Ⅰ 袁隆平的英語簡介
Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930. His ancestral home is in De'an County, Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province. During the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War, he moved with his family and attended school in many places, including Hunan, Chongqing, Hankou and Nanjing.
Yuan Longping is a Chinese agronomist, known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.
Hybrid rice has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America, and Asia—providing a robust food source in areas with a high risk of famine. For his contributions, Yuan is always called the "Father of Hybrid Rice" by the Chinese media.
Ⅱ 怎麼用英語介紹袁隆平
Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930. His ancestral home is in De'an County, Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province. During the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War, he moved with his family and attended school in many places, including Hunan, Chongqing, Hankou and Nanjing.
Yuan Longping is a Chinese agronomist, known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.
Hybrid rice has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America, and Asia—providing a robust food source in areas with a high risk of famine. For his contributions, Yuan is always called the "Father of Hybrid Rice" by the Chinese media.
Ⅲ 請用英語簡單地介紹一下我國著名的農業科學家袁隆平。短文應包括以下:1.1930年出生於北京;從小對農業感
Father of Hybrid Rice -- Yuan Longping
Yuan Longping is a great agricultural scientist. Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930. He was interested in plants at an early age. Since he graated from college, he has devoted himself to agricultural research. Yuan Longping started the research of the hybrid rice in 1964. Yuan Longping made breakthrough in 1973. The discoveries of Yuan Longping greatly solved the food problem. At present, the hybrid rice developed by Yuan is planted on the farmlands all over China. He was awarded with many international awards, such as the 2004 World Food Prize. Ⅳ 袁隆平 英文簡介
China Ⅳ 袁隆平英語介紹有哪些 袁隆平英語介紹: Since ancient times, the people have been the trend of promoting the development of history, foodfor the people and rice for thefood,Therefore, the scientist I admire most is Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice. In my mind, the image of Yuan Longping is always fixed as an old man in a white shirt, standing in the endless paddy field, working hard. All the year round, he is more like an ordinary farmer than a scientist. The dream of enjoying the cool under the grass and the dream of hybrid rice covering the world" are two grand ideas.What is the concept of a large-scale yield of 900 kg / mu of hybrid rice? This is a peak that no one has ever reached in the world, and it is also a new leap forward for Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, to lead Chinese experts to face the worldfoodproblem. Yuan Longping once bluntly said that although this road is difficult, the future is bright. If it's hard, it's hard. New varieties with higher output have been proced, and people all over China and the world can solve the problem offoodand clothing. He is happy, and it doesn't matter if he suffers. 對照譯文 自古以來,人民都是推動歷史發展的潮流,民以食為天、食以稻為天,因此,最令我敬佩的科學家莫過於雜交水稻之父——袁隆平。 在我的腦海里,袁隆平的形象總是定格為一位身穿白色襯衫,站在一望無際的稻田裡辛苦勞作的老者。常年的躬身在田間地頭,他皮膚黝黑,與其說是一位科學家,倒不如說他更像是一個普通農民。 禾下乘涼夢,雜交水稻覆蓋全球夢,這是兩個多麼宏大的設想,雜交水稻大面積畝產900公斤又是個什麼樣的概念?這是世界上迄今尚無人登臨的一個高峰,也是雜交水稻之父袁隆平帶領著中國專家迎戰世界糧食問題的一個新跨越。 袁隆平曾直言,這條道路雖然是艱難的,但前途是光明的,苦就苦一點,出了產量更高的新品種,全中國、全世界人民都能解決溫飽問題,他心裡高興,吃點苦沒關系。 Ⅵ 袁隆平簡介(英文版)
Academician Yuan Longping is an outstanding contemporary China's agricultural scientists, the world famous "father of hybrid rice". He has to work for more than 50 years, hard, persistent pursuit, bold innovation, scale the heights,achievements that our hybrid rice research and application field of leading the world level, the application not only solves the problem China self-sufficient in food, has made outstanding contributions to world food security. Ⅶ 九上用英語介紹袁隆平70詞左右加翻譯
Yuan Longping,male,was born in 1930,nine in 1953,graated from the Southwest College of Agronomy.After graation,has been engaged in agricultural ecation and research of hybrid rice.The International Rice Research Institute and the United States 1980-1981 technical guidance.1982 National Hybrid Rice Expert Advisory Group deputy head.Yuan Longping,academician of the hybrid rice is world-renowned experts,is the pioneer and leader of hybrid rice research for the development of grain proction and agricultural science and made an outstanding contribution.His main achievement in hybrid rice is research,application and promotion Ⅷ 有關袁隆平的英語作文(約80詞就行)
寫作思路及要點:審清題目,確定中心,選擇材料。 Ⅸ 有介紹袁隆平的英語作文(100詞左右) Yuan Longping has been engaged in the research of hybrid rice for half a century, and has made great contributions to solving the problem of Chinese people's eating。Mr. Wang's outstanding achievements not only belong to China, but also affect the world Academician Yuan Longping is the pioneer of hybrid rice in China and the contemporary Shennong. Over the past 50 years, we have been working hard and exploring unremittingly in the front line of agricultural scientific research, bringing green hope and golden harvest to human beings by using scientific and technological means to overcome hunger. It has not only contributed to solving the food and clothing of the Chinese people and ensuring national food security, but also set a monument to world peace and social progress 翻譯: 袁隆平從事雜交水稻研究已經半個世紀了,不畏艱難,甘於奉獻,嘔心瀝血,苦苦追求,為解決中國人的吃飯問題做出了重大貢獻。先生的傑出成就不僅屬於中國,而且影響世界。 袁隆平院士是中國雜交水稻事業的開創者,是當代神農。50多年來,始終在農業科研第一線辛勤耕耘、不懈探索,為人類運用科技手段戰勝飢餓帶來綠色的希望和金色的收獲。不僅為解決中國人民的溫飽和保障國家糧食安全做出了貢獻,更為世界和平和社會進步樹立了豐碑。 (9)介紹袁隆平用英語怎麼說擴展閱讀: 袁隆平致力於雜交水稻研究,發明「三系法」秈型雜交水稻,成功研究出「二系法」雜交水稻,創建了超級雜交稻技術體系,使中國雜交水稻研究始終居世界領先水平。截至2017年,雜交水稻在中國已累計推廣超90億畝,共增產稻穀6000多億公斤。多次赴印度、越南等國,傳授雜交水稻技術以幫助克服糧食短缺和飢餓問題 。 袁隆平一生致力於雜交水稻技術的研究、應用與推廣,發明「三系法」秈型雜交水稻,成功研究出「兩系法」雜交水稻,創建了超級雜交稻技術體系,為中國糧食安全、農業科學發展和世界糧食供給作出傑出貢獻 熱點內容