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㈠ 阿根廷球隊的英文介紹及其中文翻譯


㈡ 英文簡介德國足球隊

德國足球隊享有世界盛名,擁有許多世界聞名的球星.在2005年廣東國際旅遊文版化期間,德國拜恩州足球隊被權邀請與廣東sunray cave足球隊爭奪"勝利杯"的比賽,在這期間會舉行足球討論會和一些活動,例如訓練青年人的足球技能.這場友誼賽不僅僅是為了促進廣東和巴伐利亞球迷的交流和溝通,鼓勵廣東和巴伐利亞的旅遊市場的發展,更是為了促進兩個地區的經濟合作與發展.

㈢ 足球隊怎麼用英語寫

英: football team 或 football club
美: soccer team 或 soccer club

利物浦隊 - Liverpool FC
阿森納隊 -Arsenal FC
埃弗頓隊 -Everton FC
切爾西隊 -Chelsea FCs
曼徹斯特城隊專 -Manchester City FC
紐卡斯爾屬聯隊 -Newcastle United FC
布萊克本流浪者隊 -Blackburn Rovers FC
維岡競技隊 -Wigan Athletic FC
阿斯頓維拉隊 -Aston Villa FC
西漢姆聯隊 -West Ham United FC
米德爾斯堡隊 -Middlesbrough FC
朴茨茅斯隊 -Portsmouth FC
托特納姆熱刺隊 -Tottenham Hotspur FC
富勒姆隊 -Fulham FC
伯明翰城隊 -Birmingham City FC
桑德蘭隊 -Sunderland AFC
雷丁隊 -Reading FC
博爾頓流浪者隊 -Bolton Wanderers FC
德比郡隊 -Derby County FC

㈣ NBA球隊英文簡介附帶中文

1、菲尼克斯太陽(Phoenix Suns):球隊建於1968年,菲尼克斯是亞利桑那州的首府,位於美國西海岸的沙漠中,年降水量稀少,陽光充足,以「太陽」為隊名最有代表意義。 Sonic Underwater Navigation System 聲納水下導航系統

2、聖安東尼奧馬刺(San Antonio Spurs):NBA的創始球隊之一,最早時球隊大本營在達拉斯,隊名為「達拉斯橡木隊」,1970年更名為「得克薩斯橡木隊」,1973年移師聖安東尼奧後改名為「馬刺隊」。「馬刺」是騎馬者釘在鞋後跟上的一種鐵制的刺馬針,以此為隊名,可以反映出美國西部大開發的時代特徵。Space Power Unit Reactor宇宙飛行電源裝置用的反應堆

3雷霆隊俄克拉荷馬雷霆(Oklahoma City Thunder)NBA球隊,創建於2008年9月3日。
4、達拉斯小牛(Dallas Mavericks):1980年3月,球隊老闆在徵集來的大約四千六百個名稱中,選中「小牛」為球隊的隊名。

5、薩克拉門托國王(Sacramento Kings):該隊更名之多是NBA其他球隊望塵莫及的,剛成立時叫「羅切斯特皇家隊」,1957年更名為「辛辛那提皇家隊」,1972年改稱「堪薩斯城 —奧哈馬國王隊」,直到1985年才定居薩克拉門托,更名為「薩克拉門托國王隊」。

6、休斯敦火箭(Houston Rockets):球隊最早是在盛行軍需產業的聖地亞哥,1961年遷美國國家航空天局(NASA)所在地休斯頓後,「火箭」這個名字更加名副其實了。 National Aeronautics and Space Administration美國國家航空和宇宙航行局

7、孟菲斯灰熊(Memphis Grizzlies):灰熊隊於1995年誕生,當時作為NBA海外擴張計劃的一部分,主場設在加拿大的溫哥華市,並以加拿大西部非常有代表性的動物「大灰熊」給球隊命名,象徵著籃球的力量。2001年,灰熊隊遷回美國田納西州孟菲斯市,更名為孟菲斯灰熊隊。

8、洛杉磯湖人(L.A. Lakers):1948年加盟NBA時,湖人隊還在明尼蘇達阿波利斯,但是一次飛機失事,使湖人老闆痛下決心,於1960年搬遷到了洛杉磯。隊名也是徵集來的名字,大意是在美國東北部五大湖工作或者居住的人。

9、明尼蘇達森林狼(Minnesota Timberwolves):1989年加盟NBA,以明尼蘇達地區數量一種兇猛的野生動物「森林狼」命名。

10、丹佛掘金(Denver Nuggets):原名「丹佛火箭隊」,是ABA創始球隊之一。1974年加入NBA後改名為「金塊隊」,因為19世紀美國家對西部進行大開發時,曾在丹佛發現了金礦。

11、洛杉磯快船(L.A. Clippers):1970年成立於布法羅(buffalo水牛城),隊名為「布法羅勇敢者隊」。1978年遷到聖地亞哥後,更名為「聖地亞哥快艇隊」,1980年又遷到至洛杉磯。

12、波特蘭開拓者(Portland Trail Blazers):成立於1970年,當時波特蘭正好是西部大開發的中心地,因此用「開拓者」給球隊命名也能反映出那個時代的特徵。

13、猶他爵士(Utah Jazz):創建於1974年,當時主場在新奧爾良,隊名為「新奧爾良爵士隊」。1980年移師猶他州的鹽湖城後,依然沿用「爵士隊」這個名字。

14、金州勇士(Golden State Warriors):1946年誕生與於費城,隊名為「費城武士隊」,是為表達對美國獨立戰爭中犧牲的勇士的一種敬意。1962年移師舊金山後改為「金州勇士隊」。

15、新奧爾良黃蜂(New Orleans Hornets):1988年在夏洛特組建並進入NBA,球隊的隊標就是一隻兇猛的班胡蜂,是從社會上徵集來的作品,另外夏洛特市的市徽上也有蜂的圖案。2002年黃蜂隊由夏洛特市搬遷到了新奧爾良。

1、邁阿密熱火(Miami Heat):1988年組建,球隊位於四季溫暖宜人的佛羅里達的邁阿密,所以在眾多隊名後選名單中選中了「熱」,既現示出了邁阿密的氣候條件,又希望球隊能有個紅紅火火、蒸蒸日上的未來。

2 名字的藝術---NBA30支球隊名稱來歷

2、底特律活塞(Detroit Pistons):1948年加入NBA時大本營在福特懷恩,老闆是從事活塞製造業的,「活塞」就成了球隊的隊名。1957年,球隊遷到汽車城底特律後仍然沿用這個名字。

3、波士頓凱爾特人(Boston Celtics):1946年,11個冰球大老闆商量成立新的籃球聯盟,於是BAA應運生,凱爾特人隊是最初的11支球隊之一。由於波士頓有許多愛爾蘭移民,其中有不少移民是凱爾特人,所以球隊初建時隊名就叫「原始凱爾特人隊」,後簡化成「凱爾特人隊」。

4、克里夫蘭騎士(Cleveland Cavaliers):1970年入盟,克里夫蘭在給新成立的職業籃球隊起隊名時,在當地投票表決,結果6000張選票中超過三分之一的票數都選了「騎士」。

5、華盛頓奇才(Washington Wizards):1961年加入NBA,球隊大本營還在巴爾的摩時隊名為「子彈隊」,因為巴爾的摩的軍需產業非常發達。球隊遷往華盛頓後繼續用「子彈隊」這個名字,因為叫「子彈」有暴力傾向,直到1997-1998賽季才改為「奇才隊」,也有人稱之為「巫師隊」。

6、奧蘭多魔術(Orlando Magic):魔術隊是NBA的新軍之一,1989年才加入NBA。因為迪斯尼世界樂園是奧蘭多的一大休閑娛樂場所而「 Come to the magic」(來玩魔術)又是奧蘭多人最愛說的一句話,魔術隊也因此而得名。

7、芝加哥公牛(Chicago Bulls):1966年加盟NBA,因為飛人邁克爾—喬丹的原故,芝加哥公牛隊絕對是在全球擁有最高知名度的NBA球隊。芝加哥畜牧業非常發達,該城的職業橄欖球隊和職業棒球隊各有一支以動物名稱命名的球隊,所以「公牛」便成了芝加哥職業籃球隊的隊名。

8、費城76人(Philadelphia 76ers):作為NBA中的一支老牌球隊,在建隊之初,當時的費城76人隊既沒有把主場設在費城,也沒有取名為76人隊,而是起了個非常富有愛國主義意味的名字——錫拉丘茲民族隊(Syracuse Nations)。1937年組建的錫拉丘茲民族隊隨著NBL(國家籃球聯盟)與ABB(美洲籃球協會)的合並,於1949年加入NBA,1963年遷到費城後改成「76人隊」因為費城是1776年美國宣布獨立的地方。

9、印第安納步行者(Indiana Pacers):也有叫印第安納溜馬隊。1976年加入NBA,步行者英文名字是「Pacers」,發音和「Pace car」非常相似,而「Pace car」是在「印第安納500」(和F1齊名的世界著名賽車盛事之一)比賽中在前方開道的先導車,其風頭不讓名賽車。球隊以「Pacers」命名,自然也是想借「印第安納500」的人氣一舉成名。

10、新澤西網(New Jersey Nets):網隊於1976年加入NBA ,「網」指的就是「籃網」,是籃球運動中不可缺的要素之一。網隊之所以起這個名字,一方面是為了和籃球攀上點關系,另一方面是因為早在新澤西網球隊成立之前,紐約已有棒球隊METS和橄欖球隊JETS,當時這兩支球隊都已羽翼豐滿,網隊起了這兩個隊的諧音NETS,其實也想沾一下它的光。

11、密爾沃基雄鹿(Milwaukee Bucks):1968年加入NBA,和許多不知用什麼動物名稱給球隊命名的球隊一樣,密爾沃基在給自己的球隊命名時也曾舉棋不定,最後在包括「臭鼬(Skunk)」、「海狸(Beaver)」等一大堆動物名稱中,選擇了彈跳力好、而且是密爾沃基一帶野生的「雄鹿」為球隊的隊名。

12、紐約尼克斯(New York Knicks):加入NBA時間1946年,正確的說法是「燈籠褲隊」,因為紐約有大量荷蘭移民,荷蘭人最喜歡穿寬松肥大的燈籠褲,而「尼克斯」只是「燈籠褲」一詞的譯音。

13、多倫多猛龍(Toronto Raptors):猛龍隊於1995年誕生,當時作為NBA海外擴張計劃的一部分,主場設在加拿大的多倫多市,隊名也是徵集而來的,最後選中了兇猛、速度快、彈跳高的「龍」。

14、夏洛特山貓(Charlotte Bobcats): 「山貓」,北卡羅萊納州山林中的野生動物,它機警、善於捕捉獵物,擁有貓科動物的所有習性。山貓隊於2004年加入NBA。

15、亞特蘭大老鷹(Atlanta Hawks):最初命名為「三市黑鷹隊」,是借用了酋長「黑鷹」的名字。1951年遷至密爾沃基後易名為「鷹隊」。1955年遷至聖路易斯,1968年遷到亞特蘭大至今仍一直使用「鷹隊」這個名字。加入NBA時間1949年


㈤ 大家好 誰能幫我用英語解說(介紹)牛津大學的足球俱樂部么 急急急

University of Oxford, referred to as "Oxford", is a public research university in Oxford, England. It is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of the world's top universities. It has the reputation of "the cradle of genius and prime minister". Oxford University was founded in 1096, nearly 1,000 years ago. It has trained 11 kings, 58 Nobel Prize winners, 53 presidents and prime ministers, 12 saints, 86 archbishops, 18 cardinals and countless celebrity alumni.
牛津大學足球俱樂部1872年成立, 在19世紀70年代可以說是英國足壇的巨人,曾四次打入足總杯決賽,捧杯一次,還貢獻了二十多名國腳.....當然, 那也是很久以前.除了足球國腳,還有現任英國內閣秘書長Gus O'Donnell。牛津大學的主場球衣是藍衣藍褲白襪,這個藍當然是學校的標志色Oxford Blue,客場球衣是白衣白褲白襪。
Founded in 1872, Oxford University Football Club was arguably a giant in British football in the 1970s, making four FA Cup finals, winning one cup and contributing more than 20 international players.. Of course, that was a long time ago. Besides the football international, there was Gus O'Donnell, the current Secretary-General of the British Cabinet. Oxford University's home shirt is a blue shirt, blue pants and white socks, this blue is of course the school's logo color Oxford Blue, the away shirt is white pants and white socks.
In terms of historical data, University of Oxford has won more titles than Cambridge. At the same time, the total number of goals reached 197 respectively, which shows that the two universities are evenly matched. However, as long as there is a penalty shoot out in the tie, Oxford basically won. The most amazing thing is that one year, the goalkeeper in Oxford saved three penalties and was turned over. I'm afraid this is very difficult in the history of professional football. .

㈥ 足球隊怎麼用英語寫

football team




㈦ 用英語怎麼形容一個足球隊很棒

What a great football team!

㈧ 請用幾句話介紹你的足球隊。(英語作文)


㈨ 求關於一個足球隊或一位球星的英文介紹!

His first footballing steps were in 1990 in Araras, an area of Sao Paulo. He team was called the Unión San Juan. At 14 years old he was already on the first team, at 16 he made his debut in the Brazilian Under 20s and at 18 he was already an idol at Palmeiras and on the first eleven of the Brazilian First Team. In 1996 he made the jump to European football, starting off at Inter, and a year later joining the team of Real Madrid. His career at our team is impressive. From the first day he won the hearts of the fans with his spectacular offensive play, as well as his many personal values: he has an open cará, jovial and always close to the fans. At Real Madrid as in the national team of Brazil he has affirmed his position as the best left winger in the world.

㈩ liverpool 足球隊的介紹 英文版的

1894 Liverpool soccer team has just reached the League has created a record of the number of viewers. 1894-1895 season, 44,000 people watched the Liverpool and Everton Gedisen Stadium game. The largest number of viewers since 1952, Liverpool at Anfield against Woerfushi team, when 61,905 people to watch the race. As First, the Second World War, ring which Liverpool soccer team was only two league titles until the 1946 British League restored. Liverpool Krill Donne, Willy Law root Jiekeba Palmer, Bierlideer's help, won the league resumed after the victory, Liverpool's 1950 FA Cup first entered the United Kingdom finals, but lost to Arsenal. Since then they move toward bottom, in the 1953-1954 season to bid farewell to 50 of the League, drop into the second division.

December 1, 1959, Biersenkeli as Liverpool coach, from Liverpool to its glorious period. Senkeli after assuming office, the establishment of a vibrant team, a team of well-known players and Yienkala Luojiehengte Han, as well as from Scotland and Wales striker John striker Luoenxieci, Liverpool is the foundation. So far Hunter and Yienkala Han, as well as from Scotland and Wales striker John striker Luoenxieci, these people are the basis of Liverpool. Hunter has still maintained the record of most goals, he scored 245 for the ball team, Callaghan maintained into the record, his Liverpool out of 846 field.

1962-1963 season, Liverpool to reach League, in 1965 beat Leeds 2-1 teams, 73 teams in the building after the first time won the FA Cup. 1965-1966 season, compared with 14 players, won the league title and reached the European Cup winners. Liverpool for 21 of the 2006 season, three in the European Cup in England, played a total of 122 games. Since then Liverpool as British as the main force in international soccer. 1966-1967 season, Luojiehengte move left, but another star of the Kevin Keegan transferred to the team rekindle old passions. 1972-1973 season, the Liverpool team once again won the British title, and beat Germany's Borussia Moenchengladbach will be playing in the UEFA Cup. In this season, Liverpool held only four games, lost only one home, and in the subsequent four seasons has been to maintain unbeaten home record, the team many times托薩克and Keegan won "World Footballer of the" title.

1973-1974 season, Liverpool's 3-0 victory over Newcastle United, topped the British FA Cup Champion. Senkeli功成名就decided to retire, in December 1981, he died in Liverpool's Senkeli era to an end. So far, the club headquarters gate and team logo on the left of the old one for his famous statement: You'llneverwalkalone (You will never be lone)!

Senkeli retire after another Scot Bobby Paisley replaced his position. Senkeli to become a Liverpool team with the strong teams in Europe, in his Paisley build on Liverpool to become a British soccer giant, and dominating European football. Under his leadership, the team of six league titles, won four consecutive League Cup and two UEFA Cup champion in 1977 after defeating Germany Borussia Moenchengladbach team, the first time European champions Champion in 1978 FC Bruges 1-0 victory over Belgium team to successfully defend the Champions League; 1981 again beat Real Madrid 1-0 team won the third of the European Champions League.

as the most successful coach in 1983 Paisley glorious retire, but still remain in the team as a consultant and guidance, and another star took over the ties of his coach, he is Joe Law root. In his first year, the root of the command team won the title three - Champions League, League Cup and European Cup. Then Liverpool has many well-known players, such as the first goalkeeper Geluobeila Zimbabwe, England have Nicolle, Lauren Thompson, a midfielder Whelan, Houghton, McMahon, the attack on Rafah even, Aoerdeliai and others, and they have won numerous honours Liverpool.

1985, Kennidagelishen coach for the purchase of the Liverpool striker Beardsley and Barnes, the team won the league title and FA Cup, in 1990, who won 18 league titles , but in 1991 the Dag Lishi leave Liverpool, Blackburn to the team from the Liverpool began to decline.

After entering the 1990s, Liverpool graally lost its dominant position of British football, in addition to 3-0 victory over Sunderland in 1992, won the British 5th FA Cup, failed to score more brilliant achievements , the mega-status graally being replaced by Manchester United.

to a revival in the high-level club in the summer of 2004 was finally resolved, given Liverpool lifted the Cup brought three titles performed coach Gerard Houllier, in turn, hired three years to the league title two former Watt Valencia coach Rafael Benitez coached last season, Benitez initial signs of magic, he even led grams of Juventus, Chelsea and AC Milan, as a miracle to win the Champions League, took a rejuvenation of the Red Army the first step.

Club Honor

top Champions League 1900-01, 1905-06, 1921-22, 1922-23, 1946-47, 1963-64, 1965-66, 1972-73, 1975-76, 1976-77, 1978-79, 1979 -80, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84, 1985-86, 1987-88, 1989-90
Cishann / Community Shield champions in 1964, 1965, 1966, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 2001
FA Cup in 1965, 1974, 1986, 1989, 1992, 2001
League Cup 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1995, 2001, 2003
Cup 1977,1978,1981,1984,2005
League Cup 1973,1976,2001
European Super Cup 1977,2001

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