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發布時間: 2022-08-05 15:14:42

1. 按下表用英語介紹一下新加坡。60詞左右。

Singapore is located in Southeast Asia and within easy each of China. You can relax and enjoy the nice air, the blue sky and the clean water there. At the same time, the Night Safari and the Merlion Park are also should not be missed.

2. 求新加坡英文簡短介紹(中英對照)

Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore, is an island country located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. It lies 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator, south of the Malaysian state of Johor and north of Indonesia's Riau Islands. At 707.1 km2 (273.0 sq mi), Singapore is one of four remaining true city-states in the world. It is the smallest nation in Southeast Asia.

Prior to European settlement, the island now known as Singapore was the site of a Malay fishing village at the mouth of the Singapore River. Several hundred indigenous Orang Laut people also lived along the nearby coast, rivers and on smaller islands. In 1819 the British East India Company established a trading post on the island, which was used thereafter as a strategic trading post along the spice route.[4] Singapore would become one of the most important commercial and military centres of the British Empire, and the hub of British power in Southeast Asia. The city was occupied by the Japanese ring World War II, which Winston Churchill called "Britain's greatest defeat".[5] Singapore reverted to British rule immediately postwar, in 1945. Eighteen years later the city, having achieved independence from Britain, merged with Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak to form Malaysia. However, less than two years later it seceded from the federation and became an independent republic on 9 August 1965. Singapore joined the United Nations on 21 September that same year. It is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Since independence, Singapore's standard of living has been on the rise. Foreign direct investment and a state-led drive to instrialisation based on plans drawn up by the Dutch economist Albert Winsemius have created a modern economy focused on electronics manufacturing, petrochemicals, tourism and financial services alongside traditional entrepôt trade.[citation needed] Singapore is the 5th wealthiest country in the world in terms of GDP (PPP) per capita.[6] This small nation has foreign exchange reserves of more than US$177 billion.[7]

The population of Singapore is approximately 4.84 million.[2] Though Singapore is highly cosmopolitan and diverse, ethnic Chinese form the majority of the population. English is the administrative language of the country.

The Constitution of the Republic of Singapore established the nation's political system as a representative democracy, while the country is recognised as a parliamentary republic.[8] The People's Action Party (PAP) dominates the political process and has won control of Parliament in every election.



3. 關於新加坡的地理(含英語內容)

Singapore is a small, heavily urbanised, island city-state in Southeast Asia, located at the southern tip of the Malayan Peninsula between Malaysia and Indonesia. Singapore has a total land area of 699 km² and 193 km of coastline. It is separated from Indonesia by the Singapore Strait and from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor.

新加坡是個小,城市化的東南亞島國,在馬來西亞南部,夾在印尼和馬來西亞中間,新加坡國土699 km² ,海岸線193 km ,新加坡海峽和馬來西亞海峽和印尼海峽隔離著這個國家
Singapore is a multiracial country with a majority population of Chinese, with substantial Malay and Indian minorities. Mahayana Buddhism is the first religion in Singapore though not representing a majority, with significant numbers following Islam, Christianity, Hinism, Sikhism or no religion at all.


singapore has four official languages ,chinese,malay,tamil and english.


4. 新加坡在哪裡


5. 新加坡的地理位置



  • 新加坡,全稱為新加坡共和國(英語: Republic of Singapore),舊稱新嘉坡、星洲或星島,別稱為獅城,是東南亞的一個島國,政治體制實行議會制共和制。新加坡北隔柔佛海峽與馬來西亞為鄰,南隔新加坡海峽與印度尼西亞相望,毗鄰馬六甲海峽南口,國土除新加坡島之外,還包括周圍數島。

  • 14世紀,新加坡屬於拜里米蘇拉建立的馬六甲蘇丹王朝。19世紀初被英國占為殖民地。1942年2月15日,新加坡被侵略的日軍佔領。1965年,新加坡正式獨立。

  • 新加坡是一個多元文化的移民國家,促進種族和諧是政府治國的核心政策,新加坡以穩定的政局、廉潔高效的政府而著稱,是全球最國際化的國家之一。

  • 新加坡是亞洲的發達國家,被譽為「亞洲四小龍」之一,其經濟模式被稱作為「國家資本主義」。根據2014年的全球金融中心指數(GFCI)排名報告,新加坡是繼紐約、倫敦、香港之後的第四大國際金融中心,也是亞洲重要的服務和航運中心之一。新加坡是東南亞國家聯盟(ASEAN)成員國之一,也是世界貿易組織(WTO)、英聯邦(The Commonwealth)以及亞洲太平洋經濟合作組織(APEC) 成員經濟體之一。

6. 用英語寫一下新加坡是怎樣的地方。


英文:Singapore is an Asian tropical island from the island and a 60 smaller islands, located in Southeast Asia. It's not the temperature change, adequate rainfall, animal and plant growth, reflects the characteristics of the tropical island. Singapore's geographical location is one of the crossroads of the world. Favorable geographical conditions make it develop into a major commercial, transport, communications and tourism center. It is located 136.8 kilometers north of the equator, longitude 103 ° 36 'east longitude to 104 ° 25', N 1 ° 09 'to 1 ° 29' between. Singapore on the island from east to west about 42 km from south to NATO's 23 kilometers, including all the islands, a total area of 682.7 square kilometers. The rest of the island outside the island, Pulau Tekong are larger (24.4 square kilometers), Ubin (10.2 square kilometres) and Sentosa Island (3.5 square kilometers).

7. 新加坡的英文介紹

Singapore is a multi-ethnic country, India, Malays, ethnic Chinese, European and Asian people, its national language is Malay, Malay is the national anthems of the past; official language is English, of course, can also use Mandarin.! !
Singapore has a 'Garden City' is called, and the streets are clean air. But in some areas will see rentals dirty side. Singapore's land area is 699.4 square kilometers.! ! Is smaller than that of Guangzhou.
As for the cost of living in Singapore is vary from person to person, a person must be at least 700 new coins a month. Material prices than China, Hong Kong high.
翻譯:新加坡是一個多種族國家,有印度,馬來,華族,歐亞人.它的國家語言是馬來語,所以國歌是馬來語來的 ;官方語言是英文 ;當然也可以使用國語.!!
至於新加坡的生活費是因人而異,一個人最少都要700新幣一個月. 物質價格比中國,香港高。

8. 新加坡簡短英文介紹,下附中文翻譯。

  • Singapore is an island country in Southeast Asia, north across the Johore Strait and Malaysia to the south, across the Singapore Strait and Indonesia, adjacent to the south of the Malacca strait.


  • Singapore is a developed capitalist country in Asia. It is praised as one of the "Four Dragons of Asia". Its economic model is called "state capitalism"".


  • Singapore is located in the tropics. The annual temperature difference and the daily temperature difference are small, and the average temperature is between 23 and 34 degrees centigrade。


  • Singapore is a multilingual country, has 4 official languages, namely English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. Singapore uses English as the main language and language of instruction.


  • Singapore is a foreign trade driven economy, with electronic, petrochemical, financial, shipping and service instries, highly dependent on the United States, Japan, Europe and neighboring markets, the total volume of foreign trade is four times of GDP.

  • 新加坡屬外貿驅動型經濟,以電子、石油化工、金融、航運、服務業為主,高度依賴美、日、歐和周邊市場,外貿總額是GDP的四倍。

  • Singapore tourist attractions include: Universal Studios Singapore, Sentosa, Clarke Quay, highly developed transportation network provides convenience for tourism.

  • 新加坡旅遊景點包括:新加坡環球影城、聖陶沙島、克拉碼頭等等,高度發達的交通網路為旅遊提供了便利。

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