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發布時間: 2022-08-02 17:21:38

㈠ 請問日本主要城市的英文名稱






大阪(おおさか、英語: Osaka),即大阪市,日本第二大都市,日本三大都市圈之一的大阪都市圈的中心城市,廣義上的「大阪」可以指日本近畿地方 ,或與以大阪市作為府廳所在地的大阪府,也指以大阪市為中心的大阪都市圈。





㈡ 急求大阪地名 英文翻譯 大阪市此花區西九條 和大阪市此花區四貫島


English:Nishikujō, Konohana-ku, Osaka-shi

English:Shikanjima, Konohana-ku, Osaka-shi

假如是「大阪市此花區四貫島2-16-29」的話,英文就是「2-16-29 Shikanjima, Konohana-ku, Osaka-shi」。


PS:cjjames68 寫錯了。

㈢ Osaka是哪裡


大阪(おおさか、英語: Osaka),即大阪市,日本第二大都市,日本三大都市圈之一的大阪都市圈的中心城市。









㈣ 日本用英語介紹外加漢語


日本由北海道,本州,四國,九州,四個島嶼和南部的琉球群島,小笠原群島和北方四島等3000多個島嶼組成,面積377800平方千米,相當於中國的1/26,與我國雲南省面積相近。人口12560萬,為世界人口密度最大的國家之一。居民多為大和族,唯一的少數民族是阿伊努族(蝦夷人)。日本通用日語,信奉神道和佛教。 日本的首都東京,人口1256萬零764人(截止2006年1月1日),為全國政治、經濟、文化中心。



日本的重要城市有東京、橫濱、大阪、名古屋。東京由關東地區的西南部和太平洋上的伊豆諸島、小笠原諸島這些島嶼部組成,是世界上人口最多的城市之一,也是生活著1100 多萬人的日本首都。17 世紀初葉,德川家康將軍在這里建立幕府,從那以後以「居城」江戶城為中心,外圍的市民城不斷擴大,逐漸發展到今天的規模。受到1923年關東大地震、第二次世界大戰等的影響,市區許多地方曾經化為一片廢墟,然而不久又都重新修復起來。東京不僅是日本的政治、經濟中心,還是世界經濟、文化、產業的中心地。
Japan in the eastern part of the Asia Pacific, at latitude 30 ° ~ 45 °, longitude 123 ° ~ 150 ° between the West at the East China Sea, Yellow Sea, the Korea Strait, the Sea of Japan and China, North Korea, South Korea, Russia, the sea. Japan's long coastline of over 30,000 km, more than the Gulf and the port. Monsoon is a temperate maritime climate. More than the rainy season in June, more than summer and autumn typhoon. January average temperature in northern -6 ℃, the southern 16 ℃; 7月north of 17 ℃, the southern 28 ℃. Japan's country name meaning "sunrise of the country" and have "Sakura" (there are more than 300 cherry varieties), "volcanic earthquake of state" (throughout more than 200 volcanoes, active volcanoes which accounts for about 1 / 3 ) Of the title.

Japan from Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, the four islands and south of the Ryukyu Islands and the Ogasawara Islands and the four northern islands, such as more than 3,000 islands, covering 377,800 square kilometres, China's equivalent to 1 / 26, and China's Yunnan Of similar size. Population 125.6 million, the world's largest population density of one of the countries. For many residents and the people, the Ainu is the only minority group (shrimp Yiren). Japan generic Japanese, Shinto and Buddhist belief. Japan's capital Tokyo, the population of 12.56 million people and 764 (as of January 1, 2006), as a national political, economic and cultural center.

Japan's long coastline tortuous, multi-Harbour, in the rugged mountains, valleys staggered. Mountain area of the nation's nearly 80 percent. Mount Fuji is the highest elevation, 3,776 meters. Rivers and more short, with plenty of water. Shinano River 367 km long, the Tone River basin area of 16,840 square kilometres. Many small and deep fire Kouhu and lagoon, the largest area of Lake Biwa. Is a mild and humid maritime monsoon climate. No cold winter and summer without the heat. The average annual rainfall over 1,000 mm. 8 to October often the typhoon attack. Ores, small reserves. Of the total forest area of 66%. Geothermal and rich fishing resources.

Japan is the world's economic powers. Instry and the national economy's GDP rank highest in the world. Complete instrial system, the instrial structure for the knowledge-and technology-intensive. Implementation of mechanized agriculture commodity proction, procts mainly rice and wheat. Fisheries developed, the fishing capacity of the world's forefront. Maritime, aviation, railways, highways are very developed, 47,000 km long railway, highway 117 kilometres long.

Japan's major cities are Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka and Nagoya. Tokyo Kanto region from the southwest and the Pacific on the Izu islands, the Ogasawara islands, the islands of the composition, is the world's most populous cities, is home to more than 11 million people in the capital of Japan. The beginning of the 17th century, the establishment of Ieyasu Tokugawa shogunate General here, since then "castle" Edo City as the center, the external public growing city, graally developed into today's scale. By the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake, such as the impact of the Second World War, many urban areas have turned into a ruin, but soon also have to repair it. Tokyo is Japan's political and economic center, or the world economy, culture, instry center.

㈤ 求介紹日本大阪的英語作文,250詞以內。急求,謝謝

Osaka is a 1400 before people gathered here to exchange the bustling city. Known as "water city" of Osaka, since ancient times on the river by virtue of the advantages of convergence, with China and the Korean Peninsula and the mainland to carry out frequent exchanges at the port of Osaka "Namba Zimbabwe" is the foreign exchange and the key areas .
By the middle of the seventh century, the capital of Osaka "Namba Palace", as Japan's oldest city and well-vicissitudes of life and prosperity. When the capital was moved to Nara, Kyoto and other places, Osaka is still as foreign and trade exchanges constitute an important place on Japan's economic development and cultural exchanges have played a very important role.
By modern times, as the flow of material at the center of the region, and to become known as a "world kitchen" commercial city. Osaka businessman unique
Longing for freedom and progressive efforts to temperament, is a major feature of Osaka. Net glass, and so on behalf of the Japanese Kabuki tradition of the essence of art and culture has been preserved continues to this day, at the same time, to be known as the "poor food," food culture has been growing.
Osaka divided into 26 administrative districts, were grid-like layout of the city, East and West, North and South for four downtown area. Government agencies and more concentrated in Eastern and Central Island; financial institutions, banks collect more than this bridge, bridge Korea, Midosuji and other places; companies, trading companies, the firm focused on the middle island, the Island Hall and other places; Umeda, Barton soil Tower of Babel as well as the center of the downtown area of the three major New World, many well-known theater, cinemas, hotels and department stores.
Osaka high-rises, commercial prosperity, the high rate of urban greening. Osaka Street underground at upper, middle and lower three levels have their own characteristics. In between the layers and layers, spiral staircase connected. There is a man-made stream running through the Mass Street, gurgling water, clear visibility. On the ground floor on either side of the street, shops, restaurants, cinemas and a bar next to one. Osaka underground Street is a bustling business district and a unique taste tour of the resort.

㈥ 名古屋 ,下關,東京,大阪翻譯成英語

名古屋 Nagoya,位於伊勢灣的頂端、京都以東,是16世紀的一個要塞城鎮,在二戰遭受狂轟後被重建。
下關 Shimonoseki,日本本州島西南端一城市, 臨朝鮮海峽。
東京 Tokyo,位於本州島中東部,臨太平洋的一個海灣。東京灣 建立於12世紀,當時叫做江戶。
大阪 Osaka 日本本州島南部城市,瀕臨太平洋的一個小海灣大阪灣, 在封建時代大阪一直是最主要的商業中心,如今成為高度工業化的城市。

㈦ 求一篇150字左右介紹東京或者大阪的英語作文。適當用點簡單的定語狀語等從句。

Tokyo is Japan's capital, it is the best in the world and excellent tourist city, and also a tourism paradise. Tokyo many food and snacks and world-famous Disneyland, in Tokyo, you can relax and have a perfect holiday. If you are a shopping crazy! You in Tokyo shopping can completely satisfy the desire, but won't let you poverty. Friends, welcome to Tokyo こんにちは
東京是日本的首都,是全世界最棒的優秀旅遊城市之一,也是旅遊天堂。東京許多食品和點心,還有舉世聞名的迪斯尼樂園,在東京,你可以很放鬆,想有一個完美的假期。如果你是一個購物瘋了!你在東京購物完全能夠滿足的慾望,但不會讓你貧窮。歡迎到東京的朋友 (日語)你好





㈧ 日本的大坂用英語怎麼說


㈨ 大阪的英語介紹作文

Osaka is a 1400 before people gathered here to exchange the bustling city. Known as "water city" of Osaka, since ancient times on the river by virtue of the advantages of convergence, with China and the Korean Peninsula and the mainland to carry out frequent exchanges at the port of Osaka "Namba Zimbabwe" is the foreign exchange and the key areas .
By the middle of the seventh century, the capital of Osaka "Namba Palace", as Japan's oldest city and well-vicissitudes of life and prosperity. When the capital was moved to Nara, Kyoto and other places, Osaka is still as foreign and trade exchanges constitute an important place on Japan's economic development and cultural exchanges have played a very important role.

By modern times, as the flow of material at the center of the region, and to become known as a "world kitchen" commercial city. Osaka businessman unique
Longing for freedom and progressive efforts to temperament, is a major feature of Osaka. Net glass, and so on behalf of the Japanese Kabuki tradition of the essence of art and culture has been preserved continues to this day, at the same time, to be known as the "poor food," food culture has been growing.
Osaka divided into 26 administrative districts, were grid-like layout of the city, East and West, North and South for four downtown area. Government agencies and more concentrated in Eastern and Central Island; financial institutions, banks collect more than this bridge, bridge Korea, Midosuji and other places; companies, trading companies, the firm focused on the middle island, the Island Hall and other places; Umeda, Barton soil Tower of Babel as well as the center of the downtown area of the three major New World, many well-known theater, cinemas, hotels and department stores.
Osaka high-rises, commercial prosperity, the high rate of urban greening. Osaka Street underground at upper, middle and lower three levels have their own characteristics. In between the layers and layers, spiral staircase connected. There is a man-made stream running through the Mass Street, gurgling water, clear visibility. On the ground floor on either side of the street, shops, restaurants, cinemas and a bar next to one. Osaka underground Street is a bustling business district and a unique taste tour of the resort.



㈩ 關於日本一些旅遊景點介紹的英文翻譯

Osaka Castle Park
Japan's three major cities of Osaka Castle, the first park, cherry blossoms around the city of Gilbert, about 4000 of the cherry. Osaka City has more than 400 years of history, high eight, the maximum level set is expected to Taiwan, you can view panoramic view of Osaka. Osaka City is unparalleled by numerous large stones from the composition. People with a heavy sense of dignity.Park green everywhere, very lush cherry trees is a good place for leisure walks.
Have been around in Japan, Yokohama's Chinatown Chinese New Year is really great fun. Where you can experience the traditional Chinese beside can enjoy traditional Chinese dishes ... ...

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