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『壹』 英語作文,介紹你去年去香港旅遊的情況

A visit to Hong Kong
During National Day my parents and I went
to Hong Kong in South China.It is a beautiful seaside city because
there are many places of interest in it.At first we visited my cousin's
house.His house is quite different from mine.It is big and clean.Each
room is decorated in different kinds of styles.Those made us feel
excited.And then we visited Hong Kong Disneyland.It is one of the most
famous theme parks in the world and includes four parks—Main Street
USA,Fantasyland,Tomorrowland and Adventureland.There we did some
meaningful activities,for example,we took some wonderful photos with
Disney characters,watched all kinds of shows,had lunch in a fast food
restaurant and went to buy some souvenirs in Main Street.Finally,we went
to many other interesting places.In all we stayed in Hong Kong for five
days.It was a really exciting trip and we all had a good time.

『貳』 一篇關於香港旅行的80詞英語作文


Hong Kong situated at the south-eastern of China, with a total area of 1 104 square kilometers, it covers Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula, and the New Territories.. Hong Kong's population was about 6.94 million in 2005. The population density was 6 420 people per square kilometer.


Hong Kong famous for its beautiful harbor, mountains, Disneyland, Sea world and so on, specially for its commerce. Hong Kong today is a flourishing international metropolis, which is well run, clean and beautiful.


In the commercial towers and shopping centers, you will find exquisite merchandise. It looks as if international fairs of merchandise from various countries throughout the world were held here everyday.


『叄』 香港旅遊的英語介紹

Hong Kong is one of the two special administrative regions (SARs) of the People's Republic of China, along with Macau. Comprising more than 260 islands, the territory is located on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta, bordering Guangdong province in the north and facing the South China Sea in the east, west and south.

Hong Kong was a Crown colony of the United Kingdom from 1842 until the transfer of sovereignty to the People's Republic of China in 1997. The Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law of Hong Kong stipulate that Hong Kong will operate with a high degree of autonomy until at least 2047, fifty years after the transfer. Under the policy of "one country, two systems", the Central People's Government is responsible for the territory's defence and foreign affairs, while Hong Kong maintains its own legal system, police force, monetary system, customs policy, immigration policy, and delegates to international organizations and events.

Hong Kong is frequently described as a city where East meets West, a meeting reflected in its economic infrastructure, ecation, legal system and street culture. On one street corner, there may be traditional Chinese shops selling Chinese herbal medicine, Buddhist paraphernalia or bowls of synthetic shark fin soup. But around the next, one may find theatres showing the latest Hollywood blockbuster, a British-style pub, a Catholic Church or Ronald McDonald inviting passer-bys to a Big Mac. The territory's official language is Chinese and English; signs in both languages are omnipresent throughout Hong Kong. The government, police and most workplaces and stores conct business bilingually. British rule may have ended a decade ago but Western culture is deeply ingrained in Hong Kong and coexists seamlessly with traditional philosophy and practices of the Orient.

Hong Kong has an active nightlife centred on two major entertainment districts, Lan Kwai Fong (Central) and Wan Chai. Both areas are frequented by expatriates and locals alike. For a more quiet evening, a trip to Victoria Peak offers a spectacular view of the city. There is also a promenade along the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront, which is popular among young Chinese couples. Shopping, a form of entertainment for the people of Hong Kong, is even done at nighttime as evident in the Temple Street Night Market where one can also catch free performances of Peking opera.

The city's cosmopolitan flavour can also be seen in the wide variety of cuisines available. While different varieties of Chinese selections, especially seafood, are most popular, there are also many European, American, Japanese, Korean, and other restaurants. Ethnic dishes served in cha chaan teng and dai pai dong are also popular. The people of Hong Kong take their food seriously and many top chefs make their way to the city to show off their talents to these discerning diners.

While Hong Kong is a global centre of trade, perhaps the city's most famous export is its entertainment instry, particularly in the martial arts genre. Several top-notch Hollywood performers originate from Hong Kong cinema -- Bruce Lee, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan, Michelle Yeoh, Jet Li and Leslie Cheung, to name a few. Behind the camera, Hong Kong filmmakers have also struck fortune in Hollywood such as John Woo, Wong Kar-wai, Tsui Hark and martial arts choreographers who have designed fight scenes in the Matrix trilogy, Kill Bill and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Back in Hong Kong, several homegrown films have also gained international recognition such as Chungking Express, Infernal Affairs, Shaolin Soccer, Rumble in the Bronx and In the Mood for Love. Acclaimed filmmaker Quentin Tarantino has said he's strongly influenced by Hong Kong action cinema.

The Hong Kong government also supports cultural institutions such as the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. Furthermore, the government's Leisure and Cultural Services Department also subsidizes and sponsors the bringing of international performers to Hong Kong.

『肆』 去香港旅遊的英語作文60詞左右 可以給中文,不要復制ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ 必須原創


『伍』 香港英文介紹

Hong Kong is on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta on the southeastern coast of China, facing the South China Sea in the south, and bordering Guangdong Province in the north. Hong Kong is China's richest region, has one of the world's most liberal economies and is a major international centre of finance and trade. 地理:香港特別行政區位於廣東省南面、珠江口東側,南臨南中國海,北接廣東省深圳市,總面積為1070平方公里。香港包括香港島、九龍半島、新界與離島四大部分。香港屬於典型的濱海丘陵地形,山嶺眾多,平地很少;大部分沿海平地,都是近百年填海造陸的結果。香港海岸線非常曲折,灣深港多。九龍與港島間的維多利亞港,地處台灣海峽與南海的交匯處,遙望太平洋,是亞洲及世界的重要海港 人口:香港的人口超過660萬 名稱由來:香港,意為「清香的海港」,大概與很早以前在島上製造檀香和香燭所散發出的香氣有關。 民族:華人佔97%,大部分是廣東籍;外籍佔3% 宗教:佛教、道教、基督教、天主教、伊斯蘭教 語言:英語、粵語及普通話 譽稱:東方之珠、動感之都 區花:紫荊花 歷史背景: 1842年 清政府與英國簽訂不平等的《南京條約》,割讓香港島給英國。 1860年 簽訂《北京條約》,割讓九龍半島給英國。 1896年 英國強迫清政府再訂條約,租借九龍半島界線街以北地區及附近島嶼,租期99年,二次世界大戰期間,被日本佔領。 1945年 日本投降,又被英國重新佔領。 1984年 中英簽署關於香港問題的聯合聲明。 1997年 香港回歸中國,實行「一國兩制」、「高度自治」。 氣候溫度: 香港屬於亞熱帶季風氣候,全年平均氣溫為22.8攝氏度,平均降雨量為2225毫米,平均相對濕度78%。 春季(3月至5月中旬): 天氣回暖潮濕,經常有霧和毛毛雨,平均氣溫攝氏二十三度,濕度百分之八十二; 夏季(5月下旨至9月中旬): 仲夏之後是台風季節,夏季天氣炎熱潮濕,下午氣溫可以升逾三十一度,間中有驟雨和雷暴,平均氣溫二十八度,濕度百分之八十; 秋季((9月下旬至12月下旬): 天氣晴朗,清涼乾爽,所以是抵港旅遊旺季。平均溫度二十三度,濕度百分之七十二; 冬季(12月中旬至2月下旬): 天氣最涼爽乾燥,間中會有寒流從北面內陸吹來,屆時溫度可能會降至八度以下,至於冬季的平均溫度是十七度,濕度百分之七十二。 活動節慶: 香港的多元文化,也體現在眾多的節日之中。這為香港人帶來更多的熱鬧與歡樂,也為旅客造就了更多的驚喜。中國的傳統節日熱鬧、喜慶、吉利,當然不能錯過;西方的節日新潮、 刺激和有趣,更是令人興奮。 農歷新年 (農歷正月):新年是中國人最重視的節日。除了合家團圓、 拜訪親友等必不可少的內容; 香港的春節特色項目還有: 年宵花市:農歷新年前數天在多區舉行,其中一年一度的維多利亞公園年宵花市最熱鬧,出售桃花、 菊花、 水仙花等各種賀歲鮮花及其他商品。 花車巡遊:大年初一,在市內舉行。每年的巡遊表演有來自世界各地的花車,以及顯示不同地區文化和風情的巡遊隊伍,組合成多姿多採的大型表演,慶賀新一年繁榮豐盛。 煙花匯演:大年初二 ,在維多利亞港海面舉行。海港兩岸和高層建築臨海的一面,都成了最好的觀賞位置。 聖誕節 (12月25日) :聖誕節是香港最熱鬧、最隆重的節日。維多利亞港兩岸的高大建築,提前個多月就布置上色彩繽紛的燈飾,各商店也換上聖誕裝飾,僅是這一風景,就引得不少遊人贊嘆不已。此時的香港,展現出最輝煌的城市面貌,如果對香港的繁華有興趣,那麼,最好的游覽時間一定是聖誕。 最熱鬧的是平安夜,教堂里有神聖的平安夜彌撒,一些酒店和商場還有唱詩班獻唱聖誕歌,全港市民紛紛涌到街上,其中,尖沙咀海濱花園長廊和臨近大街更是人潮湧動。 如果能在聖誕來香港,購物也是一大樂趣。這時各大商場都會實施大減價,可低至半價, 這已經成了香港的慣例,香港居民都會選擇這個時候購買聖誕禮物,為至愛送上濃濃的暖意。 元旦(1月1日)、情人節(2月14日)、天後誕(農歷三月二十三)、佛誕(農歷四月初八)、太平清醮(農歷四月初八)、端午節(農歷五月初五)、乞巧節(農歷七月初七)、孟蘭節(農歷七月十四)、中秋節(農歷八月十五)、萬聖節(10月31日)。 如果嫌多的話,就自己選吧

『陸』 初一英語作文 香港旅遊


『柒』 用英語寫4篇左右的對香港的旅遊景點介紹和觀後感

Hong Kong - Hong Kong - scenic site introction

Hong Kong is located in China's southeast, the geographical position is extremely good, is in the world develops the quickest area. Hong Kong area 1,100 square kilometers, including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon peninsula and New Territory three parts. Although Hong Kong the natural resource lacks, but actually has a deepwater port and 6,300,000 instrious people. And 3,000,000 are willing to enre hardship, nimbly, the high school record labor army, with their splendid intelligence, is Hong Kong proctive forces and the creativity cornerstone.

150 years ago, Hong Kong is together the barren rock, now it has become a world-class finance, the trade and the business center. Hong Kong economics and trade is situated the world eighth, the export is situated the world tenth. By the end of 1996, Hong Kong's per capital GDP (GDP) will amount to 25,300 US dollars. And 80% come from service instry, the service instry jobholders account for the entire working population 70%. Hong Kong advocated, and implements the free trade. Its economy by the government macroscopic support, very little intervenes. Its tax revenue is low and is easy and feasible. Hong Kong has the credible legal system and the independent jurisdiction, guaranteed that legal the implementation, as well as nobody can go beyond above the law.

After one-and-a-half century British colonial rule, according to 1984 the China and UK joint statement, Hong Kong will become the People's Republic of China officially in 1997 July 1 a special administrative region. After its existing economy, the law and the social system will maintain 1997, at least 50 year invariable.





Hong Kong Qingma Bridge, is the global longest driving railroad al-purpose wire suspension type hanging bridge, is also the whole world sixth long by the wire suspension hanging bridge form construction hanging bridge. At present, Qingma Bridge since the opening has been open to traffic, has become Hong Kong one mainly to connect the Lantou Island Hong Kong international airport and the urban district main-line highway. Qingma Bridge is also the Hong Kong main construction symbol and the sightseeing scenic spot, therefore attracted the world's the tourist to come to visit. However, Qingma Bridge does not suppose the sidewalk, therefore the tourist is unable to walk goes sightseeing in Qingma Bridge.

The government to deal with the massive tourists to go to go sightseeing, the blue islet skeleton line visitor center and looks at the scenery Taiwan to set up northeast the black clothing. The blue islet skeleton line visitor center, is special introction related building blue islet skeleton line some correlation data, middle including skeleton line model, picture and display version. The visitor center often will also broadcast the related recording tape, and introced that Qingma Bridge's construction process and the airport core plan, by will deepen for the tourist to the blue islet skeleton line cognition. In the visitor center is equipped with two computers, the built-in question and answer game software, tests the tourist to the blue islet skeleton line understanding. Outside the center will place a Qingma Bridge's section of main cable cross section, the center also will be adding at present other exhibit articles to watch for the tourist; But looks at the scenery Taiwan to be possible to look out into the distance Qingma Bridge, to draw water the gate bridge and the Ting Kau Bridge view, therefore tourist not fault-tolerant this grand sightseeing scenic spot.

Qingma Bridge belongs to an eight blue islet skeleton line part, surmounts the Horse Bay channel, connects the black clothing island and Horse Bay. Qingma Bridge is a Hong Kong path's important part, because it unites with draws water the gate bridge, takes on together is connecting Lantou Island, the Hong Kong international airport and the urban district only driving channel.

Qingma Bridge uses the two-layer equation design, bridge's open-air upper formation for the double stroke three driving lanes, the lower level is the single track drive which east two subways wells up the line and the airport quick line railroad and with two for urgency when (for example typhoon assails when) uses. The blue islet skeleton line visitor center and looked at the scenery Taiwan to begin officially in 1997, and presided over the opening ceremony before British Prime Minister Madame Dai Zhuoer. But Qingma Bridge in May officially is open to traffic in the same year.

Blue islet skeleton line visitor center
Qingma Bridge unites with another cross-ocean hanging bridge - - draws water the gate bridge - - to gather the composition for a blue islet skeleton line part. Hong Kong many places may appreciate to Qingma Bridge's grand landscape, as soon as if the tourist thinks to see Qingma Bridge's grand landscape, looks at the scenery toward the blue islet skeleton line visitor center Taiwan to look into the distance from a high place lovably Qingma Bridge's beautiful view. But if the tourist the hope short distance appreciates Qingma Bridge, east the most direct method nothing better than rides by the Hong Kong and Kowloon New Territory goes to well up or Hong Kong international airport bus, experiences by oneself on the world longest same type hanging bridge goes, spanning vast ocean carefree feeling.

Qingma Bridge besides has created the world longest same type hanging bridge record, including Qingma Bridge 「airport core plan」, but also had the honor to receive the American construction zone authority and the editor in 1999 elects for 「the 20th century ten big construction achievement awards」 one of new owners, with the Panama Canal, the England and France channel tunnel and San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge and so on other nine world-class projects shared this great honor.

Hong Kong Qingma Bridge address
New Territory Tuen Mun blue islet skeleton line visitor center

Hong Kong Qingma Bridge opening hour
Visitor center opening hour: Monday to Friday 10:00 to 17:00
Saturday, date and public holiday: 10:00 to 18:30; The Christmas, the New Year's Day and Chinese new year rest the hall
Looks at the scenery the Taiwan opening hour: 7:30 to midnight

Hong Kong Qingma Bridge transportation
By subway Qingyi Station (a1 export), goes while the 308M line green public light bus
Special line minibus school grade order: Meets Monday to five mornings 10:00 to afternoon 4:00, each hour class, return trip last class for afternoon 4:30
Starts out by the blue islet skeleton line visitor center: Saturday, the date and the public holiday 9::30 to afternoon 6::30, return trip last class of afternoon 7:00 starts out in the morning by the visitor center
Perhaps the tourist may ride the rental car to go voluntarily.
Note: All airport bus meets way Qingma Bridge and draws water the gate bridge










The sea park world-famous marine animal museum, completed in January, 1977. The park located at between the Hong Kong native and in Repulse Bay's Mt. Nalang, " the whangee pit park " and the high ground " the Mt. Nalang park " is composed of the lowland. Both by the sky crane connection, form a complete park scenic area.

The sea park's main entrance is located in the whangee pit park the entrance. Enters in the garden, the layout ingenious artificial waterfall, the world garden and so on beautiful scenery jumps into the view one after another. Likes the movement, the pursue novel tourist, then might as well dehydrates the paradise to satisfy a craving.

The tourist while the sky in the crane, only needs the short 6 minutes, arrived located at Mt. Nalang south the slope Mt. Nalang park. Places oneself in 6 person of place birdcage shape sky cranes, rolls by 1.4 kilometers entire journey from the 2O0 rice upper air. Bird's eye view Repulse Bay and the lowland park's scenery, is really marvelous stimulates.

In the Mt. Nalang park is distributing three big facilities scattered and organized: Sea hall, tidal bore hall, sea theater.

The sea hall is an ellipse building, is away from reaches as high as three huge glass walls, the tourist may watch about 400 fish, altogether 30,000 fish's in water wonderful postures. In the tidal bore hall is equipped with the man-made ocean waves and the rockery, under the electrically operated great waves' machine operation, the sea water mighty waves fluctuation reaches as high as 1 meter; Really strikes the shore has the sound. The tourist passes the observation room the glass; Can appreciate to marine animal's and so on seal in the water nature life conditions.

In the sea theater, the tourist may see the well-trained porpoise, sea lion's in giant basin marvelous show.

Gets down from the sea park's outdoor elevator, may arrive located at the Mt. Nalang west side big tree bay nearby Jigu Village, the tourist may the thorough understanding China tradition cultural craft.

In the sea park also has the crazy roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on numerous amusement facilities. The tourist in this Southeast Asia scale biggest entertainment leisure center, will decide will pass unforgettable one day.









Repulse Bay located at Hong Kong Island south, is the Hong Kong most representative beautiful bay.

The Repulse Bay wave even sand is thin, the beach bed is broad, the slope is gentle, the sea water is warm. Summer the season, is the Repulse Bay liveliest time. Large quantities of tourists throng, in the sand beach the sea of people, various types swim suit has composed a color variegated picture.

Under the Repulse Bay east end's shade of forest, is establishing many grills. In fills the rural feeling in the atmosphere, after wrestling the wave to play with water the delicacy which the tourist may taste heartily bakes.

In bakes nearby the area, is rich in the Buddhism color the Zhenhai building park. In front of the gate the sea is standing erect two giant statues " the day later Mary " and " goddess of mercy ". The seashore distant place constructs the seven colors of the spectrum kind navigation lighthouse, imposing, is attracting the numerous tourists in this souvenir photo.

Has many wineshops, the fast-food restaurant and the supermarket around the sand beach. Near sea teahouse, is appreciates west the red glowing sun to sink, the Tao sound strikes the shore good place.

Repulse Bay's beautiful scenery, causes it to become one of Hong Kong Island famous high-level residential districts, in the area proliferates the splendid palace, including Hong Kong great merchant Li Jiacheng, Bao Yugang's luxurious private residence. These are situated at the foot of a hill and beside a stream the construction, constituted the Repulse Bay unique scenic area, makes one forget to return.






『捌』 關於去香港旅遊的英語作文

The encouraging growth in visitor arrivals
continued in 2007, topping the 28.17 million
mark, 11.6 per cent up on 2006. Total
spending by inbound tourists exceeded
$130 billion. The Mainland was still the largest
source of visitors. A record of 15.49 million
visited Hong Kong, an increase of 13.9 per cent
year on year.
Hong Kong is a unique meeting place for East
and West, blending Chinese heritage, British
colonial influences, high-tech modernity and
Cantonese gusto. It offers a diversity of travel
experiences, from shopping to gourmet dining,
countryside pursuits and unique cultural
heritage, including a great variety of religious institutions
and preserved buildings like temples, monasteries,
walled villages, clan halls and colonial structures.
Tourism Development
The Government attaches great importance to enhancing
Hong Kong『s attractiveness as a tourist destination.
Ocean Park, Hong Kong Disneyland and the Hong Kong
Wetland Park are among the most popular tourist
attractions. These facilities enrich the experience of our
visitors and enhance the position of Hong Kong as a
premier holiday destination. The Government is also
working with the Ocean Park to implement its
redevelopment plans, which aim to turn the park into a
world-class marine-themed attraction.
『A Symphony of Lights『 has been recognised as the
world『s 『Largest Permanent Light and Sound Show『 by
Guinness World Records. This nightly spectacle combines
Harbour. Hong Kong
Disneyland has been
well received by local
visitors and tourists
since its opening in
September 2005. The
park is an important part
of Hong Kong『s tourism
infrastructure. Together
with other tourism attractions in Hong Kong, it helps
promote Hong Kong as the premier destination for
family tourism in the region.

『玖』 一篇不少於70字的關於去香港旅遊的英語作文

The encouraging growth in visitor arrivals
continued in 2007, topping the 28.17 million
mark, 11.6 per cent up on 2006. Total
spending by inbound tourists exceeded
$130 billion. The Mainland was still the largest
source of visitors. A record of 15.49 million
visited Hong Kong, an increase of 13.9 per cent
year on year.
Hong Kong is a unique meeting place for East
and West, blending Chinese heritage, British
colonial influences, high-tech modernity and
Cantonese gusto. It offers a diversity of travel
experiences, from shopping to gourmet dining,
countryside pursuits and unique cultural
heritage, including a great variety of religious institutions
and preserved buildings like temples, monasteries,
walled villages, clan halls and colonial structures.
Tourism Development
The Government attaches great importance to enhancing
Hong Kong『s attractiveness as a tourist destination.
Ocean Park, Hong Kong Disneyland and the Hong Kong
Wetland Park are among the most popular tourist
attractions. These facilities enrich the experience of our
visitors and enhance the position of Hong Kong as a
premier holiday destination. The Government is also
working with the Ocean Park to implement its
redevelopment plans, which aim to turn the park into a
world-class marine-themed attraction.
『A Symphony of Lights『 has been recognised as the
world『s 『Largest Permanent Light and Sound Show『 by

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