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發布時間: 2020-12-27 16:41:02

『壹』 誰能幫我寫一篇關於廊坊景點介紹的英語作文 300字左右,急急急用~~~~謝謝大家啊~~

Air blowing, Joan sticks with dew, ah, a thick fog again. Home of the fog fog so thick, no Mount Emei that show, no fog of Mount Huangshan is so beautiful, boundless change unpredictably, but my favorite is home of the fog.
My hometown is located in the high mountains and lofty hills Kuaiji mountain, here is a fine view of the mountain torrent streams, layer upon layer of peaks and knolls,, here the mist has its unique charm.
Hometown of white mist Demei, white plain. Like snow white as it not?. Its white slightly gray, white and bluish white, more than Xuemei. Can not sleep, fog in between Aoyama Xiumizu, from the mountain vegetation aura, don't dress more beautiful? This fog only with the country to have, any painting master, is also very difficult to tune out? Home of the fog was natural, white sincerely, I really want to grab in the hands, and even hold it in my arms, but it on paper, from time to time to enjoy it.
Home deep thick fog, pure, no city in the mist containing odor like that. It is very cute, although pedestrians at a few paces, can only be heard, but not seen, a fog inhalation, cool cool. We are carrying a school bag for school, fog blowing on my forehead, and kiss me, I can't avoid, this sentimental woman ah, you are rendering your enthusiasm and hospitality? Looked around, misty piece. Perhaps some people will feel oppressed, see continuous rolling hills, see the lush bamboo, but I don't care.
The changing of the cool for a while, do, for a while into small dew, getting in my hair, touch my eyelash. I close the eye, cool feeling makes people feel fresh, the water of baptism, I seem to be clear with "tears".
Home of the fog and soft. It is as tough as clouds, cut ceaseless constant pull. It gently deposited on grass, grass also love fog sister, and sucking the juice.
The sun is rising graally, fog graally fades. A red circle on the hanging in midair, mountains, hills, trees graally exposed the contour, the water washing land, full of vitality. Be at one's last gasp the deadwood also appears to be moist, a free and easy life.
Home of the fog cordial, warm, I love the hometown of fog, it makes people miss.

『貳』 請用英語簡單介紹一下河北省廊坊市。這是我准備的留學的英文面試問題。如果寫得好,我定將追加懸賞。

Langfang (廊坊), Hebei province, China, is a prefecture-level city located approximately midway between Beijing and Tianjin with a total population of 3.85 million and an urban area population of 763,700. Its total area is around 6,429 km². Langfang borders Baoding to the southwest, Cangzhou to the south (both prefecture-level cities of Hebei), Beijing to the north and Tianjin to the east. It is the smallest prefecture-level division in Hebei province by land area.
Considering Langfang』s position between these two prominent cities, Langfang is a relatively green city. Every 300 to 500 meters along the city's major streets are parks where local people stroll and take exercise. Langfang's five-kilometer long pedestrian street is now the longest in China

Langfang's economy is developing with an emphasis on computers and technology, such that some have bbed it "China』s Silicon Valley." One recent development is the Oriental University City (東方大學城). Having begun construction in October 1999, the complex was built in less than 3 years at a 4-billion yuan investment, and some 30 universities have been established here with a combined enrollment of about 50,000 students.

『叄』 誰有介紹廊坊的介紹的英文

Langfang is located in the middle part of Hebei Province, with Tianjin on its east, Baoding on its west, Cangzhou on its south, Beijing on its north. It is in the center of Surrounding Bohai Economic Circle, reputed as 「a bright pearl in the corridor from Beijing to Tianjin」.
Langfang is in the interior of Big Beijing Circle which is being planned. It is 40 kilometers from Beijing, 60 kilometers from Tianjin. It is 70 kilometers away from Beijing airport and Tianjin airport, and 100 kilometers away from the new Tianjin port.
Yinggu Ancient Music of Family Qu is a unique music in the area. It is of primitive simplicity. Because of its strict system of teaching and learning, this ancient music keeps its purity, reputed as a treasure of the folk music in China; Ancient plank roads built along cliffs in the Song and Liao Dynasties are preserved in good condition in Yongqing County, which are precious physical materials to research the wars between Song Country and Liao Country in the Song Dynasty as well as ancient fortifications.
The population of Langfang is about 3,750,000. The area of Langfang is 6,429 square kilometers, among which the area of city proper plan is 60 square kilometers (Langfang development zone is 15 square kilometers), the built up area is 45 square kilometers (Langfang development zone is 15 square kilometers).
Langfang has jurisdiction over two cities (Sanhe City and Bazhou City), two districts (Anci District and Guangyang District) and Six Counties (Daguang Hui Nationality Autonomous County, Xianghe County, Gu』an County, Yongqing County, Wen』an County and Dacheng County)
Langfang's economy is developing with an emphasis on computers and technology, such that some have bbed it "China』s Silicon Valley." One recent development is the Oriental University City (東方大學城). Having begun construction in October 1999, the complex was built in less than 3 years at a 4-billion yuan investment, and some 30 universities have been established here with a combined enrollment of about 50,000 students.

『肆』 用英語介紹廊坊

Langfang City is under the direct control of Hebei Province, and is located between Beijing and
Tianjin City, approximately 50 km from either city. Its population is 3.72 million (300,000 for
the urban area) in a total area of 6,429km2. Its major
instry is agriculture, and it is a highly proctive food base for Beijing and Tianjin City.
Light instry and machine instry are well developed and many Japanese companies have made inroads.
In addition, favorable conditions are available to many instries, as instries in various fields
including electronics, food processing and construction materials are developed and mineral resources
such as oil, coal, and natural gas are rich. Langfang City, which has adopted the slogan "Scientific
Research/Cultural City," has 24 public research institutes, 34 universities and professional schools,
209 high schools and junior high schools, and 2,735 elementary schools. A university called Dongfang
Daxueyu is currently under construction, and it will have a total enrollment of about 200,000 students
upon completion. As the city has a temperate continental climate, changes of the four seasons are
quite noticeable, and the daily range between low and high temperatures is large with many hours of sunlight.

『伍』 來一個標準的英文地址翻譯:河北省廊坊市經濟技術開發區匯源道花棲左岸小區

Langfang economic and technological development zone in hebei province huiyuan road area in the left bank of the habitat

『陸』 河北省廊坊市文安縣英文版

全部釋義和例句>>The city of Langfang County Hebei Province

全部釋義和容例句>>The city of Langfang County Hebei Province

『柒』 英語作文冬天的廊坊






『捌』 請問廊坊有沒有好一點的英語學校

◆ 廊坊市集良國際英語學校是經廊坊市教育局批準的正規辦學機構。由原李陽瘋狂英語總校(廣州)孫集良(Adam Sun)校長創辦。同時開設韓、日、法、德、俄語等課程。 ◆ 孫集良先生系英語口語教學專家、演講家。 →2000年至2004年任李陽瘋狂英語總校(廣州)副校長、教學總監,師資培訓負責人; →2002年赴義大利為廣東省皮革協會作全程商務談判翻譯;2003年擔任廣東省外腦團即席翻譯。 →2005年11月為世界500強AKZO NOBEL廊坊開業典禮作全程英文翻譯和英文主持。 →2006年為盧森堡國王作全程英文翻譯和英文主持。 →近六年間在全國知名大中專院校、重點中小學、企事業單位進行了上千場英語學習法講座,培訓學員近百萬人。 ◆師資介紹: → 由原廣州李陽瘋狂英語總校孫集良校長(Adam Sun)親自主講。 → 重點大學、專業八級和海外優秀教師,口語純正流利,教學經驗豐富,英文授課,學生成績提高快速! ◆教學特色: 集良國際英語採用權威教材、海內外名師執教;採用孫集良校長獨創的3P動態教學法教學和瘋狂英語教學法;全英文小班授課,一對一考試輔導,確保學習效果。 ◆集良國際英語學校面向中小學生、大學生、成人開設各類專業英語課程。 現已開設的課程包括: →少兒英語:新東方朗文少兒英語(4-6歲) 劍橋少兒英語(6-12歲)、小學生口語、小學生音標班、小升初備考強化班 →中學英語:中考、高考精英班、新概念英語(一、二、三冊)、劍橋中學英語、CNN高級口語(全英文授課,海外留學)。 →成人、大學生英語:語音班、零起點、初、中、高級口語、BEC國際商務英語、PETS公共英語、出國口語、VIP一對一輔導。 →小語種:韓、日、法、德、俄語等課程 ◆以上課程均可免費試聽! ◆集良國際英語學校,一個真正提高英語水平的地方。

『玖』 她1987年10月16日出生於河北省廊坊市。翻譯成英文 機器翻譯的滾開

She was born in October 16, 1987 in Langfang, Hebei province.

She was born in October 16, 1987 in Langfang, Hebei province.

『拾』 大家聽說過瑞思英語廊坊中心么,他的教學質量好不好啊


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