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『壹』 「我的專業是土木工程」用英語怎麼說


My major is civil engineering.

2. 我的專業是土木工程表示本科或專科。

I am majored in civil engineering for Bachelor's degree/Associated degree.

3. 我的專業是土木工程表示碩士或博士。

I am pursuing Master's degree /Doctor's degree of the major of civil engineering.



civil engineering;civil works


土木工程拓展署Civil Engineering and Development Department ; CEDD

土木工程技術 Civil Engineering Technology

土木工程材料Civil Engineering Materials ; Materials of Civil Engineering ; Management

『貳』 請教土木工程專業英語翻譯(急急急)

1. 介紹
在任何的材料所有的結構元素能受制於下列的行動 (隔絕或組合的演戲): (一) 彎曲; (b) 剪羊毛; (c) 折磨; (d) 扭轉; 而且 (e) 伸展操作。
軍隊和起因於如此的行動的壓迫力是壓縮、緊張、修剪和扭。 (有壓縮力和可拉長的軍隊可能是兩者的軸和彎曲的.)
基本上簡單的石工正在牆壁材料, 強壯的在壓縮中和相對地弱的在緊張方面。 然後幾乎不是令人驚訝的是,大部份的結構石工的現在申請對壓力主要地是給牆壁服從的。
結構必須抵抗有壓縮力的載入地板和屋頂, 一起與彎曲行動適當的轉動和其他的軍隊。 結構的元素和結構的表格哪一個利用材料的有壓縮力力量,而且減少張應力被發展 , 由於彎曲,對可容忍的極限。
2. 平原石工元素
2.1 牆壁
牆壁對壓縮主要服從載入哪一個可能統一地從地板被分配平板或者牆壁結束而且也可能是當地的, 或點載入從光線,等等,如果牆壁是苗條的頑強反抗可能是重要的。當牆壁受制於載入 (從風或者保有了地球) 它的側部的時候將會受制於彎曲陪伴彎曲的壓迫力和修剪的哪一個將會造成。 很重地側面地裝載了橫隔膜牆壁,而且鰭也能受制於校長壓迫力。 大多數的牆壁不通常服從的指示張應力和設計者而且細說避免如此的強調,但是由於側面的風軍隊,外部的牆壁對彎曲的可拉長的行動在有多層結構的頂端是有義務的。 平坦的屋頂服從的轉動高揚能把直接的張應力強加於石工。
2.2 專欄
專欄主要服從指示壓縮而且頑強反抗。 當有過度的古怪垂直的載入或重要的側面載入的時候, 他們也是服從的到彎曲緊張, 彎曲壓縮和修剪。
2.3 拱門
拱門基本上被需要抵抗有壓縮力的軍隊而且通常被成形接近地跟隨來自載入的推進的線。 在拱門上的向下的負荷在拱門指距中產生側面和有壓縮力的推進。
這些推進一起和依次推動石工單位對抗鄰接的拱門推進。 自從推進以後在拱門中不可能總是拱門裡面的同中心的壓迫力分配將不統一有壓縮力。 設計者一定確定張應力不發生或者在可容忍的極限裡面被保持。

『叄』 土木工程專業英語翻譯!

不排水抗剪強度概況獲得Nilcon葉片進行的試驗在油箱農場中顯示Fig.3.Nilcon葉片試驗也進行了不同地點的鄰近設施Attawapiskat 。所有Nilcon葉片數據進行編制,並以圖,其中每個符號介紹了鑽孔鑽在不同地點的Attawapiskat包括飛機燃料儲存庫,駁船碼頭, laydown領域中顯示Fig.2.As顯示在圖4的不排水抗剪強度的地殼層為30至150 ;和強度下降迅速,深入第一4米不排水抗剪強度的主要粉質粘土層(底層地殼層)隨深度約20至30日4 〜 6米深約30到50在14至16米的深度。不同的敏感性4和8之間,這表明中期的敏感性。基於塑性指數一般10至20日, Bjerrum校正因子的外地葉片測試結果被認為是大約1.0 。


圖4也顯示了非常低的不排水抗剪強度剖面測量的位置,鑽孔的V - 03 - 395E鑽孔通過三點一米厚填補丘在laydown區(見圖2 ) 。強度的主要粉質粘土層在這個特別的位置范圍從14日至20日,這是非常低的趨勢,在其他測試地點Attawapiskat 。這種變化是在不排水強度的關注,在設計研究,並進一步調查葉片通過額外Nilcon測試,化驗和調查的歷史,填補了現有的投手。調查的結論表明,不排水抗剪強度異常可能是造成過度強調從填補材料,這是最初儲存了約6米高。這一損失的實力證實了基礎設計關注本網站。比例不排水抗剪強度(下限范圍值) ,以現有的垂直有效應力,超過1.0的地殼層,不同大約從0.5到0.3的過渡區,布朗之間的地殼和灰色軟,以堅定的存款(在深度4至7米) ,從0.3到0.2以下。常規oedometer (一維固結)試驗進行了選定謝爾比管樣品從鑽孔的V - 03 - 392E和V - 03 - 393E.The解釋鞏固特色的摘要列於表1.Two價值的比例不排水抗剪強度的先期固結壓力, (根據試驗結果oedometer ,討論以下) ,被認為是0.26和0.29 。

『肆』 土木工程常用的英語

土木工程 專業外語詞彙大全

1. 綜合類大地工程geotechnical engineering
1. 綜合類反分析法back analysis method
1. 綜合類基礎工程foundation engineering
1. 綜合類臨界狀態土力學critical state soil mechanics
1. 綜合類數值岩土力學numerical geomechanics
1. 綜合類土soil, earth
1. 綜合類土動力學soil dynamics
1. 綜合類土力學soil mechanics
1. 綜合類岩土工程geotechnical engineering
1. 綜合類應力路徑stress path
1. 綜合類應力路徑法stress path method
2. 工程地質及勘察變質岩metamorphic rock
2. 工程地質及勘察標准凍深standard frost penetration
2. 工程地質及勘察冰川沉積glacial deposit
2. 工程地質及勘察冰積層(台)glacial deposit
2. 工程地質及勘察殘積土eluvial soil, resial soil
2. 工程地質及勘察層理beding
2. 工程地質及勘察長石feldspar
2. 工程地質及勘察沉積岩sedimentary rock
2. 工程地質及勘察承壓水confined water
2. 工程地質及勘察次生礦物secondary mineral
2. 工程地質及勘察地質年代geological age
2. 工程地質及勘察地質圖geological map
2. 工程地質及勘察地下水groundwater
2. 工程地質及勘察斷層fault
2. 工程地質及勘察斷裂構造fracture structure
2. 工程地質及勘察工程地質勘察engineering geological exploration
2. 工程地質及勘察海積層(台)marine deposit
2. 工程地質及勘察海相沉積marine deposit
2. 工程地質及勘察花崗岩granite
2. 工程地質及勘察滑坡landslide
2. 工程地質及勘察化石fossil
2. 工程地質及勘察化學沉積岩chemical sedimentary rock
2. 工程地質及勘察階地terrace
2. 工程地質及勘察節理joint
2. 工程地質及勘察解理cleavage
2. 工程地質及勘察喀斯特karst
2. 工程地質及勘察礦物硬度hardness of minerals
2. 工程地質及勘察礫岩conglomerate
2. 工程地質及勘察流滑flow slide
2. 工程地質及勘察陸相沉積continental sedimentation
2. 工程地質及勘察泥石流mud flow, debris flow
2. 工程地質及勘察年粘土礦物clay minerals
2. 工程地質及勘察凝灰岩tuff
2. 工程地質及勘察牛軛湖ox-bow lake
2. 工程地質及勘察淺成岩hypabyssal rock
2. 工程地質及勘察潛水ground water
2. 工程地質及勘察侵入岩intrusive rock
2. 工程地質及勘察取土器geotome
2. 工程地質及勘察砂岩sandstone
2. 工程地質及勘察砂嘴spit, sand spit
2. 工程地質及勘察山岩壓力rock pressure
2. 工程地質及勘察深成岩plutionic rock
2. 工程地質及勘察石灰岩limestone
2. 工程地質及勘察石英quartz
2. 工程地質及勘察鬆散堆積物rickle
2. 工程地質及勘察圍限地下水(台)confined ground water
2. 工程地質及勘察瀉湖lagoon
2. 工程地質及勘察岩爆rock burst
2. 工程地質及勘察岩層產狀attitude of rock
2. 工程地質及勘察岩漿岩magmatic rock, igneous rock
2. 工程地質及勘察岩脈dike, dgke
2. 工程地質及勘察岩石風化程度degree of rock weathering
2. 工程地質及勘察岩石構造structure of rock
2. 工程地質及勘察岩石結構texture of rock
2. 工程地質及勘察岩體rock mass
2. 工程地質及勘察頁岩shale
2. 工程地質及勘察原生礦物primary mineral
2. 工程地質及勘察雲母mica
2. 工程地質及勘察造岩礦物rock-forming mineral
2. 工程地質及勘察褶皺fold, folding
2. 工程地質及勘察鑽孔柱狀圖bore hole columnar section
3. 土的分類飽和土saturated soil
3. 土的分類超固結土overconsolidated soil
3. 土的分類沖填土dredger fill
3. 土的分類充重塑土
3. 土的分類凍土frozen soil, tjaele
3. 土的分類非飽和土unsaturated soil
3. 土的分類分散性土dispersive soil
3. 土的分類粉土silt, mo
3. 土的分類粉質粘土silty clay
3. 土的分類高嶺石kaolinite
3. 土的分類過壓密土(台)overconsolidated soil
3. 土的分類紅粘土red clay, adamic earth
3. 土的分類黃土loess, huangtu(China)
3. 土的分類蒙脫石montmorillonite
3. 土的分類泥炭peat, bog muck
3. 土的分類年粘土clay
3. 土的分類年粘性土cohesive soil, clayey soil
3. 土的分類膨脹土expansive soil, swelling soil
3. 土的分類欠固結粘土underconsolidated soil
3. 土的分類區域性土zonal soil
3. 土的分類人工填土fill, artificial soil
3. 土的分類軟粘土soft clay, mildclay, mickle
3. 土的分類砂土sand
3. 土的分類濕陷性黃土collapsible loess, slumping loess
3. 土的分類素填土plain fill
3. 土的分類塑性圖plasticity chart
3. 土的分類碎石土stone, break stone, broken stone, channery, chat, crushed sto
ne, deritus
3. 土的分類未壓密土(台)underconsolidated clay
3. 土的分類無粘性土cohesionless soil, frictional soil, non-cohesive soil
3. 土的分類岩石rock
3. 土的分類伊利土illite
3. 土的分類有機質土organic soil
3. 土的分類淤泥muck, gyttja, mire, slush
3. 土的分類淤泥質土mucky soil
3. 土的分類原狀土undisturbed soil
3. 土的分類雜填土miscellaneous fill
3. 土的分類正常固結土normally consolidated soil
3. 土的分類正常壓密土(台)normally consolidated soil
3. 土的分類自重濕陷性黃土self weight collapse loess
4. 土的物理性質阿太堡界限Atterberg limits
4. 土的物理性質飽和度degree of saturation
4. 土的物理性質飽和密度saturated density
4. 土的物理性質飽和重度saturated unit weight
4. 土的物理性質比重specific gravity
4. 土的物理性質稠度consistency
4. 土的物理性質不均勻系數coefficient of uniformity, uniformity coefficient
4. 土的物理性質觸變thixotropy
4. 土的物理性質單粒結構single-grained structure
4. 土的物理性質蜂窩結構honeycomb structure
4. 土的物理性質乾重度dry unit weight
4. 土的物理性質干密度dry density
4. 土的物理性質塑性指數plasticity index
4. 土的物理性質含水量water content, moisture content
4. 土的物理性質活性指數
4. 土的物理性質級配gradation, grading
4. 土的物理性質結合水bound water, combined water, held water
4. 土的物理性質界限含水量Atterberg limits
4. 土的物理性質顆粒級配particle size distribution of soils, mechanical composi
tion of soil
4. 土的物理性質可塑性plasticity
4. 土的物理性質孔隙比void ratio
4. 土的物理性質孔隙率porosity
4. 土的物理性質粒度granularity, grainness, grainage
4. 土的物理性質粒組fraction, size fraction
4. 土的物理性質毛細管水capillary water
4. 土的物理性質密度density
4. 土的物理性質密實度compactionness
4. 土的物理性質年粘性土的靈敏度sensitivity of cohesive soil
4. 土的物理性質平均粒徑mean diameter, average grain diameter
4. 土的物理性質曲率系數coefficient of curvature
4. 土的物理性質三相圖block diagram, skeletal diagram, three phase diagram
4. 土的物理性質三相土tri-phase soil
4. 土的物理性質濕陷起始應力initial collapse pressure
4. 土的物理性質濕陷系數coefficient of collapsibility
4. 土的物理性質縮限shrinkage limit
4. 土的物理性質土的構造soil texture
4. 土的物理性質土的結構soil structure
4. 土的物理性質土粒相對密度specific density of solid particles
4. 土的物理性質土中氣air in soil
4. 土的物理性質土中水water in soil
4. 土的物理性質團粒aggregate, cumularpharolith
4. 土的物理性質限定粒徑constrained diameter
4. 土的物理性質相對密度relative density, density index
4. 土的物理性質相對壓密度relative compaction, compacting factor, percent compa
ction, coefficient of compaction
4. 土的物理性質絮狀結構flocculent structure
4. 土的物理性質壓密系數coefficient of consolidation
4. 土的物理性質壓縮性compressibility
4. 土的物理性質液限liquid limit
4. 土的物理性質液性指數liquidity index
4. 土的物理性質游離水(台)free water
4. 土的物理性質有效粒徑effective diameter, effective grain size, effective siz
4. 土的物理性質有效密度effective density
4. 土的物理性質有效重度effective unit weight
4. 土的物理性質重力密度unit weight
4. 土的物理性質自由水free water, gravitational water, groundwater, phreatic wa
4. 土的物理性質組構fabric
4. 土的物理性質最大幹密度maximum dry density
4. 土的物理性質最優含水量optimum water content
5. 滲透性和滲流達西定律Darcy s law
5. 滲透性和滲流管涌piping
5. 滲透性和滲流浸潤線phreatic line
5. 滲透性和滲流臨界水力梯度critical hydraulic gradient
5. 滲透性和滲流流函數flow function
5. 滲透性和滲流流土flowing soil
5. 滲透性和滲流流網 flow net
5. 滲透性和滲流砂沸sand boiling
5. 滲透性和滲流滲流seepage
5. 滲透性和滲流滲流量seepage discharge
5. 滲透性和滲流滲流速度seepage velocity
5. 滲透性和滲流滲透力seepage force
5. 滲透性和滲流滲透破壞seepage failure
5. 滲透性和滲流滲透系數coefficient of permeability
5. 滲透性和滲流滲透性permeability
5. 滲透性和滲流勢函數potential function
5. 滲透性和滲流水力梯度hydraulic gradient
6. 地基應力和變形變形deformation
6. 地基應力和變形變形模量molus of deformation
6. 地基應力和變形泊松比Poisson s ratio
6. 地基應力和變形布西涅斯克解Boussinnesq s solution
6. 地基應力和變形殘余變形resial deformation
6. 地基應力和變形殘余孔隙水壓力resial pore water pressure
6. 地基應力和變形超靜孔隙水壓力excess pore water pressure
6. 地基應力和變形沉降settlement
6. 地基應力和變形沉降比settlement ratio
6. 地基應力和變形次固結沉降secondary consolidation settlement
6. 地基應力和變形次固結系數coefficient of secondary consolidation
6. 地基應力和變形地基沉降的彈性力學公式elastic formula for settlement calculat
6. 地基應力和變形分層總和法layerwise summation method
6. 地基應力和變形負孔隙水壓力negative pore water pressure
6. 地基應力和變形附加應力superimposed stress
6. 地基應力和變形割線模量secant molus
6. 地基應力和變形固結沉降consolidation settlement
6. 地基應力和變形規范沉降計演算法settlement calculation by specification
6. 地基應力和變形回彈變形rebound deformation
6. 地基應力和變形回彈模量molus of resilience
6. 地基應力和變形回彈系數coefficient of resilience
6. 地基應力和變形回彈指數swelling index
6. 地基應力和變形建築物的地基變形允許值allowable settlement of building
6. 地基應力和變形剪脹dilatation
6. 地基應力和變形角點法corner-points method
6. 地基應力和變形孔隙氣壓力pore air pressure
6. 地基應力和變形孔隙水壓力pore water pressure
6. 地基應力和變形孔隙壓力系數Apore pressure parameter A
6. 地基應力和變形孔隙壓力系數Bpore pressure parameter B
6. 地基應力和變形明德林解Mindlin s solution
6. 地基應力和變形紐馬克感應圖Newmark chart
6. 地基應力和變形切線模量tangent molus
6. 地基應力和變形蠕變creep
6. 地基應力和變形三向變形條件下的固結沉降three-dimensional consolidation settl
6. 地基應力和變形瞬時沉降immediate settlement
6. 地基應力和變形塑性變形plastic deformation
6. 地基應力和變形談彈性變形elastic deformation
6. 地基應力和變形談彈性模量elastic molus
6. 地基應力和變形談彈性平衡狀態state of elastic equilibrium
6. 地基應力和變形體積變形模量volumetric deformation molus
6. 地基應力和變形先期固結壓力preconsolidation pressure
6. 地基應力和變形壓縮層
6. 地基應力和變形壓縮模量molus of compressibility
6. 地基應力和變形壓縮系數coefficient of compressibility
6. 地基應力和變形壓縮性compressibility
6. 地基應力和變形壓縮指數compression index
6. 地基應力和變形有效應力effective stress
6. 地基應力和變形自重應力self-weight stress
6. 地基應力和變形總應力total stress approach of shear strength
6. 地基應力和變形最終沉降final settlement
7. 固結巴隆固結理論Barron s consolidation theory
7. 固結比奧固結理論Biot s consolidation theory
7. 固結超固結比over-consolidation ratio
7. 固結超靜孔隙水壓力excess pore water pressure
7. 固結次固結secondary consolidation
7. 固結次壓縮(台)secondary consolidatin
7. 固結單向度壓密(台)one-dimensional consolidation
7. 固結多維固結multi-dimensional consolidation
7. 固結固結consolidation
7. 固結固結度degree of consolidation
7. 固結固結理論theory of consolidation
7. 固結固結曲線consolidation curve
7. 固結固結速率rate of consolidation
7. 固結固結系數coefficient of consolidation
7. 固結固結壓力consolidation pressure
7. 固結回彈曲線rebound curve
7. 固結井徑比drain spacing ratio
7. 固結井阻well resistance
7. 固結曼代爾-克雷爾效應Mandel-Cryer effect
7. 固結潛變(台)creep
7. 固結砂井sand drain
7. 固結砂井地基平均固結度average degree of consolidation of sand-drained groun
7. 固結時間對數擬合法logrithm of time fitting method
7. 固結時間因子time factor
7. 固結太沙基固結理論Terzaghi s consolidation theory
7. 固結太沙基-倫杜列克擴散方程Terzaghi-Renlic diffusion equation
7. 固結先期固結壓力preconsolidation pressure
7. 固結壓密(台)consolidation
7. 固結壓密度(台)degree of consolidation
7. 固結壓縮曲線cpmpression curve
7. 固結一維固結one dimensional consolidation
7. 固結有效應力原理principle of effective stress
7. 固結預壓密壓力(台)preconsolidation pressure
7. 固結原始壓縮曲線virgin compression curve
7. 固結再壓縮曲線recompression curve
7. 固結主固結primary consolidation
7. 固結主壓密(台)primary consolidation
7. 固結准固結壓力pseudo-consolidation pressure
7. 固結K0固結consolidation under K0 condition
8. 抗剪強度安息角(台)angle of repose
8. 抗剪強度不排水抗剪強度undrained shear strength
8. 抗剪強度殘余內摩擦角resial angle of internal friction
8. 抗剪強度殘余強度resial strength
8. 抗剪強度長期強度long-term strength
8. 抗剪強度單軸抗拉強度uniaxial tension test
8. 抗剪強度動強度dynamic strength of soils
8. 抗剪強度峰值強度peak strength
8. 抗剪強度伏斯列夫參數Hvorslev parameter
8. 抗剪強度剪切應變速率shear strain rate
8. 抗剪強度抗剪強度shear strength
8. 抗剪強度抗剪強度參數shear strength parameter
8. 抗剪強度抗剪強度有效應力法effective stress approach of shear strength
8. 抗剪強度抗剪強度總應力法total stress approach of shear strength
8. 抗剪強度庫侖方程Coulomb s equation
8. 抗剪強度摩爾包線Mohr s envelope
8. 抗剪強度摩爾-庫侖理論Mohr-Coulomb theory
8. 抗剪強度內摩擦角angle of internal friction
8. 抗剪強度年粘聚力cohesion
8. 抗剪強度破裂角angle of rupture
8. 抗剪強度破壞准則failure criterion
8. 抗剪強度十字板抗剪強度vane strength
8. 抗剪強度無側限抗壓強度unconfined compression strength
8. 抗剪強度有效內摩擦角effective angle of internal friction
8. 抗剪強度有效粘聚力effective cohesion intercept
8. 抗剪強度有效應力破壞包線effective stress failure envelope
8. 抗剪強度有效應力強度參數effective stress strength parameter
8. 抗剪強度有效應力原理principle of effective stress
8. 抗剪強度真內摩擦角true angle internal friction
8. 抗剪強度真粘聚力true cohesion
8. 抗剪強度總應力破壞包線total stress failure envelope
8. 抗剪強度總應力強度參數total stress strength parameter
9. 本構模型本構模型constitutive model
9. 本構模型邊界面模型boundary surface model
9. 本構模型層向各向同性體模型cross anisotropic model
9. 本構模型超彈性模型hyperelastic model
9. 本構模型德魯克-普拉格准則Drucker-Prager criterion
9. 本構模型鄧肯-張模型Duncan-Chang model
9. 本構模型動剪切強度
9. 本構模型非線性彈性模量nonlinear elastic model
9. 本構模型蓋帽模型cap model
9. 本構模型剛塑性模型rigid plastic model
9. 本構模型割線模量secant molus
9. 本構模型廣義馮·米賽斯屈服准則extended von Mises yield criterion
9. 本構模型廣義特雷斯卡屈服准則extended tresca yield criterion
9. 本構模型加工軟化work softening
9. 本構模型加工硬化work hardening
9. 本構模型加工硬化定律strain harding law
9. 本構模型劍橋模型Cambridge model
9. 本構模型柯西彈性模型Cauchy elastic model
9. 本構模型拉特-鄧肯模型Lade-Duncan model
9. 本構模型拉特屈服准則Lade yield criterion
9. 本構模型理想彈塑性模型ideal elastoplastic model
9. 本構模型臨界狀態彈塑性模型critical state elastoplastic model
9. 本構模型流變學模型rheological model
9. 本構模型流動規則flow rule
9. 本構模型摩爾-庫侖屈服准則Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion
9. 本構模型內蘊時間塑性模型endochronic plastic model
9. 本構模型內蘊時間塑性理論endochronic theory
9. 本構模型年粘彈性模型viscoelastic model
9. 本構模型切線模量tangent molus
9. 本構模型清華彈塑性模型Tsinghua elastoplastic model
9. 本構模型屈服面yield surface
9. 本構模型沈珠江三重屈服面模型Shen Zhujiang three yield surface method
9. 本構模型雙參數地基模型
9. 本構模型雙剪應力屈服模型twin shear stress yield criterion
9. 本構模型雙曲線模型hyperbolic model
9. 本構模型松崗元-中井屈服准則Matsuoka-Nakai yield criterion
9. 本構模型塑性形變理論
9. 本構模型談彈塑性模量矩陣elastoplastic molus matrix
9. 本構模型談彈塑性模型elastoplastic molus
9. 本構模型談彈塑性增量理論incremental elastoplastic theory
9. 本構模型談彈性半空間地基模型elastic half-space foundation model
9. 本構模型談彈性變形elastic deformation
9. 本構模型談彈性模量elastic molus
9. 本構模型談彈性模型elastic model
9. 本構模型魏汝龍-Khosla-Wu模型Wei Rulong-Khosla-Wu model
9. 本構模型文克爾地基模型Winkler foundation model
9. 本構模型修正劍橋模型modified cambridge model
9. 本構模型准彈性模型hypoelastic model
10. 地基承載力沖剪破壞punching shear failure
10. 地基承載力次層(台)substratum
10. 地基承載力地基subgrade, ground, foundation soil
10. 地基承載力地基承載力bearing capacity of foundation soil
10. 地基承載力地基極限承載力ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil
10. 地基承載力地基允許承載力allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil
10. 地基承載力地基穩定性stability of foundation soil
10. 地基承載力漢森地基承載力公式Hansen s ultimate bearing capacity formula
10. 地基承載力極限平衡狀態state of limit equilibrium
10. 地基承載力加州承載比(美國)California Bearing Ratio
10. 地基承載力局部剪切破壞local shear failure
10. 地基承載力臨塑荷載critical edge pressure
10. 地基承載力梅耶霍夫極限承載力公式Meyerhof s ultimate bearing capacity formu
10. 地基承載力普朗特承載力理論Prandel bearing capacity theory
10. 地基承載力斯肯普頓極限承載力公式Skempton s ultimate bearing capacity formu
10. 地基承載力太沙基承載力理論Terzaghi bearing capacity theory
10. 地基承載力魏錫克極限承載力公式Vesic s ultimate bearing capacity formula
10. 地基承載力整體剪切破壞general shear failure
11. 土壓力被動土壓力passive earth pressure
11. 土壓力被動土壓力系數coefficient of passive earth pressure
11. 土壓力極限平衡狀態state of limit equilibrium
11. 土壓力靜止土壓力earth pressue at rest
11. 土壓力靜止土壓力系數coefficient of earth pressur at rest
11. 土壓力庫侖土壓力理論Coulomb s earth pressure theory
11. 土壓力庫爾曼圖解法Culmannn construction
11. 土壓力朗肯土壓力理論Rankine s earth pressure theory
11. 土壓力朗肯狀態Rankine state
11. 土壓力談彈性平衡狀態state of elastic equilibrium
11. 土壓力土壓力earth pressure
11. 土壓力主動土壓力active earth pressure
11. 土壓力主動土壓力系數coefficient of active earth pressure
12. 土坡穩定分析安息角(台)angle of repose
12. 土坡穩定分析畢肖普法Bishop method
12. 土坡穩定分析邊坡穩定安全系數safety factor of slope
12. 土坡穩定分析不平衡推理傳遞法unbalanced thrust transmission method
12. 土坡穩定分析費倫紐斯條分法Fellenius method of slices
12. 土坡穩定分析庫爾曼法Culmann method
12. 土坡穩定分析摩擦圓法friction circle method
12. 土坡穩定分析摩根斯坦-普拉斯法Morgenstern-Price method
12. 土坡穩定分析鉛直邊坡的臨界高度critical height of vertical slope
12. 土坡穩定分析瑞典圓弧滑動法Swedish circle method
12. 土坡穩定分析斯賓賽法Spencer method
12. 土坡穩定分析泰勒法Taylor method
12. 土坡穩定分析條分法slice method
12. 土坡穩定分析土坡slope
12. 土坡穩定分析土坡穩定分析slope stability analysis
12. 土坡穩定分析土坡穩定極限分析法limit analysis method of slope stability
12. 土坡穩定分析土坡穩定極限平衡法limit equilibrium method of slope stability

12. 土坡穩定分析休止角angle of repose
12. 土坡穩定分析揚布普遍條分法Janbu general slice method
12. 土坡穩定分析圓弧分析法circular arc analysis
13. 土的動力性質比阻尼容量specific gravity capacity
13. 土的動力性質波的彌散特性dispersion of waves
13. 土的動力性質波速法wave velocity method
13. 土的動力性質材料阻尼material damping
13. 土的動力性質初始液化initial liquefaction
13. 土的動力性質地基固有周期natural period of soil site
13. 土的動力性質動剪切模量dynamic shear molus of soils
13. 土的動力性質動力布西涅斯克解dynamic solution of Boussinesq
13. 土的動力性質動力放大因素dynamic magnification factor
13. 土的動力性質動力性質dynamic properties of soils
13. 土的動力性質動強度dynamic strength of soils
13. 土的動力性質骨架波akeleton waves in soils
13. 土的動力性質幾何阻尼geometric damping
13. 土的動力性質抗液化強度liquefaction stress
13. 土的動力性質孔隙流體波fluid wave in soil
13. 土的動力性質損耗角loss angle
13. 土的動力性質往返活動性reciprocating activity
13. 土的動力性質無量綱頻率dimensionless frequency
13. 土的動力性質液化liquefaction
13. 土的動力性質液化勢評價evaluation of liquefaction potential
13. 土的動力性質液化應力比stress ratio of liquefaction
13. 土的動力性質應力波stress waves in soils
13. 土的動力性質振陷dynamic settlement
13. 土的動力性質阻尼damping of soil
13. 土的動力性質阻尼比damping ratio
14. 擋土牆擋土牆retaining wall
14. 擋土牆擋土牆排水設施
14. 擋土牆擋土牆穩定性stability of retaining wall
14. 擋土牆垛式擋土牆
14. 擋土牆扶垛式擋土牆counterfort retaining wall
14. 擋土牆後垛牆(台)counterfort retaining wall
14. 擋土牆基礎牆foundation wall
14. 擋土牆加筋土擋牆r

『伍』 求英語介紹土木工程專業

civil engineering
Profession of designing and executing structural works that serve the general public, including bridges, canals, dams, harbors, lighthouses, roads, tunnels, and environmental works (e.g., water-supply systems).

The modern field includes power plants, aircraft and airports, chemical-processing plants, and water-treatment facilities. Civil engineering today involves site investigations and feasibility studies, structural design and analysis, construction, and facilities maintenance. The design of engineering works requires the application of design theory from many fields (e.g., hydraulics, thermodynamics, nuclear physics). Research in structural analysis and the technology of materials such as steel and concrete has opened the way for new concepts and greater economy of materials. The engineer's analysis of a building problem determines the structural system to be used. Structural designs are rigorously analyzed by computers to determine if they will withstand loads and natural forces.



『陸』 「土木工程專業」英語怎麼翻譯,謝謝大家!

土木的英文是civil engineering
所以我認為「土木工程專業」應該是civil engineering project subject.

『柒』 土木工程 用英語怎麼說


[詞典] civil engineering




『捌』 土木工程用英語怎麼說

中文: 土木工程 阿拉伯語: �1�1�1�0�1�7�1�1�1�1 �1�9�1�7�1�0�1�4�1�1 德語: Bauingenieurwesen 英語: Civil engineering 西班牙語: Ingeniería civil 法語: Génie civil 日語: 土木工學

『玖』 土木工程英語作文

Civil engineering is the oldest branch of the profession of
engineering after military engineering. Many of the important things in
our lives that we take for granted are the proct of civil engineering.
construction of the dams and power stations that provide the
electricity we use every day requires civil engineers.The water and
sewage treatment plants that provide us with safe water supplies require
the expertise of civil engineers.The paths and roads we travel are
civil engineering projects.
In fact most structures, large and small,
require the help of a civil engineer whether in the designing, planning
or managing of the project.
Civil engineers also help to preserve
our environment by assisting in the cleaning up of existing pollution
and planning ways to rece future pollution of our air, land and water
Civil Engineering gives us Quality of Life !

『拾』 土木工程專業介紹(英文版)

Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Introction
The so-called large civil. Refers to all and water, soil, culture-related infrastructure-related projects, construction and maintenance. At present, the civil work projects include: roads, water supply, drainage, flood control works and transport. The past, all non-military use of civilian projects, classified into this category, but with the increasingly vast engineering sciences, many of the original content belong to the scope of civil engineering have been a separate section. At present, from the narrow definition, is equivalent to the Civil Engineering civil engineering, or construction (or structural engineering) This small-scale.
Civil Engineering Introction
Business training objectives: the professional training of various civil engineering disciplines to master the basic theory and basic knowledge in housing construction, underground construction (including mine construction), roads, tunnels, bridges, buildings, hydropower stations, ports and offshore structures and facilities, water supply drainage and ground treatment in areas such as planning, design, construction, management and research, engineering and technical personnel, senior.
Operational training requirements: The students mainly study engineering mechanics, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, municipal engineering, water supply and drainage engineering and hydraulic engineering disciplines, basic theory and knowledge, by the engineering drawing, engineering, surveying, computer applications, professional test, structural design and construction practice areas such as basic training, and have engaged in construction, transportation works, water conservancy and hydropower engineering, port engineering, coastal engineering and water supply and drainage: the planning, design, construction, management and related research capacity.
Graates should be given the following knowledge and ability to:
1. Natural Science has a solid foundation for a better foundation for the humanities and social sciences and foreign language integrated capacity;
2. Master of engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, rock and soil mechanics, engineering geology and engineering drawing of the basic theory and basic knowledge;
3. Grasp the building materials, structural calculations, component design, ground treatment, water supply and drainage engineering and computer applications, basic knowledge, principles, methods and skills, has engaged in preliminary design of civil structural engineering and research capabilities;
4. Master construction machinery, electrical engineering, engineering, surveying, construction technology and construction organization, construction monitoring, project budget, as well as aspects of the tendering proceres for the basic knowledge and basic skills, has engaged in preliminary engineering, management and research capacity;
5. Familiar with the construction of various types of civil engineering principles, policies and regulations;
6. Understanding of civil engineering disciplines of the trunk and cutting-edge developments in theory;
7. Master the literature of information retrieval and the basic method of inquiry has a certain capacity for scientific research and practical work.
Major Courses:
Trunk disciplines: mechanical, civil engineering, water conservancy projects.
Main courses: engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, rock mechanics with disabilities, the foundation and infrastructure, engineering geology, engineering, hydrology, engineering drawing, computer applications, construction materials, concrete structures, steel structures, engineering structures, water supply and drainage works, construction technology and管理.
The main practice teaching links include: engineering drawing, awareness training, surveying practices, engineering geology internship, professional practice or proction practice, the structure of curriculum design, graate thesis, such as design or general arrangement for about 40 weeks.
The main experiment: the experimental mechanics of materials, experimental materials, structural testing, soil testing.
Period of Study: Four years
Conferment of academic degrees: Bachelor of Engineering
Similar professional: Architecture, Construction Engineering Technology Civil Engineering and Town Planning Building Environment and Equipment Engineering, Civil Engineering to the drainage works to cross the river bridge and road works

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