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發布時間: 2022-07-19 17:39:14

『壹』 介紹興趣小組英語作文

你們學校有很多興趣小組活動,你參加的是什麼小組?請記敘一次你參加的小組活動,什麼時間活動?在哪裡?活動中做了什麼?你的感受是什麼?The hobby groups英語作文
The hobby groups
詞彙:hobby groups, computer group, photograph group, calligraphy group, dancing group, join, member, start, interesting, knowledge,
句型:there are many in our school, such as
i m a member of ,i join because
i m interested in;not only but also
i hope that ; i have made up my mind
There are a lot of hobby groups in our school. i am a member of the science group. last year, the teacher asked me to grow some flowers and watch them. then i should write a report about these flowers. i felt very excited about it. ring that time, i was so busy with my flowers that i even forgot the time. i have become more and more interested in science, so i hope to be a scientist when i grow up.
our school has many hobby groups. i am a member of photograph group. we often go to the hills or lakes to take good photos. last summer holiday, we went to the great wall. all of us took a lot of beautiful photos. we enjoyed ourselves there. i hope that we can go to mount emei next time.

『貳』 用英語介紹小組成員(同桌,前面的,前面的左邊的)的中文名和英文名,要怎麼寫(名字用xx)

This is my deskmateXX,his or her English name is XX.The boy or girl sits in front of me is XX,whose English name is.And his or her deskmate is XX.

『叄』 用英文介紹小組成員,具體要怎麼說。加點修飾詞什麼的。急急急!!

首先說一下你在這個團隊中扮演什麼角色,比如說Hello everyone,I'm the compere XXX, Now I'd like to tell you someting about my group members. We have 4 porformers ,they are .......and 2 speakers............Last but not least is the procer of our PPT.中間在介紹各個角色的時候穿插一點他們的分工,如果有比較出眾或者說是你們這個團隊主心骨的時候可以多一點介紹,比如說我們的porformers 非常認真排練,經常請同學給他們提意見和建議,我們的procer非常嚴謹,製作出高水準的PPT等等,要控制在你的發言時間內。

『肆』 用英語介紹小組成員(同桌,前面的,前面的左邊的)的中文名和英文名,要怎麼寫(名字用xx)

I'd like to introce my team members. My deskmate is XX. His/her English name is XX. The one sitting in the front is XX. His/her English name is XX. The one sitting on my left is XX. His/her English name is XX.

『伍』 用英語介紹我們的小組,我們小組5男1女,帶翻譯

there are five males and one female in our team.

『陸』 怎麼用英語介紹自己所在的英語興趣小組

Hello everyone. That's my pleasure to introce out team to you. The name of our team is Amazing.Our team leader is XX. She is ...Our team will help those who are poor at English and try to be the model of English learner in our class.And our team slogan is Making amazing miracles forever.Thank you.

『柒』 寫一篇英語作文,介紹你們的小組活動是如何開展的,並談談你喜歡或不喜歡這種學習方式的理由

In our school,Learning style is group activity!We are more interesting to learn!

I am very satisfied with this team, took to communicate with each other, the original do their own thing, but it soon will be able to discuss the issues together. Optional groupso that we can study more pleasant, more good cooperation, so that everyone canalso progress.

The design fully express our wishes, not only create far-reaching set of standard,enrich the connotation of the slogan, the Convention strictly specific, is more important in these activities foster our editing, writing and painting ability.

『捌』 英語小組的介紹,有六個人,要寫小組名字 小組口號

hello,everyong we are group xxxx

『玖』 介紹英語小組的英語作文。

Everyone has to
study,going to school occupies a lot of people』 time,before they go to work,
they need to study in the school.In China,students work very hard,for they
have a lot of pressure,they have many exams to take,so students are immerged
into the books all the time.While studying all the time is not good for
students,they need to go out of the classroom and take in some fresh air.The
outside world is beautiful,they can play with their friends,watching movies,
taking a break now and then.Play can make study better,students can have new
idea,so they won』t stuck in the unsolved problem.Study needs to combine with

『拾』 介紹英語小組的英語作文

清晨。微光 微微一點亮光照進了我黑暗的夢鄉,迷迷糊糊的睜開眼,窗外又是一個大晴天。只聽媽媽在門外叫喚:「陽陽,快起床啦!」沒錯,我的名字里也有一個「陽」,我也就像太陽一樣,永遠有活力,樂觀向上吧!「知道了!母親大人!」我邊整理自己邊想著:今天要去補課,加油!我們就是坐著聽課,比那些上班族幸福多啦!拎著書包,叼著麵包,我沖出家門去趕校車,是的,充實的一天在這和煦的陽光中開始了!陽光,給了我信心與勇氣。有陽光,真好!
正午。暖光 「唉,下午還要上兩節課,不知道又要做多少卷子,好累呀,這該死的補習班!」身邊的密友躺在草坪上抱怨道。我微微笑了笑,說道:「別這么想啦!看,陽光這么好,它一定是在鼓勵我們要堅持,要努力呢!」說完,我與她一起躺在草坪上,閉上眼,感受著太陽的芬芳。「叮鈴鈴——」上課的鈴聲急促的響起。我們飛快地站起身來,帶著陽光,手牽手跑進了教室。坐在教室里的我望著窗外被陽光覆蓋的一切,心裡竟由衷地快樂。再低頭看看疊得很高的書本,也不再那麼恐懼了。陽光,給了我快樂和平靜。有陽光,真好!

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