physical structure is very clever. It each face aspect is divided into three layers, each layer can be free to rotate by the rotation of the layer to change the position of the small squares on the cube, the existence of the restrictive relationship between the various parts, and two small pieces are identical . Its role is to make people exercise space thinking ability and memory, and to develop hand-eye coordination and finger dexterity progress.

Ⅳ 求魔方英語介紹,不要太麻煩,簡單點就好

Rubik's Cube, originally called the "Magic Cube", is a 3-D combination puzzle invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik.

In a classic Rubik's Cube, each of the six faces is covered by nine stickers, each of one of six solid colours (traditionally white, red, blue, orange, green, and yellow, where white is opposite yellow, blue is opposite green, and orange is opposite red, and the red, white and blue are arranged in that order in a clockwise arrangement).

Ⅳ 求英文魔方演講稿,可以翻譯!!


God give people the wisdom of the magic cube of symbol. The most common third-order rubik's cube, only need 30 times disrupted can achieve maximum of confusion, but if you want to restore it, besides using computer calculation, the fastest also want to 50 times. Each rubik's cube is only a kind of correct situation, but mistakes, but 4.3 x ^ 19 species 10.
But in recent years, China's numerous informal rubik's cube community are trying to change public opinion for rubik's cube. Rubik's cube is not only children toy, is also a kind of recreational way of relaxation and sport forms, plus more exciting and challenging racing, one-hand, blind twist rubik's cube etc play, more and more people are refocus the rubik's cube.
I think as long as serious do one thing, there will always be good result. My childhood home have a rubik's cube, but I've never had a play, a few months ago, I occasionally saw a rubik's cube competition, just want to learn, then contact with the next rubik's cube rubik's cube formula, I just know play six surface rubik's cube originally so simple, I usually also have no time, basically be the play at home and occasionally in the bus, I found this play is a good thing, and often you restore after a rubik's cube looked up, you will find a trunk people eyes were in your body:) slowly I also learn other rubik's cube skills and rubik's cube solution, more important, I met a lot of friends play rubik's cube, I found that many friends are playing rubik's cube of life rich fervor and very interesting people, and they gave me a lot of inspiration. I write this article reasons, is hoping to find more like-minded friends.
(below is some unnecessary some call what "sublimation" thing)
In my opinion, rubik's cube actually is not merely a kind of entertainment, but also a experience life, the way to experience.
If each rubik's cube condition for each person's life, some people have are perfect, some people seem very regular, like a rubik's cube of fancy, and some people look is cluttered, no aesthetic feeling and coherent whatsoever, but as rubik's cube rection is same, no matter how messy, how difficult it is, there are always a few road, as rective rubik's cube different algorithm is same, can graally take life perfect.
As the speed rection rubik's cube have fast or slow, some people may take a lifetime to restore their rubik's cube, while others are just a few seconds can put an orderly rubik's cube grasp the in hand, each find oneself satisfactory time is different, even someone cannot find, but as long as you grasped certain tips and method, everything will be solved.
As the blind twist is many demons PALS dream, can ease of life is also many people had always, but few would have thought of a life of ease behind and often arous efforts and restrictive planning (as was blind to wring state of rubik's cube memory.
Many people are learned rection after rubik's cube smug like try other aliens rubik's cube. Indeed, that is very handsome, but when they again picked up three order will find, hand speed has slowed, gimmick also become lazy, rection of time required to also dramatically increased, it is like life many people in found life of a temporary refuge in comfort, after greed forgot with hard work, and finally nothing.
Small rubik's cube, in fact also contain a huge energy, we need to explore. So, I hope you can also try the rubik's cube, you give rubik's cube is a unique opportunity to return you a rubik's cube world.
Remember a word: nothing in the world is to learn can't rubik's cube people so long as -- he has the patience -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- each hands can create the miracle

Ⅵ 求魔方介紹英文版






怎麼樣了?練成一面的一行沒有?好了就看 第二層 玩法:



Front = 前面
Back = 後面
Left = 左面
Right = 右面
Up =上面
Down = 下面
其中以上全是以順時針 轉一下,即轉動90度角 如果是加了個單引號', 即表示反時針轉動90度 如果加了個2,表示轉動 兩下 ,即轉動180度, 其實在轉動180度後, 無論是順時針轉動180或 反時針轉動180度的結果 都是一樣的。所以有時看 你順手的方向自己選擇正 還是反時針來轉180度。



U R U' R' U' F' U F

U' L' U L U F U' F'


解法:F2 U2 R' F2 R U2 F U' F

OK了吧? 那我們就進入第三層



我們現在的目標是: 十字!

我們簡稱為, 點, 線, 折

解法你只要背熟一個公式!R' U' F' U F R

RUR'U R U' U' R'


先 L'RUR'U'LURU'R' 整個魔方轉個U ,然後來個 L'RU'LUR'U'L'UL

L'RUR'U'LURU'R' 整個魔方轉個U ,然後來個 L'RU'LUR'U'L'UL這次一定行!!!

Ⅶ 魔方的英語怎樣講

magic cube
magic square

Ⅷ 求關於魔方的英語演講!急·

3、正八面體見: 八面體魔方總匯

魔方種類太多了,用「軸數+形狀」不能完全表達一個魔方的特性,因此我歸類魔方時又加了「階」的概念。就是因為魔方上有的塊由多個旋轉層共有,所以魔方才能產生復雜的變化,這也是魔方的魅力所在。 「階」數越高的魔方難度越大。 1、一階:兩旋轉層相交只有一個魔方塊的魔方,稱「一階魔方」,如八軸類的魔方大都是一階的,如魔花、X魔方、鴨嘴獸魔方等,因此復原較簡單。2、二階:兩旋轉層相交只有兩個魔方塊的魔方,稱「二階魔方」,如十二軸二階球魔方,是看不到與軸連接的塊,被隱藏起來了。3、三階:兩旋轉層相交只有三個魔方塊的魔方,稱「三階魔方」,最常見的,如三階魔方,五魔方。如這魔方拆開後可看出是四軸結構的: 這魔方兩旋轉層相交的塊為三個,所以稱它為「四軸三階八面體魔方」: 4、高階:兩旋轉層相交多於三個魔方塊以上,統稱稱「高階」。目前六軸類最高階魔方為7階,十二軸類最高階的為五階,高階魔方是以後魔方新品的發展對象。 5、有些魔方兩旋轉層相交的塊數不是一樣的,如這四層金字塔魔方,它的階是這樣定的:這金字塔形魔方的內部其實就是一個四軸八面體魔方: 與四軸八面體相比較,增加的塊有三種:頂塊、中塊、層A與層B相交的塊,由於它增了的塊為一階,所以這魔方應稱為「四軸3.1階四面體魔方」它的難度為3.1階。

具體請參看 http://bbs.mf8.com.cn/viewthread.php?tid=1554

Ⅸ 誰能用英語描述一下魔方的起源和歷史

魔方,英文名為Rubik's Cube,又叫魔術方塊,也稱魯比克方塊。是匈牙利布達佩斯建回築學院厄爾諾·魯比克教授答在1974年發明的。三階魔方系由富有彈性的硬塑料製成的6面正方體,共有26塊小立方體。


Ⅹ 魔方用英語怎麼說


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