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發布時間: 2022-07-30 02:02:43

㈠ 聖誕節的襪子用英文怎麼說


㈡ 聖誕襪子的由來(英文資料)

很久很久以前有一個心地善良的貴族,他的妻子因病去逝,拋下他和他的三個女兒。 這個貴族嘗試了不少發明,都失敗了,但也因此耗盡了錢財,所以他們不得不搬到一家農舍里生活,他的女兒們也只得親自燒煮、縫紉和打掃。
一晃幾年過去,女兒們陸續到了出嫁的年齡,父親卻變得更加沮喪,因為他沒錢給女兒們買嫁妝。一天晚上,女兒們洗完衣服後將長統襪掛在壁爐前烘乾。聖人Nicholas知道了她們父親的境況後,就在那天晚上,來到她們的家門前。他從窗口看到一家人 都已睡著了,同時也注意到了女孩們的長統襪。隨即,他從口袋裡掏出三小包黃 金從煙囪上一個個投下去,剛好掉在女孩們的長統襪里。

㈢ 聖誕𧙕英語怎麼寫

Christmas stockings 。

㈣ 「聖誕襪子」用英語怎麼寫

Christmas stocking 聖誕襪(聖誕前夕掛於孩子床頭或壁爐等處,父母塞以糖果、玩具,即為聖誕老人所送的兒童禮物)

㈤ 「聖誕襪」用英語怎麼說

"Christmas socks"
全部Christmas stocking

㈥ 聖誕襪用英語怎麼說Christmas stocking和Christmas sock哪個常用

stocking 是長筒襪
sock 是短襪子

㈦ 有沒有三種關於聖誕節的物品,要介紹,最好英文

Christmas tree聖誕樹
Christmas Stocking聖誕襪
Christmas bells聖誕鈴鐺

Christmas snowflakes聖誕雪花片

Santa Claus Jr聖誕老人

Christmas hat聖誕帽

㈧ 聖誕節的由來的英語介紹怎麼寫

Christmas (Christmas), also known as Christmas, translation as the "Christ mass", western traditional festival, on December 25 every year.

A mass is a kind of church service.Christmas is a religious festival, because it as the birthday of Jesus to celebrate, so the name "Christmas".







㈨ 聖誕襪的故事由來 用英語說

這種風俗起源於一個傳說:從前有一個心地善良的貴族,他的妻子因病去逝,拋下他和他的三個女兒。 這個貴族嘗試了不少發明,都失敗了,也因此耗盡了錢財,所以他們不得不搬到一家農舍里生活,他的女兒們也只得親自燒煮、縫紉和打掃。 一晃幾年過去,女兒們陸續到了出嫁的年齡,父親卻變得更加沮喪,因為他沒錢給女兒們買嫁妝。一天晚上,女兒們洗完衣服後 將長統襪掛在壁爐前烘乾。聖人Nicholas知道了她們父親的境況後,就在那天晚上,來到她們的家門前。他從窗口看到一家人都已睡著了,同時也注意到了女孩們的長統襪。隨即,他從口袋裡掏出三小包黃金從煙囪上一個個投下去, 剛好掉在女孩們的長統襪里。第二天早上,女兒們醒來發現她們的長統襪里裝滿了金子,足夠供她們買嫁妝了。這個貴族也因此能親眼看到他的女兒們結婚,從此便過上了幸福快樂的生活。 後來,世界各地的孩子們都繼承了懸掛聖誕襪的傳統。有些國家的孩子則有其它類似的風俗,如在法國,孩子們將鞋子放在壁爐旁等等。
This custom dates back to a myth: once upon a time there was a kind-hearted aristocrats, his wife e to illness died and left him and his three daughters. This noble tried many inventions, failed, therefore also spent money, so they had to move to a farmhouse life, his daughters also had to personally cooking, sewing and cleaning. Perky expression for the daughters to marry the age in succession, the father became even more depressed because he didn't have the money to buy the dowry daughters. One night, washing clothes daughters will hang stockings at the fireplace drying. Saint Nicholas know their father's situation, that night, came to their doorstep. His family are all from the window to see already asleep, simultaneously also noticed that girls stockings. Immediately, he from his pocket three packets gold from the chimney each cast, just dropped on the girls stocking. The next morning when the daughters awoke they found their stockings contained enough gold for them to get married. The nobleman was able to see his three daughters marry and has since lived a long and happy life. Later, kids around the world has inherited the tradition of hanging Christmas stockings. In some countries children have similar customs, in France, the children place their shoes by the fireplace, etc.

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