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⑴ 誰能介紹一下俄羅斯的美食呀 包括名字 來源 製作方法 還要帶圖片的那種 能夠翻譯成英文最好不過


⑵ 用英語說各國的代表性食物

巴西流行椰果 coconut

義大利流行面條 macaroni(空心面)或者spaghetti

法國流行麵包 bread

西班牙流行牛排 beefsteak

德國流行燒鵝 roast goose

俄羅斯流行乳豬 sucking pig

⑶ 英文介紹俄羅斯飲食習慣

俄羅斯的飲食習慣也屬民俗范疇。俄羅斯的飲食比較簡單,分齋戒的和葷的兩種五大類:麵食、奶類、肉食、魚類、植物類。俄羅斯人喜歡吃黑麥麵包,對普通百姓來說,用麥麵粉製作聖餅和白麵包常常是節日的美食。俄羅斯一種特色的食物是大餡餅,用發酵或沒發酵過的面團加餡烤制而成,過去的大餡餅為長圓形。根據重量的不同,大的稱做大餡餅,小的稱作小餡餅。在葷日,俄羅斯人用羊肉、牛肉、兔肉等作餡,在謝肉節期間用奶渣和雞蛋作餡。在齋日,他們用松乳菇、豌豆、蕪菁、白菜、植物油作餡,或烤制甜餡餅,以葡萄乾、乾果等充餡。有時也用胡瓜魚、魚脊筋等製作餡餅。 俄羅斯人習慣用茶飲沏茶,喜喝紅茶或加果醬、蜂蜜。茶飲是俄羅斯傳統茶文化的象徵,是有別於其他民族飲茶文化的標志之一。最有名的是圖拉茶飲,它用銀、銅、鐵等金屬材料和陶瓷精緻而成。在農村,上了年紀的老人喜歡用小茶碟喝茶。他們的方法是先把茶倒在小茶碟里,輕輕把茶吹涼再喝,然後單獨吃糖。按俄羅斯習俗,宴會上,當端上茶和甜點心或蛋糕時,說明宴會就要結束了。喝茶時俄羅斯人用茶匙不出聲地攪拌好茶中的砂糖或果醬、蜂蜜後,取出茶匙放在茶碟上,不用茶匙喝茶

⑷ 世界各國美食英文名

1 South Korea's kimchi practice :
The world-renowned Korean kimchi, Korea has become basically the signs.

韓國泡菜的韓國語讀音:「聽其」 South Korea's kimchi Korean pronunciation: "listen to his"

配料:大白菜、蒜、鹽、魚露、辣椒粉、糖。 Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, garlic, salt, fish sauce, chili powder, sugar.

注意:魚露是最必不可少的東西,也是為什麼中國的酸辣泡菜和韓國泡菜最不同的地方,在韓國幾乎家家自己做魚露,中國人不吃這個東西,不過在大的超市裡面有賣的,大約8-10元一瓶,多半是泰國的魚露。 Note: The sauce is the most essential thing is the reason why the Chinese hot and sour kimchi and Korean kimchi to the greatest difference, almost every family in South Korea to do their own fish sauce, Chinese people do not eat this thing, but in the big supermarkets inside There are sales of about 8-10 yuan a bottle, most of the fish sauce in Thailand.

准備材料: To prepare materials:

1.白菜 1. Cabbage

白菜綠葉多,表皮薄,葉子密實,沒有過多需要去除的外層葉子,看起來既干凈又新鮮的為上選。 Chinese cabbage leaves, thin sheet, leaf density, there is no need to remove too much of the outer leaves, it looks clean and fresh for the last election. 儲藏白菜以有綠葉,看起來新鮮的白菜為宜,新產的白菜越大越好,秋季白菜以大小適中,結球程度好,重量重的為好。 Storage Empoasca have to cabbage, Chinese cabbage fresh look is appropriate, the new proction of the better Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage in the fall to size, the degree of cabbage, heavy weight for good. 白菜不僅含有豐富的維生素或礦物質,還含有各種具有多種葯理作用的成分。 Chinese cabbage is not only rich in vitamins or minerals, but also contain a variety of pharmacological effects with a variety of ingredients. 據學術論文發表,白菜中含有的methyLmethionine是蛋氨酸的生物活性物質,對動脈硬化症具有療效,而methyLsysteinsuLfoxid具有強化膽固醇的效果。 According to published academic papers, cabbage contains methyLmethionine the Met is the biological active substance, with effects on atherosclerosis, and methyLsysteinsuLfoxid have to strengthen the effectiveness of cholesterol.

2. 蘿卜 2. Radish

蘿卜主要由水分組成,含有豐富的維生素C和消化酶—澱粉糖化酶素,若生吃,則有助於消化。 Radish by water, rich in vitamin C and digestive enzymes - starch-glucoamylase, if raw, it helps digestion. 與蘿卜心相比,維生素C主要分布在蘿卜皮上,因此最好不要削皮,洗凈後食用。 With the heart radish, vitamin C mainly in the Luobu Pi, so best not to peel, wash after eating. 蘿卜以粗大而均勻、無疤痕、新鮮、色澤光潤、肉質結實柔軟、不太辣、有甜味的為上選。 The big carrot in uniform, no scars, fresh color Guangrun, succulent fruit is soft, not too spicy, sweet as the last election.

3.辣椒 3. Pepper

辣椒除胡蘿卜素和維生素C之外,還含有多種成分。 In addition to the chili carotene and vitamin C, also contains a variety of ingredients. 辣椒素具有殺菌及除菌作用,能夠促進唾液或胃液的分泌,促進消化。 Capsaicin has a role in sterilization and disinfection, saliva or be able to promote the secretion of gastric juice, and promote digestion. 此外,還具有提高體內各種代謝作用。 In addition, it has to raise all kinds of body metabolism. 腌制泡菜時使用的辣椒面宜選用在陽光底下曬乾的色澤鮮紅、肉質厚、表皮光潤的尖椒。 Kimchi pickled pepper powder used in the selection should be dried in the sun under the bright red color, thick flesh, skin Guangrun Pepper's.

⑸ 法國,英國,俄羅斯美食的英文簡介配中文,事成有賞

東都大世界美食街地處廣州市商業繁華的環市東路475號地段, 是廣州市現今為止頗具規模、聚集各地美食品種最多、最具特色的一條集美食、商貿、休閑、度假、健身、娛樂、培訓為一體的大型美食商業街。這區各餐廳環境舒適、口味地道、消費經濟、一味一家, 真可謂是"食在廣州"之現代版縮影。

The Dong Gourmet Street
Characteristic: Snacks in Sichuan and Hunan Style
Address: Huanshi Road East
The Dong Gourmet Street is located in the busy commercial area. It is the busiest catering and commercial street, providing all kinds of foods and business services such as training, gym, leisure, and entertainments. The restaurants are characterized by the tasty food, amiable environment, fair price and different styles.

環市東國際商務美食區依託林立的星級酒店和商務寫字樓, 區內餐飲企業300多家。此處中外美食薈萃, 有韓國、日本、越南、新加坡、義大利、法國、泰國以及國內南北美食。這里環境優美, 配套完善, 整體感覺時尚, 以高中檔消費為主, 已形成了傳統與新派粵菜並舉, 國內菜系雲集, 中西美食薈萃的國際化商務美食區。

Huanshi Road East International Business & Catering Area
Characteristic: middle and high-end food
Address: Huanshi Road East
Huanshi Road (E) International Business & Catering Area is surrounded by numbers of luxury hotels and office buildings, creating a foundation of being a high-end catering. There are more than 300 restaurants, providing dishes in local and foreign style. The different styles are from Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Italy, France, Thailand and different provinces of China.

流花美食街區依託東風路的寫字樓、中國出口商品交易會(流花館)以及流花湖公園、越秀公園優美的環境等優勢, 以園林式建築為特點, 酒家的菜式以嶺南傳統佳餚和高檔菜式為主, 既突出了東方飲食文化的色、香、味、形, 又吸取了西方飲食文化注重餐飲氛圍的特點。

The Liuhua Gourmet Street
Characteristic: Cantonese Food mainly
Address: Intersection of Panfu Road, Renmin Road (N)
The Liuhua Gourmet Street is based on the surrounding office buildings, China Export Commodity Fair, and together with the beautiful environments of Liuhua Lake Party and Yuexiu Park. The restaurants are famous for their traditional Cantonese dishes and other high-end dishes. It is outstanding in presenting the dishes in color, aroma, taste and integrate these elements into the catering environment.

⑹ 關於世界各地美食的英文介紹~~~!!

Foods of the World

1.Chinese Food
Chinese food varies by region. In northern China, Mongolian influences are evident especially in the use of the fire pot. Rice is not grown in the north, so noodles, soybeans and breads are used more often. In the mountainous regions to the west, spicy foods are more prevalent. These forms are Szechuan and Hunan. In the south, Cantonese styles prevail. Fresh fruit and seafood are popular. Steamed rice is an important part of Chinese food.

The Chinese believe that food can affect one's health. Eating the proper food can help prevent disease as well as heal. In Cantonese cooking, it is important that yin and yang foods and cooking methods are used in balance. By taking into consideration factors such as the indivial's age, digestive system, absorbing power, and metabolism, optimal health is achieved. Foods also symbolize different things. For example, clams represent wealth and prosperity.

2..German Food

Schmierkuchen is a German-Bohemian cottage cheese cake. Using sugar, flour, shortening, and yeast, a pie crust is created and allowed to rise. The dough is then rolled flat and placed inside a pie plate, again being left to rise. When the crust is double in size, a mixture of cottage cheese and butter is placed in the crust and a garnish of fruit is smeared on top. Most often the fruit of choice is prunes that have been pitted, mashed, and sweetened to taste. The cheesecake is then baked until it is golden brown and served with many summer meals.


A dish known as "sour cabbage" probably does not sound appetizing, but many Germans and German-Americans find it rather enjoyable. To make sauerkraut, one thinly shreds cabbage which is then mixed with salt and placed into a large container (barrels were used originally). The container is covered with cheesecloth or muslin, then with a heavy lid to ensure that the cabbage is not exposed to the air. The cabbage should be left to ferment in its own juices for 3 to 6 weeks, although brine may need to be added if it is starting to dry out.

After it has fermented for several weeks, the sauerkraut is then ready to be eaten. It is simmered on the stove and is often prepared with sausage or pork and accompanied by mplings.

3..Indian Food
Spices are an important part of cooking in India. Common spices are turmeric, cardamon, ginger, coriander, nutmeg and poppy seed, which are blended together. Vegetable dishes are more common in India than in Europe. Part of the reason for this is the influence of Hinism. Hins are traditionally vegetarian. Muslims have influenced the meat dishes of India. Typical meats are "Mughlai food, kabobs, rich Kormas (curries) and nargisi koftas (meat-balls), the biryani (a layered rice and meat preparation), rogan josh, and preparations from the clay oven or tandoor like tandoori rotis and andoori chicken" 2

Differences exist between the south and north parts of India. Vegetable dishes are more common in the south, and rice is the staple food. In the north, rice is often substituted by breads.

4..Japanese Food
Japanese food emphasizes pure, clean flavors, and spices are used rarely. Due to influences from Buddhism, meals are made up of foods with five different colors and flavors. The five flavors included are sweet, spicy, salty, bitter and sour. The five colors included are yellow, black, white, green, and red. Meals are also meant to balance and create harmony between the artistic presentation of the food, the selection of the serving piece, and the taste of the food itself. Meals are to be eaten slowly. Noodles in soups and salads are common for lunch. Hashi, or chopsticks are used to eat food in Japan.

Some traditional Japanese foods are, sushi, steamed vegetables, rice and green tea. Fugu is a poisonous puffer fish that is a delicacy. When properly prepared, the toxins in fugu create a tingling effect after being eaten. Foods are also prepared seasonally. In winter, mandarin oranges are common. Cherry-blossom rice is prepared ring spring and in September, abalone, cucumbers, and bamboo shoots are made.

5.Italian Food
Typical foods vary by region in Italy. There are geographical and climatic differences throughout Italy that result in different procts being available to cook with. Italy has mountainous regions and plains. Temperature also varies greatly, some regions are among the coldest in Italy while others have mild climates along the Mediterranean. Pasta is typical in both areas, but the way the pasta is prepared varies. In the north, eggs are used when making the pasta, while in the south they are not. Also, including meats in the meal is more common in the north as the plains allow for farming and keeping animals. The temperature in the south allows for the proction of olives and tomatoes and these items are more common in the south. Cheese is also very important to Italian cooking. Parmesan cheese has a long history of popularity in Italy.

6.Mexican Food
Mexican Food originated from the combination of the foods of indigenous Mexican people with Spanish foods. Chiles and tortillas are important to Mexican food. Chiles are used for seasoning and numerous varieties exist. Chiles come in a variety of forms: red, black, green and yellow, and fresh, dried or tinned. Tortillas are made from corn or wheat and are often used as eating utensils. Food is scooped onto the tortillas and then eaten. Most of the dishes that people think of as Mexican are antojitos. Antojitos include enchiladas, tacos, tamales, quesadillas, chalupas, and tostadas that evolved directly from the original Indian cooking.

7..Islamic Food
Muslims follow dietary laws that are similar to Jewish kosher regulations. Foods that Muslims can eat are called Halal. Prohibited foods are called Haram and questionable foods are called Mashbooh. Swine and pork procts, as well as meat not properly slaughtered or slaughtered in any name other than Allah are Haram. Carnivorous animals and birds or prey are also Haram. Haram animals include pig, dog, donkey, carnivores, monkeys, cats, lions, frogs, crocodiles, turtles, worms, flies, cockroaches, owls, and eagles. Alcohol, coffee, tea and other drugs are Haram. Halal foods that have become contaminated by contact with prohibited foods are also Haram.

Fasting is also important. Fasting is a way to earn the approval of Allah, wipe out previous sins and understand the suffering of the poor. Fasting is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Muslims fast ring the month of Ramadan and voluntary fasting on Mondays and Thursdays is also common. Muslims are encouraged to only eat to two thirds of capacity.
8.Ethiopian Food
Ethiopia is a mountainous country. This has helped keep it isolated. The food of Ethiopia is therefore uniquely Ethiopian. Ethiopian food is characterized by the spices used. However, grains such as sorghum, millet, teff, and wheat grow well in the temperate climate, and honey is commonly used. Berbere is an essential ingredient in Ethiopian cooking. It is a red paste made of spices and herbs. Flavored butter called niter kebbeh is also important. Niter kebbeh is flavored with onions, garlic, ginger and spices. Wat, or stew is an important traditional Ethiopian food. It can be made with chicken, beef, fish, or be vegetarian. It contains paprika and is very spicy. Wat is eaten with injera, an Ethiopian flatbread made from teff. Coffee is also important in Ethiopia. Ethiopians say it originated in the highlands of Kaffa in southwestern Ethiopia.


⑺ 請幫忙用英語翻譯一下,謝謝了~

Russia type vegetable characteristic:
1. greasy big: Because the Russian climate is cold, the people need to supplement many quantity of heats, the Russia type vegetable common oil used quite are many, on the most soup vegetable all has the suspended oil.
2. tastes are thick: The Russia type vegetable taste is thick, moreover sour, sweet, salty, spicy complete, likes eating the garlic, the onion.
3. is fastidious the snack: The Russia type snack refers to each kind of cold dish, its characteristic is lives, the taste acid fresh is salty, like fish-fry sauce, cucumber pickle, Leng Suanyu and so on.
Typical Russia type vegetable: The fish-fry sauce, the Moscow borsht, braise the beef, the butter red cook in a covered vessel the chicken and so on.
The Russian good food also has the characteristic very much, compares the fine law meal, Russian good food common people.In the western-style food, Italy forms own most early characteristic, after that is France, but the Russian good food formed oneself unique vegetable department already was officially the 18th century, therefore in the Russian good food, might discover Italy meal frequently and the law meal shadow.
The Russian majority of areas year to year are cold, has like this at least facilitated the Russian good food two characteristics: The meat are many, the oil is thick.In the Russian western-style food, the beef, the chicken, the fish appear the frequency is very high, few instead is the vegetables, most is various salad; Very many vegetables after do, can extra add on butter, only then can guarantee like this takes in more quantity of heats, by this resistance endless boundless coldness.

⑻ 求有關俄羅斯的英語小短文

Russia introces

Russia (or the Russian federation) is located north the Eurasia,
north cross Eastern Europe Asia's majority of lands.
North near Arctic Ocean Balen, White sea, sea of Kela, sea of lapujef,
east the Siberia sea and Chu Keqi the sea, east is close to the Pacific Ocean the Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan,
west shore Atlantic's Baltic Sea, Black Sea and Asian fast sea. With country and so on the Norway,
Finland, Poland, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussia, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerjan, Hasaksta is neighboring.

Separates the sea and Japanese and American Alaska faces one another.
The area 17.1 million square kilometers, are in the world the region are most vast,
the area most general countries, approximately composes the world land total area 11.4%. Coastline long 34,000 kilometers.

⑼ 俄羅斯的著名城市和小吃,要英語的,


⑽ 俄羅斯美食的介紹


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