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發布時間: 2020-12-27 15:49:37

Ⅰ 求英語高手幫我寫一篇關於我的家鄉福建省的英文介紹。要在全班面前介紹的…

我不了解 福建 不好意思哦

Ⅱ 怎樣用英語寫,我倆年前在福建

本句漢語應該是:我倆/年前在福建。"我倆"英語是We both , "年前"before the Spring Festival, "在福建" in Fujian 。按英語表達連在一起是: We were both in Fujian before the Spring Festival.

Ⅲ 關於福建的英語作文翻譯

Fujian Province (Min for short) is located on the southeast coast of China, with Fuzhou as the provincial capital. Fujian is also the home of many overseas Chinese.
Fujian Province faces Taiwan Province across the Taiwan Straits. It is situated 115'50"-120'47" east longitude and 23'30"-28'19" north latitude with an area of more than 120,000 square kilometers. Mountains and hills make up the vast majority of Fujian's territory, while only narrow strips of the east seaside are plains. Fujian has a zigzag coastline of 2,120 kilometers dotted with 1,202 offshore islands, with a fishing area of 136,000 square kilometers. Most of its rivers empty into the sea separately.
Fujian has well-developed agriculture, forestry and fishery. Its mild, humid, subtropical and marine climate is especially concive to crop proction. Sugarcane, peanuts, tea, tobacco, rubber, jute and bluish dogbane are Fujian's major cash crops. Orange, longan, lichi, pineapple, loquat and banana are the six famous fruits of Fujian. Its instries of building materials, forest, light instry, electronics, chemical, machinery, and papermaking occupy important places in the country.
Fujian is blessed with a rich history, famous historical sites and beautiful natural landscapes, making it a unique tourist attraction. Its numerous tourist attractions include mountains, rivers and well-known cities. Quanzhou, one of China's famous historic and cultural ancient cities, is a human and scenic spot approved by the UNESCO; Xiamen, known as the "Garden on the Sea", is a picturesque special economic zone; Wuyi Mountain, inscribed on the World Heritage List, is famous for its peaks and Wuyi tea; the Kaiyuan Temple in Quanzhou, the Yongquan Temple in Fuzhou, the Guanghua Temple in Putian and the Nanshan Temple in Zhangzhou are the four famous grand ancient temples in Fujian. In addition, there are historical relics left behind by Zhu Xi and Zheng Chenggong.

Ⅳ 求英文高手幫我寫一篇關於我的家鄉福建省的介紹,要在全班面前介紹的…

Fujian Province (Min for short) is located on the southeast coast of China, with Fuzhou as the provincial capital. Fujian is also the home of many overseas Chinese.

Fujian Province faces Taiwan Province across the Taiwan Straits. It is situated 115'50"-120'47" east longitude and 23'30"-28'19" north latitude with an area of more than 120,000 square kilometers. Mountains and hills make up the vast majority of Fujian's territory, while only narrow strips of the east seaside are plains. Fujian has a zigzag coastline of 2,120 kilometers dotted with 1,202 offshore islands, with a fishing area of 136,000 square kilometers. Most of its rivers empty into the sea separately.

Fujian has well-developed agriculture, forestry and fishery. Its mild, humid, subtropical and marine climate is especially concive to crop proction. Sugarcane, peanuts, tea, tobacco, rubber, jute and bluish dogbane are Fujian's major cash crops. Orange, longan, lichi, pineapple, loquat and banana are the six famous fruits of Fujian. Its instries of building materials, forest, light instry, electronics, chemical, machinery, and papermaking occupy important places in the country.

Fujian is blessed with a rich history, famous historical sites and beautiful natural landscapes, making it a unique tourist attraction. Its numerous tourist attractions include mountains, rivers and well-known cities. Quanzhou, one of China's famous historic and cultural ancient cities, is a human and scenic spot approved by the UNESCO; Xiamen, known as the "Garden on the Sea", is a picturesque special economic zone; Wuyi Mountain, inscribed on the World Heritage List, is famous for its peaks and Wuyi tea; the Kaiyuan Temple in Quanzhou, the Yongquan Temple in Fuzhou, the Guanghua Temple in Putian and the Nanshan Temple in Zhangzhou are the four famous grand ancient temples in Fujian. In addition, there are historical relics left behind by Zhu Xi and Zheng Chenggong.

Ⅳ 用英語介紹福州

Fuzhou is the capital and the largest prefecture-level city of Fujian (福建) province, People's Republic of China.


It is also referred to as Rongcheng (榕城) which means "city of banyan trees."
福州也被稱之為菩提之城 (菩提樹,也就是banyan樹,我估計就是咱國內的榕樹吧?嘎嘎..),意為榕城.

It is the capital of the province, and is situated on the north bank of the estuary of Fujian's largest river, the Min River, which gives access to the interior and to the neighboring provinces of Jiangxi and Zhejiang.
福州是福建省省會,坐落在福建省最大的河北岸河口上 - min河.min河匯通於福州之內,也接壤江西,浙江兩省.

Fuzhou may not be as rich in history as some other ancient Chinese cities but still boasts a fair number of historical sights.


Sanfang Qixiang (三坊七巷) (a cluster of ancient resident buildings dated from late Jin Dynasty)

West Lake (福州西湖) (an artificial lake built in 282 AD)

Hualin Temple (華林寺) (founding date uncertain)

Dizang Temple (founded in 527 AD)

Xichan Temple (西禪寺) (founded in 867 AD)

Wu Ta (烏塔) (Black Pagoda) (originally built in 799 AD, rebuilt in 936 AD)

Bai Ta (白塔) (White Pagoda) is originally built in 905 AD, 67 m in height, collapsed in 1534 AD, rebuilt in 1548 AD, 41 m in height

Yongquan Temple (湧泉寺) is founded in 915 AD

Gu Shan (鼓山) (Drum Mountain)

Fuzhou National Forest Park (福州國家森林公園)


Ⅵ 高分懸賞!用英文介紹福建土樓··如答案滿意 追加20分


Ⅶ 求一篇用英語介紹下福建~~急急急

Overview of Fujian
Lying in the southeastern coast of China and bordering Zhejiang Province, Jiangxi Province and Guangdong Province, Fujian is facing Taiwan across the Straits and one of the closest mainland provinces to Southeast Asia and Oceania, as well as an important window and base of China for global exchanges. Boasting a long history, Fujian was called the Region of Minyue ring the Spring and Autumn Period and the Prefecture of Min-Zhong ring Qing Dynasty. In the middle of Tang Dynasty, the post of Fujian Military Commissioner was established, and the province was hereafter called Fujian. The brief name of Fujian, "Min", is derived from Min River, the greatest river within the province. Covering a land area of 121,400 square kilometers and a sea area of 136,000 square kilometers, Fujian governs Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Putian, Longyan, Sanming, Nanping and Ningde (nine municipal cities), as well as 85 subordinated counties, cities and districts (including Jinmen County). By the end of 2005, the total population of Fujian reached 35,350,000 (exclusive of Jinmen and Mazu). As one of the earliest provinces opening to the outside world, Fujian has launched 12 national development zones and special economic zones, bringing about an all-round opening-up configuration. The people of Fujian are famed for their diligence, courage, instry and hospitality. This mountainous province is also renowned for the tradition of starting career in overseas countries, which makes it a famous hometown of overseas Chinese.

Ⅷ 求英文高手幫我寫一篇關於我的家鄉福建省的介紹。謝謝啦~~


Ⅸ 用英語介紹福建漳州

Zhangzhou introces
Mentions Zhangzhou, the people can remember the narcissus, thisbeautiful land is narcissus's hometown, therefore its life forZhangzhou's city flower. The Zhangzhou city has more than 1,300 yearshistory, it is Fujian Province famous overseas Chinese district andthe compatriots in Taiwan is main 祖居, also is the countryhistorical city which the State Council announces. Zhangzhou is thesurging waves fairy maiden narcissus flower's hometown, here mountainsand rivers are elegant, galaxy, folk custom character and style,differ in thousands of ways. The precious flower, the good fruit, thewonderful mountain, the different stone, the ancient temple, thegrotto, the volcano, the round building, the sea water, the sandbeach, the lake, the waterfall constituted the Zhangzhou seashorescenery, the fruit and flowers botanical garden, the culturalmonument, the green ecology, the religion went on a pilgrimage and soon five big each characteristic traveling resources. Among them, takechannel West bank traveling island - Dongshan Island, the ZhangzhouBinhai volcano landform country geology park as representative'sseashore scenery beautiful, is mysterious; Take the Zhangzhou teaabundant park, the Zhangzhou flower abundant garden asrepresentative's fruit and flowers botanical garden gorgeous, isattractive; Take the world construction marvelous sight - earthbuilding, the Zhangpu Zhao Chiapao as representative's culturalmonument glorious, is radiant; Take the tiger uncle Laos countrynature protection area, the Yunsiao mangrove forest are stronglyfragrant as representative's green ecology onion, directs the person;Take the millennium ancient temple three even temples, 南山 thetemple face 邇 the saint as representative's religion to bewell-known 遐. Other scenic spots include: The cloud hole crag,kindly aids the palace, the quick crag, the immortal character deeppool, the hundred flowers village, 天寶 蕉 forest as well as thehistorical celebrity ruins ecliptic week memorial hall, prestige HuiMiao, Chen Yuanguang the grave and so on. The Zhangzhou seashorescenery beautiful is mysterious, has the Zhangzhou Binhai volcanocountry geology park the unusual seacoast geology landform landscape -"the marine burial figures of warriors and horses" the Longhai Mt.niutoushan ancient crater and "the volcanic island" Zhangpu Lin Jinyuand so on. Has the national 4A level traveling area Dongshancompressed-air driven stone - tower islet scenic spot, national levelseashore forest park Wu Jiaowan, "the natural seashore bathing place"Ma Luanwan, prosperously teaches the bay, "marine zoo" dragon, tiger,lion, elephant islet, Yunsiao Zhang Jiangkou "mangrove forest"traveling area, as well as "Fujian mountain first peak" South PacificWushan and so on. Zhangzhou is famous "township of the fruit andflowers", the fruit and flowers botanical garden gorgeous isattractive, is all previous years two sides across the Taiwan Strait(the Fujian Zhangzhou) the flowers and plants exposition mainconference site. Has a flower market street, the narcissus flowerfield, the hundred flowers village, the Pheonix mountains ten thousandChinese acres litchi chinenses seas, Ma Kouhua the abundant garden andso on as well as various counties (city, area) quite has the scale thefruit and flowers botanical garden like Changtai 蘆柑 park, theNanjing blue garden, gentle shaddock garden, 天寶 banana forest andso on. Zhangzhou northwest multi- mountains, green ecology onion YuYinren. Winds the mountain range which fluctuates to form everywhereattractive natural big oxygen, the Changtai Tienchu mountain countrylevel forest park, the Hua'an country level forest park, Nanjing tigeruncle Laos (tiger uncle Laos, the paradise rain forest, goose immortalhole, 紫荊山) the national level nature protection area and so on,is the eco-tourism place of ideal. Zhangzhou religion culturedeveloped, goes on a pilgrimage the traveling to win praiseeverywhere, the nation key Buddhist temple 南山 temple, themillennium ancient temple three even temples, the national levelcultural relic preservation organ temple to Guanyu, kindly aids thepalace, opens Zhang saint mark prestige Hui Miao, the Chinagchunshanpark and so on is known far and wide. In recent years, the Zhangzhoumunicipal party committee, the municipal government enlarged totourism's support dynamics, was clear about the tourism determinationis the key instry, appeared "about To speed up Traveling KeyInstry Developed Certain Stipulations" the preferential policy,formulated "Zhangzhou Tourism To develop Overall plan", the whole citytourism developed vigorously is upward, the tourism has formed thecertain instrial scale, graally became the Zhangzhou economydevelopment the important instry. "Wants to tour the Zhangzhou whatfashion, when most is the litchi red orange, the Longjiang eternitywill keep the victory mark, will draw Shan Xiushui to be allpleasant." "The surging waves fairy maiden 萬般 character and style,the southern part of China Binhai thousand postures charm", thefriend, beautiful and rich Zhangzhou welcomes you the presence!

Ⅹ 怎麼用英語介紹土樓啊(要簡短!)

The earth building is made of a mixture of sand and clay which is not calcined by a certain proportion of sand clay and clay sand.


The wall is made of wall panels (a few adobe brick walls) and columns and other structures. A wooden house is, in a nutshell, a house of any two or more floors that uses a adobe wall as a load-bearing system.


According to the interpretation of the Modern Chinese Dictionary, the so-called "floor" is "a house of two or more floors."


According to this, the house on the first floor, even if it is bearing the weight of the earthen wall and using the timber as the column beam, can not be called the earth building, can only be called the earth house.


Earth Building is a unique large-scale residential area in the world and is known as the treasure of traditional Chinese dwellings.











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