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發布時間: 2020-12-27 15:46:50

A. 英文介紹明星

I most like the star is Show Luo. He is an artist from Taiwan, he is very handsome, very fashion, but rather the filial piety to parents. He is a hard push yourself to do transparent person, I hope you can respect him, respect for all the artists. So far he had eight pieces of Chinese Japanese album, the one and only single and just this year, the Japanese single, is to enter Japan. His Japanese single in the charts was ranked tenth, after Teresa Teng in Japan there is a performance artist, China is more male artist in the first person. He was known as the Asian dance king, actually he is just a child loves to dance. He was three times nominated for the Golden Bell Award for best actor, for two consecutive years of sales of Wang Guanjun, afterwards Andy Lau stupid kids get five hundred gold album in Taiwan. Concert, game by game, each full! He can sing, dance, hosting, funny, is a multi-faceted artist, he is also a boss, has a tidal brand shop, STAGE, has been in the United States, Singapore, Taiwan, the mainland has much home branch. He created a miracle is too much, we can only use a sincere view of this effort! SHOW Lo.

B. 用英語怎麼介紹自己喜歡的明星

My favorite sport star
My name is ***.I like badminton best.And my favorite badminton player is Lin Dan.
He birth in Longyan Fujian.His birthday is 1983 October 14th.As he ten years old,he start to play badminton.He first win the open's champion is at 2001,Netherland Badminton Open.
He first join olympic games is at 2004,Athens Olympic Game.But he out quickly.But he doesn't cede.Now he is a good badminton player.His world ranking is the first one.We hope he can win the Men's Single Olympic Champion of Beijing Olympic Game.

C. 用英文介紹明星

Wayne Lin Jun Jie ( 林俊傑) born on March 27, 1981 is more commonly known as JJ Lin. He is a Singaporean singer and songwriter of Chinese Fujian descent, and he came to musical prominence and success in the Greater China region, and particularly in Taiwan, where he was awarded the "Best New Artiste" award in the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards.
Signed to Ocean Butterflies, he has written songs for various artistes, notably Ji De (Remember) for Taiwanese singer A-Mei, and fellow labelmate A-do's Fang Shou.

D. 英語介紹明星

Mayday or Wu Yue Tian (五月天), is a Chinese rock band that originated in the late 1990s but has since become one of the biggest rock bands to hit Taiwan pop culture. As one of Taiwan's million-selling rock artists, they have received a range of accolades as well as moving records all over the world.
They are locally regarded as the best rock band after Beyond, a popular rock band that is based in Hong Kong. Mayday's songs resonate greatly with many Taiwanese youths who can identify with their themes of love, world peace and growing up. They are also influenced by The Beatles, which is their favourite group whom they aspire to be like.
Their music has the unique ability to bring the listener to his feet or move the listener to tears. They sing songs mostly in Taiwanese and Chinese although some fans profess that their Taiwanese songs are more emotional and touching. Unlike some rock bands, they also project a clean and healthy image and have never been seen smashing musical instruments wilfully, drinking or gambling. Mayday represent the zeigeist of the Taiwanese and Chinese youth who identify with the band's themes of innocence, childhood, dreams, aspirations, loneliness and determination. At the same time, the band's unique outlook on life has attracted many fans who find their views refreshing
Wayne Lin Jun Jie ( 林俊傑) born on March 27, 1981 is more commonly known as JJ Lin. He is a Singaporean singer and songwriter of Chinese Fujian descent, and he came to musical prominence and success in the Greater China region, and particularly in Taiwan, where he was awarded the "Best New Artiste" award in the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards.
Signed to Ocean Butterflies, he has written songs for various artistes, notably Ji De (Remember) for Taiwanese singer A-Mei, and fellow labelmate A-do's Fang Shou.
Wilber Pan is a young star comes from China.

He was born in 1980.8.6. He is a lovely boy who has 174cm tall and 69kg weight . As you can see ,he has short balck hair,erogenous mouth ,handsome face and small eyes.Alough his eyes aren't bigly ,he also has many fans because of his sunshine smell.He is a boy just like a neighborly to you.

He is more a mastermind than a singer.He has a height degree that graated from California Polytechnic State University ,he is good at singing ,dancing ,presiding and so on.

In private ,Willber is friendly to everyone who aroungs him.Now more and more people from everywhere develop theirs' love for him.
潘瑋柏 是一個來自中國的年輕明星.
他出生於1980年8月6日.他是一個擁有174cm身高69kg重的可愛男孩.正如你所看到的 ,他有一頭黑黑的短頭發, 性感的嘴唇,英俊的臉龐,和小小的眼睛.盡管他的眼睛不大,他依然擁有眾多的"粉絲",因為他有著陽光的笑容.對你來說, 他就橡個鄰家男孩.
與其說他是個歌手不如說他是的才子.他有份高學歷,畢業於加州州立理大學 ,他擅長於唱歌,跳舞,主持等等.
在私下,瑋柏對他上身邊的每個人都很友好.現在 ,越來越多的人們漸漸喜歡上他了.

E. 用英語介紹明星


F. 介紹明星的英語作文帶翻譯60詞

There are many popular stars who get great achievements, such as Jackie Chen, Jay Chou, Zhang Ziyi and so on.
However, the star who I like most is Fan Bingbing.
I know her because of a famous TV series.
At that time, she was not famous, but now, as we all know she has been one of the most popular actress who gets an international reputation.
I like her not only because she is beautiful but also her good performance and her hard-working.

G. 用英語簡單介紹一個明星

英文名: Chow, Jay
生日: 1979-01-18
身高: 173cm 體重: 60kg
血型: O 星座: 山羊座
學 歷: 淡江中學音樂科
專 長: 寫歌、作詞、打球
專精樂器: 鋼琴、大提琴、吉他、爵士鼓
音樂類型: R&B
運 動: 籃球
口頭禪: 屌不屌
最大優點: 詞曲創作力強、e世代的新音樂人
最大缺點: 害羞、心軟
最大心願: 走遍世界每一個角落
最愛物品: 鴨舌帽、各類樂器
English name: Chow, Jay
Birthday: 1979-01-18
Height: 173cm weight: 60kg
Blood type: O Constellation: Shan Yangzuo
Ecation: Tamkang Middle School Music
Expertise: writing songs, lyrics, play
Specialized musical instruments: piano, cello, guitar, drums
Type of music: R & B
Sports: Basketball
Pet phrase: not Cock Cock
The big advantage: strong creative music and lyrics, e of the new generation of musicians
The major defect: shy, for being soft-hearted
The largest wish: around every corner of the world
Favorite items: cap, all types of musical instruments

H. 明星用英文怎麼寫

明星用英文可以表達為star。男的就加male,女的 female。還可以說celebrity這個比較突出名人類。





celebrity,意思是名人,知名人士; 名流; 名聲;名譽。舉例:

He was more than a footballing superstar, he was a celebrity.




1、明星隊員/演員:star player (of a ball team)/performer;

2、明星薈萃/雲集的陣容:star-studded cast;

3、明星企業:star enterprise;


5、大明星:big star;

6、電影/籃球/影視明星:movie/basketball/screen star;

7、好萊塢明星:Hollywood star;

8、兩棲明星:bi-media star;

9、三棲明星:triple-faceted/triple-talented star;

10、體育明星:athletic star; sports star/hero。

I. 用英語寫的電影明星的簡介

Jet Li
Born: Apr 26, 1963 in Beijing, China
Occupation: Actor
Active: '80s-2000s
Major Genres: Action
Career Highlights: Once Upon a Time in China, Fong Sai-Yuk, Swordsman II
First Major Screen Credit: The Shaolin Temple (1982)

Following closely on Jackie Chan's well-calloused heels as one of the most dazzling physical performers of the silver screen, Jet Li's lightning-fast moves, friendly sense of humor, and genuine concern for his fans have endeared him to a generation of international action-film lovers as one of the most respected figures in martial arts cinema.

The youngest of five siblings (consisting of two brother and two sisters) whose father died when he was only two years old, one might say that the painfully honest momma's boy has, since reaching althood, slightly overcompensated for his admittedly over-protected childhood (the future daredevil didn't even learn how to ride a bicycle until in his early teens). Sent ring summer recess to what is now referred to as the Beijing Sports and Exercise school, Li was fatefully assigned to the wushu class and was one of a mere handful of students asked to return when the season ended and students filed back into classrooms in the fall. An exceptionally adept wushu student despite being only eight years of age, the experience boosted the confidence of the shy youth despite urges to join his classmates in after-school play. Leaving home for the first time the following year to attend competition, Li took first place at the event and was concurrently given the honor of performing at the opening ceremony of the eagerly anticipated Pan-Asian-African-Latin American Table Tennis Championships, an honor which also included the youth receiving personal praise from none other than Premier Zhou Enlai.

No longer required to attend conventional schooling, the young wonder was admitted to a rigorous sports school. Eventually remaining with a group that consisted of 20 of China's finest young wushu practitioners, the students were then put through another kind of training entirely -- this time of the Western etiquette persuasion -- for an extremely important goodwill tour of the United States. Despite a potentially embarrassing international incident in which the overly excited youngster expressed his excitement when he spotted what he thought was a Chinese airplane in Hawaii (the plane was actually Tawianese, an extremely sensitive and important distinction at the time) and travels with a heavily guarded entourage, the journey went fairly well and gave Li a newfound sense of independence. Winning the coveted All-China Youth Championships upon his return to China provided Li with his first national championship title, though it was only a prelude to a slew of awards to come including a bloodied performance at the qualifying round of China's National Games, ring which Li accidentally cut his head with his saber (the determined youngster didn't even realize what had happened, assuming he was simply perspiring, until his form was nearly finished). Despite his serious injury, the 12-year-old Li went on to win first place in the National Games to the amazement of the enraptured crowd.

Competing frequently in the following years and surviving a close brush with death in a faulty cargo plane (the passengers were literally given pads of paper to write out their wills), Li was later appointed to an official welcoming committee for American presidents e to his previous contributions to positive Sino-American relations. Later attempting to live up to his title of "All-Around Wushu Champion of China," the 16-year-old who many referred to as all capable decided to do all he could to live up to the title by internalizing his understanding of the wushu practice through philosophy. Operating on the basic principle of Taiji (similar to yin/yang in the balance/counterbalance theory), Li began an internal voyage that would be just as rewarding as the physical labors he had so diligently pursued.

Breaking into the world of film with an exciting performance in 1979's Shaolin Temple, Li's screen presence was undeniable and ignited a boom in the kung-fu film instry ring the 1980s. Though he took an unsuccessful attempt at directing a few short years later with Born to Defend (1986), his acting career continued to accelerate at high speed with such hits as the Once Upon a Time in China and the Fong Sai-Yuk series in the early '90s. Rising to remarkable celebrity status e to his charm and unmatchable moves, Li gained fans in both the young and old and continued to thrill Eastern moviegoers in increasingly awe-inspiring ways. A crossover to American films began with his role as the villain in Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) (a role originally offered to Chan but turned down e to his inclination never to play the bad guy), and continued with more likable roles in Romeo Must Die and Kiss of the Dragon (2000 and 2001 respectively). Li caused something of a sensation with the release of Kiss of the Dragon when he made a special plea to parents not to bring their children to the film e to the unusually (for Li) alt-oriented violence of the film. A request virtually unheard of in the Hollywood system, Li promised parents that they would soon be able to share his high-kicking escapades with their children with the decidedly more family friendly The One a few short months later. In 2003 Li would return to stateside screens alongside DMX in Cradle to the Grave (2003), a remake of the classic Fritz Lang film M (1931) which fared only moderatly well at the box office.

Just as it began to seem as if Li had forsaken the period martial arts genre on which he was weaned in favor of mainstream Hollywood success, his memorable return to the format with director Zhang Yimou's richly textured 2002 effort Hero proved to fans that he still possessed all the talent and charm he had so skillfully displayed in the previous Hong Kong hits proced before his crossover success. Despite the fact that the film drew some of the best reviews of Li's later career, however, the inexplicable decision made by U.S. distributor Miramax to sit on Hero for nearly two years before unceremoniously mping it into stateside theaters in August of 2004 eventually caused many fans to seek out foreign releases of the critically-praised effort well before it's official U.S. release; a mournful mistake that likely resulted in diminshed sales at stateside multiplexes. A second collaboration with Kiss of the Dragon collaborator Luc Besson resulted in Unleashed, an effort many fans considered to be a notable improvement over his previous U.S. efforts, and in 2006 Li would return to the genre that launched his career one last time with the throwback martial arts biopic Fearless. A traditional-minded kung-fu epic that eschewed wirework and digital effects to focus on character and the art of fighting, Fearless proved an enormous success when it out-grossed such recent hits as House of Flying Daggars, Hero, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon upon being released into East Asian theaters in January of 2006. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

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