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Ⅰ 中國書法的介紹(中英文對照)

中國書法 chinese Calligraphy
書法家 calligrapher
文房四寶 4 treasures of chinese calligraphy
筆 writing brush
墨 ink stick
紙 paper
硯 ink stone
對聯 couplet
匾 tablet
楷書 regular
草書 cursive
隸書 official
篆書 seal
行書 running
印章回 seal
篆刻 seal engraving
點 dot stroke
橫答 horizontal stroke
豎 vertical stroke
撇 left-falling stroke
捺 right-falling stroke
折 turning stroke
勾 hook stroke
提 rising stroke

Ⅱ 用英語介紹中國書法,20詞到30詞的,急急急

The art of calligraphy is widely practiced and revered in the East Asian civilizations that use Chinese characters. These include China, Japan, Korea, and formerly Vietnam[1].In addition to being an artform in its own right, calligraphy has also influenced ink and wash painting, which is accomplished using similar tools and techniques. The East Asian tradition of calligraphy originated and developed from China, specifically the ink and brush writing of Chinese characters.

Ⅲ 求中國書法英文介紹!英語高手進!!!

Easier - Calligraphy is the art of making beautiful or elegant handwriting. It is a fine art of skilled penmanship.

Harder - The word calligraphy literally means beautiful writing. Before the invention of the printing press some 500 years ago, it was the way books were made. Each was handwritten out by a scribe working in a scriptorium. The hand writing was done with quill and ink onto materials like vellum or parchment. The lettering style applied was one of the period bookhands like rustic, carolingian, blackletter, etc.

Today, there are three main types or styles of calligraphy: (1) Western or Roman, (2) Arabic, and (3) Chinese or Oriental. This project focuses mainly on Western calligraphy with a glimpse at the other two styles.

Ⅳ 誰有關於中國書法的英文介紹


Chinese calligraphy is an ancient writing art of Chinese characters. From oracle bone inscriptions.

stone drum inscriptions and bronze inscriptions (Zhong Dingwen) to large seal inscriptions, small seal inscriptions and official scripts, to cursive scripts.

regular scripts and running scripts of the Eastern Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, Chinese calligraphy has been exuding artistic charm.

Calligraphy is a unique traditional art in China. Chinese characters were created by the working people. They began to record things by pictures.

After thousands of years of development, they have evolved into today's characters. Because their ancestors invented writing with brushes, they have proced calligraphy.

From ancient times to modern times, brush writing has been the main way to write Chinese characters. As for other writing forms, such as hard pen, finger book, etc.

their writing rules are not quite different from brush writing, but basically similar.

Calligraphy refers to the writing style, structure and constitution according to the characteristics and meanings of the characters, making it an aesthetic work of art.













Ⅳ 用英語介紹中國書法

The art of calligraphy is widely practiced and revered in the East Asian civilizations that use Chinese characters. These include China, Japan, Korea, and formerly Vietnam[1].In addition to being an artform in its own right, calligraphy has also influenced ink and wash painting, which is accomplished using similar tools and techniques. The East Asian tradition of calligraphy originated and developed from China, specifically the ink and brush writing of Chinese characters. There is a general standardization of the various styles of calligraphy in the East Asian tradition. Calligraphy has also led to the development of many other forms of art in East Asia, including seal carving, ornate paperweights, and inkstones.

[edit] Tools
The paper, ink, brush, and inkstone are essential implements of East Asian calligraphy: they are known together as the Four Treasures of the Study (T: 文房四寶 / S: 文房四寶) in China, and as the Four Friends of the Study (HG: 문방사우 / HJ: 文房四友) in Korea. In addition to these four tools, desk pads and paperweights are also used by calligraphers.

[edit] Paper
Special types of paper are used in East Asian calligraphy.

In China, Xuan, traditionally made in Anhui province, is the preferred type of paper. It is made from the Tartar wingceltis (Pteroceltis tartarianovii), as well as other materials including rice, the paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera), bamboo, hemp, etc.

In Japan, Washi is made from the kozo (paper mulberry), ganpi (Wikstroemia sikokiana), and mitsumata (Edgeworthia papyrifera), as well as other materials like bamboo, hemp, rice, and wheat. somtimes the brush is used to put ink on a pen

[edit] Ink
The ink is made from lampblack (soot) and binders, and comes in sticks which must be rubbed with water on an inkstone until the right consistency is achieved. Much cheaper, pre-mixed bottled inks are now available, but these are used primarily for practice as stick inks are considered higher quality and chemical inks are more prone to bleeding over time, making them less suitable for use in hanging scrolls. Learning to rub the ink is an essential part of calligraphy study. Traditionally, East Asian calligraphy is written only in black ink, but modern calligraphers sometimes use other colours. Calligraphy teachers use a bright orange ink with which they write practice characters for students and correct students' work.

[edit] Brush
The brush is the traditional writing implement in East Asian calligraphy. The body of the brush can be made from either bamboo, or rarer materials like red sandalwood, glass, ivory, silver, and gold. The head of the brush can be made from the hair (or feather) of a wide variety of animals, including the wolf, rabbit, deer, chicken, ck, goat, pig, tiger, etc. There is also a tradition in both China and Japan of making a brush using the hair of a newborn, as a once-in-a-lifetime souvenir for the child. This practice is associated with the legend of an ancient Chinese scholar who scored first in the Imperial examinations by using such a personalized brush.

Today, calligraphy may also be done using a pen, but pen calligraphy does not enjoy the same prestige as traditional brush calligraphy.

[edit] Inkstone
A stone or ceramic inkstone is used to rub the solid ink stick into liquid ink and to contain the ink once it is liquid. Cheaper inkstones are made of plastic.

Inkstones are often carved, so they are collectible works of art on their own.

[edit] Paperweight
Paperweights come in several types: some are oblong wooden blocks carved with calligraphic or pictorial designs; others are essentially small sculptures of people or animals. Like inkstones, paperweights are collectible works of art on their own right.

[edit] Desk pad
The desk pad (Chinese T: 畫氈, S: 畫氈, Pinyin: huàzhān; Japanese: 下敷 shitajiki) is a pad made of felt. Some are printed with grids on both sides, so that when it is placed under the translucent paper, it can be used as a guide to ensure correct placement and size of characters. These printed pads are used only by students. Both desk pads and the printed grids come in a variety of sizes.

[edit] Seal
Main article: Chinese seal
Works of calligraphy are usually completed by the artist putting his or her seal at the very end, in red ink. The seal serves the function of a signature.

[edit] Study

The Chinese method of holding the brushHow the brush is held depends on which calligraphic genre is practiced. For Chinese calligraphy, the method of holding the brush is more special; the brush is held vertically straight gripped between the thumb and middle finger. The index finger lightly touches the upper part of the shaft of the brush (stabilizing it) while the ring and little fingers tuck under the bottom of the shaft. The palm is hollow and you should be able to hold an egg in there. This method, although difficult to hold correctly for the beginner, allows greater freedom of movement, control and execution of strokes. For Japanese calligraphy, the brush is held in the right hand between the thumb and the index finger, very much like a Western pen.

A paperweight is placed at the top of all but the largest pages to prevent slipping; for smaller pieces the left hand is also placed at the bottom of the page for support.

In China, there are many people who practice calligraphy in public places such as parks and sidewalks, using water as their ink and the ground as their paper. Very large brushes are required. Although such calligraphic works are temporary (as the water will eventually dry), they serve the al purpose of both being an informal public display of one's work, and an opportunity to further practice one's calligraphy.

In Japan, smaller pieces of Japanese calligraphy are traditionally written seated in the traditional Japanese way (seiza), on the knees with the buttocks resting on the heels. In modern times, however, practitioners frequently practice calligraphy seated on a chair at a table. Larger pieces may be written while standing; in this case the paper is usually placed directly on the floor, but some calligraphers use an easel.

A man practicing calligraphy in Beihai Park, BeijingCalligraphy takes many years of dedicated practice. Correct stroke order, proper balance and rhythm of characters are essential in calligraphy. Skilled handling of the brush proces a pleasing balance of characters on the paper, thick and thin lines, and heavy and light inking. In most cases, a calligrapher will practice writing the Chinese character yong (永) many, many times in order to perfect the eight basic essential strokes contained within the character. Those who can correctly write the yong character beautifully can potentially write all characters with beauty.

Basic calligraphy instruction is part of the regular school curriculum in both China and Japan.

[edit] Noted calligraphers
Nearly all traditionally ecated men (and sometimes women) in East Asia are proficient in calligraphy. The most famous are:

Ⅵ 中國書法英文介紹


Ⅶ 書法家英語怎麼說

楷書◆◆◆◆◆◆ →練心境 →練字型結構。剛開始學習楷書,大家看來挺難的,特別是一些筆畫的練習,對筆畫,我個人的觀點是對初學者來說,盡量練習比較復雜的,因為一個筆畫較小的話在一個字中的占的分量是不重的,就像 點 一樣,不要刻意去花很多時間去寫,因為一個 點 在一個字中是很不起眼的(當然能寫好是最好的)。我們練楷書也就是為了把字形結構給處理好,另外吸收一些書法元素,如,章法,字的虛實處理。練楷書顏真卿的,或是柳公權的字帖,慢慢研究,臨帖、讀帖、背帖…循環下去,堅持幾個星期書法肯定有較大的提高。當然興趣最重要,要是有興趣去做一件事,其效果是事半功倍的! 字形結構問題,我想只要把書本上的字放大,放大!想像下這個字的結構是怎樣的,要怎樣來「裝字」使其比例會更好,更美觀,什麼都需要一定比例才能得當的,如人的身材,數學還有黃金分割呢!(還有可以在word軟體中把字放大,同時也可以選擇書體,如隸書,行書等等)字體結構分左中右結構、左右、上下、上中下等等。書上的大多都是正楷字,也屬於楷書的一種,要學會把印刷體(紙上)的字結構把握准。多看了就會,寫字也是一種熟能生巧的技術,沒什麼太多的奧妙在裡面,不要想得那麼復雜。 據我發現,有某種結構的字是比較好把握的,就是說有左中右,上下等這類字,相反,越是簡單的字(大多是沒有部首的字)越難把握其字形的構造,或是說難寫好,比如「大」「小」「成」等等。好把握的如「做」「黃」「燕」以及很多的左右結構的字。還有點可以說明的就是,書法家大都喜歡用繁體字替代簡體來做書(結構把握較好)。 初學者練毛筆字,要用狼嚎筆,就是毛是金黃色的毛筆,中等大小最好。(狼嚎較硬點,我們寫慣了硬筆)練字要練大字開始,大字的結構更好把握,而且寫的時候通過自我暗示可以控制好筆速,要是一開始就寫小字,你肯定會按照你以往的方式一直糊里糊塗的寫下去。而且草草了事,達不到效果! 我覺得一個出色的書法家不是說他從小就有書法的天賦,而是說他從一開始接觸練字就以正確的方式去練習。萬事開頭難,要是一個人一開始練字就以正確的方式練它幾十年,我想他肯定會是一個大書法家。從這點也得告誡你,現在開始練字還不是晚的,把以前的錯誤習慣改了,從另一個角度出發練字。有人說,那我要寫到二十多年才能達到跟我一樣的水平,錯了,現在你的領悟能力已經不是小時候的你,相信幾年的時間你就可以達到我的水平!不信你就試! 練字達到一定程度後,要開始抓自己比較不會寫的典型的字去研究,比如說你對「書」字把握不好,那你就得去請教別人,或是自己通過網路、圖書等資料去發現,然後臨摹下來背下來,下次就會寫了。這個過程是一個漫長的持續的過程,是一輩子的事情!只要對字還感興趣,這點是你一輩子都需做的! ----這是我寫給別人的!唉~~給你看看吧

Ⅷ 中國書法用英語怎麼說

Chinese Calligraphy

Ⅸ 請問書法家用英語怎麼說





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