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1. 鋼鐵俠英語劇情介紹20詞左右


An inventor kidnapped, was seriously injured, he was secretly manufacturing a high-tech armor to protect themselves escape from this change "Iron Man" defend the Earth.

2. 鋼鐵俠2的英文介紹!急!馬上要用!

Iron Man
Tuesday, April 29 2008, 10:25 BST

By Simon Reynolds, Entertainment Reporter

Director: Jon Favreau
Screenwriters: Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby, Art Marcum, Matt Holloway
Starring: Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges
Running Time: 125 mins
Certificate: 12A

It may have taken him the best part of 25 years, but Robert Downey Jr. has finally arrived as a bona fide movie star. When Tom Hanks first made a Splash and Tom Cruise was inlging in Risky Business with Rebecca De Mornay, Downey Jr. was starting out in Weird Science.

After a turbulent personal life he now looms large, plastered across the sides of buses and magazine covers in support of Iron Man, the first of this summer's blockbuster extravaganzas. He's an unconventional leading man in a conventional superhero movie. His Tony Stark, a billionaire instrialist and weapons contractor turned superhero, is flamboyant, an eccentric genius - James Bond with a pinch of Howard Hughes. It's perhaps a little strong to say that he carries Iron Man, but it's hard to envision it being as enjoyable without him.

We first meet Stark in Afghanistan (updated from the comic's Vietnam setting). His military convoy is struck by terrorists and he finds himself captured and nursing a gruesome chest wound. Flashing back 36 hours we catch him inlging in his wealth and fame. He shamelessly ploughs head first into the playboy lifestyle, gambling at the Vegas high-rollers table and secing a knockout blonde. Various supporting cast members are introced in the process - his faithful but oddly-monikered assistant Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), military advisor Colonel James Rhodes (Terrence Howard) and Stark Instries executive Obadiah Stane (Jeff Bridges).

Stark jets to Afghanistan to give prospective buyers a demonstration of the new Jericho weapon. After a successful sales pitch ("I prefer the weapon you only need to fire once") the story loops back to Stark's capture by the shady Ten Rings terrorist group. With an electromagnet installed in his chest to keep shrapnel away from his heart, he constructs a clunky, walking battle-tank exoskeleton to break out of captivity.

As far as superhero origin films go, Iron Man is at the higher end of the scale. Better than the first X-Men but not quite as soaring as Spider-Man, its mandate is fairly simple: be loud, be entertaining and don't get too serious. It succeeds on all fronts but, as is often the problem with inaugural superhero outings, there's a lot of exposition to wade through.

Starting and ending with a bang, Iron Man's heels are clipped in the middle by spending too long in getting the eponymous superhero into action. Stark constructs three different armour prototypes (a gift for toy manufacturers) before he gets to the final design. Downey Jr's charisma ring the sagging mid-point is crucial in keeping the movie afloat. Take the numerous scenes with him talking to robotic arms as they construct the battle armour. He manages to keep things engaging and funny without threatening to turn proceedings into a high-tech Punch and Judy show.

Downey Jr. and Paltrow possess a crackle together on screen, their snappy back and forth dialogue reminiscent of classic screen pairs like Grant and Hepburn. Paltrow's character is subservient and underused, but her introction, where she dismisses one of Stark's floosies, paints her as more than a shrinking violet.

Iron Man briefly ponders exploring deeper territory, presenting an interesting shift in Stark's moral compass. He has generated billions as a warmonger but his brush with death in Afghanistan prompts an awakening, reinvigorating him with humanitarian drive and focus. He begins the movie as an empty shell but is given soul by hiding behind another. Director Favreau wisely chooses not to dwell on the Lord of War vibe and pulls theme park action into the foreground.

As a first franchise entry (the film』s closing scene, with Stark's out-of-the-blue revelation, leaves intriguing potential for a sequel) and a blockbuster to kick off the summer season, Iron Man proves to be an excellent introction.

劇情: Stark is the complete playboy who also happens to be an engineering genius. While in Afghanistan demonstrating a new missile he's captured and wounded. His captors want him to assemble a missile for them but instead he creates an armored suit and a means to prevent his death from the shrapnel left in his chest by the attack. He uses the armored suit to escape. Back in the U.S. he announces his company will cease making weapons and he begins work on an updated armored suit only to find that Obadiah Stane, his second in command at Stark instries has been selling Stark weapons to the insurgents. He uses his new suit to return to Afghanistan to destroy the arms and then to stop Shane from misusing his research.

3. 如何介紹鋼鐵俠 演講

托尼·史塔克生於紐約長島,僅15歲時就進入麻省理工學院電子工程系大學部就讀並以最高分畢業。21歲時他的雙親死於車禍意外,史塔克繼承了父親擁有的史塔克企業(Stark Instries)。史塔克接管公司後作的第一件事就是買下製造他父母座車上瑕疵煞車系統的公司並修正其設計上的缺陷。 在一次前往越南(後來更新為波灣戰爭時)視察自己公司新的微型晶元對美軍在戰場上助益的旅程中,史塔克誤入陷阱而被俘虜。俘虜他的人是一個越南軍閥名叫王秋(Wong Chu),史塔克的心臟由於被陷阱的碎片插入而命在旦夕,唯一的活路就是和同為俘虜的著名物理學家殷森(Yin Sen,後來被稱作侯殷森(Ho Yinsen))合作為王秋製造武器。不過史塔克與殷森私下利用工廠秘密設計並製造了一套動力裝甲,這一副鐵制外骨骼式護甲賦予史塔克巨大的力量與其他能力,不但能讓他的心臟繼續跳動,還可以讓他逃脫。殷森犧牲自己的生命讓史塔克有足夠的時間換上這副笨重的裝甲,成為鋼鐵俠的史塔克則殺死了王秋與其手下。在逃亡的途中,鋼鐵俠遇見了一名受傷的美國空軍直升機飛行員吉姆羅德斯(Jim Rhodes),鋼鐵俠自稱是史塔克的保鏢,兩人合力抵禦尾隨而來的北越追兵直到抵達美軍前線。在回到美國本土後史塔克繼續改良這副裝甲,建立起冒險家與鋼鐵俠的雙重身份。他並且大幅的拓展了父親留下來的史塔克企業,後來改名為史塔克國際企業(Stark International)。 鋼鐵俠以史塔克的保鏢與企業吉祥物為偽裝身分,敵人包括了威脅自己公司的反派或如黑寡婦(Black Widow)、緋紅機甲(Crimson Dynamo)、鈦甲人(Titanium Man)等代表共產主義國家的敵手,以及如丞相(Mandarin)的獨立敵人。黑寡婦與緋紅機甲最後均投誠至美國,過去黑寡婦的男友鷹眼甚至轉而成為復仇者的成員。由於史塔克刻意的營造自己富有花花公子與企業家的形象,所以沒有人懷疑他就是鋼鐵俠。此時期史塔克有兩位重要的配角,分別是司機哈洛「快樂」霍根(Harold 「Happy」 Hogan)與維吉尼雅「小辣椒」波茲(Virginia 「Pepper」 Potts),史塔克最終都向兩人透露了自己的雙重身分。 早期的鋼鐵俠漫畫有濃厚的反共產主義色彩,此一姿態在越戰時期的反戰風潮興起後逐漸的軟化。此一改變牽涉了一系列的故事讓史塔克仔細的重新思考他的政治觀與為軍方製造軍火的道德定位;雖然史塔克有著花花公子的形象,他的個性與政治觀一直都是十分的保守。他常顯露出自傲的態度且只求結果不論過程,這讓他在平民身分與超級英雄身分中都時常與周圍的人產生沖突。 史塔克個人十分的富有,同時也是知名的慈善家。他將兒時的老家捐出成為復仇者大廈(Avenger Mansion),並藉由以母親名字命名的非營利組織瑪麗雅史塔克基金會(Maria Stark Foundation)提供復仇者營運的資金。該基金會並不與史塔克的事業有任何關連,即使其事業停頓也不會影響運作。史塔克還提供其他超級英雄科技上的支援,包括為美國隊長設計數個替換的盾牌,復仇者使用的昆式噴射機(Quinjet),X戰警使用的顯像器,以及蜘蛛俠的第二套裝甲服。 史塔克的心臟問題最後終於被大眾發覺,並以人工心臟治癒。然而史塔克也養成極度依賴酒精的習慣,酗酒問題第一次浮上檯面是當史塔克發覺國防機構S.H.I.E.L.D.長期收購其公司的股權,藉以控制他的公司來確保史塔克會持續的為他們設計武器。同時,史塔克生意上的勁敵賈斯汀·漢墨(Justin Hammer)僱用了數位超級反派攻擊史塔克;鋼鐵俠的裝甲甚至一度被奪去用來謀殺一位外國大使。雖然鋼鐵俠一開始並沒有成為懷疑的對象,史塔克仍被迫交出動力裝甲給有關當局。最後史塔克與已成為他私人飛行駕駛與親信的吉姆羅德斯調查出並擊敗幕後的黑手,但漢墨往後仍將再回對史塔克造成威脅。最後在當時女友貝森妮凱比(Bethany Cabe),眾友人與員工們的支持下史塔克渡過了這次難關,並一度克服了酗酒的問題。

4. 求鋼鐵俠1中的頒獎典禮上關於托尼斯塔克的英文介紹



















5. 鋼鐵俠的介紹


6. 鋼鐵俠簡介英文60個單詞,

Iron man,his Anthony Edward "Tony" stack is a fictional world in surprise comic superhero comics.Iron man by Stan lee,larry · Richard cypress,Donald Hector and jack kobe Bryant to create.Iron man first appeared in the suspense story "39) (March 1963),Taiwan old three sets in the 1970 s with" everything the diamond "broadcast for the name of the adaptation of the animation.

7. 鋼鐵俠介紹



















8. 《我最喜歡看的電影》英語作文 鋼鐵俠

My favourite movie is transformer. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects. I like it very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us. This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger. It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie.

would like to introce one of my favorite movies; The movie name is The Lord of the Rings. I believe we all have watch. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is bring bright for us. Sense of myself, the movie also has a deep meaning. Sometime I feel so depressed, I will think of this film, some of the screen and lines. These lines can inspire me out of the predicament. The film can be said that the history of cinema』s big proction. It deeply affected me. At the end of the second at a time when there is a very classic lines.
That paragraph like this:
I know it』s all wrong. By rights, we shouldn』t even be here. But we are, It』s like in the great stories. The ones that really mattered. And sometimes you didn』t want know the end, because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was? When so much bad had happened?
But in the end, it』s only a passing thing this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, It will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you that meant something Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think. I do understand. I know now.
Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn』t. They kept going, because they were holding to something. What we hold? That why there』s some good in this world. And it』s worth fighting for.
This line is so classical. Specifically refer to the Lord of the RingsⅢ won 11 Oscars. It becomes the movie of winning the most Oscars, like "Ben-Hur" and "Titanic". I like this movie so much. It gives people hope.

安迪柔弱智慧,影片的前一個小時讓我看得擔心壓抑,他只能循規蹈矩的在高壓下勉強生活。監獄要徹底磨滅肖申克犯人對於未來的希望,讓他們像死人一樣聽命生活。安迪改變了這一切。他不救贖了自己,還幫監獄中其他的犯人看到了希望,看到了多彩的監獄生活,人們暫時忘記了壓迫、暴力、恐慌,自由祥和的生活的樂趣給每一個人都帶來了希望。安迪居然用了十幾年的時間挖開了在朋友瑞德的眼中要挖600年的隧道,在一個風雨交加的夜裡, 他通過這條生命的通道,在500尺的污水管道里匍匐前進,在地獄和天堂的一線之隔間匍匐前進,終於,在對那一片湛藍的天空和大海的嚮往下,安迪重獲自由,並且巧妙的懲罰了有罪的典獄長等人。

Do you know the movie Titanic.That is one of my favorite movies.It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on a ship called Titanic ,and then they fell into love immediately .On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad.


9. 鋼鐵俠角色英文簡介,急需,,加分

Iron Man, the marvel comics superhero, first appeared in Tales of Suspense no. 39 (March 1963).


Created by Stan lee, larry lipper, don heck, and jack kirby.


Tony Stark, chairman of Stark INDUSTRIES.


Because of a conspiracy to kidnap, the chest was shrapnel through, life at stake, in order to save their lives.


With the help of kidnapped physicist Ho Yinsen, Tony escapes by building the ark reactor that prevents shrapnel from entering the heart.


Using the ark reactor as the source of energy operation, secretly created a set of armor to fight out of the siege and escape.


He helped found the avengers.








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