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發布時間: 2020-12-27 22:56:16

❶ 如何用英語打電話

介紹自己開始電話: -- Hello, this is Peter,may I speak to Helena, please?
-- Could I have extension number 12? 請接分機12

咨詢: -- Good morning,this is Peter, I would like to enquire about .....
接到未接電話: -- May I ask who's calling, please? 請問是誰打的電話?
對方不在: -- May I leave a message? 我能留言嗎?
訂位: -- I'm calling to make a reservation;

-- I would like to make a reservation
要求對方說慢點: -- My English isn't very strong, could you please speak slowly?
電話結束: -- Thank you

-- Goodbye
口語對話,經常使用『 could you』 『would you』 『please』 比較客氣禮貌。


❷ 英語打電話時的互相介紹,是怎樣說的

--Hello, this is...... is that......?

--Yes, this is......What can I do for you?

❸ 用英語打電話的內容簡介

內容分為三抄大部分。第一部分是「電襲話基礎用語」,第二部分是「電話交際用語」,第三部分是「電話英語小常識」。每一部分按照打電話過程中的實際情況分為若干專題,每個專題都提供該場景最常用的典型例句,以及單一反三的問句,最後是一組對話的實例。 由於英美文化差異,因此書中在相應的位置特別註明使用這些句子時要特別注意的問題, 非常實用。

❹ 用英語打電話自我介紹時用什麼(兩種)


This is ....

This is...speaking.


❺ 打電話時,向別人介紹自己.用英語怎麼說

When you call, introce yourself to others.

❻ 英語打電話用語



你 (接電話的人)

Is Daisy there? (Daisy 在嗎?) Speaking. 我就是。

This is she. 我就是。 (注: 男的用 "This is he.")

You're speaking/talking to her. 你正在跟她說話。 (注: 男的用 "You're speaking/talking to him.")

This is Daisy. 我就是 Daisy。

That's me. 我就是。



你 (接電話的人)

May I speak to Mr. Gates? (請問 Gates 先生在嗎?)

He's not here right now. 他現在不在這里。

He's out. 他出去了。

He's in a meeting right now. 他現在正在開會。

You've just missed him. 你剛好錯過他了。

He's just stepped out. 他剛好出去了。

3、打電話的人要找的人不在, 問對方是否要留言


你 (接電話的人)

Can I talk to Mark? (我可以跟 Mark 講話嗎?)

He's out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message? 他出去吃午飯了, 你要留言嗎?

He's not available right now. Can I take a message? 他不在, 我可以幫你傳話嗎?



你 (接電話的人)

Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他什麼時候會回來嗎?

I'm sorry. I don't know. 抱歉, 我不知道。

I have no idea. 我不知道。

He should be back in 20 minutes. 他應該二十分鍾內會回來。



你 (接電話的人)

Do you have any idea where he is? 你知道他在哪裡嗎?

Sorry. I don't know. 抱歉, 我不知道。

He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number?


❼ 請問:當自己在電話里向對方介紹自己時英語應怎麼說



Hello, this is *** speaking. 你好,我是***。


Hello, this is ... calling for ... 你好,我是……,我找……


A: Hello! This is Watson speaking.

B: Hello, this is Robert calling for Steve.

5. (接電話方)電話轉接

Please hold and I'll put you through.


6. (接電話方)對方正忙

Steve is on another line at the moment. Would you like to hold?


7. (撥電話方)電話留言

May I leave a message for him?


8. (接電話方)通話結束

Thanks for calling. I'll speak to him later. Good bye.


❽ 英語打電話怎麼說有幾種方式各是什麼

1、 (接電話方)拿起電話

Hello! This is Watson speaking.


2、 (撥電話方)說明目的

Hello, this is Robert calling for Steve.


3、 (接電話方)詢問身份

May I ask what company you are calling from, please?


4、 (撥電話方)自報家門

This is Robert calling from WSE Company.


5、 (接電話方)詢問分機

Do you know what extension he's on?


6、 (撥電話方)查詢分機

I don』t know, could you please help me to check the telephone directory?


7、 (接電話方)電話轉接

Please hold and I』ll put you through.


8、 (接電話方)對方正忙

Steve is on another line at the moment. Would you like to hold?


9、 (撥電話方)電話留言

May I leave a message for him?



Thanks for calling. I』ll speak to him later. Good bye.


❾ 用英語打電話中 我是誰怎麼講呢

"Good Morning, this is Li Ming calling from Huaxun Technology, is this Wen Xin Information Center?"
"Yes, how can I help you?"
"Huaxun Technology is the authorized dealer of Oracle Database Procts, we want to set up a business relationship with you, who should I talk to?
"You need to talk to Mr Sun Peng, he is our Business Development Manager. "
"Can I get his number?"
"His direct line is 88451635, or I could put you to him right away."
"Please get me through, thanks."

❿ 在電話里怎麼用英語介紹自己

This is *** speaking ...

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