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Ⅰ 法國巴黎的英文介紹

Paris is the capital and largest city of the French Republic. It is also the political, economic, cultural and commercial center of France.

It is one of the five international metropolises in the world (the remaining four are New York, London, Tokyo and Hong Kong), and is rated as the first-tier city in the world by GaWC.

Paris is located in the centre of the Paris Basin in the north of France. It straddles the banks of the Seine River. The coordinates of the city center are 48 52', 2 25'. Generally speaking, Paris can be divided into smaller Paris and larger Paris.

Lesser Paris refers to the city of Paris within the Greater Ring Road, with an area of 105.4 square kilometers and a population of 2.24 million.

Greater Paris includes seven provinces around the city, namely, Upper Sena, Valedmann, Sena-Saint Daniel, Evelyn, Valedwaz, Sena-Man and Esson.

Together, the Paris region, known as the "ile-de-france" in ancient times, has a population of about 11 million people, almost one fifth of the country's population.











Ⅱ 法國文化習俗英文版


法蘭西共和國(The Republic of France),簡稱法蘭西或法國(France)。它位於歐洲西部,面積55.16萬平方公里,是個半海半陸的國家。人口5540萬,90%是法蘭西人。9o%的居民信奉天主教。法語為官方言。首都巴黎(Paris),是世界著名的花都,鈴蘭、鬱金香、水仙花、七葉樹、百合花以及三色紫羅蘭等極具法國氣息的小巧而可愛的花,在公園,在街頭,以及商店、公司辦公桌上,隨處可見。
法國屬於「人口增殖率最低的國家」,1977年法國年自然增殖率只有0.39%,屬於世界上人口增殖率極低的國家。為了克服人口衰退,法國採取了一些措施鼓勵生育,但收效甚微。貨幣為法郎French Franc(FF)。







法國人在貿易談判中被認為有如下一些特點:1.立場極為堅定;2.堅持在談判中使用法語;3.明顯地偏愛橫向式談判。這也就是說,他們喜歡先為協議勾劃出一個輪廓,然後再達成原則協議,最後確定協議上的各個方面。他們都具有戴高樂式的依靠堅定的「不」字以謀取利益的高超本領。商務活動應該嚴守時間,學幾句法語會話,才能行動自如。法國人爽朗、熱情,比較幽默、詼諧,喜歡交談,特別愛好音樂、舞蹈。他們即使明天要奔赴戰場,今天還要參加跳舞晚會,大家歡樂一番。商務活動在聖誕節及復活節前後兩周不宜往訪。7月15日至9月15日為當地人度假期。飲水安全。法律規定:不可飲的水均標明:「Eau Non Portable」。



Ⅲ 用英文介紹法國(要有中文翻譯)

The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world.

As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip.
The Triumphal Arch(凱旋門)
was finished in 1836. It』s a world famous building, too.
The Eiffel Tower(埃菲爾鐵塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889.

譯:聳入雲的埃菲爾鐵塔,流光溢彩的街道,美麗的塞納河,金璧輝煌的宮殿,浪漫的民族,源遠流長的歷史…這就是巴黎 .

Ⅳ 怎樣用英語介紹法國的文化

Culture, whether in France, Europe or in general, consists of beliefs and values learned through the socialization process as well as material artifacts.[1][2] Culture guides the social interactions between members of society and influences the personal beliefs and values that shape a person's perception of their environment: "Culture is the learned set of beliefs, values, norms and material goods shared by group members. Culture consists of everything we learn in groups ring the life course-from infancy to old age."[3]

The conception of "French" culture however poses certain difficulties and presupposes a series of assumptions about what precisely the expression "French" means. Where as American culture posits the notion of the "melting-pot" and cultural diversity, the expression "French culture" tends to refer implicitly to a specific geographical entity (as, say, "metropolitan France", generally excluding its overseas departments) or to a specific historico-sociological group defined by ethnicity, language, religion and geography. The realities of "Frenchness" however, are extremely complicated. Even before the late nineteenth century, "metropolitan France" was largely a patchwork of local customs and regional differences that the unifying aims of the Ancien Régime and the French Revolution had only begun to work against, and today's France remains a nation of numerous indigenous and foreign languages, of multiple ethnicities and religions, and of regional diversity that includes French citizens in Corsica, Guadeloupe, Martinique and elsewhere around the globe.

The creation of some sort of typical or shared French culture or "cultural identity", despite this vast heterogeneity, is the result of powerful internal forces — such as the French ecational system, mandatory military service, state linguistic and cultural policies — and by profound historic events — such as the Franco-Prussian war and the two World Wars — which have forged a sense of national identity over the last 200 years. However, despite these unifying forces, France today still remains marked by social class and by important regional differences in culture (cuisine, dialect/accent, local traditions) that many fear will be unable to withstand contemporary social forces (depopulation of the countryside, immigration, centralization, market forces and the world economy).

In recent years, to fight the loss of regional diversity, many in France have promoted forms of multiculturalism and encouraged cultural enclaves (communautarisme), including reforms on the preservation of regional languages and the decentralization of certain government functions, but French multiculturalism has had a harder time of accepting, or of integrating into the collective identity, the large non-Christian and immigrant communities and groups that have come to France since the 1960s.

The last fifty years has also seen French cultural identity "threatened" by global market forces and by American "cultural hegemony". Since its dealings with the 1993 GATT free trade negotiations, France has fought for what it calls the exception culturelle, meaning the right to subsidize or treat favorably domestic cultural proction and to limit or control foreign cultural procts (as seen in public funding for French cinema or the lower VAT accorded to books). The notion of an explicit exception française however has angered many of France's critics[4].

The French are often perceived as taking a great pride in national identity and the positive achievements of France (the expression "chauvinism" is of French origin) and cultural issues are more integrated in the body of the politics than elsewhere (see "The Role of the State", below). The French Revolution claimed universalism for the democratic principles of the Republic. Charles de Gaulle actively promoted a notion of French "grandeur" ("greatness"). Perceived declines in cultural status are a matter of national concern and have generated national debates, both from the left (as seen in the anti-globalism of José Bové) and from the right and far right (as in the discourses of the National Front).

Ⅳ 用英語介紹下法國

France lies in the heart of Europe with a total area of 551000 square kilometers and a population of 57,500,000. French borders on Italy, Switzerland and Monaco in the east and Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg in the northeast and Spain, Andorra in the Southwest and England to the Northwest. French is symmetrical hexagon. Its three sides are near sea and three sides are near land. Its boundary line is 5300 kilometers and coastline is about 3120 kilometers. Basically French is a plain country. 80% of its territory is plain and hill. Plain land at an elevation of below 250 meters is about 60% of its total areas. Hills between 200 to 250 are about 20% while more than 500 is about 20%. The terrain is low in northwest and high in southeast.

French is the first tourism country in the world. In this romantic country, you can enjoy famous snacks and grape wine, at the same time you can also enjoy beautiful rural scenery or significant Medieval castle or the joy of skiing in snowcap Alps or you may swim in the attractive blue sea and feel the glamour of this romantic capital which is filled with cultural and modern taste.

When talking about France, we can』t ignore the culture of French food and drink. The food and drink in France enjoys a long lasting fame for its long history, various and dainty kinds, and unique character. Its cooking skills are the second to none among the western style food, of which the French feel proud. More than half of great cooks in the European first class of large restaurants are Frenchmen From the emperor Louis fourteen in the history France has formed an important and continuously developing banquet foreign policy. These well-arranged delicacies and cakes are called French style banquet. Two hundred dishes can be put on the table once. What the Frenchmen like most are snails and frog legs. The rarest dishes are goose livers, and the common home dish is fried beefsteak with threadlike potato. In terms of drink, what the French like most is grape wine. When they have a meal, they will pay much attention to the match of dainty cakes and wine ,such as meat with red grape wine .fish with white grape wine and so on. Besides Frenchmen are fond of cheese Cheeses with different taste reach more than 400. It』s consumption quantity ranks first in the world, therefore France was given the name of 「 Kingdom of Cheese」.
法國是在歐洲的中心與總面積五十五萬一平方公里和人口5750.0萬。法國邊界對義大利,瑞士和摩納哥在東部和德國,比利時和盧森堡在東北部和西班牙,安道爾在西南地區和英格蘭向西北。法國是對稱的六邊形。其三,兩岸近海和三方都附近的土地。其邊界線是五三○○公里和海岸線約三一二〇公里。基本上法語是一種樸素的國家。 80 %的在其領土上是平原和山區。平原土地在海拔250米以下的60 %左右,其總面積。山之間的200至250大約20 % ,而500人以上是20 %左右。地形低,西北高,在東南亞。


在談到法國,我們不能忽視文化的法國食品和飲料。食品和飲料在法國享有持久的成名作,其悠久的歷史,不同的和講究種,和獨特的性格。其烹飪技能是第二首屈一指之間的西式食品,其中,法國感到自豪。一半以上的大廚師,在歐洲一流的大型餐廳從法國皇帝路易十四在法國的歷史,已形成一個重要的和不斷發展的宴會外交政策。這些安排的美味佳餚和糕點是所謂法國式的宴會。 200菜可以提上表一次。什麼法國人最喜歡是蝸牛和青蛙腿。罕見的菜鵝的肝臟,和共同的家園菜是油炸牛排與threadlike馬鈴薯。在條款喝酒,什麼法語一樣,最重要的是葡萄酒。當他們有一餐,他們將高度重視,比賽講究的蛋糕和葡萄酒,如肉類與紅葡萄酒。魚,干白葡萄酒等。除了法國人喜愛乳酪的乳酪,與不同的品味達到400多個。它的消費量居世界第一位,因此,法國獲得的名稱「乳酪之國」 。

Ⅵ 法國文化、教育的英文介紹

The culture of France and of the French people has been shaped by geography, by profound historical events, and by foreign and internal forces and groups. France, and in particular Paris, has played an important role as a center of high culture and of decorative arts since the seventeenth century, first in Europe, and from the nineteenth century on, world wide. From the late nineteenth century, France has also played an important role in cinema, fashion and cuisine. The importance of French culture has waxed and waned over the centuries, depending on its economic, political and military importance. French culture today is marked both by great regional and socioeconomic differences and by strong unifying tendencies.


The French ecational system is highly centralised, organised, and ramified. It is divided into three different stages:
primary ecation (enseignement primaire); secondary ecation (collège and lycé); and higher ecation (l'université)(or les Grandes écoles).
Primary and secondary ecation is predominantly public (private schools also exist, in particular a strong nationwide network of primary and secondary Catholic ecation), while higher ecation has both public and private elements. At the end of secondary ecation, students take the baccalauréat exam, which allows them to pursue higher ecation. The baccalauréat pass rate in 1999 was 78.3%.
In 1999–2000, ecational spending amounted to 7% of the French GDP and 37% of the national budget.
Since the Jules Ferry laws of 1881-2, named after the then Minister of Public Instruction, all state-funded schools, including universities, are independent from the (Roman Catholic) Church. Ecation in these institutions is free. Non-secular institutions are allowed to organize ecation as well. The French ecational system differs strongly from Northern-European and American systems in that it stresses the importance of partaking in a society as opposed to being responsibly independent.
Secular ecational policy has become critical in recent issues of French multiculturalism, as in the "affair of the Islamic headscarf".

While the French trace the development of their ecational system to Napoléon, the modern era of French ecation begins at the end of the nineteenth century. Jules Ferry, a lawyer holding the office of Minister of Public Instruction in the 1880s, is widely credited for creating the modern Republican school (l'école républicaine) by requiring all children between the ages of 6 and 12 - boys and girls - to attend. He also made public instruction mandatory, free of charge and secular (laïque). With these laws, known as Jules Ferry laws, and several others, the Third Republic repealed most of the Falloux Laws of 1850-1851, which gave an important role to the clergy.

Ⅶ 法國英語介紹

The French Republic, referred to as "France" for short, is a semi-presidential republic country native to Western Europe. Overseas territories include South America and parts of the South Pacific.


France is the third largest country in Europe and the largest in Western Europe. France has become one of the European powers since the end of the Middle Ages.

It reached the heyday of feudal society ring the reign of Louis XIV in the 17th to 18th centuries.

In the long history, the country has cultivated many famous writers and scholars who have a profound influence on human development Thinkers, in addition to having the world's fourth-largest world heritage.


France is a highly developed capitalist country and one of the four largest economies in Europe.

Its nationals have a high standard of living and a good social security system. It is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and a founding member of the European Union and NATO.

Member of the Schengen Convention and the Group of Eight, and one of the main political entities in continental Europe.










Ⅷ 求法國的英文簡介,簡單點,不要太多,要有翻譯

Republic of France in western Europe. Size 5 5 1 6 0 2 sq km. 3 0 0 0 km long coastline. Residents mostly France. Catholic residents more letter. French as an official language.
法蘭西共和國位於歐洲西部。面積 5 1 6 0 2 平方千米。海岸線長約3 0 0 0 千米。居民多為法蘭西人。居民多信天主教。法語為官方語言。
France moves by France evolution from tribal members. France moves in the Germanic language China and Italy as "courageous and free."
5 century, a kingdom. 1 5 a centralized state at the end of the century. 1789 eruption of bourgeois revolution. Since then, the Republic has established a five and two empires. 1958 Fifth Republic was born.January 27, 1964 to establish diplomatic relations with China.
5 世紀建立王國。1 5 世紀末形成中央集權國家。1 7 8 9 年爆發資產階級革命。此後,先後建立過五次共和國和兩次帝國。1 9 5 8 年第五共和國誕生。1 9 6 4 年1 月2 7 日同我國建交。
Capital Paris, a city renowned Eiffel transmission tower, construction, a city southwest Versailles Palace. Automobiles, electrical instry renowned textile and cosmetics instries are also developed. Le Havre, Lille, Rouen, Nantes, Lyon, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Marseille are important instrial center.
France is champagne, brandy wine hometown. It was felt that if left home New Year's Eve Night wine coming year will be to stay. France is the most expensive dishes Egan, the Frenchman most favorite snail and frog legs.

Ⅸ 法國文化翻譯(中譯英)


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